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Dominant Hand

1. Take your stance and place your hands as if gripping an imaginary ball in front of you.
2. Pull both arms with equal effort through your legs.
3. Your dominant hand knuckles will skim just above the ground while pulling with your
4. Keep your guide hand on top of imaginary ball while pulling your arms.
5. Your dominant hand will work similar to throwing a football, but do this between your
6. Roll your dominant hand wrist so your forefinger comes over the top to point back at the
punter or holder.
7. Then pull fingers and hand toward your forearm.

Guide Hand

1. Your guide hand will be on top of the imaginary ball.

2. Keep your wrist flexed at the start of the snap.
3. When starting the snap pull the palm of your guide hand toward the forearm.
4. Finish with your fingers pointed at the punter like your dominant hand.
5. Your guide hand does as it says, it helps guide the ball in a straight line during and after
the snap.

The Finish

1. Your hands should finish with your fingers pointing toward the punter and palms facing
up and out.

1. Follow the instructions from the grip and snap without the ball but only now use a ball.
2. It is the same exact technique explained in the "snap without the ball " section.
3. The ball will roll out of your hands and off of your fingertips.
4. The feel of the ball coming out of your dominant hand should feel like shooting a
5. Start out snapping at a shorter, comfortable distance, about 8-10 yards.
6. Your first few snaps might not be too great, but keep working until you get the feel.

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