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Baby's Name...................................................

Date of Birth.....................................................
Place of Birth....................................................
Birth Weight......................................................
To individualise your baby skills map why not chart
your baby's development with stick-on stars or labels?

0-1 months 1-2 months 2-3 months 3-4 months 4-5 months 5-6 months 6-7 months 7-8 months 8-9 months 9-10 months 10-11 months 11-12 months
shows you things in a book and shakes head for “no”
waves goodbye
holds arms out
understands "no"
gets excited at sight of breast or bottle
looks at own hand stands and cruises
spontaneous smile crawls
mind listens and is alert sits unsupported
supports upper body
moving lifts head to 45° “dada” and “mama” with meaning
single syllables “da” and “ma”
blows raspberries and bubbles can manage most food roughly mashed
squeals drinks from cup
talking mouths loves finger foods and self feeding
drinking plain water wants own spoon tries to get spoon to mouth
start mixed feeding off spoon managing small lumps
sucks cereal off your little finger wants to hold spoon
still hungry after six 8oz bottles taking solid puréed food at 2 meals
gets excited at sight of breast or bottle bored with milk can't cope with lumps
sucks if cheek stroked "roots" for breast
feeding strong sucking reflex

to ddler
Weaning to
stacks bricks
bangs cubes together

w eaning points – then thumb/finger grasp

Newborn to grasps with one hand
reaches out
grasps rattle loves theatrical show of emotions, laughs at “jokes”
holds hands open plays clapping games
grasps your finger tightly touches your face and touches other babies
cries at disapproving tone of your voice
friendliness jigs whole body when sees you

Dr Miriam Stoppard's baby skills map In developing skills such as language and
movement all babies follow the same path, but
the time it takes to reach each milestone varies
The ages given above are only a rough guide. All
you have to do to help a skill develop is take your
lead from your baby. ®

from one baby to another.

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