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Test Format: MBA (1-Year)

Section/Topic Weight
1. English 30%
2. Essay Writing 10%
3. Specialization Area
• Accounting
• Finance 20%
• Marketing
• Management
4. Quantitative Methods 40%
Total 100%
Sentence Correction:
1. The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding,
with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and
excited enormous interest whenever they were put on show.
(A) Excited
(B) It excited
(C) Exciting
(D) Would excite
(E) It had excited
2. For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide
shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to
protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.
(A) A method to protect
(B) As a method protecting
(C) Protecting
(D) As a protection of
(E) To protect

Critical Reasoning:
1. Which of the following best completes the passage below?
In a survey of job applicants, two-fifths admitted to being at least a little dishonest.
However, the survey may underestimate the proportion of job applicants who are
dishonest, because____.
A. some dishonest people taking the survey might have claimed on the survey to be
B. some generally honest people taking the survey might have claimed on the survey
to be dishonest
C. some people who claimed on the survey to be at least a little dishonest may be very
D. some people who claimed on the survey to be dishonest may have been answering
E. some people who are not job applicants are probably at least a little dishonest
2. Company Alpha buys free-travel coupons from people who are awarded the
coupons by Bravo Airlines for flying frequently on Bravo airplanes. The coupons are
sold to people who pay less for the coupons than they would pay by purchasing
tickets from Bravo. This making of coupons results in lost revenue for Bravo.
To discourage the buying and selling of free-travel coupons, it would be best for
Bravo Airlines to restrict the
A. number of coupons that a person can be awarded in a particular year
B. use of the coupons to those who were awarded the coupons and members of their
immediate families
C. days that the coupons can be used to Monday through Friday
D. amount of time that the coupons can be used after they are issued
E. number of routes on which travelers can use the coupons

Reading Comprehension:
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, signed in 1987
by more than 150 nations, has attained its short-term goals: it has decreased the rate of
increase in amounts of most ozone-depleting chemicals reaching the atmosphere and
has even reduced the atmospheric levels of some of them. The projection that the
ozone layer will substantially recover from ozone depletion by 2050 is based on the
assumption that the protocol’s regulations will be strictly followed. Yet there is
considerable evidence of violations, particularly in the form of the release of ozone-
depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s), which are commonly used in the
refrigeration, heating, and air conditioning industries. These violations reflect industry
attitudes; for example, in the United States, 48 percents of respondents in a recent
survey of subscribers to Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration News, and
industry trade journal, said that they did not believe that CFC’s damage the ozone
layer. Moreover, some in the industry apparently do not want to pay for CFC
substitutes, which can run five times the cost of CFC’s. Consequently, a black market
in imported illicit CFC’s has grown. Estimates of the contraband CFC trade range
from 10,000 to 22,000 tons a year, with most of the CFC’s originating in India and
China, whose agreements under the Protocol still allow them to produce CFC’s. In
fact, the United States Customs Service reports that CFC-12 is a contraband problem
second only to illicit drug.
1. According to the passage, which of the following best describes most ozone-
depleting chemicals in 1996 as compared to those in 1987?
(A) The levels of such chemicals in the atmosphere had decreased.
(B) The number of such chemicals that reached the atmosphere had declined.
(C) The amounts of such chemicals released had increased but the amounts that
reached the atmosphere had decreased.
(D) The rate of increase in amounts of such chemicals reaching the atmosphere had
(E) The rate at which such chemicals were being reduced in the atmosphere had
2. The author of the passage compares the smuggling of CFC’s to the illicit drug
trade most likely for which of the following reasons?
(A) To qualify a previous claim
(B) To emphasize the extent of a problem
(C) To provide an explanation for an earlier assertion
(D) To suggest that the illicit CFC trade, likely the illicit drug trade, will continue to
(E) To suggest that the consequences of a relatively little-knows problem are as
serious as those of a well-known one


Analysis of an Issue
Directions: This section will require you to analyze and explain
your views on the issue given.
Consider many points of view as you develop your own position on
the issue. There is no right or wrong answer to the question.

Read the statement and directions carefully. Make any notes or do

any prewriting on your scratch paper. Your Answer should fit on
three pages attached.

“It’s not what happens to you that’s important, but how you deal
with it.”

Do you agree or disagree with the statement above? Support your

point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own
experience, observations, or reading.

Analysis of an Argument
Directions: This section will require you to critique the argument
given. Questioning underlying assumptions, finding alternative
explanations or counterexamples, and delineating evidence to
strengthen or weaken an argument are some possible approaches.

Read the argument and directions carefully. Make any notes or do

any prewriting on your scratch paper. Your Answer should fit on
three pages attached.

The following appeared as an editorial in a city newspaper:

“Giving students a grade does more harm than good. Universities

should replace grades with written evaluations of the student’s
strengths and weaknesses. These would benefit both students and

Write an essay in which you discuss how convincing you find this
argument. Your essay should consider its line of reasoning and how
well it uses evidence. You may wish to discuss any doubtful
assumptions and how other possible explanations could affect its
conclusions. Your essay may also consider how the argument could
be made more persuasive and its conclusion more convincing.

1. Which one of the following transactions will alter the value of a firm's
shareholders' equity?
A. A 1-for-2 rights issue at par
B. A 2-for-1 share bonus issue
C. A stock split
D. A payment by a customer to settle her account

2. Company A acquires 75% of the shares of Company B for £3m. The book value
of the net assets of B is £2m and their market value is £2.5m. The consolidated
balance sheet of A and B will include goodwill of
A. £1.125m
B. £0.5m
C. £1m
D. £1.5m

3. Which of the following is a primary advantage of conducting high level

managerial training off-site?
A. It will be easier to diagnose individual learning needs
B. Participants will know exactly when the training will start and end
C. A properly selected off-site location will be more conducive to effective
D. It will be easier to evaluate the extent to which the training objectives are

4. Considering technological developments, which of the following may be

considered a challenge for HR?
A. Europe will gain the global lead in electronic commerce, followed closely by
the US.
B. The cost of internet access will increase considerably in the future
C. Introduction of new technologies will lower the stress level of workers
D. Technology will allow organizations to provide 24-hour service to their

5. A company requires job applicants who are applying for a position in their
distribution center to take a lifting test. The test measures what it is intended to
measure. This test is considered
A. Valid
B. Fair
C. Applicable
D. Cost Effective

6. Company-C is analyzing Macro-environment factors and working on Population Growth,

Ethnic Markets, Educational Groups etc., it means it is analyzing which one of the below
types of Macro Environments?
A. Technological Environment
B. Demographic Environment
C. Economic Environment
D. Natural Environment

7. After Coca-Cola left India, Pepsi worked with an Indian business group to gain
government approval for its entry, over the objections of domestic soft drink companies
and anti-multinational legislators. Pepsi used which one of the following marketing
approaches to enter and operate in blocked Indian market by getting support and
cooperation of a number of parties?
A. Market Targeting
B. Market Partitioning
C. Segment Marketing
D. Mega Marketing

8. Company-E is forecasting demand of its products and knows that forecasts depend on
type of market and market can be broken down in several categories on that basis.
Currently the Company-E is studying the set of consumers who profess a sufficient level
of interest in its product, it means the Company-E is studying which one of the following?
A. Potential Market
B. Available Market
C. Penetrated Market
D. Target Market

9. The Company-F is basing its price largely on competitor’s prices and can charge
same, more or less than major competitors. The Company-F is following which
one of the following pricing methods?
A. Mark-up Pricing
B. Going-Rate Pricing
C. Perceived-Value Pricing
D. High-Low Pricing

10. Candy Corporation had pretax profits of $1.2 million, an average tax rate of 34
percent, and it paid preferred stock dividends of $50,000. There were 100,000
shares outstanding and no interest expense. What were Candy Corporation’s
earnings per share?
A. $3.91
B. $4.52
C. $7.42
D. $7.59

11. The beta of the market

A. is greater than 1.
B. is less than 1.
C. is 1.
D. cannot be determined.

12. The significant portion of the return on a zero coupon bond is in the form of
A. interest and gain in value.
B. interest.
C. gain in value.
D. tax reduction.

Problem Solving

1. In a manufacturing plant, it takes 36 machines 4 hours of

continuous work to fill 8 standard orders. At this rate, how many
hours of continuous work by 72 machines are required to fill 12
standard orders?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 8
D. 9
E. 12
2. Ann is 5 years older than Sue, and Jill is twice as old as Ann. If S
is Sue’s age and J is Jill’s age, what is the relationship between S
and J?
A. J = S + 10
B. J = 2S + 10
C. J = 2S + 5
D. J = 2S − 10
E. J = 2S −5
3. The water level in a reservoir has been dropping at the rate of 14
inches per day. Exactly 5 days ago, the water level was at w
inches. What will be the water level exactly 4 days from now if
the rate at which the level is dropping remains the same?
A. w − 126
B. w − 56
C. w − 14
D. w + 14
E. w + 126

4. In the x-y coordinate plane shown above, point R is at the center

of the quarter-circle arc PQ. What is the x-coordinate of point R if
the radius of the quarter circle is 2?
A. - 3
B. - 2
C. - 2 / 2
D. −1 / 2
E. 2
5. Joe’s average (arithmetic mean) test score across 4 equally weighted tests was 80. He
was allowed to drop his lowest score. After doing so, his average test score improved
to 85. What is the lowest test score that was dropped?
A. 20

B. 25

C. 55

D. 65

E. 80

Data Sufficiency

A. if statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is
not sufficient to answer the question asked;
B. if statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is
not sufficient to answer the question asked;
C. if both statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer
the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient;
D. if EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question
E. if statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer
the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are

1. Is x divisible by 9?
(1) x is divisible by 3.
(2) When x is divided by 6, the remainder is 3.
2. What is the value of (x + 3) 2 ?
(1) x = 3
(2) x + x = 0
3. In a high school, some students have single majors while all
others have double majors. How many more students have
double majors than single majors?
(1) 60 percent of the students in the high school have double majors.
(2) There are 200 students in the high school.

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