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1.How would you rate the quality and efficiency of local public transport in Chisinau today?

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2. Consider the local administration due attention to public transport?


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3.How often you use public transportation?

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4. Consider a scale from 1 to 5 (a very bad ... very good 5) of safety and convenience ofpublic transport
services locally. Appreciate it.




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5. Public Transport has undergone renovations over the past two years?


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£.In view of the modernization of local public transport, which kind of transport you thinkshould
be developed in priority?



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7.Public transport services are accessible in terms of cost compared to incomepopulation?


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8.Quality and efficiency of public transportation, compared to previous year:

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9.. The number of maxi-taxi ,that run in Chisinau meet the needs of the population?


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10. Number of buses / trolley that circulates in Chisinau meet the needs of the population?


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11.With regard to reducing pollution and ease traffic in the city of Chisinau, would you be willing to renounce
the use of personal vehicle, in situations where local public transport would meet the standards and
needs in terms of transport?


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12. Rate on a scale from 1 to 5 (1-.5-not satisfied ... very satisfied) program runningpublic transport on
weekends and holidays.




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Please define:

13. Two positive aspects of local public transport:

14. Three deficiencies of local public transport:



District where you live*‘

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