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Can you match the proverbs with their meaning???


1. All roads lead to Rome. 6. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. When in Rome do as the Romans do. 7. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 8. Blood is thicker than water.

4. Actions speak louder than words. 9. No news is good news.

5. Practice makes perfect. 10. The ball is in your court.


A. If this happens to someone, they have to do something before any progress can be made in a

B. Said to mean that all the methods of doing something will achieve the same result in the end

C. Said when there are too many people doing the same piece of work at the same time, so that
the final result will be spoiled

D. Said to make someone feel less worried when they have not received information about
someone or something, because if something bad had happened, they would have been told
about it.

E. Said to encourage someone to go on doing something many times, so that they will learn to do
it very well

F. This means that a friend who helps you when you really need help is a true friend.

G. Said to encourage people to eat healthily.

H. Said to emphasize that what you do is more important and shows your intentions and feelings
more clearly than what you say.

I. said to emphasize that you believe that family connections are always more important than
other types of relationships.

J. something that you say which means when you are visiting another country, you should behave
like the people in that country.
Answers: 1-B; 2-J; 3-G; 4-H; 5-E; 6-F; 7-C; 8-I; 9-D; 10-A

By Encarnación Moreno Miñarro

La Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Villarrobledo – Número I Abril 2005 8

Now, can you fill in the sentences below with the suitable saying???
I don't drink wine when I'm at home but on holiday, well, when in Rome...
We haven't heard anything from the hospital today, but I suppose no news is good news.
It's up to you what to do - the ball is in your court now

La Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Villarrobledo – Número I Abril 2005 8

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