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I Review

1. Company



2. Topic

Broad area

Exact title

3. Review of Literature


a) Printed Journals (journal name, edition, year of publication, volume & issue
no, page no.)

b) Online journals (website with link, journal name, edition, year of publication,
volume & issue no, page no.)

c) Text Books (book name, author, title of chapter, page no.)

d) Case study books (book name, author, title of chapter, page no.)


Relating to topic

Relating to company

4. Research Methodology

Statement of the problem (Research Gap)

Need of the study

Objectives of the study

Hypothesis of the study


Sources of data

Tools used for analysis

Chapter scheme
5. Introduction about your topic

Write a brief summary about what you are going to do. Present it in points.

6. Profile of the Company

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