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This is a ckt for an inexpensive no. finding game which calls for some logical thinking. Two or more
person can play this game.

Rotary switches s6-s9 are placed in hidden position and a 4-digit no. is set. In the ckt diagram shown the
no. set is 4445. The player has to find out this no. in a finite no. of attempts, say six
The player enters a no. through the set of switches s2-s5 and presses switch s1. If anyone of digit
entered by him is correct in magnitude and position, the 1 st LED (D5) lights up. If two are right the 1st two
diodes (D5 & D6) light up. When he gets the complete no. right all the LEDs light up.

The player knows how many of the digits he entered are right, but he doesn’t know which those digits
are. When he press s1 the necessary changes may be made in the no.s1 may then be pressed again to
see the result.

IC1, 7805 gives a regulated DC supply of +5V. the heart of the circuit is the IC2,7414 which is ‘HEX-
INVERTER SCHMITT TRIGGER’. Four 220 ohm resistors appear in series to form A resistor network at the
input of IC2

When one of the digits entered is correct one 220 ohm resistor is short circuited & the voltage at pin 1
reaches the positive going threshold value VT+ of the IC2 output at pin 2 goes low & D5 lights up. When
two digits are correct, voltage at pin 3 reaches VT+ & D5 and D6 light up. similar is the case for other two

IC2 has a very high input impedance of 10^12 ohm &so its connection does not affect the voltage across
resistors in the network.


It can be used for both TTL & CMOS ICs

The probe has 2 LEDs red & green

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