Raidco Project

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INTRODUCTION Marketing is the planning and execution of the production,

pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods and services to create exchanges that
achieve individual and business objectives. Marketing, in economics is that part of
the process of production and exchange that is concerned with the flow of goods
and service from producer to consumer .In popular usage; it is defined as the
distribution and sale of goods. In the modern business world, marketing function
has become an important managerial activity. In the case of Raidco also, this
phenomenon is of importance. The study is aimed at analysing the marketing
strategy followed by the Raidco to market their different types of products. Curry
powder is a mixture of spices of widely varying composition developed by the
British during the colonial rule of India as a means of approximately the taste of
Indian cuisine at home. In Indian food items, the spices or curry powder play a
prominent role and India has a lot of spices which are used for the process of curry
powder production .So, the spices or curry powder marketing in India has long
experience in this field. Marketing is one of the dynamic fields within the
management sector. Marketing is important and necessary because it takes place
all around as everyday, has major effect on our lives and is crucial to the survival
and success of firms and individuals. The activity of marketing is for the people
.successful marketing provides the promise of an improved quality of life, better
services and even more a peaceful world. Nowadays there are number of
alternative products, so the success of any product depends upon their marketing
department and the competitive advantage the company has in terms of quality,
quantity, packing design, etc. In short, modern marketing begins with the consumer
and ends with the consumer satisfaction and social wellbeing. Under the market
driven economy “consumer is the king”
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Consumer is the centre of attraction
of all marketing activities. It is the consumer who determines the growth,
prosperity and even the existence of business enterprises. The buying pattern of the
products depends on the consumer‟s decision. A market should plan this
production and distribution to suit the needs and convenience of consumers.
Consumer satisfaction is the key factor for the development and up gradation of the
firm. This study reveals about Raidco‟s brand image in comparison to its
competitors, the reason for the consumers satisfaction and dissatisfaction for the
brand, their taste and expectations. The study will help in providing future
prospectus for the development of Raidco. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
1. To study about the satisfaction level of consumers for Raidco‟s curry powder. 2.
To find about the expectations of consumers. 3. To arrive at findings and to give
suggestions for the improvement of marketing policies based on the findings.
SAMPLE DESIGN For the purpose of the study 100 respondents were
randomly selected.
METHODOLOGY Both primary and secondary data were used in this study.
The primary data was collected from the consumers of Raidco at Kannur. This data
was colleted through a structured questionnaire that was administered by the
researcher himself. The secondary data was collected from the various published
sources such as company records, brochures, and websites. TOOLS OF DATA
COLLECTION The data was collected from the consumers by means
of astructured interview schedule. TOOLS OF ANALYSIS A simple
percentage was used for analysing the data. The data collected were
tabulated and percentage was calculated. The values were then plotted
using bar chart. CHAPTER SCHEME The project report has been
presented in the following format. The first chapter deals with the introduction of
the study, statement of the problem, objectives, research design, sample design,
tools for data collection, and sources of data collection and methodology of the
study. The second chapter gives abstracts of literature survey. The third chapter
includes industry profile and company profile. The fourth chapter states the
analysis and interpretation. The fifth chapter gives the findings, suggestions and
conclusions. 3
Study on Consumer perceived value: a substitute for satisfaction in business
markets Department of Animal Science, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station,
Texas A&M University on the basis of “Study on Beef consumer satisfaction:
cooking method and degree of doneness effects on the top loin steak”. The
objective of this research was to evaluate the consumer-controlled factors of
cooking method and degree of doneness on top choice, low choice, high select, and
low select top lion steaks. The in-home product test was conducted in Chicago,
Houston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. Consumers (n=2,212) evaluated each
top lion steak for overall like (OLIKE), tenderness (TEND), juiciness (JUIC),
flavour desirability (DEFLAV), and flavour intensity (IFLAV) using 23-point
hedonic scales. Respondents in San Francisco and Philadelphia cooked their top
lion steaks to lower degrees of doneness than those in Chicago and Houston. Out
door grilling was the most common method of cookery for top lion steaks in all
cities. Consumers had the highest preference for Top choice steaks (p<.05) and the
lowest preference for Low select steaks (p<.05). Consumer OLIKE scores were the
highest (p<.50) for steaks cooked to a medium rare or lesser degree of doneness.
Consumers preferred (p<.05) medium and well done or more degrees of doneness
over medium well. The interaction of city x cooking method was significant for all
steak palatability attributes. The differences in consumer preparation techniques
among cities present challenges for the beef industry to develop market-specific
promotional campaigns.1
1 Journal of Animal Science, Vol 77, Issue 3 637-644 Author-C.L.Lorenzen, T.R.Neely, R.K.Miller,
J.D.Tatum, J.W. Wise, J.F.Taylor, M.J.Buyck, J.O.Reagan and J.W.Savell

An experimental study of consumer effort, expectation and satisfaction: Results of
a laboratory experiment indicate that consumer satisfaction with a product is
influenced by the effort expended to acquire the product, and the expectations
concerning the product. Specifically, the experiment suggests that satisfaction with
the product may be higher when consumers expend considerable effort to obtain
the product than when they use only modest effort. This finding is opposed to usual
notions of marketing efficiency and consumer convenience. The research also
suggests that consumer satisfaction is lower when the product meets expectations.2
Study on customer percevied value: A substitute for satisfaction in business
markets. The major objectives of the study is; In recent years, there has been a
resurgence of the value construct among both marketing researchers and
practitioners. Despite a growing body of research, it is still not clear hoe value
ineraacts with related marketing construct. Researchers have called for an
investigation of the interrelationship betweeen customer satisfaction and customer
value to reduce the ambiguities surrounding both concepts.Investigates whether
customer value and satisfaction represent two theoritically and emperically distinct
concepts. Also addresses whether value is better predictor of behavioral outcomes
then satisfaction in a business marketing context. Two alternative models are
developed and emperically tested in a cross-Sectional survey with purchasing
manager in Germany.
2(Source: Journal of marketing Research, Vol.2, no.3, (aug 1965), Auther: Richard
N Cardozo, Assistant professor of Business administration, Harward University)
The first model suggest a direct impact of perceived value of the purchasing
managers intentions. In second model, perceived vaue is mediated by satisfaction.
This research suugests that value and satisfaction can be conceptualised and
measured as to distinct, yet complimentary constructs. 3
3(Source: Journal of marketing Research, Vol. 17, no. 2-3,2002,PP, 107-
118,Author:Eggert A; Ulaga W) 6
INDUSTRY PROFILE FOOD INDUSTRY India has abundant availability of
available wide variety of cropes, fruits, vegetables, spices, pulses, flowers,
livestock and sea foods. Diverse climate conditions and available long coastline
have contributed to India‟s position as available leading food producer. The Indian
food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India. It is ranked fifth
in terms of production, consumption, export, and import prospectus. Since India is
one of the major producers worldwide with new reforms ruling the roost it
encourages commercialisation. The country food processing market is opening up
to available world range of investors across the globe. Food processing covers
available spectrum of products sub sector comprising agriculture, horticulture,
plantation, animal husbandry and fisheries. India‟s food processing sectors covers
fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry, milk and milk products, alchaholic,
beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing, and other consumption product
groups. Indian food industry can be further sub divided in to various food
processing sectors such as meat processing, poultry and egg processing, milk and
milk products, fish processing, fruit and vegetable processing, consumer food
industries. Foreign investment since 1991, when economic liberalisation started
stood of Rs.88000crores.Production that have growing demand, especially in the
Middle East countries include pickles, chutneys, fruit pulps, canned fruits and
vegetables, concentrated pulps and juices and dehydrated vegetables and frozen
fruits and vegetables. 7
Since the liberalisation in August 1991 and up till February 2000 proposals for
projects of over Rs.53800 crores have been proposed in various segments of the
food and agro processing industry. Besides this, government has also approved
proposals for joint ventures foreign collaborations, industrial licenses and 100%
export oriented units envisaging an environment of Rs.19100 crores during the
same period. Out of this foreign investment is overRs.9100 crores. Processed food
export where of over Rs13500 crores in 1998-99 and also India exported processed
fruits and vegetables worth Rs5240 million in 1997-98.Out of these exports,
primary food processing is available major industry with lakhs of rice mills/hullers,
flour mills, pulses mills and oil seed mills. Indian industries sales turn over are
Rs.140000 crores annually as the start of year 2000. The industries required about
Rs.29000 crores in investment over next five years to create necessary
infrastructure, expand production facilities and state of the art-technology to match
the informational quality and standards. Excellent export prospects, competitive
pricing of agricultural products and standards that are internationally comparable
has created trade opportunities in the food and agro industry. In fact, in the last
decade, India moved from an area of food production. Consequently, analysts are
of the opinion that the food processing industry in India is on an assured track of
growth and profitability over next five years. As per the recent study in food
processing sector , the turnover of the total food mallet is approximately
Rs.250000 crores out of which value added food product comprise Rs. 80000
crores. India is one of the world‟s second largest producers of fruits, spices, and
vegetables, but hardly 2% of the produce is processed. It grows 22 million tones oil
seeds covering most the varieties. Other important plantation products include tea,
coffee, coco and cashew. It has large margin product and processing potential with
varied resources along the 8041 km long coastline, 28000 km or rivers and
brackish water. India is the largest milk producer in the world and about 15% of
the total milk production is processed through the organised sector. 8
Another potential processed food product is meat, poultry product. India rank first
in world cattle production compared with meat, poultry industry has registered
significant growth. India ranks fifth in the world with annual egg production of
Rs.1.61 million tones. Grains could emerge an available major export earner for
India in coming years. India‟s food grains production is now at around 225-230
million tones. These include rice, jawaer, bajra, maize, wheat grams and spices. In
spite of this food industry include so many sectors such as beverages, tea, fisheries
INDUSTRY Low price elasticity for processed food products. Need for
distribution network and cold chain. Backward-forward integration from farm to
consumers. Development of marketing channels. Develop the linkage between
industries, government institutions. Taxation in line with other nations. Streaming
of food laws. Changes in consumer pattern or increase in income are always
accompanied by available change in food market. For instance, the proportionate
expenditure on staples (grams, cereals, pulses) declined from 45% to 44% in rural
India while the figures settled of 32% of the total expenditure on food in urban
India. India is one of the worlds major food producers but accounts less than 1.5%
of abundant supply of food, the food processing industry is still nascent, only 2%
of fruits spices and Vegetables and 15% milk produced and processed.
The confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has estimated that the food processing
sector cores of investment in ten years and generates employment of 9 million
persons. The question of providing financial assistance under the plan scheme for
setting up /modernisation in the grain rice/pulses/flour milling sector has been
reviewed. The government has formulated and implemented several plan schemes
to provide financial assistance for setting up and modernisation of food processing
unit, creation of infrastructure, support for research development and human
resource development. It was felt that priority should be given to processing and
enhancing shelf life of perishable item so as to reduce wastage and encourage
value addition in that sector. Considering that rice/pulses/flour are consumed in the
processed form only and primarily processing in these sectors adds little to shelf
life, wastage control and value addition, it has been decided to discontinue
assistance to this sector from financial year 2004-2005. Priority will be given to
fruit and vegetables, diary, meat, poultry, fish, bakery, confectionary and consumer
goods. In order to boost the food processing industry, the centre has permitted
under the income tax Act available deduction of 100% of profit for five years and
50% of profit in the next five years in case new agro processing industries set up to
package and preserve fruits and vegetables. Ministry of Indian food processing
industries, set up in July 1988, is the main and central agency of the government
responsible for developing available strong and vibrant food processing sector with
available view to create increased job opportunities in rural areas, enable the
farmer to reap benefit from modern technology, create surplus for exports and
stimulating demand for processed food. Ministry of food processing industries is
also providing financial assistance to all food processing industries. 10
In order to boost the food sector, the government is working on agric-zones and the
concept of mega food parks. Such mega food park will come across the country in
various cities to attract FDI in the food processing sector. The government
approved 105 proposals from foreign industries to set up and food processing
industries in India. The ministry has released available total assistance of
Rs.105.22 crores to implement food park scheme. It has so far approved 50 food
parks for assistance across the country. The centre also plans Rs.100 crores
subsidies for mega food processing parks. India is the land of spices producing all
varieties worth over Rs.3500 crores amounting to 25%-30% of world production,
which is processed for value addition and exports. No Indian meal is considered
complete without tangy and datable flavours of Indian spices, locally known as
“masalas”. Indian spices famous the world over for their gastronomic value, are
also known to possess high medicinal value.
COMPANY PROFILE RAIDCO The Regional Agro Industrial Co-
operative of Kerala Limited was originally registered as district level co-operative
society in the name as the Cannannore District Agricultural Development Co-
operative Society Limited, NoC361 in the year 1972. It is a well organised
business group under co-operative sector of Kerala government. The main
intention of formation of this co-operative was to distribute good quality
agricultural machineries and implements to the small and marginal farmers who
were the beneficiaries of small farmers development agency were always been
exploited by the private traders by supplying poor quality agricultural machineries
at abnormal rates and without providing after sales service. The subsidiary and
other financial benefits provided by government and the financing banks were not
really reaching to the hands of poor farmers but were enjoyed by the private traders
by adopting all malpractices with the view of making profit illegitimately. All
agricultural policies of the government are executed through Raidco. Its registered
office is in Kannur. They have 38 business outlets all over the Kerala. Right now
Raidco has four factories. Total turn over of the company is 4000 lakhs. Their
products vary from agricultural machineries to spice powders, pump sets to
packaged drinking water and fruit products to wheat flour. Raidco‟s all branches
are mainly to cater the need of farmers in every nook and corner of Kerala. Raidco
ensures world class quality in all its products. Raidco aims to achieve its vision of
turning in to multifaceted, globally competitive organisation, excelling in its very
sphere of activity. 12
and head quarters of this co-operative will be situated at Kannur district in the state
of Kerala. AREA OF OPERATION The society shall be Federal Co-
operative Society as defined in Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1999. The area
of operation of the co-operative shall cover the entire state of Kerala. However ,
for conduct of sales and marketing of the products manufactured or dealt in by the
co-operative and to develop the infrastructure thereof, such as establishing ,
showroom, service centre, workshops, etc. and appointment of distributors,
stockiest, dealers, and carrying and forwarding agents. COMPANY
OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the co-operatives are – To purchase or
manufacture or hire agricultural machineries and implements inclusive of power
tillers, power ploughs, rashers, tractors, pump sets, PVC pipes etc. and either to sell
or supply on hire purchase or on hire. To purchase or manufacture industrial
machinery, either to sell or supply or hire purchase or on hires. To purchase or
manufacture industrial machinery, either to sell or supply or hire purchase basic to
cottage or small or medium or large scale industries. To promote, establish,
maintain and manage the business relating to the manufacture, purchase and sale of
any type of products or products based any type of fruit and vegetable. 13
To act as an agent on behalf of the central and state government co-operation or
organisation or any institutions or concern for distribution of agriculture machinery
and inputs and other allied articles. To arrange for procurement or the
manufacturing and distribution of organic and chemical fertilizers, seeds pesticides
etc. To undertake rural electrification programmers, lift irrigation programmers,
small hydro power projects etc. and to undertake such workers. BRANCHES
AND UNITS OF RAIDCO Raidco is having 38 branches, four production
units, and four agricultural workshops cum service centre. RAIDCO CURRY
POWDER FACTORY, MAVILAYI Raidco have started a fourth
production unit curry powder factory at Mavilayi in Kannur district. The company
started on 1-05-2000. Raidco curry powder factory have been setup in assistance
with NCDC and state government and one crore as working capital. The main
products of this factory are curry powder, masalas, atta, payasam mix etc.and these
are marketing under the brand name of “RAIDCO FAMILY”. The company have
acquired to a capacity to produce good quality food products. 14
operative has been running a fruit processing unit at Mattanur in Kannur district
since 1977 with financial assistance from Kerala Khadi and Village Industries
Board .The main products manufactured at the unit were pineapple, pickles,
squashes, juice in cans and jams. Now Raidco is marketing ten products from this
unit including pineapple products, pickles, jams , and syrups. The main object of
this unit is to collect fruit‟s from farmers at a reasonable rate and market them after
processing. Along with the existing fruit processing we have started a training
centre during 1998-99 with the financial assistance from MFPI, Government of
India. The government of India had sanctioned 2.97 lakhs as grant in aid for the
training centre. The main aim of this training centre is to make the people aware of
opportunities as fruit processing. RAIDCO AGRICUTURAL
agricultural workshops cum service centre at present. Agricultural workshop cum
service centre-kannothumchal,kannur Agricultural workshop cum service centre-
kollam Agro custom hiring centre-kanchikkode,palakkad Agro custom hiring
centre-cheruvathur,kasaragod Raidco agricultural workshop cum service centre
was started in year 1985 with the financial from NCDC and government of Kerala.
The objectives of this workshop are to repairs and service the agricultural
equipments like pump sets, and other equipments at reasonable rate. 15
Raidco started a unit for rubber roller production in 1991. Raidco is getting
sufficient order for which is produced in this unit. Due to improved quality and
reasonable rate, the rubber rollers manufacturing of good Quality steel furniture
and copra under the brand name of RAIDCO. An agro custom hiring centre is
established by RAIDCO in Cheruvathur at Kasargod District on June 2002 and
Kanchikode at Palakkade District. It was established with the financial assistance
of NCDC providing agricultural equipments like pump sets, tillers, sprayers etc on
hire reasonable rate. MOBILE WORKSHOPE Three mobile workshops are
working under Raidco for providing better services for farmers at their fields with
the financial assistance of NCDC. For these purpose three jeeps are arranged with
necessary tools and well trained machines. The working of these mobile
workshops arranged in such a way to get service of them in the entire District in
PALAKKAD Raidco started pump set manufacturing unit in Kanjikode at
Palakkad District in 1986. It was established with the financial aid of NCDC and
state Government for manufacturing electric motor pump sets Now, Raidco is
producing different models of jets and mono block pump sets starting from 0.5 hp
to 1.5. Recently we have started the reproduction of open well submersible pump
sets in the range of 0.5 hp to 2 hp and now we got a good market for submersible
pump sets. Raidco got ISO 9002 certificate for this unit in January 2001. Raidco is
the first co-operative which got ISO 9002 certificate. 16
NEW PROJECT OF RAIDCO The Raidco is decided to start the following
new project. Honey processing unit at Wayanad district with the financial
assistance Kerala Khadhi village industries board. Agricultural equipment
manufacturing unit in Kanjikode at Palakkad District with the financial assistance
of state government and NCDChave approved a project report of 125 lakhs to
establish agricultural equipments manufacturing unit. PROMOTERS A 14
Members Board of directors manages the society. Ten members elected from
among institutional members and two directors from among the individual
members, the president of Kannur District Co-operative Bank is Ex-officio
member of the board, P.K.Narayanan as Chairman who is a veteran co-operator
heads the present board. The professional management is headed by
Mr.N.L.Suresh as Managing Director of Raidco Kerala Ltd. MEMBERSHIP
There are “three” classes of membership as under,
1. A class membership is open to state, district and primary level of co-operative
institution, local bodies, government corporative bodies functioning in the area of
operation of the co-operative.

2. B class membership is open to any individual who possess the qualifications

prescribed under the Kerala co-operative society‟s act and rule to become a
member of co-operative society and are residing in the area of operation of the co-

C class membership is open to central and state government. 17

Table Class of Number of Shares Amount
No.3.1 shares Shares value
L Number
of Shares
1006 A 3023 500 1511500
398 B 407 1000 40700
1 C 32123 1000 37123340

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