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Develop a function "Find_Grade" which takes student details i.e.

student name
and a list of marks and a pass mark. It returns Boolean true (#t) if the student
marks are more than the input pass mark else returns Boolean false (#f).

Example1 : (Find_Grade (list “student1” (list 40 50 60 70) ) 30) -> #t

Example2 : (Find_Grade (list “student1” (list 40 50 60 70) ) 50) -> #f

Please handle following validations :

(i) If the input list is empty, then return -1

(ii) If the input is not a list then return -1
(iii) If the student name is not string then return -1
(iv) If the marks are not numbers then return -1

Code -

Specification missing for Auxillary function. Pls add that

;;Purpose :Program to check whether a student has passed in all subjects or not
given a pass mark.
;;Header :(define Find_Grade(list passmark).....)
;;(Find_Grade (list "sagar" (list 50 60 70 80) ) 40)
;;O/P:- #t
;;(Find_Grade (list "Shyam" (list 40 23 60 70) ) 24)
;;O/P:- #f
(define Find_Grade(lambda(lst pm)
[(not (list? lst)) -1]
[(null? lst) -1]
[(null? (list-ref lst 1)) -1]
[(not (string? (list-ref lst 0))) -1]
[(not-number? (list-ref lst 1)) -1]
[else (Pass (list-ref lst 1) pm)]
(define not-number?(lambda(lst)
(if(null? lst)
(if(number? (car lst))
(not-number? (cdr lst))

(define Pass(lambda(lst pm)

(if(null? lst)
(if(> (car lst) pm)
(Pass (cdr lst) pm)

;;Test cases
(Find_Grade (list "sagar" (list 50 60 70 80) ) 40)
(Find_Grade (list "student1" (list 40 50 60 70) ) 50)

;;Error Test Case 1

(Find_Grade (list ) 50)
(Find_Grade () 50)
(Find_Grade (list "kumar" (list ) ) 24)
;;Error Test Case 2
(Find_Grade "sagar" 12)
(Find_Grade #\b 12)
;;Error Test Case 3
(Find_Grade (list 'sagar (list 40 50 60 70) ) 50)
(Find_Grade (list 122 (list 40 50 60 70) ) 50)
;;Error Test Case 4
(Find_Grade (list "sagar" (list 40 #\a 60 70) ) 50)
(Find_Grade (list "ITER" (list 40 'SAS 60 70) ) 50)

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