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T: | 01865 428200

Oxford Spires Academy, Glanville Road,

W: |
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 2AU England
Principle: Mrs Sue Croft BA Hons, M.Sc, NPQH

The Manager
Boots Store
151a Cowley Road

17th December 2010

Dear Sir/Madam
We are a group of 6th form students at Oxford Spires Academy who are currently in the process of
completing a piece of coursework for our Media A-level coursework; in which we have been given
the task of recording and constructing a short film.
Due to the locations we had in mind for recording we are asking you for permission to record a short
scene within your store as it would allow to us to develop the storyline that we already have planned

The scene will simply involve one or two of us walking into the store while recording, picking up and
examining a hair waxing product and then walking out. We have designed this scene short and
minimalistic to provide minimal disturbance and would be grateful for this opportunity.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Tim Davies Mrs Sue Croft

Head of Media School Principle

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