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Council of the District of Columbia

Office of Councilmember Jack Evans
The John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004
For Immediate Release: January 18, 2011

CONTACT: Andrew Huff, Director of Communications [202-724-8058]

Evans Introduces ‘Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health, & Nutrition’

Legislation Aimed at Addressing Health Issues Across the District

Washington, DC – Councilmember Jack Evans today introduced legislation to create the Mayor’s
Council on Physical Fitness, Health, and Nutrition. The legislation was co-sponsored by
Councilmembers Cheh, Graham, M. Brown, Mendelson, Catania, Wells, Biddle, and Alexander.

The mission of the Council will be to promote the physical fitness, health, and nutrition of the
residents of the District of Columbia from infants through senior citizens, including people of all
abilities, through recreation and workplace wellness programs.

“As a city, we must do more to address the serious health problems before us,” said Evans.
“With close to a quarter of the city’s population considered obese and almost a third suffering
from hypertension, to say we are in the midst of an epidemic is an understatement.”

The Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health, and Nutrition will bring together government,
the public and private sectors, and citizens from across the city to encourage and support
District residents in leading healthier lives.

“I would like to thank the Ward 2 residents and business owners who stepped forward to help
craft this legislation,” Evans said. “Specifically, Peter Rosenstein, Mike Everts of FIT Personal
Fitness, Bob Sweeney of the Greater Washington Sports Alliance, and the individuals at
CareFirst. Their leadership on this issue has been critical and is to be commended.”

CareFirst Blue Cross/Blue Shield has pledged support for the new Council, which will focus its
efforts on worksite health promotion and wellness programs and the promotion of recreation and
fitness programs for all ages and abilities.


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