Campus Connect Program Overview

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Program Overview

Infosys Technologies Ltd. launched Campus Connect, an industry-academia partnership initiative, in May 2004, with
60 colleges. The initiative was aimed at deepening the industry-academia bonds and building a strong foundation
for the future needs of both academia and the growing IT industry. The nationwide initiative, now global and in
its sixth year, focuses on creating industry-ready IT professionals, by aligning engineering talent with the needs
of the industry. As of August 2010, we have partnered with 395 colleges in their pursuit of excellence. We have
trained 76,446 students through our Foundation Programs (generic courses), 22,657 students in soft skills,
totalling over 100,000 students nationwide. We have enabled over 4981 faculty in technical and soft skills through
various faculty development programs. Campus Connect is also working with policy making bodies to include
industry centric electives, including behavioural skills, in engineering institutions to make students industry-ready,
when s/he graduates.

Campus Connect is present wherever Infosys has a presence in the nine Development Centres in India. In addition, the
program has also reached out to students in select countries such as China, Malaysia, Mexico and Singapore.

What do we do?

We enable faculty through seminars and workshops in colleges to give them an industry perspective.

We publish Infosys courseware on the Campus Connect portal. Our courseware adds value to the existing college
courseware and highlights the integrated, systems way of looking at hitherto discrete topics. This is the courseware
we use at Infosys to prepare new recruits to global industry-ready standards.

We share with our partner colleges our bank of industry projects and case studies to enable students to appreciate
the application of knowledge to real life problems.

We invite college professors on sabbaticals to the Infosys campus, to pursue mutual research areas of interest.

We organize Aspirations2020 – a programming contest for students of engineering colleges to prepare themselves to
become smart professionals. This contest encourages the spirit of competitiveness and accelerated learning through
extracurricular activities within the student community.

In short we build relationships.

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

Overview 2

Contents 3

Program information 4
Background 4
Campus Connect Conclave 4
Campus Connect Road Shows 5
Faculty Enablement Program (FEP) 5
Student Project Bank 6
Industrial Visits - Spark 7
Foundation Program (FP) Roll-out 7
Faculty Sabbaticals 9
Industry Electives 9
Technology Seminars / Webinars 10
Sponsorships for Research Paper Presentation 11
Soft Skills Program 11

Benefits and Incentives 13

Program Governance 13

Communication and Promotion 14

Frequently Asked Questions 14

Program Contacts 16

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

Program information
The Information Technology industry is growing at a healthy rate with businesses heavily dependent on IT applications
for their operations. More and more enterprises are utilizing IT outsourcing as a strategic means to achieve business
goals such as cost reduction, business innovation and competitive advantage. India has become a global hub for IT
services export and has witnessed exponential growth of employment opportunities.

The IT services industry is, by nature, ‘people-centric’ and the demand for quality manpower is rising continuously.
Quality manpower is essential to remain ahead of competition in the global market place. It is not uncommon that
each of the major players is recruiting over 10,000 entry level engineers each year in the recent years.

IT service majors have noticed certain skill gaps in fresh recruits from engineering colleges. The need for industry-
academia partnership has been strongly felt and this is required to enhance the readiness of engineering graduate
workforce and to make engineering students industry ready.

Campus Connect is an industry-academia collaboration program to align engineering student competencies

with industry needs.

Infosys, through the Campus Connect program, shares with academia its mature technology training methods,
courseware, student project samples and other such learning resources that have been developed, practiced and
perfected over the last 17 years.

The Campus Connect program has several program components weaved together to create synergy for effective,
fast-paced learning; namely, Conclaves, Road Shows, Faculty Enablement Programs (FEP), Industrial visits through
Spark, Sabbaticals, Foundation Programs, Soft Skills Capsule Roll-out, Sponsored Events and Seminars.

Campus Connect Conclave

The purpose of the conclave is to bring together the target engineering college management under one roof to discuss
the need and actions for industry-academia collaboration. The expected outcome of the conclave is for a large
percentage of colleges committing to the Campus Connect program with a definitive implementation action plan.


1. Event hosted and managed by Infosys

2. Workshop style participation
3. Pre-conclave orientation program
4. Topics covered include – address by Infosys management, Infosys background presentations, context setting
by invited speakers, ideal industry-academia relationship, current realities of industry and institutions, Campus

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

Connect program offering, MoU review, college specific action planning and familiarization with Campus
Connect portal resources.
5. Action plan presentations by work group leads
6. Socializing and networking events
7. Campaign management approach to event
8. Formal communication of MoU, Point-of-contacts, core team and interfacing DC

Campus Connect Road Shows

The purpose of the road show is to communicate the value and benefits of the Campus Connect program to the
partner college faculty and students.

The expected outcome of the road show is student and faculty signing up to portal and various programs offered in
the college.

1. Road show is initiated jointly by college and Infosys
2. Half day program held at college premises
3. Display of Campus Connect posters and banners
4. Campus Connect presentations to faculty and students
5. Address by college management
6. Plan announcement
7. Presence of college alumni / Infoscions
8. Campus Connect portal demo
9. Socializing and networking events
10. Campaign management approach to event

Faculty Enablement Program (FEP)

The Campus Connect team periodically conducts Faculty Enablement Programs (FEP) to train the partner college
faculty on Foundation Program course delivery and industry oriented courses (e.g. Business Intelligence, Building
Enterprise Applications, Mainframe systems, etc.). The faculty experiences the training system, courseware and
methodology as used at Infosys and hence is equipped to roll out the training program at their college.

The purpose of the Faculty Enablement Program (FEP) is to bring together multiple engineering college faculty under
one roof to discuss the coverage of Foundation Program (FP), to get an exposure to industry-oriented focus areas and

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

plan actions for roll-out in respective colleges. The expected outcome of the event is to implement this learning in
respective colleges in areas of elective courses, student projects and applied research.


1. Event hosted and managed by Infosys or a partner college

2. Typically one week program
3. Workshop style participation
4. Address by Infosys management, Infosys background presentations and context setting by invited speakers
5. Topics covered include five foundational Computer Science courses: Introduction to Computer Systems,
Operating systems, Problem Solving Techniques, Programming & Testing, Relational Database Management
Systems and sessions from practitioners
6. Involves extensive pre-work by participating faculty
7. Real life case studies/ problem solving approaches
8. Significance of tools and exposure to tools used in the industry
9. Integrated project design and development
10. Practitioner sessions
11. College specific FP roll-out action planning and familiarization with Campus Connect portal resources.
12. Roll-out plan presentations by work group leads
13. Socializing and networking events
14. Campaign management approach to event
15. Presentation of Participation Certificates
16. Group photo
17. Customized artifacts for peer enablement at colleges for sustainability

Student Project Bank

The purpose of the Student Project Bank is to make available simple software project definitions suitable for
pre-final / final year engineering project work. The components include system specifications, student kit – that
provides guidelines, and faculty kit – providing validation inputs. The documents are provided in MS word file formats
that are easily downloadable from the portal.

1. Near real-life projects simplified to suit academia
2. Free downloads

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

3. Student and faculty kits

4. Projects can be modified for implementation
5. Covers a wide variety of subjects including e-business, IT Infrastructure and industry applications
6. Involves usage of concepts from various FP modules to provide integrated learning
7. Project evaluation sheet for faculty
8. Integrates quality and project management concepts
9. Authored by Infosys project analysts/leads
10. No commitment needed to use the projects

Industrial Visits - Spark

The purpose of industrial visit is to demystify the image that students would have on the working of an IT business

The Infosys Spark program is one day exploratory program for students from different age groups and segments from
high school to degree and engineering colleges of urban and rural areas. Spark is an extraordinary program that aims
to raise the aspirations of students.

A group of students along with members of faculty visit the nearest Infosys DC and spend the day observing the IT
services delivery environment. The well planned event exposes them to corporate work culture, learning environment,
Infosys background, services offered to global customers and enables them to learn about leading edge technologies
through short lectures.

1. Typically one day event at Infosys DC campus for students and accompanying faculty members from Schools,
Degree colleges and Engineering Colleges
2. Participation by Invitation only.
3. Event agenda customized to target audience.
4. Event designed and conducted by Infosys volunteers.
5. Special batches for women, rural institutes and Government-run institutes.

Foundation Program (FP) Roll-out

The core of the Campus Connect program is the Foundation Program roll out at the college premises. This FP
courseware represents the Intellectual Property and experience of Infosys in training thousands of entry level
engineers from heterogeneous backgrounds and disciplines to deliver world-class projects to global customers. The

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

purpose of the FP courseware is to provide a unique set of teaching aids and consolidated training material to the
college faculty to help them make students industry ready.

Since the inception of Campus Connect, partner colleges have experienced Foundation Program 1.0 (comprised of 8
courses), Foundation Program 2.0 (9 courses, inclusive of Client Server Concepts) along with process improvements
from email based model to portal based tracking.

The enhancements to the Foundation Program offerings and processes are based on the changes in the Foundation
Program at the Infosys Global Education Centre and feedback and inputs received from the Campus Connect Partner

FP 3.0 is the latest version of Foundation Program offered by Infosys Campus Connect since 2009. FP 3.0 offers a
set of FIVE courses and Integrated Project along with newly incorporated ways of assessing students’ performance.
Integrated Project is a crucial component of FP 3.0.

The duration of FP Rollout is now 55-65 contact (typically classroom) hours with dedicated 25-32 lab hours for
Integrated Project development.

1. Covers essential generic topics
a. Introduction to Computer Systems
b. Operating Systems
c Problem Solving Techniques
d. Programming & Testing
2. Complete batch tracking using Campus Connect Portal only.
3. Course outline and lesson plans
4. Pre-test is included in the FP 3.0 deployment process
5. ONLINE assessment model is incorporated for FP certification
6. Revised certification policy for Foundation Program 3.0
7. Detailed description of Course Design
8. Detailed presentations by lesson
9. Assignments, Case studies, Student notes
10. Available for download and CD distribution
11. FP Deployment guide
12. Recommended semesters to start are: 5th to 7th

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

13. Colleges will provide facilities

14. Typical batch size of 60-75
15. Project Assessment framework

Faculty Sabbaticals
The purpose of faculty sabbaticals is to leverage the leading-edge technology knowledge of specialist faculty members
to develop state-of-the-art industry solutions. The expected outcome of the sabbatical is an IT solution or approach
that has a significant cost savings or performance improvement or significantly enhances solution attractiveness.

The sabbaticals are sponsored by Infosys. Faculty member will work out of Infosys Development Centre (DC) for a
term ranging from 2-3 months.

1. Associated with nearest Infosys DC, full-time
2. Not specific to Infosys HQ
3. Currently applicable for India based partnering colleges
4. Two-three month long program
5. Infosys will host faculty for the project duration including travel and stay
6. Has definite Statement Of Work and Deliverables
7. Does not involve any training by Infosys
8. Limited to one member of faculty per annum per college
9. The member of faculty will be compensated for effort
10. The member of faculty needs to complete project, report and obtain sign-off
11. NDA needed, confidential and proprietary to Infosys
12. Preference is given to “advanced” partner colleges who are already practicing Campus Connect Program

Industry Electives
In keeping with its long term goal of aligning engineering education with the needs of the industry, Campus Connect
collaborates with universities to design industry oriented electives. Outcome based learning approach is implemented
for the industry electives which are credit / non credit based courses in the curriculum. These customized programs,
which are based on “learn and apply” models, enable students to learn about latest trends in the industry and
understand and cope with future workplace demands. They also facilitate faculty to create learning channels with
the industry.

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

The following electives have been successfully implemented by various universities/institutions across the country.
1. Fundamentals of Information Technology / Systems
2. Internet and Web Technologies
3. Business intelligence & its applications
4. Introduction to Mainframe systems
5. Introduction to Aircraft / Automotive design of systems
6. Building Enterprise Applications
7. Soft skills

1. Collaborative identification of key areas for development of industry electives.
2. Ownership and implementation of the industry-oriented elective by the academia.
3. Collaborative syllabus design.
4. Case studies and lab guides based on live industry projects
5. Content aggregation.
6. Faculty enablement for rollout by subject matter experts.
7. Webinars/seminars for students with industry experts to facilitate greater interaction
8. Rollout for identified streams / branches.

Technology Seminars / Webinars

The purpose of technology seminars/webinars is to leverage the global projects’ experience of Infosys to create
awareness about the use of IT in different industry verticals among students. The expected outcome of the seminars/
webinars is a measurable increase in the ability of students to relate IT concepts to IT usage in business. This will
also serve the purpose of keeping the faculty informed about the latest developments in the area of information
technology usage.


1. Seminars conducted in the respective colleges

2. Event design and participation by regional Infosys DC
3. Typically half-day to full-day event
4. Road show collateral could be used
5. Active participation of college faculty and management
6. Infosys will not fund college cultural festival etc.

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

7. Facility to publicize on Campus Connect portal and update news

8. Regional DCs decide on number of events based on local capacity
9. For Webinars, college should have requisite infrastructure such as lecture hall with audio, internet connection,
speaker phone etc.

Sponsorships for Research Paper Presentation

Infosys sponsors research papers written by faculty and/or students to encourage them to enhance their learning in
the field of Computer Science and Information technology. Faculty and/or students whose research paper is selected
for presentation in reputed peer reviewed conferences or industry forums will be provided financial assistance. The
expected outcome of the sponsorship is the commitment of faculty, students and college to continue applied research
and utilize them in solving business problems.

1. College Management to notify Infosys Campus Connect team
2. Paper must be in the field of Computer Science/IT
3. Complete details of conference/forums needs to be communicated to Campus Connect team
4. Infosys will perform credential checks before acceptance
5. Sponsorship subject to internal evaluation of benefits
6. Infosys will partly support the conference, typically with registration related fees
7. Early planning and prior approval is essential
8. News published on Campus Connect portal
9. College must acknowledge the sponsorship

Soft Skills Program

The purpose of the Soft Skills program is to bridge the gap commonly noticed in engineering students in the areas of
communication, team work, corporate etiquette and corporate work culture. This is a program delivered in multiple
modes. One of the modes includes collaboration with alliance partners at a fee.

The Campus Connect soft skills team has been integrated with the Global Business Finishing School (GBFS) team
in Mysore, which is responsible for the training needs of entry level graduates. This has helped to leverage the
research and content developed at GBFS to incorporate it into the syllabus that is rolled out in partnered colleges.
This new CC Soft Skills syllabus, Version 2.0 is called “STAR PRIME”. STAR stands for Savvy, Team Worker,
Articulate and Responsible.

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

The STAR PRIME syllabus contains the following modules:

a. Business Communication Skills

b. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Skills
c. Campus to Company
d. Group Discussions, Presentations and Interviewing Skills
e. Entrepreneurship Skills.

After successfully launching the new SS syllabus “STAR PRIME V2.0”, the SS team has now begun the process of
customizing the offering. Colleges are being mapped with respect to their areas of need. For e.g., colleges where
students are already strong in grammar are given the option of focusing on the module on Communication Skills, and
those that already have a communication program as part of the syllabus utilize the other modules from STAR PRIME.
The option of choosing a part of the offering has to be signed off both by the college SPOC and the SS anchor after
due diligence.

The assessment process is being strengthened by inclusion of knowledge tests (K- Tests) along the lines of the tests
in GBFS to further enhance the quality of the training delivered. This is in addition to the online English tests that
have already been deployed.

1. Fee based program delivered by experts in the field
2. Available for partner colleges in India
3. Infosys endorsed curriculum and alliance partners to deliver
4. Typically, activity based learning followed by group / individual developmental assignments
(DAs) by students
5. Recommended spread of the program is over 4 months
6. Recommended semesters to start are 3rd to 7th
7. Colleges will work with alliance partners directly
8. Colleges will provide facilities
9. Typical batch size of 45 - 60

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

Benefits and Incentives


First and foremost, the college has been able to enhance the ‘employability’ of the students. Next, the students
will have better exposure to industry requirements and practices. The college management is able to attract better
students and faculty to the college because of its association with industry.
The college will pass on the benefits received from Infosys to the involved persons including faculty as per the
college norms.
The faculty involved will be provided with industry oriented artefacts for the respective courseware that they would
be offering. This includes case-studies, prototype projects and similar teaching aids. In addition to this, faculty may
be sponsored for sabbaticals at Infosys, for duration of two-three months in one of the Infosys’ centres in mutually
agreed areas. Faculty could also benefit through sponsorships for research papers.
The main benefit to the student is enhancing employability and increasing the industry readiness for the IT industry.
Outstanding performance in the Infosys screening examination will also make such students eligible for early
association with real-life projects, if applicable, and other special opportunities.
IT Industry
First and foremost is the alignment of the IT services needs with the college curriculum. In addition, Industry partners
directly benefit from this partnership with the availability of well-rounded engineering graduates who understand
and are exposed to the software development process and collaborative work environment. The IT enterprises may
benefit from reduced training time resulting from industry aligned curriculum and soft skills training.

Program Governance
Campus Connect is supported by strategic initiative governance model with well defined roles, responsibilities, core
processes and budgets. The following diagram illustrates the program team organization.

Education &
Research Dept, Core Core Program
HR, group group Director,
Development from Direct from Head of the
Center Head, Infosys College Institution,
Project Teams TPO, Faculty

Leadership, Ownership, Management

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

Communication and Promotion

The Campus Connect portal is the nodal point for program information delivery. It hosts a variety of resources
such as:
1. FP courseware
2. Student Projects
3. Campus News & Events
4. Skill UP (soft skills corner)
5. Tips and Tricks
6. Newsletter
7. Volunteer/Alumni Infoscions
8. Effective English
9. Links to NPTEL Open Courseware
10. Link to BITES e-portal
Logo and Posters – Dedicated logo has been designed for branding the Campus Connect program. Banners are also
available for display during Campus Connect events.
Video Clips & Pictures – The core group has archived the key note addresses of the Infosys Management on various
Presentations – Standard Campus Connect presentation is also available.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is “Campus Connect”? What are the objectives?
Campus Connect program is an Infosys initiative to help increase India’s competitiveness in the knowledge
economy. Campus Connect aims at evolving a model through which Infosys and engineering institutions
can partner for competitiveness, enhance the pool of highly capable talent for growth requirements in the
Information Technology (IT) space. It is aimed at creating an effective means of backward integration into the
supply chain by going into the college campuses from where the IT industry gets its people for its growth.

2. What is the goal of Campus Connect?

The goal of Campus Connect is to build a sustainable partnership with engineering education institutions for
mutual benefits.

3. What are the criteria to join the program?

The exact criteria will change from time to time. A variety of parameters are involved. Some of them are – the
college should have good standards, students should have a good record, Infosys should have been visiting
the college in the past, the college should be a trend setter in the region. If the Institution is either Deemed or
Autonomous, then they can opt for Industry Electives too.
Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Overview

4. What are some of the activities that Campus Connect initiates?

A variety of programs are being implemented under the Campus Connect program.
a) Seminars and faculty workshops for colleges: This will give an industry perspective to the faculty.
b) Aligning the college curriculum with industry requirements and working with educational bodies for
effective implementation.
c) Publishing Infosys courseware on the web: This will give students and faculty access to courseware
designed by Infosys. The courseware adds to the existing college courseware and highlights the integrated,
systems way of looking at hitherto discrete topics. This is the courseware we use to prepare our new
recruits for global “industry ready” standards.
d) Sabbatical for Professors: Professors can pursue areas of research interest with Infosys,

5. How is Infosys making this exclusive for the participating colleges?

a. Training the faculty in order to introduce industry oriented courses
b. Sabbaticals for the faculty
c. Sponsorship of events in the colleges
d. Technical seminars by expert Infoscions in their campuses
e. Facilitating industry visits by students of the college to Infosys campuses

6. What kind of sabbatical projects are provided to the professors?

Projects that require expert inputs and have some element in conceptualizing, defining and prototyping the
solution are offered. The outcome may be a paper, a prototype, or an analysis that has mutual value.

7. What are the components of a student project in the project bank?

There are three documents for a student project. One is the project description document, giving details about
the functional components, milestones, hardware/software requirements, references etc. Second is a student
kit consisting of the templates to be used for the project (requirements specification, database description,
test-plan etc). Finally, there is a faculty kit which is visible only for the faculty logins. This contains some
points on the evaluation strategy at each milestone of the project.

8. What kind of help will be provided by Infosys for these projects?

The idea is to make the project descriptions and kits detailed enough for the students to carry on the project
with guidance from faculty. In general, Infosys will not be involved in these projects in the way of assistance,
monitoring, evaluation etc. However, if some Infoscions volunteer Infoscion to help the students, they can do
so either through mails or through the discussion forum in the portal or over calls.

9. What is the Campus Connect portal for?

The portal is an important element of this program. It is used to host Infosys courseware, guest articles by
Infoscions, student projects and news on sabbatical projects and events; fostering discussion among the
faculty/students/Infoscions through a discussion forum, and provides planning and batch tracking facilities to
the college as well as Infosys teams.

Program Announcement - Version 4.0 - October 2010
Program Contacts
Infosys Development Centre Infosys Point of Contact Email ID
Bangalore Anoop Singh
Trupthi A Narayan
Swati Jain
Bhubaneswar Bhupesh Deka
Nirmalya Chaudhuri
Sumesh Khatua
Chandigarh Manisha
Neeraj Garg
Anuradha Verma
Renu Vadhvani
Chennai Veerappaji Bittanakurike Shivanna
Abhishek V Paul
Hyderabad Srinagesh Chatarajupalli
Sudheer Reddy K.
Bhanu Prasad TV
Mangalore Rithesh Kumble
Mysore Vani K N
Pune Soudamini Patil
Swapnil Diwakar Pande
Trivandrum Hari S.

Global Presence About Infosys

Americas Infosys Technologies Ltd . (NASDAO: INFY) defines, designs and delivers
Brazil: Nova Lima Canada: Calgary, Toronto Mexico: Monterrey IT- Enabled business solutions that helps global 2000 companies win in a
United States: Atlanta, Bellevue, Bentonville, Bridgewater, Charlotte, Detroit, Fremont,
flat world. This solutions focus on providing strategic differentiation and
Hartford, Houston, Lake Forest, Lisle, New York, Phoenix, Plano, Quincy, Reston
operational superiority to clients. Infosys creates these solutions for its
APAC and Australia clients by leveraging its domain and business expertise along with a
Australia: Brisbane, Docklands, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney China: Shanghai, Hangzhou complete range of services.
Hong Kong: Central India: Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Gurgaon,
Hyderabad, Jaipur, Mangalore, Mumbai, Mysore, New Delhi, Pune, Thiruvananthapuram With Infosys, clients are assured of a transparent business partner,
Japan: Tokyo New Zealand: Wellington Philippines: Metro Manila Singapore: Singapore world-class processes, speed of execution and the power to stretch their IT
budget by leveraging the Global Delivery Model that Infosys pioneered.
Belgium: Brussels Czech Republic: Brno, Prague Denmark: Copenhagen Finland: Helsinki
France: Paris Germany: Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Walldor Ireland: Dublin Italy: Milano
Norway: Oslo. Polanad: Lodz Spain: Madrid Sweden: Stockholm Switzerland: Geneva, Zurich
The Netherlands: Amsterdam United Kingdom (UK): London

Middle East and Africa

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Riyadh Mauritius: Reduit UAE: Dubai, Sharjah

For more information, contact

© 2010 Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore, India. Infosys believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date: such information is subject to change without notice. Infosys acknowledges
the proprietary rights of the trademarks and product names of other companies mentioned in this document.

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