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January 2011
Official Publication of Kingsway Council #3387
4202C Dundas Street West
Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y6
Published the 15th day of each month
www.kingswayknights.org Volume 50 Issue 5



Here is the complete list for the fraternal year.
Meetings will be held in our hall at
4202C Dundas Street West @ 8:00 p.m. What follows is a list of council events. We
understand if you can not make it out to all of
the events, but we encourage you to attend as
many functions as you can.
GENERAL MEETING Saturday Council Basketball
January 22 Free Throw Holy Angels
Saturday District Basketball
MAY 10 GENERAL MEETNG February 5 Free Throw Holy Angels
MAY 24 EXECUTIVE MEETING Sunday Our Lady of Peace Parish
JUNE 14 GENERAL MEETING February 27 Pancake Sunday
JUNE 28 EXECUTIVE MEETING Ordinandi Dinner Pearson
Convention Center 6:30 p.m.
March 1
May we suggest you copy and place this list on the
Sunday Pancake Sunday
refrigerator or on your desk so you don’t forget when March 6 St. Gregory Parish
there is a meeting. All members are welcomed to at- OUR COUNCIL’S 60TH
tend both types of meetings. SATURDAY

All dates are T.B.A until 30 days of posted date.

Kingsway Council 2010-2011 Kingsway Council – General Meetings
CHAPLAIN The 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each
Fr. Leo Burns C.S.B 416-847-6131 month at 8:00 P.M. sharp (except
GRAND KNIGHT July & August) at the Council
Denis Tisdel 416-559-0085 Chambers, 4202C Dundas St.
DEPUTY GRAND W., Etobicoke. The second
KNIGHT Tuesday meeting is a general
Paul Bryce 416-948-0445 members meeting and the fourth
PAST GRAND Tuesday is an executive business
Grand Knights of Kingsway meeting.
Council KNIGHT
Danny Franchi 416-732-4648
James Arm-
 1951/52 CHANCELLOR

Wally Evans 1952/53 Anthony Orgera 416-855-5400 Father Gregory Kelly Assembly General
 Jack Dunn 1953/54 WARDEN
Vince Colgan 1954/55 Meetings
 Jack Harnett 1955/56
Mark Sabada 416-231-5203
 Furgus Walsh 1956/57 FINANCIAL SEC-
 Paul Grace 1957/58 RETARY
The 3rd Thursday of each
 Gilford Leinster 1958/59 Danny Franchi 416-732-4648 month at 8:00P.M. St. Greg-
 Wally Bedolfe 1959/60 TREASURER ory’s Parish Hall. (Except
 John Quinn 1960/61
Rodger Bodrug 416-247-5491 July, August and December)
 1961/62
O’Kelly ADVOCATE For more information contact:
 Thomas Keating 1962/63 Joe Wosik 416-622-7735 Brother Frank Ficker @ 416-
 Jack Wallace 1963/64 RECORDER 720-8663.
 E. Paul Butler 1964/65
Karl Moesch 905-270-9003
 Enio Biason 1965/66
Daniel McKeon 1966/68
Micheal Doerig Kingsway Columbus Club
 Leslie Karnac 1968/69
Philip Catalano 1969/70 TRUSTEE 1 YR
 Herbert Hunter 1970/71 Vince Conforzi 416-233-8363 PRESIDENT
 Carl Nuss 1971/73
TRUSTEE 2 YRS Denis Tisdel 416-559-0085
 Larry Zinkel 1973/74
 1974/76
Greaves TRUSTEE 3 YRS Paul Bryce 416-948-0445
 Charlie Brochu 1976/78
 Victor Castrucci 1978/80 Frank Ficker 416-720-8663 SECRETARY
Steve Harvey 1980/--- Frank Ficker 416-720-8663
 ----/81 TREASURER
Chris Columbus 416-239-9109
 Stanley Leonard 1981/82
David Young 416-899-8036 Joe Wosik 416-622-7735
John Bothello 1982/84
J. Paul Balog 1986/87 Tom Potocnik 416-523-9733 Danny Franchi 416-732-4648
Placido Natale 1987/88
 Peter Flanagan 1988/90
Uris Doerig
David Young 416-899-8036
 Michael Breton 1990/92
Thomas Troke 1992/93 State & Supreme Representatives Rodger Bodrug 416-247-5491
John Lametti 1993/95
Chester Sitarz 1995/96
Sam Tassone 1998/00
State Deputy Arthur Peters
John Chiappetta 2000/02
Tom Potocnik 2002/04 DISTRICT DEPUTY DIST. # 106
Horodeckyj Sam Tassone 647-225-2020
Danny Solomon 2006/08
Danny Franchi 2008/10
Denis Tisdel 2010/…. Danny Franchi 461-732-4648
Archie Lobo 905-567-1698
Out of the cold is gearing up once again
this year. Under the geographical area, our council
falls between two of these out reach centers. St.
Matthew’s Anglican/Our Lady of Peace Catholic,
every Sunday from November 14, 2010 -March
27, 2011 at 3962 Bloor Street West (St. Mat- The Knights of Columbus and the Special
thew’s) from 5:00 p.m. Sunday until 7:30 a.m. Olympics in Ontario have had a storied history, which
Monday. For more information on this location continues today.
please contact them by email at:
st.matthew@ootc.ca Dates for the 50/50 draws which the Knights
help out selling tickets for the Special Olympics will
The other location is a joint effort from All be written in upcoming newsletters For more infor-
Saints Anglican/Our Lady of Sorrows, every Fri- mation, please contact the State board representative,
day night from November 24, 2010-April 1, 2011. Joe Mathews at 905-279-5057 or by email at:
jcm@3web.net. In most cases, one week’s confirma-
The location is 2850 Bloor St. West just off Royal
tion is needed if you intend to help.
York Road, from 6:00 p.m. Friday until 8:00 a.m.
Saturday. For more information on this location
please contact them by email at: of- The next 50/50 game will be on Wednesday,
fice@allsaintskingsway.ca February 16th. Book early as the Miami Heat will
face off with our beloved Raptors!!!
Both locations can only accommodate men
for sleeping over but do not refuse women for Thank you.
meals and then are shuttled to a women’s shelter
for the night. Both of the locations offer clean
clothing and breakfast for the next day as well as a
TTC ticket. Only the St. Matthew/Our Lady of
Peace location offer showers.

As always the Out of the Cold Program is

looking for men’s clothing in good condition
(shirts jackets, hats, gloves and boots). Also per-
sonal size toiletries for the men to take with them.
Any of the locations will be more than happy to
take in what ever you can provide.
CHAPLAIN’S CORNER which seek to triumph in our modern society.

“Joy to the World the Lord However, we cannot pretend to be brave

has come!” Knights joining forces with and leading the
followers of Jesus in contemporary society,
Now that the festivities until we have expelled the wrongful elements
connected with our celebra- in our own hearts and lives, the hatred, the
tion of the birth of Jesus, our jealousy, the back-biting, etc. We must work
Saviour, have taken place, life seems to have hard to establish the kingdom of the Christ
returned to its normal pace. The students are Child with His gifts of love, peace, under-
trudging off to their classes as usual. The standing in our own hearts, our lives, our
Council and Assembly are planning and work- homes, our Council, so that, in this new year,
ing on numerous exciting and challenging ac- we can truly call ourselves Knights joining the
tivities. The snowbirds (including some Past newborn King in His struggle to overcome
Grand Knights) have flown to a warmer clime. evil and establish His reign in the hearts and
Life is settling down again. lives of all people.

But our lives should not be the same as Prayers and best wishes to all for a holy,
they were last November, or there really was healthy and happy New Year.
not much purpose to our celebration of Christ-
mas. The history of human race was changed
by the coming of the Christ Child two thou- Rev. L. D. Burns C.S.B.
sand years ago. Jesus came to rally the forces Chaplain
of goodness, of peace, of truthfulness, of re- Knights of Columbus
spect for the dignity of each individual and to Kingsway Council
lead His followers in the struggle against ha-
tred, violence, and evil. This is an on-going
battle between Jesus and His followers, His
Church and the forces of evil, of Satan that
will go on until the forces of goodness tri-
umphs over evil at the end of time.

This is not just the task of the Pope, the

Bishops and the priests, to denounce and de-
feat the forces of injustice, violence, prejudice
and hatred in every era of history. We are
called Knights and the Fourth Degree mem-
bers carry swords to symbolize the fact that
God has raised up the Knights of Columbus to
do battle for the forces of goodness, to defend
the weak, the elderly, the unborn, the defence-
less in the name of Christ, the Saviour of the
world against the powerful forces of evil
that out of these stones God can raise up children for
Brothers, Abraham. The axe is already at the root of the trees,
and every tree that does not produce good fruit will
We are already into the month of be cut down and thrown into the fire.
January, it seems like the Christmas
Season just flew by. Did we take the
“I baptize you with water for repentance. But after
time to really reflect on the birth of our
Saviour Jesus Christ or were we too me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose
wrapped-up in the decorating, shop- sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you
ping, drinking, eating and entertain- with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in
ing? Christmas season is a time to his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gather-
reflect on who we are and who we ing his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff
want to be. We can do this through daily prayer and medi- with unquenchable fire.
tation. We must remember that God is always there for us.
We must also not get down on ourselves as we deal with ”The Baptism of Jesus
personnel and work issues. There is nothing wrong with
finding a friend to speak to, God is our friend, and Our Holy
Mother is our friend. Things may happen which we may Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be
find unfair, un-appropriate, and disheartening; we must put baptized by John. 14 But John tried to deter him, say-
these things behind us and move on. Sometimes a door ing, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come
closes and another opens which allows us to show our true to me?”
talents. God does work in mysterious ways; one of these
mysterious ways is the baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to
John the Baptist lived in the desert, eating honey and lo- do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John con-
cus, his daily prayers and meditation gave him the strength sented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up
and courage to come to the river and preach and baptise
out of the water. At that moment heaven was
the willing. John the Baptist was dedicated to his belief that
opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like
the Saviour would come. Image how John the Baptist felt
when he was baptising people, asking them to repent their a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from
sins and follow a straight path. John was loud and coura- heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I
geous; he made sure that his voice was heard. Now Image am well pleased.”
how John the Baptist felt when he saw our Lord Jesus
Christ in front of him asking to be baptised. John was In this passage we see a door closing for John the Baptist
quiet and humble, he felt unworthy to baptise our Lord Je- and a door opening for Our Lord Jesus Christ as he begins
sus Christ. The following passage from Mathew tells us the his ministry. Let us be like Jesus and strive to have God
story. pleased with what we do and what we say. Remember
your daily prayers for God listens.
In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in
the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the
kingdom of heaven has come near.” This is he who God Bless You All and Let Us All Unite in
was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: Daily Prayer
“A voice of one calling in the wilderness, „Prepare
the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.‟”
Denis Tisdel – Grand Knight Kingsway
John‟s clothes were made of camel‟s hair, and he Council 3387
had a leather belt around his waist. His food was lo-
custs and wild honey. People went out to him from
Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the
Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by
him in the Jordan River.

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Saddu-

cees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to
them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee
from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with
repentance. And do not think you can say to your-
selves, „We have Abraham as our father.‟ I tell you
DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE friendships with some of our members that we
haven’t seen for a while.
Brother Knights,
And for those members who are reading this
Another year has come and but haven’t been out to a meeting lately, I per-
gone, and it is time for us to set sonally want to invite you to our next general
our sights, goals and expecta- meeting on Tuesday, February 8th, and look
tions for the new year. forward to discussing with you how we as a
This year, we have been asked team can make Kingsway Council strong and
by Ontario State to focus on membership re- vibrant for the next 40 years.
tention. At our last general meeting, we estab-
lished a phone committee in order that all our
members can be contacted in a timely manner Vivat Jesus!
concerning meetings, events and other impor-
tant news or items. This year is a very impor-
tant year for our council, it being our 60th anni- Paul Bryce
versary, and it is imperative that we get in Deputy Grand Knight
touch with as many of our members as possi- Celebrating 60 years of service to Church and
ble so that our celebration can be a memorable Community
one for each of our Brother Knights.

However, this one celebration just marks a

point in time for our (or any other) council.
While it is a milestone, it is not the result of
one or two individuals. It is a culmination of
the hard work of the many dedicated Knights
who have come before us, each with their own
sights, goals and expectations as well. Were it
not for these past Brother Knights, we would
not be able to organize this 60th Anniversary
But we must still continue our hard work,
united in fraternity, and make every effort to
give what we can of our time so that in another
40 years, Kingsway Council can announce to
the community of our 100th Anniversary Cele-
bration. This can be done by involving more
of our members. It starts at our meetings. I
would like to set a target of doubling the atten-
dance at our general meetings. In getting
more members back to the meetings, it will
allow us to explore new, fresh ideas for the
council and establish new or re-kindle old
The events below are not council related and were put together by all the weekly bulletins.

Holy Angels
The St. Anthony Committee will be hosting a luncheon/dance on
Sunday, January 23, 2011 at Le Treport Banquet Hall starting at
1:00 p.m. The cost - adults $65, kids under 14 - $35. Tickets are
available from committee members.

St. Clement

First Women's Reflec-

tion Evening [Jan 18]
Women of the parish are invited to the first Womens’ Reflec-
tion Evening of 2011. Join us for Mass at 7:00 p.m. followed
by a series of meditations by a priest of Opus Dei. Confessions
will be available. Begin the New Year in the right Spirit!

Regifting at St. Clement

Re-gifting is frowned upon in some circles. But not at St.
Clement Parish. We want whatever you don’t need. Drop off
your unwanted Christmas gifts in the church vestibule on Sun-
day morning or bring them to the office at any time. We will
raffle them off at our Valentine Dinner Dance All proceeds for
the Organ Fund.

Get in touch with your romantic side – Join us for a gala

Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
St. Clement Parish Hall
Gourmet Dinner Catered By “Yorkshire Pudding”
Disc Jockey – Raffles Galore – Pay Bar

Tickets: $60 per person – Available Next Weekend

(Includes $20 Tax Receipt if Requested)
We are well on our way to YES, BROTHERS, KINGSWAY
having our Squires Circle
re-instated. The Circle’s
original name was St. John YEAR OF SERVICE TO THE
Bosco Circle # 1193, and unless the new Squires want to
change it, it will continue with that name. Brother Paul CHURCH AND COMMUNITY.
Bryce has just received acceptance from the State Advocate
to serve as counsellor and is attempting to firm down some
recruitment dates with three of our churches. If any brother SOME NEVER THOUGHT WE
knows of a potential Squires candidate, please contact
Brother Paul Bryce @ (416) 948-0445 or by email WOULD LAST THIS LONG
Up Coming Degree Dates!!!
Anyone interested in advancing in their Knighthood,
here is a list of upcoming First, Second and Third De- HELP US PREPARE THE
gree dates. Please contact our Grand Knight,
Denis Tisdel, if you wish to attend a degree. EVENT. IF YOU HAVE SOME
First Degrees
Feb 3rd John F. Kennedy
Feb 7th Our Lady of Grace
Mar 3rd St. Peter and Paul OUR EMAIL ADDRESS
Second Degrees
Feb 20th St. Patrick`s
Mar 20th St. Patrick`s O.CA OR MAIL IT TO OUR
Third Degree
Jan 23rd TBA
Feb 27th Perpetual Help
May 29th John Bosco
Hope for Children Foundation is a supported
Catholic Children’s Aid Society charity.
Kingsway as well as several other councils
and the Hope for Children have worked hand
in hand on many different projects is the past.
One that we have continued to work on is the
charity bingo to support the Knights of Co-
lumbus bursary which is handed out once a
year. Below is the remaining bingo date for Pope John Paul II
2010, which will held at the Keele Street
Bingo Hall. More dates will be scheduled for
2011. Any interested brother willing to help The Holy See has announced that
out please contact Brother Sam Tassone for the late Pope will be beatified on
more information. May 1 of 2011. Let us Pray that
We are still waiting for the new list of bingo
Pope John Paul II will continue to
dates for January to June!!! watch over us and protect us.
Our Council in Action
Please note all photos are posted on our website
Holy Angels Flea Craft Sale
Saturday, December 4, 2010.

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