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October 1, 2011 Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur


ASI : Adjacent Satellite Interference

BER : Bit Error Rate 

BSS : Broadcasting Satellite Service

CROSSPOLL : Cross Polarization

CPI : Crosspolarization Insulation

CATV : Cable Television Network

CLR : Cell Loss Ratio

C/N : Carier to Noise Ratio

CW : Continues Wave/pure carrier

DAMA : Demand Assigned Multiple Access

DTH : Direct-To-Home

DI :  Destructive Interference 

DBS : Direct Broadcast Satellite

DTS : Direct to Sailor

db : Decibel

Eb/No : Energi per Bit (Eb)/Noise Density (No)

EUTELSAT : European Telecommunications Satellite Organization

FEC : Forward Error Correction

FSS : Fixed Satellite Service

GEO : Geostationery Orbit

G/T : Gain to Noise Temperature ratio

GPS : Global Positioning System

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October 1, 2011 Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur

HPA : High Power Amplifier

HRDP : Hypothetical Reference Digital Path

IF : Intermediate Frequency

ICO : Intermediate Circular Orbit

INTELSAT : International Telecommunications Satellite

IRD : Integrated Receiver Decode

IFL : Interfacility Link

ISS : inter-satellite service

ISL : Intersatellite links

LEO : Low Earth Orbit

LHC : Left Hand Circular Polarization

LNA : Low Noise Amplifier

LLR : Lunar Laser Ranging

LNB : Low Noise Block

MEO : Medium Eart Orbit

MTTR : Mean Time To Respond

MSS : Mobile Satellite Service

NOCC : Network Operations Control Centre

OBI : Out of Band Interference

OBT : On-Board Processing 

OMT : Ortho-Mode Transducer

PAMA : Pre Assigned Multiple Access

QPSK : Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed 

QOS : Quality of Service

RF : Radio Frequency

RFI : Radio Frequency Interference

SSPA : Solid-State Power Amplifiers

SMATV : Satellite Master Antenna TV

SCPC : Single Channel Per Carrier

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October 1, 2011 Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur

SLR : Satellite Laser Ranging

SST : Satellite Satellite Tracking

S/N : Signal to Noise Ratio

SLR : Satellite Laser Ranging

TDMA : Time Division Multiple Access

TVRO : Television Receiving Only

TTC : Tracking, Telemetry And Telecommand

VISAT : Very Small Aperture Terminal

VLBI : Very Long Baseline Interferometry

VHF : Very High Frequency

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