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1.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1

1.1 MASTER’S DISSERTATION - PLAN A...................................................................................2

1.2 MASTERS PROJECT – PLAN B .............................................................................................3

1.3 POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE PROJECT.....................................4

2.0 RESEARCH PROPOSAL .................................................................................................................5

3.0 DISSERTATION / PROJECT REPORT FORMAT ............................................................................9

APPENDIX A : EXAMPLES OF REFERENCES ...................................................................................14

APPENDIX B : TITLE PAGE...................................................................................................................15

APPENDIX C : VIVA VOCE PRESENTATION ........................................................................................16

APPENDIX D : PROJECT MARKING SCHEME.......................................................................................17



Under the Master of Science in Computer Science / Post Graduate Diploma Computer Science, students
are allowed to major in one of the following areas :-
i. Computer Science (CSC)
ii. Computer Information Systems (CIS)
iii. Management Information Systems (MIS)
Students will be required to do the final project / dissertation in their area of specialization. Postgraduate
Diploma students will do a project, while the Masters student will do either a dissertation or project
depending on whether they have opted to do Plan A or B.

Distinction Between a Project and Dissertation

A Project generally involves a software implementation. The design and implementation of the software
are expected to conform to current software engineering principles and practices. The written report should
concentrate on the various design and implementation issues. Typically, there will be a design rationale
including a discussion of the alternatives considered. The report should also include discussions on the
methodology used. The software is expected to be fully functional and of excellent quality i.e. “polished”.
The defense will include a demonstration of the capabilities of the software. A project is done in one

A Dissertation documents the process, the products, and the assimilation of an investigative piece of work.
The work should be in a current advanced topic in Computer Science or Computer Information Systems or
Management Information Systems. It is not enough to simply report on others’ work. One must
synthesize, elaborate on, and, ideally, contribute to the body of knowledge studied. A dissertation is done
in one academic year (two semesters).

Processing of Reports
The processing of both the proposal and write-up should be done in Latex.

Students are required to demonstrate their ability to independently formulate a detailed dissertation
Proposal as well as develop and demonstrate their dissertation thoroughly.
i) A candidate shall be allowed to formally start on the dissertation after the second semester. A
candidate shall submit a dissertation proposal (6 copies, signed by the supervisor) to the
Institute of Computer Science Higher Degrees Research Committee (HDRC) during the
second semester of the first academic year.
ii) The candidate shall execute the dissertation during second year (the third and fourth
iii) The candidate shall submit the dissertation Report (3 copies) by the end of the fourth

a) Passing of a Dissertation
To pass the dissertation, the candidate shall satisfy the internal examiner, external examiner and viva voce
committee independently.

b) Revised Dissertation
A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners, shall re-submit a revised dissertation in accordance with the
standing University guidelines for the dissertation examinations.

c) Dissertation Submission / Presentation

Reports should be handed in to the Research Coordinator’s Office ICS Building by the 31st July. All
students must hand in *six* spiral bound copies of the report signed by the supervisor and student.
Processing of the documentation between Graduate School, external examiners and internal examiners,
arrangement of presentation will be done during 2nd week of August. The schedule for the presentations
will be communicated and presentation duration will be 15 minutes (refer to Appendix C for presentation
Having satisfied all the examiners, a letter certifying that all corrections have been effected as well as
*three* hard cover bound copies of the final report signed by the supervisor and student and a copy of the
abstract on a virus free diskette will be submitted to the ICS Deputy Director .

Students are required to demonstrate their ability to independently formulate a detailed project proposal, as
well as develop and demonstrate their projects thoroughly.
1) A candidate shall be allowed to formally start on the project after the third semester.
2) A candidate shall submit a project proposal (6 copies) to the Institute of Computer Science Higher
Degrees Committee during the third semester.
3) The candidate shall execute the project during the fourth semester.
4) The candidate shall submit the project report (3 copies) by the end of the fourth semester.

a) Passing the Project

To pass the Project, the candidate shall satisfy the examiners in a written report and presentation to ICS
Research and Higher Degrees Committee independently.

b) Revised Project Report

A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners, shall re-submit a revised project report in accordance with
the standing ICS guidelines for project examinations.

c) Project Submission / Presentation

Reports should be handed in to the Research Coordinator’s Office ICS Building by the 31st July. All
students must hand in *six* spiral bound copies of the report signed by the supervisor and student.
Processing of the documentation between Graduate School, external examiners and internal examiners,
arrangement of presentation will be done during 2nd of week August. The schedule for the presentations
will be communicated and presentation duration will be 15 minutes (refer to Appendix C for presentation
Having satisfied all the examiners, a letter certifying that all corrections have been effected as well as
*three* hard cover bound copies of the final report signed by the supervisor and student and a copy of the
abstract on a virus free diskette will be submitted to the ICS Deputy Director.

Students are required to demonstrate their ability to independently formulate a detailed project proposal, as
well as develop and demonstrate their project thoroughly.
• A candidate shall be allowed to formally start on the project after the first semester.
• A candidate shall submit a project proposal (3 copies) to the Institute of Computer Science Higher
Degrees Committee during the second semester.
• The candidate shall execute the project during the second semester.
• The candidate shall submit the project report (3 copies) by the end of the second semester.
Topics may be initiated by the student or provided by the research office or the supervisor. Students will be
required to prepare a one page concept paper to be presented to the research office for vetting during first
week of the second semester. Once it has been vetted, the student will be allocated a supervisor and
will proceed to write the proposal which is to be presented to the research office during the 2nd week of the
semester. Once the proposal has been signed off, the student will proceed to work on the project.

a) Passing the Project

To pass the Project, the candidate shall satisfy the examiners in a written report and presentation to ICS
Research and Higher Degrees Committee independently.

b) Revised Project Report

A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners, shall re-submit a revised project report in accordance with
the standing University guidelines for project examinations.

c) Project Submission / Presentation

Reports should be handed in to the Research Coordinator’s Office ICS Building by the 31st July. All
students must hand in *six* spiral bound copies of the report signed by the supervisor and student.
Processing of the documentation between Graduate School, external examiners and internal examiners,
arrangement of presentation will be done during 2nd week of August. The schedule for the presentations
will be communicated and presentation duration will be 15 minutes (refer to Appendix C for presentation
details). Having satisfied all the examiners, a letter certifying that all corrections have been effected as
well as *three* spiral bound copies of the final report signed by the supervisor and student and a copy of
the abstract on a virus free diskette will be submitted to the Research Coordinator’s Office.


1. Definition of Proposal
It is a written presentation of an intended project specifying the problem, purpose, scope, methodology,
references and the budget. It should be have 15 – 20 pages.

2. Elements of a Proposal
a. Title / Topic
Should accurately reflect the scope and content of the study in not more than 20 words and not how
the study is to be done. It should be descriptive yet discrete.
Topics can be selected based on the following :-
o Computer Science subject area
o Area of interest of candidate
o Literature review of recent journals in the area of interest.
o Observations of current events, trends in society, social needs, government
concerns/requests, institutional needs etc.
o Supervisors’ advice
The selected topic must reflect in the study, strong and sufficient Computer Science application. Once
a research / project area is identified, the student must adequately consult related literature before

Examples of good titles are :

o EGovernance : On Enhancing Online Government Service Delivery in Uganda
o Towards Computer Digital Elevation Modelling of Industrial Site Location Using Geographic Information
o Comparing the Performance of Database Selection Algorithms
o Developing a High-Quality Software Tool for Fault Tree Analysis.
o An Improved Software Inspection Technique And An Empirical Evaluation Of Its Effectiveness.
o Improving Security Using Extensible Lightweight Static Analysis.
o A Data Warehouse Model for Information Accessibility and Decision Making : The Case Study of
National Water and sewerage Corporation
o A Knowledge Based System for Antenatal Care : A Case Study of an E-Infrastructurally Developing

b. Background / Introduction
This provides the rationale of the study providing evidence and conditions of the existing situations to
make the reader feel the urgency of the problem and the need to study it in order to solve it or
contribute to its solution.
Within the first sentence, try to capture the thrust of your research
Avoid circular reasoning
Make your introduction interesting in order to capture the interest of your audience

c. Statement of the Problem

Requires careful formulation and refers to what has been identified and needs a solution in the practical
world, theoretical world or both.
i) Should clearly state the nature of the problem and its known or estimated magnitude / extent
locally, regionally or even globally.

ii) Should be concise and brief (not more than 1 paragraph)

d. General Objective /Aim/ Purpose

Refers to the general intention of the project. Should clearly spell out what the project is supposed to

e. Specific Objectives
These are specific aims/objectives arising directly from the general objective/purpose/aim of the study.
For each specific objective one must have a method to attempt to achieve it. Specific objectives should
advisably not exceed three in number.
Objectives/purpose/aims should be:
• Clear, specific and concrete
• Realistic and achievable
• In order of importance
• Measurable
Examples of good specific objectives are :
a) To design a prototype that acts as a measure for a good outsourced software
b) To model an expert system that will ……..
c) To create a digital elevation model that will ……
Examples of bad objectives are :-
a) To highlight the role of modularity in product development.
b) To assess the level of effectiveness of the system.

f. Significance / Justification
This refers to the relevance of study in terms of academic contributions and practical use that might be
made of the findings. It should reflect on knowledge creation, technological or socio-economic value to
the community.
• Should convince readers of the importance of the proposal
• Show how the project will contribute to theory
• Reflect description of specific application of knowledge gained and its potential importance
• Indicate why the research is still important whether such work has been done before

g. Scope (where applicable)

The scope provides for the boundary of the research in terms of depth of investigation, content, sample
size, methodology, geographical and theoretical coverage.

h. Literature Review
i) This section consists of a critical review of research work from journals which is related to the
subject area as well as an analysis of existing literature on the subject with the objective of
revealing contributions, weaknesses and gaps.
ii) The literature review should be according to the themes of the study and should reflect the
objectives, hypotheses, methods and research questions.

iii) Citation should be in accordance with the approved format . The source of the works cited should
be documented by giving the author (s) surname(s) and date of publication.
Every citation should appear in the reference list.

i. Research Questions / Hypothesis / Postulates (applicable for Research)

These investigate assumptions or questions, which guide the study.

j. Methodology
This is a detailed description of selected methodology i.e. step-by-step methods of how one intends to achieve
objectives of the research.
This section comprises of research design which describes the tools, instruments, approaches, processes and
techniques, major algorithms and data structures to be employed in the research study, data collection,
analysis, synthesis, design, logical flow, implementation, testing, validation, verification etc.

k. References
This is a list of all works cited in the proposal and should be written according to the approved format.
Reference section detailing the citations should be included- the allowed format is attached in Appendix
A. References should be cited using a consistent style. References only include references cited in the
text. Bibliographies are usually more exhaustive, sometimes annotated and may also include material
that you consulted but did not refer to specifically in the text.

l. Appendices
Comprises of a budget, time framework, explanatory notes and instruments.
i) Budget is the financial plan for implementation of the research. It should be clear, realistic and
reasonable (affordable).
It should be itemized according to the following : Equipment, Stationery, Materials, software
etc., Travel, Subsistence, Research Assistants, Services (Secretarial, Photocopying, Printing,
binding etc.). Other purposes (specify).
ii) Time Frame Work is the schedule / time-table of activities over the period over which the
research is to be carried out with due regard to budgetary consideration as well. It could be
presented in tabular form. It is a valuable guide for evaluation of research progress.
iii) Explanatory Notes which include research approval letters, maps, and lists of areas to be
iv) Instruments are details of tools used in the research e.g. equipment, questionnaire, interview
schedule, scales and tests etc.
Note : A Proposal is submitted to Research Committee for evaluation and approval.

Proposal Format

1. Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
1.3.2 Specific Objective
1.4 Scope
1.5 Significance of the Study / Justification

2. Literature Review
Research questions if any should be at the end of the Literature Review

3. Methodology




Some Reasons Why Research Proposals are Unsuccessful

Problem not indentified or is of insufficient importance
Purpose or demonstrated need is vague
Problem more complex than proposer realises
Approach is not objective enough; skewed theoretical stance
Validity questionable, criterion for evaluation is weak or missing
Proposal is not explicit enough, lacks detail, or is too vague or general
Rationale is poorly presented; logical process not followed
The design is too ambitious or otherwise inappropriate
Methods or procedures unsuited to stated objective
Approach is poorly thought out; methods poorly demonstrated
Literature review is inadequate, irrelevant
Proposal falls short of the standard of the expected award


1. Definition of Report
Is a detailed account of the study
2. Research report Comprises of :
The Preliminaries (Pages numbered in Roman numerals).
A. The Preliminaries
i) Title Page (Not numbered)
ii) Declaration
iii) Approval
iv) Dedication (optional)
v) Quote (optional)
vi) Acknowledgement
vii) Table of Contents
viii) List of Tables
ix) List of Illustrations (Figures) (where applicable)
x) Abbreviations (Acronyms) (where applicable)
xi) Abstract

B. The Text (Page numbers on Arabic numerals)

The content of the report format after the preliminary pages may vary with the topic of study,
however the most common format consists of :
i. Introduction
ii. Literature Review
iii. Methodology /Materials / Methods
iv. Presentation of Results / Findings
v. Discussion of Results / Findings
vi. Conclusion , Summary and Recommendations
C. Bibliography
D. Appendices

a) Title
The title page should have, the title of the study in Capitals; full names of the researcher / candidate
and qualifications already attained and their awarding universities. Where the report is submitted for an
award of Makerere University, the candidate must state that the project is submitted in partial
fulfillment of the award of Makerere University and should appear in the middle of the page. All reports
should state the month and year of submission, and all information on the title page must be centered.

b) Declaration
i) This is a pronouncement by the candidate that his/her study is original and has not been
published and or submitted for any other degree award to any other university before. It must
be signed the researcher.
ii) Approval by Supervisors. The approved supervisors have to sign the declaration page.
c) Dedication (optional) : This mentions name(s) to whom the research is dedicated.
d) Acknowledgement : This entails recognition of mentors, colleagues, individuals, sponsors and
institutions which supported the research.
e) Table of Contents : This is the list of headings, subheading starting with declaration paginated at i)
and their corresponding page numbers. However, the title page is not numbered.
f) List of Tables : List tables in the report and corresponding pages
Tables are useful in conveying the meaning of analysis done.
g) List of Figures : These are the most precise methods of identification in pictorial form.
h) List of Appendices : Lists appendices in the document and their corresponding pages.
i) List of Abbreviations : Refers to abbreviations used in the report other than those commonly
j) Abstract : The entails a brief summary of the report, preferably not exceeding 300 words.
An abstract is to be written after the rest of the report giving precisely what the study was about, the
methodology used, results, conclusion and recommendation.


a) Introduction :
This should appear as Chapter 1. This is an overview of the project report highlighting the
background, statement of the problem, purpose / aim, objectives, significance/justification, scope,
major findings and recommendations.
b) Literature Review :
This should appear as Chapter 2. Same as in the project proposal but in greater details.

c) Methodology as Chapter 3
d) Results can be presented together with discussion as chapter 4 or two separate chapters i.e.
i) Presentation and Interpretation of Results as chapter 4
ii) Discussion of Results as chapter 5
e) Conclusion : Summary, research based outcomes, recommendations and the way forward, should
come as Chapter 5 or 6 depending on how one has presented the preceding chapters.
f) References : This should be at the end of the report and provides the information necessary to
identify and retrieve each source. A reference list consists of only the works which were cited in the
g) Bibliography : Unlike the reference list, the bibliography consists of any other literature consulted but
not very relevant to the study.
h) Appendices : These comprise of instruments, pseudo codes, program implementation codes, maps,
introductory letters and some essential raw data, personnel met and research approval letters as well
as areas visited.

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

Abbreviations can be avoided, but necessary abbreviations must be written out completely on first
appearance and followed immediately by the abbreviation in parentheses. The Institute of Computer
Science (ICS) offers computer programs.

Citations (Referencing Styles)

Document the source of the works using a consistent style of citation by giving the author(s) surname(s),
the year of publication and number as it appears in the reference (Dornfest and Mukasa, 2001)[2]. If a
citation has more than two authors, give only the first author’s surname, followed by “et al.” (this should be
italicized with a full stop at the end) and then the year of publication. Multiple citations are listed in
alphabetical order by first author’s name within the same parentheses. Multiple citations of the same author
are listed in order beginning with the most recent publication within the same parentheses. Complete
information for each citation will be included in the reference list. It is important to correctly cite references
in the body of your text as well as in the list of references at the end.
Note : Citations may be referred to using the respective numbers as listed in the reference list justifiable
as a space saving device where there is extensive literature citation such as journal papers.

Examples of citations :

One author
Miiga (2001) [10] model describes the information system as comprising of eight components
This would appear like this in the Latex document :
Miiga (2001) ~\cite {Miiga} model describes the information system as comprising of eight components
In the reference list, we would have the above listed as the 10th item with the following code :-
\bibitem {Miiga} Miiga, W. (2001). The potential cost-effectiveness of information systems. Journal of
Information Systems. 20(9) 1316-30. Elsevier Ltd.
Note : The numbers should be automatically generated though the use of the latex codes such as
~\cite{ } and the reference list should appear in alphabetical order based on the author’s surname.

Other examples
Brown (2002) [2] found that causal loop diagrams enhanced simulation models.
In a recent study (Brown, 2002) [2] recommends that information systems should be user friendly.
The analysis is based on Kintu (1991) [3] in which four solutions are suggested.
……………….. of the population (Kwizera, 1961) [4].

Two authors
According to Krich and Ponte (1998) [8], diseases can be modelled using mathematical algorithms.
Brown and Green (2000) [3] found that models improved health care provision.
In a recent study (Brown and Green, 2000) [3] suggest that
……………………. for such problems (Kiiza and Musaazi, 1999)[8].

More than two authors

Brown et al. (2000) [4] found …..
In a recent study ………(Brown et al., 2000)[4].
In Mutu et al. (2000) [12], there is a …………
…….. for such models (Birungi et al.[5], 2000; Businge and Bwete, 1960 [6] ; Kiiza, 1991[7]; Muga,
2001[11]) note : these are arranged alphabetically
……. in developed countries (Mugisha, 2001 [13] ; Mugisha, 1998[15]; Mugisha, 1960[16]; )
Note : these are arranged in order based on the year of publication starting with the most recent.

Written permission to use previously published texts, tables, figures, or test should be available on request
and acknowledged in reference to the text, table, figure, or test using asterisk.
Foot notes
These should be included only when necessary since they are distractive to readers.
Organising and structuring documents with headings.
Uniform margins of 1 inch should be left at the top, bottom and both sides of every page.
Use words to express numbers one through nine, and numerals to express numbers 10 or higher.
Page Numbers
Paragraph format should be uniform .
Short quotations of under 40 words may be incorporates in the text and enclosed with double quotation


Journal article, one author

Aladwani, A.M. (2001). Online banking: A field study of drivers, development challenges, and expectations.
International Journal of Information Management, 21(4): 213-225.

Journal article, two authors

Broadbent, M. and Weill, P. (1993). Improving business and information strategy alignment: Learning from
the banking industry. IBM Systems Journal, 32(1): 162-179.

Journal article, more than two author

Hung_Ying, T., Jennifer, C. and Bin, W. (2003). Many to many multicast routing with temporal quality of
service guarantees, IEEE transactions on computers, 52(6): 34-45.

Book, two authors

Nelson, R. and Winter, S. (1982). An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.

Article in an Edited Book

Bjork, R.A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H.L. Roediger and
F.I.M Craik (Eds.). Varieties of memories & consciousness (pp.309-330). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Chapter or section in an Internet document

Benton Foundation. (1988). Barriers to closing the gap. In losing ground bit by bit: Low-income
communities in the information age (chap. 2). Retrieved August 18, 2001, from

Proceedings of a Conference
Crowston, K., and Treacy, M.E. (1986). Assessing the impacts of information technology on enterprise level
performance. In L. Maggi, R. Zmud and J. Wetherbe (Eds.). Proceedings of the Seventh International
Conference on Information Systems (pp. 377-388), San Diego, Carlifornia.

The referencing style should be consistent throughout as shown in the examples. All authors’ surnames
and initials should appear in the list.
Plagiarism - If you do not acknowledge the sources you have used in writing your text, then this could be
construed as plagiarism, which is a serious offence.




BSc (Education) (Mak)
[BSc, PGDCS (Mak)]
[Cert.Ed(Leeds), BSc (UON), MStat (Mak)]

A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science in
Computer Science of Makerere University

August, 2004


Approximately ten (10) Power Point slides are required to present a summary of your findings of research.
Each presentation (defence) will last a maximum of 10 minutes.

Below is the proposed structure:

Title Page
Statement of the Problem
Objectives of the study
Methodology/approach used or employed
Findings / Implementation
Significance of the study


The following project marking scheme will be used for final evaluation of the projects :
I. PROBLEM Clarity of statement; wisdom of choice and accuracy of identification of 15
STATEMENT knowledge-or-functional gap; relevance; etc. Adequacy and precision of
(including background, identification of aims and objectives; etc..
aims and objectives,
justification and scope)
II. LITERATURE Selective identification; relevancy to current study; up-datedness; critical 10
description; coverage; comprehensiveness; sufficiency; with an aim of
identifying added value; etc…
III. METHODOLOGY Appropriateness; adequacy; level of analysis , synthesis and design; 10
(with reference to tools, processes, tools, instruments and approaches; logical flow; data
instruments and adequacy, etc..
IV. RESULTS Degree of systems study, analysis, design and implementation of 50
(including identification of methodology resulting into quality product; ease with which product may
products such as be put to meaningful use; use of effective presentation methodologies
software/ hardware, and tools; adequacy of product documentation; provision of testing
models of systems, etc) strategies; identification of limitations; discussion; conclusion and
recommendations; etc…
V. WRITE-UP Includes an Abstract, i.e. Its well representative-ness of the entire write- 10
PRESENTATION up. Conformity to general layout and write-up presentation standards,
logical sequencing and organization; section/equation numbering; quality
and style of technical language used; professionalism; general
impression; etc.
VI. ORAL Depth of understanding of the subject matter; knowledge of aim, 05
PRESENTATION objective, etc… of the project; provision of satisfactory answers to
/DEMONSTRATION examiners’ questions; effective communication skills; suitability of voice
level and poise during presentation; professionalism; general impression;


1. The examiner’s report should be compiled using the following format :

i) Originality and Contribution
Please, state clearly whether the thesis makes an original contribution to the existing fund of
ii) Research and Methodology used
Indicate whether the candidate has used the right approach to the problem and has not neglected other
methods which could have yielded better results.
iii) Presentation of data
Indicate whether the candidate has presented the data systematically, and in an orderly manner to
ensure that conclusions can be logically drawn from the information gathered.
iv) Literature Citation
Has the candidate made use of available and relevant literature ?
v) Correction or Revision
Indicate exactly what corrections are necessary or whether the project needs to be revised.
Occasionally theses require extensive corrections or revision. If this is the case, please set out the
corrections and paragraphs affected. Whether minor corrections are required, please indicate so.


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