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Other scientific names 

Common names   
C. aurantium L. var. dulcis L.  Cajel (Bik., Ibn., Bis., Span.)  Talamisan (C. Bis.) 
C. longispina  Coolie orange (Engl.)  Tamamisan (C. Bis.) 
C. sinensis  Kahel (Tag.)  Tamisan (C. Bis.) 
C. vulagaris  Sour orange (Engl.)  Valachinuk (Iv.) 
  Sweet orange (Engl.)  Volatino (Iv.)
Citrus aurantium

Small, erect tree with smooth, greenish white shoots with spinescent thorns. Leaves are oblong to subelliptic, about 4 cm wide
to 10 cm long, with narrowly winged petioles. Flowers are white, solitary or few clustered, smooth, and growing from the
uppermost leaf axils. Fruit is spherical, 5 to 9 cm in diameter, the skin orange red and tight; partitioned inside with yellowish
juice sacks.

Found throughout the Philippines, invariably planted.

Chemical constituents and characteristics

• Emmenagogue, aromatic, stomachic, tonic, astringent, mildly carminative, antibacterial, antiemetic, antifungal,
antispasmodic, antitussive, diaphoretic, digestive, stimulant.
• Citric acid, 0.29%; volatile oil-citral, 4%, geraniol, 12%, d-camphene, d-limonene, d-linalool, anthranilic acid methyl ester
0.3%, linalyl acetate 6.35%; indol; stachydrine (alkaloid); hesperidin; fatty oil; carotene; pectin, 6%; vitamins A, B, and C;
enzymes; sugar.
• The flowers and rind of the fresh fruit contain neroli, a volatile oil, a fragrant yellowish liquid with a bitter and aromatic taste.
In india, Neroli, mixed with vaseline, is used as a preventive agaiinst leeches.
•The leaves and young unripe fruit contain a volatile oil, the oil of orange leaf or "neroli petit" grain or essence de "pettitgrain."
The oil consists of limonene 20 percent, nerolo 30 percent, nerolyl-acetate 40 percent and geranio 3 percent.
• Limonoid compounds have highest concentration in the early stages of growth of the leaves and fruit and highest in seeds
during fruit growth and maturation.
• Contains bergapten which sensitizes the skin to sunlight; used in tanning preparations for skin pigmentation.
• Contains umbelliferone, an antifungal.
• Contains citrantin which has antifertility activity and used in contraceptives.

Parts used
Flowers, fruit and rind.
Gas pains: Take decoction of rind as tea.
Nausea and fainting: Squeeze rind near nostril for irritant inhalation.
Dried flowers used as preventive for dysentery.
Orange peel used in preparation of tincture of cinchona and tincture of gentian.
Dried rind is used as tonic dyspepsia and for general debility.
Dried rind is rubbed on the face for acne or eczema.
Water distilled from the flowers used as stimulant.
Used as a stimulant and appetite suppressant
In traditional Chinese medicine, Zhi shi, the immature dried fruit of citrus aurantium, has been used to treat chest congestion
and stimulate gastrointestinal functions.
Nutrition / Culinary
A good source of vitamin C.
Rich in flavonoids.
Dried flowers is a pleasant flavoring agent.
Condiment, fruit, oil.
Flowers used for scenting tea.
Essential oil from the dried fruit used as food flavoring.
Fruit rind used for baking flavors.
Neroli oil, mixed with vaseline, for leech prevention.
In recent years, Citrus aurantium supplements has been promoted for appetite control.

• Citrus flavonoids have potential antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-cancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory activity, and cholesterol
lowering potential.
• Weight Loss: (1) Since the withdrawal of ephedrine in weight loss formulations, C. aurantium has gained entry as a
substitute, and has been reported to aid in weight loss in two studies and increase thermogenesis in three studies. Three
studies reported increased metabolic rates when ingesting C. aurantium products, presenting a thermogenic substitute for
ephedra. (See Caution note below)
• Behavioral Effects: The orange essential oil has been attributed sedative and relaxing properties. In the study in rats, the
decrease in level of emotionality in animals suggest a possible central action, in agreement with its phytochemical oil yield of
limonene and mircene components with known CNS depressant activity.
• Safety and Efficacy As Weight Loss Supplement: A study on the safety and efficacy of the herbal remedy citrus
aurantium for weight loss concludes that there was no evidence it is effective for weight loss.

Caution !
• Herbal Weight Loss Ingredient / Ephedra Substitute / Risks: Since the banning of ephedra-containing weight loss products,
products containing C. aurantium have surfaced. C. aurantium contains flavonoids and can increase blood levels of drugs (cyclosporine,
felodipine, indinavir) with potential drug interactions and attendant side effects. Some extracts and/ or supplements contain high levels of
synephrine which may cause increased heart rate and other signs and symptoms associated with increased metabolism.

Extracts and weight loss supplements in the cybermarket.

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