Back To Back Activity

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Practical Idea 2 : Back to Back

This activity work with almost any graphic material such as photographs, diagrams, graphs, flow
diagrams and maps. I use it in geography to make something that might be a little dull more
interesting and challenging, for example learning about the Demographic Transition Model.
Because students are all talking to each other it will get a little noisy, but noise doesn’t mean
that learning can’t / isn’t taking place.

 Students work in pairs and sit with their chairs placed Back to Back, touching.
 When the students sit this close they should be able to hear one another, but not be
able to see one another directly.
 One student has the photo, graph, diagram etc, the other has a sheet of blank paper and
a pencil.
 The student with the graphic then describes it to the other, aiming to be as accurate as
possible in every detail.
 The listener tries to draw exactly what he is being told and is aiming to create an
absolute replica of the original graphic, including detail, labels, size, shape and
 The listener may ask as many questions as they like, but may not attempt to peek at the
 When your agreed time limit for the task is up, the students compare the two images
 The activity can be repeated with a different graphic if you wish

Learning is deeper because attention to task is so focussed and students have to really work on
using appropriate language to effectively express themselves

Effective questioning skills are developed as the listener interrogates his / her partner to clarify

It is an activity suitable for all abilities and will help develop really good co-operation skills and
will give students the opportunity to develop their PLTS.

Students who are normally reticent to make an oral contribution happily take part in this one to
one activity, so developing their oral skills.

This activity could be used in geography, history, maths, D&T , science, art

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