Diarrhea NCP 1

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Renz Efner S Melgar

BSN IV-3 Grp 3

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Pain probably Independent:
related to • Observe and record stool frequency,
• Subjective: hyperactive vowel characteristics, amount and precipitating
• “ Masakit po yung movement factors.
tiyan ko tpos nagtatae Short term:
• Promote bed rest.
pa ako.” As verbalized At the end of the shift Short term:
• Provide bedside commode.
by the patient. the patient will be After 8 hours of
relief from pain and • Identify foods and fluids that precipitate To gain energy nursing
also report for diarrhea. For the safety intervention the
• Objective:
• Pain scale 4 reduction of stools • Restart oral fluid intake gradually. Offer To know for any gastric patient didn’t
clear liquids hourly, irritation complain for pain
• Wealness
Long term: • Encourage to eat foods like banana and To see if there is and report for
• Fatigue
. At the end of the apple. bleeding reduction of stools
• Thirst
month of continuous • Avoid foods that are oily, spicy and For stool formulation
• nursing intervention caffeine. Long Term:
the patient will be • Encourage increase fluid intake. To avoid gastric After 1 month of
fully recovered and • Encourage to avoid dark colored food irritation continuous nursing
• Autonomic have no signs of pain To avoid dehydration intervention the
• Instruct patient to notify staff of each
Responses: or diarrhea due to To note if there is patient is now
episode of diarrhea
• (RR): 52 cpm amoeba bleeding fully recovered
• Measure diarrhea/bowel output
• (CR): 141 bpm and have no signs
• Weigh patient regularly
• (TEMP.): 36.5°C of pain or diarrhea
• Instruct in low-fiber, high-protein, high-
• (BP): !20-100 due to amoeba
calorie diet, as appropriate
Goal Met
• Give Anti-diarrheal meds as prescribe by
the doctor
• Give Anti-amoeba meds as prescribe by
the doctor
• Give Emetics meds as prescribe by the

• Assisit for FA
• Assist for UA

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