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Hunger is the best sauce. When one has an appetite, even plain food tastes good.
If wishes were horses beggars would Life would be very easy if goals could be achieved only
ride. by desiring.
It is a sad heart that never rejoices. One cannot be gloomy all the time.
It is always possible to improve one's conduct, no matter
It is never too late to mend.
how long one has lead a morally bad life.
It is too late to lock the stable when the It is useless taking precautions after something has
horse has been stolen. happened.
It never rains but it pours. Events, specially misfortunes, always come all at once.
Kill not the goose that lays golden Be satisfied with whatever you get little at a time, and do
eggs. not lose it for the greed to get it all at once.
Laugh and the world laughs with you, There are many to share the joys in good times but none
weep and you weep alone. to share the sorrow in bad times.
A person's character, especially bad nature, will always
The leopard cannot change its spots.
remain the same.
Let the buyer beware or Caveat emptor Satisfy oneself before paying for a purchase and not
(Latin version). complain after the transaction.
A little learning is a dangerous thing. People with insufficient knowledge are easily misled.
If we work with others ignoring their faults, then they
Live and let live.
will work with us ignoring ours.
Love is blind. People in love do not see to each other's shortcomings.
Make hay while the sun shines. Take advantage promptly of favorable opportunities.
More the people doing a job, the less effort for each
Many hands make light work.
person and the less time to finish the job.
Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. There is a lot of time to regret if you wed in a hurry.
The more you have, the more you want. Satisfying one need only creates another need.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Do not expect too much of something received as a gift.

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