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Shot number Shot type Description

1 Wide Shot This photograph will of the all of the cast. They will be in costume
and standing against a black background so that they stand out.
Helen and Dan are going to be the main focus point of the poster,
as they are the most significant characters and are what the
storyline are based around, and their marriage. They will be
standing with all of the other characters with a light on both of the
two characters to connote their innocence against the other
characters. The other characters will be posing to suit their traits
within the soap, Hendrick will be dressed in stereotypically
thuggish clothes such as tracksuit bottoms and a Nike hoody.
Whereas Jenny will be juxtaposed alongside Hendrick looking
worried and fearful, giving connotations of her mistaken teenage
antics. Jenny's father will be looking angry and strict, this is to
give connotations that he is angry at Jenny, his daughter's antics
and to also conventionally show family issues within a soap.
2 Extreme close up This shot is of George's eyes in a black background, I will be
photo shopping the eyes into the black background. This is to give
connotation of mystery and fear in this character against the other.
The eyes will be place above all of the other characters to connote
that he is looking down on all the other characters and their
business within the soap.

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