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Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

2011 Entry

The purpose of this document is to set out for all interested parties the position of the
University of Leeds on key matters relating to recruitment and admission to our
taught postgraduate programmes.

This policy was last reviewed on 22nd July 2010


Section 1 Principles 3

Section 2 Admissions Requirements 3

2.1 Selection principles 3

2.2 General entrance requirements 3
2.3 Qualifications 4
2.4 English language requirements 4
2.5 Applicants who have non-UK qualifications 4
2.6 Part -Time Study 5
2.7 Disabled applicants 5
2.8 Applicants with a health-related issue 5
2.9 Applicants wishing to defer/reapply 6
2.10 Criminal convictions 6

Section 3 Admissions processes 6

3.1 Applications 6
3.2 Application deadlines 7
3.3 Academic documents 7
3.4 Referees 8
3.5 Written work 8
3.6 Communication with applicants 8
3.7 Fraudulent statements, plagiarism and omissions 9
3.8 Offers 9
3.8.1 Conditional offer 9
3.8.2 Unconditional offer 9
3.8.3 Unsuccessful application 9
3.9 Fees and scholarships 9
3.10 Interviews 10
3.11 Accepting an offer 10
3.12 Feedback 10
3.13 Complaints 11

Section 4 Applicants’ Personal Data 11

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

Section 5 Further Information 11

5.1 Pre-application enquiries 11

5.2 Post-application enquiries 11

Section 6 Governance 12

6.1 Context 12
6.2 Admissions and Widening Participation Committee 12
6.3 Monitoring 12

APPENDIX A - Acceptable English Language Qualifications 13

Section 1 Exemptions 13

Section 2 Acceptable English language qualifications 13

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

Section 1 Principles

The University of Leeds is a research-intensive institution which strives to create,

advance and disseminate knowledge, and develop outstanding graduates and
scholars who can make a major impact upon global society.

The University is shaped by the values of academic excellence, community,

professionalism, integrity and inclusiveness. The setting of high admissions
standards plays a key role in maintaining academic excellence.

The University of Leeds is committed to providing a professional admissions service

and to the pursuit of clear, fair and consistently applied policies and procedures. The
University aims to provide fair and equal access to all prospective students who have
the potential to benefit from and contribute to academic life at a research-intensive

The University recognises that, in order to provide fair and equal access to all
prospective students, it may need to demonstrate a flexible approach and, where
appropriate make adjustments for individual applicants - for example, disabled
applicants or applicants who have faced exceptional circumstances.

Our policies and practice are driven by our belief that the life of the University is
enriched by having a body of students which reflects the community at large and
includes students from all parts of the UK, from other EU countries and from further

Section 2 Admissions Requirements

2.1 Selection principles

The University of Leeds endeavours to ensure that the selection process provides
equal consideration for applicants who apply by the relevant closing date.
Achievement or predicted achievement of the required qualifications does not
guarantee an offer of a place. All selection decisions are made on the basis of merit
and the ability of each applicant to meet the academic and non-academic criteria for
admission to the relevant programme of study.

The selection criteria must treat all students fairly and not discriminate unlawfully on
grounds of marital status, gender, gender re-assignment or transsexual status, race
(including colour, nationality, national origin or ethnic origin) disability, sexual
orientation, age, religion or belief, political or other opinion, social origin, association
with a national minority, property, birth or other status.

2.2 General entrance requirements

Admissions decisions for taught postgraduate programmes at the University of Leeds

are made by academic Schools. Applications are assessed by admissions staff on
the basis of information provided on the application form and the submission of
relevant academic documents. Admissions staff select students who are suitably
qualified and capable of benefiting from the educational opportunities available. All
applicants are assessed as individuals and will be given equal opportunity to
demonstrate relevant skills and provide supporting information where required.
academic Schools, their Admissions Tutors and Administrators should demonstrate

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

flexibility where appropriate in response to individual applicants requesting

adjustments to assessment methods.

2.3 Qualifications

Applicants to taught postgraduate programmes should normally have a good first

honours degree of at least second class or equivalent. Criteria for entry to individual
programmes of study may be higher and applicants are advised to check the relevant
academic School prior to making an application. Exceptions to this academic
requirement may be made when applicants can demonstrate significant relevant
industry experience and their potential for benefiting from the programme is clear.
Applicants who are uncertain about the requirements for a particular taught
postgraduate programme are advised to contact the University prior to making an
application. The contact details for pre-application enquiries can be found in section
5.1 of this document.

2.4 English language requirements

Teaching, assessment and student support will normally take place in English, unless
otherwise stated. Academic Schools must be confident that candidates have the
proficiency in English language necessary to succeed on the chosen programme of
study. Applicants for whom English is not their first language may require an English
language qualification to gain entry to the University of Leeds and will be made an
offer which is conditional on successful completion of one of the approved tests. A
list of applicants who are not required to undertake further English language tests
can be found in Appendix A, Section 1. A full list of acceptable language
qualifications and the minimum pass level required are detailed in Appendix A,
Section 2. It should be noted that some departments specify higher requirements
than the University minimum.

Any offer made will be subject to provision of documentary evidence that the required
standard in one of these tests has been met. Applicants who have already taken one
or other of these tests should enclose a copy of their test score with their application
and will be required to present the original certificate at the point of registration.
Students who have a choice between language tests are requested to opt for IELTS.

Even students with high language scores can find they need additional language
support before and during their degree studies at the University of Leeds. The
Language Centre offers a range of classes throughout the year, including pre-
sessional intensive English courses for academic purposes from July to September.
Details of programmes and contact details for the Language Centre can be found on
our website at

2.5 Applicants who have non-UK qualifications

The life of the University is enriched by having a body of students from all over the
world and we welcome applications from students with international qualifications.
Admissions staff have experience in considering a wide range of international
qualifications against the University’s entry requirements, notwithstanding that these
tend to be expressed in accordance with standard British qualifications.

Prospective applicants who wish to discuss whether their qualifications will meet the
University’s entry criteria should contact the Admissions Enquiries office.

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

The University works with a network of representatives across the globe who can
give informed advice on all matters relating to life in Leeds. Applicants and enquirers
may be referred to one of the University’s regional offices or agents overseas.

Information for international applicants can be found on the University of Leeds

website at Contact details for the Admissions
Enquiries Office can be found in section 5.1 of this document.

2.6 Part -time study

Applicants who wish to study on a part-time basis should be aware that not all
programmes offer this mode of study and are encouraged to check with the relevant
academic School prior to making an application. Overseas applicants and applicants
from non-EU countries should note that visa regulations will not normally allow study
on a part-time basis.

2.7 Disabled applicants

The University welcomes applications from disabled people. In line with the
University’s obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act, 1 disabled applicants
will not be treated less favourably than other applicants are, or would be, treated.
The University will strive to make reasonable adjustments to help ensure that
disabled applicants have full and equal access to our admissions procedures and
courses. The judgment about an individual candidate’s academic suitability will be
kept separate from any consideration of the applicant’s disability-related support

Applicants are asked to indicate their disability status on their application form and
we encourage applicants to disclose any disability. Where candidates choose not to
disclose their disability this may make it more difficult, or in some cases impossible,
for the University to make adjustments. Disabled candidates are also advised to
contact the University’s Disability Team (part of the University’s Equality Service)
once an application has been submitted, to discuss any support requirements they
may have in relation to the programme for which they have applied.

The admissions process is covered by the University’s Policy on Equality and

Diversity which is available from the University's Equality Service at

2.8 Applicants with a health-related issue

This section deals with health-related issues, 2 which are distinct from disability-
related issues. Applicants with a health-related issue should contact the relevant
Admissions Tutor as soon as possible if their health is likely to impact on their ability
to engage with the admissions process. The University aims to be flexible in such
circumstances and to take such issues into account.

In summary, the DDA states that a disabled person is someone with a physical or mental
impairment which is long-term (lasting 12 months or more) and which has a substantial
impact of that person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
In contrast with disability issues, health issues are generally shorter-term (lasting less than
12 months) and have a less significant impact on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-
day activities.

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

The University operates procedures to ensure that applicants who have made the
University aware of specific individual needs are provided with appropriate support
through the application process and subsequent study where possible. The
admissions process is covered by the University’s Policy on Equality and Diversity
which is available from the University's Equality Unit

Applicants with a disability or health related issue should notify the University as soon
as possible by contacting the University’s Equality and Diversity unit in order to
discuss their specific needs and how these may be accommodated. Any such
factors will have no influence on the selection process but any offer of a place to
study on the programme is ultimately made on the basis that any specific disability or
health related needs can be reasonably accommodated.

2.9 Applicants wishing to defer/reapply

Applicants who wish to defer an offer of a place or who have been unsuccessful and
wish to reapply in the following academic year should contact the relevant academic
School. Deferral of a place to study is at the discretion of the academic School and
is strictly limited to a maximum of one academic year. Any decision on the eligibility
of applicants who have previously held an offer of a place but failed to achieve the
academic conditions at first attempt will be an academic judgement. Such
candidates should be aware that no guarantee can be given that another offer will be
made, and that the conditions of any future offer may differ to those of the original.
Applicants who request deferral for more than one year will normally be required to

2.10 Criminal convictions

The University has a policy statement on students with criminal records, which can
be accessed from our website at
This policy includes applicants seeking admission. It should be noted that if an
applicant is required to disclose a criminal offence and fails to do so this will generally
be considered a very serious matter and is likely to lead to their application being
rejected or, if admitted, to their registration at the University being revoked.

Having a prior criminal record will not necessarily prevent an applicant from being
offered a place; this may depend, for example, on the nature, timing and relevance of
the criminal offence in question. The University may request further information
about the nature or context of an applicant’s criminal record.

Section 3 Admissions processes

3.1 Applications

Applicants to taught postgraduate programmes are encouraged to apply online at It is also possible to apply by
downloading a paper version of the application form from this section of the website.

Applicants to Healthcare programmes follow a different route and must apply at Applicants who would prefer
to complete a paper application form should contact

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

Applicants for all Postgraduate Certificates in Education (PGCE) courses must apply
online through GTTR (the Graduate Teacher Training Registry) at

3.2 Application deadlines

Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible for taught postgraduate

programmes, and should note that the normal University deadlines for receipt of
applicants for entry in 2011 are as follows:

International applicants – 31st August 2011

Home/EU applicants – 10th September 2011

Some academic Schools also have specified closing dates and applicants are
advised to check these prior to submitting an application.

International students are advised to apply no later than the end of May in the year in
which they wish to enrol, to ensure they have sufficient time to obtain a visa and
prepare for arrival in the UK.

Please note that if you intend to apply for funding, you should submit an application
for a place at least one month before any specific scholarship deadline.

3.3 Academic documents

The following academic documents must be submitted with a taught postgraduate

application. Applicants should be aware that the UK Border Agency may request to
see original copies of academic documents at the point of entry to the UK. Original
or certified copies of the academic documents submitted with a taught postgraduate
application must also be produced to the University at the point of registration.

o Higher Education and Professional Qualifications

If an applicant has already completed professional qualifications or previous

degrees, whether at a UK or overseas university, a copy of the final degree
certificate should be submitted with the application form.

Transcripts of an applicant’s academic record are also required. These

should provide full details of the degree class and grades obtained in each
unit or module. If these documents are not in English they should be
accompanied by a formal certified translation into English by the awarding
insitution or by University of Leeds accredited agent and offices. We will
accept English translation from sworn translators only where documents are
in the original language and certified by the awarding institution.

Applicants who are awaiting the outcome of another undergraduate or

postgraduate programme should provide an interim transcript where possible.
Any offer made will be subject to completion of the programme concerned at
the prescribed level, and to the production of original or certified copies of
academic documents to the University at the point of registration.

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

o English Language Qualifications

Copies of the results of any formal English Language tests, as approved by

the University (see Appendix A, Section 2), which provide evidence that an
applicant has met the minimum requirements for their chosen programme of
study should be submitted with a Taught Postgraduate Application. Without
this evidence, any offer made will be conditional on completion of an
approved English language qualification at the required level. All offers made
will be subject to the provision of original or certified copies of academic
documents to the University at the point of registration.

3.4 Referees

Full, clear and accurate contact details of two referees should be given to the
University by the applicant at the point of application.

Academic Schools may request references from academic referees as a crucial

element of the selection process. Nominated referees should not be related to an
applicant by blood or marriage and should be qualified to comment in detail on their
capacity to cope with the academic demands of the programme for which they are
applying. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who are applying with directly
relevant work experience may nominate a person with knowledge of their
employment activity to act as the second referee. If applicants have any questions
relating to nominating appropriate referees they should contact the Taught
Postgraduate Admissions Office. Contact details can be found in section 5.2 below.

Where they are requested, references should be made on official headed notepaper
in a sealed envelope, signed across the seal and the signature covered with clear

3.5 Written work

Applicants should also enclose with their application any written work that may be
specified as an admissions requirement for their chosen programme. Applicants
should check with the relevant academic School prior to making an application as to
whether there are any such requirements.

3.6 Communication with applicants

The Taught Postgraduate Admissions Office will formally communicate the outcome
of an application directly with the applicant on behalf of the University of Leeds.

Academic Schools may also communicate with applicants during the admissions
process, for example acknowledging receipt of individual applications or requesting
further information where required.

Applicants to some faculties, including the Leeds University Business School, will
receive direct communication from admissions staff within the School including
formal communication of the outcome of their application.

Applicants who have any queries during the application process are encouraged to
contact the University’s Taught Postgraduate Admissions Office. Contact details can
be found in section 5.2 below. Once an offer has been made applicants should

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

contact the academic School to which they have applied using the contact details
contained within the formal offer letter.

3.7 Fraudulent statements, plagiarism and omissions

By submitting an application to the University of Leeds applicants are confirming that

the information given is true, complete and accurate. Applicants should not omit any
requested or relevant information, make any misrepresentation (for example, through
plagiarism) or give false information at any point of the application process including
after an offer is made. Should this occur the University reserves the right to dismiss
an application, withdraw an offer of a place and/or revoke registration.

3.8 Offers

3.8.1 Conditional offer

A conditional offer means that the University of Leeds will offer an applicant a place
providing certain conditions are met. Usually conditions are based on the completion
of outstanding qualifications or meeting the minimum English Language
requirements. Conditional Offers may state the overall grades that must be achieved
and/or specific grades in named modules. Each offer is specific to an applicant’s
individual qualifications and circumstances. Applicants must meet all conditions as
set by the University prior to the start of the course.

A conditional offer means that the University of Leeds will offer an applicant a place
providing they meet certain conditions, which are usually based on the completion of
outstanding academic qualifications

3.8.2 Unconditional offer

An unconditional offer means that an applicant has met the academic and non-
academic entry requirements and has been accepted onto their chosen programme
of study at the University of Leeds.

3.8.3 Unsuccessful application

Applicants will receive a response telling them they have been unsuccessful from the
academic School to which they applied if the University has decided not to offer them
a place on the programme. Applicants who are uncertain if they meet the entrance
requirements for a particular taught postgraduate programme are advised to contact
the University prior to making an application. The contact details for pre-application
enquiries can be found in section 5.1 of this document.

The above does not prejudice the University’s right to rely upon published
disclaimers relating to delivery of programmes and services.

3.9 Fees and scholarships

Acceptance for taught postgraduate study does not imply that the University will
provide financial assistance. The expectation is that applicants will make satisfactory
arrangements for financial support before entry, both for programme fees and for
living expenses, for the whole period of the proposed programme at the University.

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

Any documentary evidence of funding that has been secured, for example in the form
of a bank statement or sponsor's letter, should be included as part of the application.

The University of Leeds currently offers a wide range of scholarships and

studentships that provide funding for students to undertake postgraduate study at the
University. These range from partial funding towards academic fees to fully funded
awards which also provide a living allowance. Further details can be found on our
website at

3.10 Interviews

Applicants may be invited for interview. Applicants who are invited for interview may
obtain further information about the interview process from the relevant Admissions
Tutor. For some programmes an interview or audition forms part of the selection
process to provide each candidate with the same opportunity to demonstrate their
knowledge, understanding and aptitude for the programme of study. In some cases
interviews are used as an opportunity to find out more about an applicant’s
qualifications, motivation and preparations for undertaking a taught postgraduate

Some applicants (for example, disabled applicants, pregnant applicants, etc) will
require adjustments at interview (for example, a sign-language interpreter or an
adjustment to an audition process) to provide them with full and equal access to the
process. Academic Schools are responsible for making reasonable adjustments
where possible in such cases. The University’s Equality Service should be consulted
for further advice or information.

3.11 Accepting an offer

Applicants who are successful in gaining a place for taught postgraduate study will
be made either a conditional or an unconditional offer. Applicants should contact the
University of Leeds as soon as possible to confirm whether or not they wish to accept
this offer.

Applicants can accept their offers in a number of ways:

o Applicants may reply to their offer online by following the link provided in the
offer letter and entering their application number and date of birth.
o Applicants may also inform us that they wish to accept their offer by sending
an email to or directly to the School to which
they have applied. The email should include the applicant’s full name,
applicant number, and the title of the programme being accepted.

3.12 Feedback

Unsuccessful applicants may wish to request feedback on the reason for the
outcome of their application. All requests for feedback must be made in writing to the
relevant Admissions Tutor and must be signed by the applicant. The letter sent by
the University detailing the outcome of the application will contain the contact details
of the relevant Admissions Tutor. Generally where applicants ask for feedback on
why they have not been admitted feedback will be given.

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

3.13 Complaints

The University will consider all applications fairly and effectively in line with the
procedures outlined in this document.

Applicants applying for a taught course who wish to challenge a decision to reject
their application should write to the relevant Head of School detailing the nature of
their complaint. The complaint must normally be made within 14 days in order to
give the University a realistic opportunity of reviewing any application decisions
ahead of the start of the programme.

On receipt of a complaint, the Head of School will review the decision to reject the
applicant. Following this review the Head of School will write to the applicant giving
grounds for their decision.

Applicants who have complained to the Head of School and remain dissatisfied may
submit their complaint to the University’s Student Complaints Officer. This Officer will
not review academic judgements that have been made but will review matters
relating to process.

The University’s Student Complaints Officer will report the outcomes of any reviews
s/he conducts to the Admissions and Widening Participation Committee.

Section 4 Applicants’ Personal Data

The personal data of applicants is processed for the purposes of considering their
admission. Personal data will be processed in accordance with the University’s Code
of Practice on Data Protection

If applicants have any concerns with regard to the processing of their personal data
they should contact Adrian Slater, one of the University’s Data Protection Officers, at

Section 5 Further Information

5.1 Pre-application enquiries

For enquiries about the range of Taught Postgraduate programmes on offer please
contact either the relevant academic School or the Admissions Enquiries Office.

Admissions Enquiries,
University of Leeds,
Telephone: +44 (0) 113 343 2336

5.2 Post-application enquiries

For further information about postgraduate admissions to the University of Leeds

please contact the Taught Postgraduate Admissions Office.

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

Taught Postgraduate Admissions

University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT
Telephone: +44 (0) 113 343 4044 Fax: +44 (0) 113 343 3887

Section 6 Governance

6.1 Context

The University’s admissions policies are consistent with the Quality Assurance
Agency’s Code of Practice on recruitment and admissions and comply with current
law affecting the admission of students.

6.2 Admissions and Widening Participation Committee

Taught postgraduate admissions policy at the University of Leeds is overseen by the

Admissions and Widening Participation Committee. The Admissions and Widening
Participation Committee’s terms of reference are broadly to:

• Promote fairness, consistency and transparency in the University’s

recruitment and admissions practices;
• Formulate University policies, regulations and procedures for the
admission of both Home/EU and International students; to oversee the
implementation and effectiveness of these; and to monitor compliance
with relevant University Quality Assurance statements and external
• Monitor the quality of Home/EU and International student admissions and
recruitment in the University, ensuring integrity and alignment of
processes with the University’s strategic aims and specifically its
Widening Participation Strategy;
• Promote the dissemination of best practice in recruitment and admissions
across the University, to identify development and training needs for
admissions staff and to ensure that these needs are met.

6.3 Monitoring

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Admissions and Widening Participation
Committee and where appropriate policies and procedures for the admission of
students to taught postgraduate programmes will be revised in line with changes to
the internal and external admissions environment.

The admissions policy and practice of academic Schools will be reviewed annually by
Faculty Admissions and Widening Participation Committees who will make
recommendations to the University of Leeds Admissions and Widening Participation
Committee for approval

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

APPENDIX A - Acceptable English Language Qualifications

Section 1 Exemptions

The following applicants are not required to undertake English language tests:

• UK and USA Graduates

• Commonwealth graduates from the following countries (with English as
the medium of instruction): Antigua & Bermuda, Australia, The
Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Canada ∗, Cameroon ∗, Fiji, The
Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho,
Malawi, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Sierra
Leone, Solomon Island, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Trinidad &
Tobago, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
• NHS registered overseas doctors
• Applicants who have previously spent a minimum 2 yrs in the UK to
complete degree

Section 2 Acceptable English Language Qualifications

A full list of the acceptable language qualifications are detailed below with the
University’s minimum requirement. Please note that several Schools specify higher
requirements than the University minimum listed below.

• IELTS (International English Language Testing System): an overall

band 6.0 with not less than 5.5 in listening and reading, and not less
than 5 in speaking and writing
• TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language):

a) internet-based test: a total score of 83, with not less than: 18

in listening, 20 in reading and speaking, and 21 in writing;
b) paper-based test: a score of 550 with a score of 4.0 on the
TWE (Test of Written English)

Applies to graduates from these countries irrespective of nationality (English speaking parts only)

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

• Pearson Test of Academic English (PTE Academic): a minimum of 56

on PTE Academic, with at least 52 in each of the skills.
• University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: Certificate of
Proficiency in English: grades A – C
• University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: Certificate in Advanced
English: grades A - C University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations:
Certificates in English Language Skills: Higher level in all skills
(listening, reading, speaking and writing)
• 'Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic): 56 on PTE
Academic, with at least 52 in each of the skills.
• City & Guilds Pitman Qualifications English for Speakers of Other
Languages: a pass at Expert (or the higher Mastery) Level in both the
ESOL and Spoken ESOL examinations
• London Tests of English (Edexcel/Pearson Language Assessments):
a pass at Level 4
• University of Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language: gg
grades A – C
• Malaysian Certificate of Education: English language at Ordinary level
if designated 121 (not 322 or 122): grades 1 - 6
• Hong Kong Examinations Authority Use of English: grades A – C
• Hong Kong Examinations Authority Certificate of Education in
English language Syllabus B (Ordinary): grades A – C
• Cambridge Overseas School Certificate in English language:
grades 1 – 6
• Singapore/Cambridge GCE O level in English language: grades 1 – 6
• 70% or higher in English in the Indian Standard XII, together with use
of English as the medium of instruction at school.
• Edexcel Certificate of Attainment in English: grades 5 – 6
• TEEP (Test of English for Educational Purposes, administered by the
University of Reading): an overall score of 6.0, with at least 5.5 in
listening, reading, writing and grammar)
• Michigan University’s Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency
in English: pass
• Anglia Examination Syndicate’s Proficiency Level Examination in
English: pass or higher (credit, distinction)

2011 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy

• Euro Examination Centre’s (based in Hungary) Euro or Euro Pro C1

examination (C1 is essential): pass
• Trinity College Integrated Skills in English III examination: pass


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