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Full Tilt Poker Game #7618172582: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.

25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:05:31 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($17.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($24.90)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($22.90)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($17.85)
THE_RANNNNN posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5h 8d]
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
THE_RANNNNN raises to $0.75
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to THE_RANNNNN
THE_RANNNNN wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618175754: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:05:53 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($17.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($24.90)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($17.85)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 3h]
miracle grow has 15 seconds left to act
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
THE_RANNNNN raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to THE_RANNNNN
THE_RANNNNN wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618179419: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:06:19 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($17.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($24.90)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($17.60)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d 3s]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618182231: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:06:39 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.60)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($17.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($25.25)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($17.50)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd 3s]
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow calls $0.15
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.50
miracle grow calls $0.25
*** FLOP *** [6s Ts 5h]
miracle grow checks
FT_Kamaz bets $1
miracle grow folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($0.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1 | Rake $0.05
Board: [6s Ts 5h]
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) collected ($0.95), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618186678: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:07:10 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.10)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18.10)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($25.25)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($17.50)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad 9s]
DanielRose raises to $0.85
Humpy961 calls $0.85
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
*** FLOP *** [9h 8c 2c]
DanielRose bets $1.25
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($1.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0.10
Board: [9h 8c 2c]
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($1.95), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 folded on the Flop
Full Tilt Poker Game #7618190899: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:07:40 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.10)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($25)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25.75)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($16.65)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
THE_RANNNNN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd 3h]
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to THE_RANNNNN
THE_RANNNNN wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618193540: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:07:59 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.10)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($24.90)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25.75)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($16.65)
THE_RANNNNN posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7s Ah]
Humpy961 calls $0.25
miracle grow calls $0.25
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $1.35
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $1.10
miracle grow folds
*** FLOP *** [3d 5c Jc]
Humpy961 checks
zsebeHUN bets $2.25
Humpy961 calls $2.25
*** TURN *** [3d 5c Jc] [9s]
Humpy961 checks
zsebeHUN checks
*** RIVER *** [3d 5c Jc 9s] [5s]
Humpy961 checks
zsebeHUN checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
zsebeHUN shows [As Qh] a pair of Fives
Humpy961 shows [3c 2c] two pair, Fives and Threes
Humpy961 wins the pot ($7.45) with two pair, Fives and Threes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.80 | Rake $0.35
Board: [3d 5c Jc 9s 5s]
Seat 1: miracle grow folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) showed [As Qh] and lost with a pair of Fives
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 showed [3c 2c] and won ($7.45) with two pair, Fives and Threes

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618200632: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:08:48 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($16.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.30)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25.50)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($20.50)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8d Kd]
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.25
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose raises to $1.25
Humpy961 calls $1
FT_Kamaz folds
*** FLOP *** [Qd 5d 8h]
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose bets $2.25
Humpy961 calls $2.25
*** TURN *** [Qd 5d 8h] [Ts]
DanielRose checks
Humpy961 checks
*** RIVER *** [Qd 5d 8h Ts] [4s]
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose checks
Humpy961 bets $7.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $7.25 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($6.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.25 | Rake $0.35
Board: [Qd 5d 8h Ts 4s]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded on the River
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) collected ($6.90), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618210243: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:09:57 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($16.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($17.75)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.30)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($22)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($23.90)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh Kh]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose raises to $1
Humpy961 calls $0.90
miracle grow calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [Ah 8c Th]
Humpy961 checks
miracle grow checks
DanielRose bets $2.25
Humpy961 calls $2.25
miracle grow folds
*** TURN *** [Ah 8c Th] [As]
Humpy961 checks
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose checks
*** RIVER *** [Ah 8c Th As] [6c]
Humpy961 has 15 seconds left to act
Humpy961 bets $5
DanielRose adds $6.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $5 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($7.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.50 | Rake $0.35
Board: [Ah 8c Th As 6c]
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) folded on the River
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) collected ($7.15), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618218779: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:10:56 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($15.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($17.75)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.30)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($23.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.80)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Js 4s]
zsebeHUN folds
THE_RANNNNN raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [8s Kh 4c]
FT_Kamaz checks
*** TURN *** [8s Kh 4c] [Ks]
FT_Kamaz checks
THE_RANNNNN has 15 seconds left to act
*** RIVER *** [8s Kh 4c Ks] [7s]
FT_Kamaz checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
THE_RANNNNN shows [Qc Jc] a pair of Kings
FT_Kamaz shows [Ac Tc] a pair of Kings
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($1.75) with a pair of Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [8s Kh 4c Ks 7s]
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) showed [Ac Tc] and won ($1.75) with a pair of Kings
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN showed [Qc Jc] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618226187: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:11:48 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($15.75)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.30)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($22.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.80)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8h 2c]
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 raises to $0.50
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN calls $0.25
*** FLOP *** [Kd Kc Ac]
zsebeHUN checks
Humpy961 checks
*** TURN *** [Kd Kc Ac] [Qs]
zsebeHUN checks
Humpy961 has 15 seconds left to act
Humpy961 checks
*** RIVER *** [Kd Kc Ac Qs] [2h]
zsebeHUN bets $1.10
Humpy961 has 15 seconds left to act
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.10 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($1.05)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.10 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Kd Kc Ac Qs 2h]
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) collected ($1.05), mucked
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 folded on the River

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618235173: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:12:51 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($15.75)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18.55)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.85)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($22.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.30)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
THE_RANNNNN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Tc 2c]
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 raises to $0.50
miracle grow calls $0.50
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
*** FLOP *** [Th 3c 6c]
Humpy961 bets $1.25
miracle grow calls $1.25
*** TURN *** [Th 3c 6c] [Kc]
Humpy961 checks
miracle grow bets $1.50
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to miracle grow
miracle grow mucks
miracle grow wins the pot ($3.70)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.85 | Rake $0.15
Board: [Th 3c 6c Kc]
Seat 1: miracle grow collected ($3.70), mucked
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 folded on the Turn

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618241383: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:13:36 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.70)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18.55)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.75)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($22.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.55)
THE_RANNNNN posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h Th]
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
THE_RANNNNN calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [Kd Qc Ks]
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [Kd Qc Ks] [5s]
DanielRose checks
*** RIVER *** [Kd Qc Ks 5s] [4h]
DanielRose checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
THE_RANNNNN shows [7d 9c] a pair of Kings
DanielRose shows [9h Th] a pair of Kings
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.50) with a pair of Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Kd Qc Ks 5s 4h]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (small blind) showed [7d 9c] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) showed [9h Th] and won ($0.50) with a pair of Kings
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618247310: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:14:18 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.70)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18.55)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.75)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($22.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25.25)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.55)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad 8h]
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.50
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.25
*** FLOP *** [Ts 5d 3c]
Humpy961 checks
FT_Kamaz checks
*** TURN *** [Ts 5d 3c] [Jh]
Humpy961 bets $0.25
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($1.05)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.10 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Ts 5d 3c Jh]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz folded on the Turn
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) collected ($1.05), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618254715: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:15:09 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.70)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18.05)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.75)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($22.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25.15)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($26.10)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts Kc]
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose raises to $1
Humpy961 calls $0.90
miracle grow folds
*** FLOP *** [Js Qs 3h]
Humpy961 checks
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [Js Qs 3h] [Qc]
Humpy961 checks
DanielRose checks
*** RIVER *** [Js Qs 3h Qc] [Ac]
Humpy961 bets $0.25
DanielRose raises to $3
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $2.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($2.65)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.75 | Rake $0.10
Board: [Js Qs 3h Qc Ac]
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) collected ($2.65), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) folded on the River

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618261749: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:15:58 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.45)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($18.05)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.75)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($22.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.55)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.85)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4h Ac]
zsebeHUN raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618264379: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:16:17 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.35)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($17.80)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.10)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($22.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.55)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.85)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5c 6c]
THE_RANNNNN raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.75
zsebeHUN calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [8c Kc 3d]
FT_Kamaz checks
zsebeHUN has 15 seconds left to act
zsebeHUN checks
*** TURN *** [8c Kc 3d] [4h]
FT_Kamaz checks
zsebeHUN checks
*** RIVER *** [8c Kc 3d 4h] [Ks]
FT_Kamaz checks
zsebeHUN checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
THE_RANNNNN shows [6s 7s] a pair of Kings
FT_Kamaz shows [Td Qd] a pair of Kings
zsebeHUN shows [Ad 8s] two pair, Kings and Eights
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($2.45) with two pair, Kings and Eights
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.55 | Rake $0.10
Board: [8c Kc 3d 4h Ks]
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) showed [Td Qd] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) showed [Ad 8s] and won ($2.45) with two pair, Kings
and Eights
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN showed [6s 7s] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #7618272455: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:17:14 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.35)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($16.95)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($23.70)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($21.30)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.55)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.85)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
THE_RANNNNN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8d Th]
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.25
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
*** FLOP *** [Ks 8c 9s]
Humpy961 bets $0.25
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [Ks 8c 9s]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 collected ($0.60), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618275005: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:17:32 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.35)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($16.95)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($23.60)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($21.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.55)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.20)
THE_RANNNNN posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8d Ac]
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.25
zsebeHUN raises to $1.10
DanielRose folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.85
*** FLOP *** [3s Kh Kd]
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz bets $1
zsebeHUN has 15 seconds left to act
zsebeHUN calls $1
*** TURN *** [3s Kh Kd] [5h]
FT_Kamaz checks
zsebeHUN checks
*** RIVER *** [3s Kh Kd 5h] [7d]
FT_Kamaz bets $2
zsebeHUN raises to $6
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $4 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($8.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $8.55 | Rake $0.40
Board: [3s Kh Kd 5h 7d]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz folded on the River
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) collected ($8.15), mucked
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618286215: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:18:50 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.35)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($12.85)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($27.65)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($20.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.30)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.20)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8h Td]
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.25
zsebeHUN folds
THE_RANNNNN has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose calls $0.15
Humpy961 checks
*** FLOP *** [7d Ac 4s]
DanielRose checks
Humpy961 checks
FT_Kamaz bets $0.75
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 has 15 seconds left to act
Humpy961 is sitting out
Humpy961 has timed out
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [7d Ac 4s]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618296578: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:20:02 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.35)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($13.35)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($27.65)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($20.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.95), is sitting out
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5d 8c]
FT_Kamaz calls $0.25
zsebeHUN raises to $1
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 has returned
miracle grow has 15 seconds left to act
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [9h 7h Qs]
FT_Kamaz bets $2.25
zsebeHUN has 15 seconds left to act
zsebeHUN calls $2.25
*** TURN *** [9h 7h Qs] [9s]
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz checks
zsebeHUN checks
*** RIVER *** [9h 7h Qs 9s] [5c]
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz bets $1
zsebeHUN raises to $3
FT_Kamaz calls $2
*** SHOW DOWN ***
zsebeHUN shows [Js Ks] a pair of Nines
FT_Kamaz shows [Jd Qc] two pair, Queens and Nines
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($12.15) with two pair, Queens and Nines
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $12.75 | Rake $0.60
Board: [9h 7h Qs 9s 5c]
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz showed [Jd Qc] and won ($12.15) with two pair, Queens and Nines
Seat 3: zsebeHUN showed [Js Ks] and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618307865: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:21:21 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.10)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($19.25)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.40)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($20.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.95)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4d 3c]
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose folds
THE_RANNNNN adds $4.05
miracle grow has 15 seconds left to act
miracle grow calls $0.15
FT_Kamaz checks
*** FLOP *** [As Ah 3s]
miracle grow checks
FT_Kamaz checks
*** TURN *** [As Ah 3s] [2d]
miracle grow checks
FT_Kamaz checks
*** RIVER *** [As Ah 3s 2d] [2s]
miracle grow checks
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
miracle grow shows [6h 7c] two pair, Aces and Twos
FT_Kamaz shows [9d 8d] two pair, Aces and Twos
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($0.50) with two pair, Aces and Twos
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [As Ah 3s 2d 2s]
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) showed [6h 7c] and lost with two pair, Aces and
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) showed [9d 8d] and won ($0.50) with two pair, Aces
and Twos
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618315712: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:22:16 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($16.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($19.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.40)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.95)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
Humpy961 posts a dead small blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 3d]
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow raises to $1
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to miracle grow
miracle grow mucks
THE_RANNNNN is sitting out
miracle grow wins the pot ($0.70)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.70 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) collected ($0.70), mucked
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618319114: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:22:40 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.30)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($19.40)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.15)
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN ($25), is sitting out
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.85)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
THE_RANNNNN stands up
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jc Kd]
Humpy961 calls $0.25
Veronica84v sits down
Veronica84v adds $25
miracle grow raises to $1
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $3.50
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
Uncalled bet of $2.50 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($2.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) collected ($2.50), mucked
Seat 4: THE_RANNNNN is sitting out
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618322588: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:23:04 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($16.30)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($19.40)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.65)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25.80)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.60)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd 8s]
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose calls $0.15
Humpy961 checks
*** FLOP *** [Kc 5s 3d]
DanielRose checks
Humpy961 checks
*** TURN *** [Kc 5s 3d] [Tc]
DanielRose bets $0.50
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Kc 5s 3d Tc]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v is sitting out
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) folded on the Turn

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618326823: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:23:34 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($16.30)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($19.40)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.65)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($26.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.35)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
Veronica84v posts $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad 5c]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v checks
DanielRose raises to $1.50
Humpy961 calls $1.40
miracle grow folds
Veronica84v folds
*** FLOP *** [Ah 2s 7d]
Humpy961 checks
DanielRose bets $2.25
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $2.25 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($3.35)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.50 | Rake $0.15
Board: [Ah 2s 7d]
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) collected ($3.35), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618332185: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:24:11 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($16.05)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($19.40)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.65)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.75)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($27.90)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($22.85)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d 6s]
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [5c 6d Qc]
FT_Kamaz bets $1.80
Veronica84v calls $1.80
*** TURN *** [5c 6d Qc] [8d]
FT_Kamaz checks
Veronica84v has 15 seconds left to act
Veronica84v bets $5
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $5 returned to Veronica84v
Veronica84v mucks
Veronica84v wins the pot ($5.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.40 | Rake $0.25
Board: [5c 6d Qc 8d]
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v collected ($5.15), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618340130: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:25:07 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($15.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($16.75)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.65)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($27.25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($27.90)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($22.85)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd Js]
Veronica84v calls $0.25
DanielRose raises to $1.25
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $1.15
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v calls $1
*** FLOP *** [8s 3s 9c]
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz bets $2
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose raises to $8
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz calls $6
*** TURN *** [8s 3s 9c] [3c]
FT_Kamaz checks
DanielRose bets $18.65, and is all in
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $18.65 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($19)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $20 | Rake $1
Board: [8s 3s 9c 3c]
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($19), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618350328: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:26:18 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($15.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($7.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.40)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($26)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.65)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($22.85)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
Veronica84v posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd Ac]
DanielRose raises to $1
Humpy961 raises to $3.35
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $2.35 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($2.35)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.35 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 collected ($2.35), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618355014: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:26:51 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($15.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($7.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.30)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.75)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($36.65)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.20)
Veronica84v posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3s 4h]
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.25
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [7s Ac Qh]
DanielRose checks
FT_Kamaz checks
*** TURN *** [7s Ac Qh] [9s]
DanielRose checks
FT_Kamaz bets $0.60
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [7s Ac Qh 9s]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618359096: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:27:19 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($15.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($7.85)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.30)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($36.40)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.20)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5h 6s]
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose calls $0.15
Humpy961 checks
*** FLOP *** [3h 8c 9h]
DanielRose checks
Humpy961 checks
*** TURN *** [3h 8c 9h] [7s]
DanielRose bets $0.50
Humpy961 calls $0.50
*** RIVER *** [3h 8c 9h 7s] [Ks]
DanielRose bets $1.50
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($1.45)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0.05
Board: [3h 8c 9h 7s Ks]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($1.45), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) folded on the River

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618364425: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:27:57 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($15.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($7.85)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.30)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($23.45)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4c Tc]
FT_Kamaz calls $0.25
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.15
miracle grow raises to $1
FT_Kamaz calls $0.75
Humpy961 calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [6d 8c 7h]
Humpy961 checks
miracle grow checks
FT_Kamaz checks
*** TURN *** [6d 8c 7h] [3d]
Humpy961 bets $0.25
miracle grow calls $0.25
FT_Kamaz folds
*** RIVER *** [6d 8c 7h 3d] [Ad]
Humpy961 checks
miracle grow bets $1
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to miracle grow
miracle grow mucks
miracle grow wins the pot ($3.35)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.50 | Rake $0.15
Board: [6d 8c 7h 3d Ad]
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) collected ($3.35), mucked
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz folded on the Turn
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) folded on the River

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618373208: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:28:57 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.05)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($6.85)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.30)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($22.20)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2h 2s]
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose raises to $0.85
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618375698: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:29:14 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($6.60)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.30)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.45)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($22.20)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd 9s]
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 raises to $0.85
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.75
zsebeHUN folds
*** FLOP *** [As 4h 4s]
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz bets $0.80
Humpy961 calls $0.80
*** TURN *** [As 4h 4s] [Td]
FT_Kamaz checks
Humpy961 bets $3.55
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $3.55 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($3.40)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.55 | Rake $0.15
Board: [As 4h 4s Td]
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 collected ($3.40), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618385217: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:30:20 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($4.95)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($22.05)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.45)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($23.95)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
Veronica84v posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6s Js]
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 raises to $0.50
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 collected ($0.60), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618387515: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:30:36 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($4.95)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.95)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.45)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.30)
Veronica84v posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad 7c]
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.25
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [6c 3c 9h]
Veronica84v bets $0.75
DanielRose folds
FT_Kamaz raises to $1.50
Veronica84v has 15 seconds left to act
Veronica84v folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($2.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.25 | Rake $0.10
Board: [6c 3c 9h]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz collected ($2.15), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618394345: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:31:23 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($17.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($6.10)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.95)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.20)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.30)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4s 7s]
miracle grow has 15 seconds left to act
miracle grow raises to $1
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN calls $1
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
*** FLOP *** [As 3c 3d]
miracle grow bets $1.50
zsebeHUN has 15 seconds left to act
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to miracle grow
miracle grow mucks
miracle grow wins the pot ($2.25)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.35 | Rake $0.10
Board: [As 3c 3d]
Seat 1: miracle grow collected ($2.25), mucked
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618400217: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:32:04 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($19.20)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($6.10)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($20.95)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($24.05)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ac 9s]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v raises to $0.85
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.75
miracle grow folds
*** FLOP *** [7d As 8d]
Humpy961 checks
Veronica84v bets $1.95
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.95 returned to Veronica84v
Veronica84v mucks
Veronica84v wins the pot ($1.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.95 | Rake $0.05
Board: [7d As 8d]
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v collected ($1.90), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618405245: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:32:39 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.95)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($6.10)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($20.95)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.45)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($23.20)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8d 2h]
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.85
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
*** FLOP *** [Ad 8c Ts]
Veronica84v bets $1.80
Humpy961 calls $1.80
*** TURN *** [Ad 8c Ts] [5c]
Veronica84v checks
Humpy961 bets $5.25
Veronica84v folds
Uncalled bet of $5.25 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($5.40)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.65 | Rake $0.25
Board: [Ad 8c Ts 5c]
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v folded on the Turn
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) collected ($5.40), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618409603: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:33:09 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($5.85)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($20.95)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($22.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.95)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts 7h]
Veronica84v calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz calls $0.15
zsebeHUN checks
*** FLOP *** [8d Qc Js]
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz checks
zsebeHUN bets $0.50
Veronica84v has 15 seconds left to act
Veronica84v folds
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [8d Qc Js]
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 4: Veronica84v folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618417483: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:34:03 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($5.60)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.45)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($22.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.95)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
Veronica84v posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks 4d]
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN has 15 seconds left to act
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Veronica84v
Veronica84v mucks
Veronica84v wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618420624: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:34:25 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($5.60)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.35)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($22.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.95)
Veronica84v posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6h Ks]
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $0.85
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: Veronica84v (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618423624: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:34:45 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($5.60)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.70)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($22.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($36.85)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.95)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2s 8s]
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618425648: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:34:59 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($5.60)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.70)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($22.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($36.75)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($26.05)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8c 6d]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.75
miracle grow folds
*** FLOP *** [Ad 4d 2c]
Humpy961 checks
Veronica84v bets $1.80
Humpy961 calls $1.80
*** TURN *** [Ad 4d 2c] [Ac]
Humpy961 checks
Veronica84v checks
*** RIVER *** [Ad 4d 2c Ac] [3h]
Humpy961 bets $5.55
Veronica84v calls $5.55
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Humpy961 shows [3c 3d] a full house, Threes full of Aces
Veronica84v mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($15.85) with a full house, Threes full of Aces
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $16.65 | Rake $0.80
Board: [Ad 4d 2c Ac 3h]
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v mucked [Td Ts] - two pair, Aces and Tens
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) showed [3c 3d] and won ($15.85) with a full house,
Threes full of Aces

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618431876: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:35:41 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.60)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($5.60)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.70)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($14.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($36.75)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($33.70)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qc Jd]
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
Veronica84v adds $10.65
DanielRose raises to $0.85
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618434960: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:36:03 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.50)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($5.35)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.70)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($33.70)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5d 3c]
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.25
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.50
zsebeHUN calls $0.25
Humpy961 calls $0.25
*** FLOP *** [Ts Qc Td]
FT_Kamaz checks
zsebeHUN checks
Humpy961 bets $1.50
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz calls $1.50
zsebeHUN folds
*** TURN *** [Ts Qc Td] [Ah]
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz bets $2
Humpy961 raises to $4
FT_Kamaz calls $1.35, and is all in
Humpy961 shows [Ks Qh]
FT_Kamaz shows [Kc Ad]
Uncalled bet of $0.65 returned to Humpy961
*** RIVER *** [Ts Qc Td Ah] [6c]
Humpy961 shows two pair, Queens and Tens
FT_Kamaz shows two pair, Aces and Tens
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($10.65) with two pair, Aces and Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $11.20 | Rake $0.55
Board: [Ts Qc Td Ah 6c]
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) showed [Kc Ad] and won ($10.65) with two pair, Aces
and Tens
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 showed [Ks Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and Tens

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618444698: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:37:09 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.50)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.20)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.10)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($28.35)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
Veronica84v posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd As]
DanielRose raises to $0.85
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618449911: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:37:44 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.50)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.10)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.75)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.45)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($28.35)
Veronica84v posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks As]
Humpy961 calls $0.25
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose raises to $1
Humpy961 calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [Ah 8h Qs]
DanielRose bets $1.50
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($2)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.10 | Rake $0.10
Board: [Ah 8h Qs]
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($2), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618454992: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:38:19 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.50)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.10)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.45)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.35)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts 7d]
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $0.85
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: Veronica84v (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618457163: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:38:34 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.50)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.45)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.35)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.10)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
miracle grow posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd 3h]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.15
miracle grow checks
*** FLOP *** [2c As 9s]
Humpy961 bets $0.25
miracle grow folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [2c As 9s]
Seat 1: miracle grow (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618459822: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:38:52 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.25)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.65)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.45)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.35)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.35)
miracle grow posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd 8d]
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 raises to $0.85
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to Humpy961
Humpy961 mucks
Humpy961 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) collected ($0.60), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618461678: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:39:04 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.15)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.40)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.45)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.35)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.70)
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3d Ad]
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose calls $0.25
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.50
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose calls $0.25
*** FLOP *** [5h Jc 9c]
FT_Kamaz checks
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [5h Jc 9c] [6h]
FT_Kamaz checks
DanielRose checks
*** RIVER *** [5h Jc 9c 6h] [Qh]
FT_Kamaz checks
DanielRose bets $0.75
FT_Kamaz calls $0.75
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DanielRose shows [3d Ad] Ace Queen high
FT_Kamaz shows [Ac 4d] Ace Queen high
FT_Kamaz ties for the pot ($1.35) with Ace Queen high
DanielRose ties for the pot ($1.30) with Ace Queen high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.75 | Rake $0.10
Board: [5h Jc 9c 6h Qh]
Seat 1: miracle grow (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) showed [Ac 4d] and won ($1.35) with Ace Queen high
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose showed [3d Ad] and won ($1.30) with Ace Queen high
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618468431: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:39:50 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.15)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($21.20)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.40)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.70)
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
Veronica84v posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5c 6h]
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow folds
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $0.75
Veronica84v raises to $2.25
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to Veronica84v
Veronica84v mucks
Veronica84v wins the pot ($1.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: miracle grow didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (big blind) collected ($1.50), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618472722: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:40:19 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($18.15)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($20.45)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.40)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($27.70)
Veronica84v posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qs 4h]
Humpy961 calls $0.25
miracle grow calls $0.25
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $1.35
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $1.10
miracle grow has 15 seconds left to act
miracle grow calls $1.10
*** FLOP *** [Qc Kc 4d]
Humpy961 checks
miracle grow checks
zsebeHUN has 15 seconds left to act
zsebeHUN bets $2.25
Humpy961 folds
miracle grow raises to $16.80, and is all in
zsebeHUN calls $14.55
miracle grow shows [4c Ac]
zsebeHUN shows [Ks Kd]
*** TURN *** [Qc Kc 4d] [3d]
*** RIVER *** [Qc Kc 4d 3d] [Jh]
miracle grow shows a pair of Fours
zsebeHUN shows three of a kind, Kings
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($36.10) with three of a kind, Kings
miracle grow is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $38 | Rake $1.90
Board: [Qc Kc 4d 3d Jh]
Seat 1: miracle grow showed [4c Ac] and lost with a pair of Fours
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) showed [Ks Kd] and won ($36.10) with three of a kind,
Seat 4: Veronica84v (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618481303: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:41:15 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: miracle grow ($0), is sitting out
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($38.40)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.30)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.15)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($26.35)
miracle grow stands up
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Humpy961 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th 7s]
FT_Kamaz folds
ghardoon adds $25
zsebeHUN raises to $0.85
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [5d 6d 3h]
Humpy961 checks
zsebeHUN checks
*** TURN *** [5d 6d 3h] [3d]
Humpy961 bets $0.25
zsebeHUN calls $0.25
*** RIVER *** [5d 6d 3h 3d] [As]
Humpy961 checks
zsebeHUN bets $1.25
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to zsebeHUN
zsebeHUN mucks
zsebeHUN wins the pot ($2.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.30 | Rake $0.10
Board: [5d 6d 3h 3d As]
Seat 1: miracle grow is sitting out
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN collected ($2.20), mucked
Seat 4: Veronica84v (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 (big blind) folded on the River

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618486666: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:41:51 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($25)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($39.50)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.30)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($25.25)
Humpy961 posts the small blind of $0.10
ghardoon posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh 4d]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $0.85
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 calls $0.75
ghardoon raises to $3.40
zsebeHUN folds
Humpy961 calls $2.55
*** FLOP *** [Qh 6c 7s]
Humpy961 checks
ghardoon bets $3
Humpy961 calls $3
*** TURN *** [Qh 6c 7s] [3d]
Humpy961 checks
ghardoon bets $8
Humpy961 folds
Uncalled bet of $8 returned to ghardoon
ghardoon mucks
ghardoon wins the pot ($13)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $13.65 | Rake $0.65
Board: [Qh 6c 7s 3d]
Seat 1: ghardoon (big blind) collected ($13), mucked
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (small blind) folded on the Turn

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618494056: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:42:40 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($31.60)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($38.65)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.30)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85)
ghardoon posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5s Js]
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Humpy961 folds
ghardoon calls $0.15
Humpy961 is sitting out
FT_Kamaz checks
*** FLOP *** [Th 7h 7c]
ghardoon bets $0.50
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to ghardoon
ghardoon mucks
ghardoon wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Th 7h 7c]
Seat 1: ghardoon (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618498304: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:43:08 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($31.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.25)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($38.65)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.30)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6h 7c]
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
ghardoon folds
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.50
zsebeHUN has 15 seconds left to act
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: ghardoon (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618502248: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:43:33 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($31.85)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10.50)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($38.40)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.30)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
Veronica84v posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts 3s]
DanielRose folds
ghardoon calls $0.25
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.75
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
ghardoon calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [Kd 7h 8c]
ghardoon checks
FT_Kamaz bets $1.85
ghardoon has 15 seconds left to act
ghardoon raises to $31.10, and is all in
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz folds
Uncalled bet of $29.25 returned to ghardoon
ghardoon mucks
ghardoon wins the pot ($5.30)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.55 | Rake $0.25
Board: [Kd 7h 8c]
Seat 1: ghardoon collected ($5.30), mucked
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out
Full Tilt Poker Game #7618511322: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:44:31 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($34.55)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($7.90)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($38.30)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($38.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
Veronica84v posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4c 6s]
ghardoon folds
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.50
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: ghardoon didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618513852: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:44:48 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($34.55)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($8.25)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($38.30)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($37.80)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ghardoon posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd Qc]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN raises to $0.85
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose raises to $3.30
ghardoon folds
zsebeHUN calls $2.45
*** FLOP *** [Jh 9d 2c]
DanielRose bets $5.50
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $5.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($6.55)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $6.85 | Rake $0.30
Board: [Jh 9d 2c]
Seat 1: ghardoon (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($6.55), mucked
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618519491: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:45:25 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($34.30)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($8.25)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($35)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($41.05)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
ghardoon posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As 3s]
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose calls $0.25
ghardoon calls $0.15
FT_Kamaz checks
*** FLOP *** [4h Tc 5c]
ghardoon checks
FT_Kamaz checks
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [4h Tc 5c] [Ac]
ghardoon checks
FT_Kamaz checks
DanielRose checks
*** RIVER *** [4h Tc 5c Ac] [6c]
ghardoon checks
FT_Kamaz checks
DanielRose checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ghardoon shows [9s 8s] Ace Ten high
FT_Kamaz shows [8d 5h] a pair of Fives
DanielRose shows [As 3s] a pair of Aces
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.75) with a pair of Aces
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [4h Tc 5c Ac 6c]
Seat 1: ghardoon (small blind) showed [9s 8s] and lost with Ace Ten high
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) showed [8d 5h] and lost with a pair of Fives
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) showed [As 3s] and won ($0.75) with a pair of Aces
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618528404: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:46:23 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($34.05)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($8)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($35)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($41.55)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5s 6s]
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose calls $0.25
ghardoon folds
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.75
zsebeHUN folds
DanielRose calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [Jh Qs Kd]
FT_Kamaz bets $1.75
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $1.75 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($1.70)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.75 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Jh Qs Kd]
Seat 1: ghardoon (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) collected ($1.70), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618534012: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:47:00 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($34.05)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($8.95)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($34.75)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($40.80)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
zsebeHUN posts the small blind of $0.10
Veronica84v posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6c 9c]
DanielRose folds
ghardoon folds
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Veronica84v
Veronica84v mucks
Veronica84v wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: ghardoon didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618535808: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:47:11 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($34.05)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($8.95)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($34.65)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($25.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($40.80)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
Veronica84v posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qc 2c]
ghardoon folds
FT_Kamaz raises to $0.50
zsebeHUN calls $0.50
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
*** FLOP *** [7s 7h Qh]
FT_Kamaz bets $1.35
zsebeHUN folds
Uncalled bet of $1.35 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($1.30)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.35 | Rake $0.05
Board: [7s 7h Qh]
Seat 1: ghardoon didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz collected ($1.30), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Veronica84v (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618541075: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:47:45 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($34.05)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($9.75)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($34.15)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($40.55)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ghardoon posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s Jh]
FT_Kamaz folds
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to ghardoon
ghardoon mucks
ghardoon wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: ghardoon (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618542799: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:47:57 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($34.15)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($9.75)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($34.15)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($40.45)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
ghardoon posts the small blind of $0.10
FT_Kamaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9c 7h]
zsebeHUN folds
Veronica84v folds
DanielRose folds
ghardoon calls $0.15
FT_Kamaz checks
*** FLOP *** [Tc 3h 9s]
ghardoon checks
FT_Kamaz bets $0.50
ghardoon has 15 seconds left to act
ghardoon folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to FT_Kamaz
FT_Kamaz mucks
FT_Kamaz wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Tc 3h 9s]
Seat 1: ghardoon (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (big blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 3: zsebeHUN didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Veronica84v didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7618548429: Table Bataan (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:48:34 ET - 2008/08/12
Seat 1: ghardoon ($33.90)
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz ($10)
Seat 3: zsebeHUN ($34.15)
Seat 4: Veronica84v ($24.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($40.45)
Seat 6: Humpy961 ($18.85), is sitting out
FT_Kamaz posts the small blind of $0.10
zsebeHUN is sitting out
Veronica84v posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 2s]
DanielRose folds
ghardoon calls $0.25
FT_Kamaz has 15 seconds left to act
FT_Kamaz folds
Veronica84v checks
*** FLOP *** [7h 9d 2h]
Veronica84v checks
ghardoon checks
*** TURN *** [7h 9d 2h] [Ts]
Veronica84v checks
ghardoon checks
*** RIVER *** [7h 9d 2h Ts] [9c]
Veronica84v checks
ghardoon checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Veronica84v shows [2c Jd] two pair, Nines and Twos
ghardoon mucks
Veronica84v wins the pot ($0.60) with two pair, Nines and Twos
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [7h 9d 2h Ts 9c]
Seat 1: ghardoon (button) mucked [Ac 3c] - a pair of Nines
Seat 2: FT_Kamaz (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: zsebeHUN is sitting out
Seat 4: Veronica84v (big blind) showed [2c Jd] and won ($0.60) with two pair,
Nines and Twos
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Humpy961 is sitting out

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