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January 18, 2011

• EQ: How can I describe the characteristics of

echinoderms, cnidarians, and mollusks?

• FF: How can I classify an organism as an


• HW: p. 69 in workbook
• Have arms that extend from the middle of the
body outwards
• Have tube feet that take in oxygen from the
water and spines
• Usually show radial symmetry
• Examples : sea stars, brittle stars, sea
cucumbers or sea urchins
• Have soft bodies
• Most have a thick muscular foot for
movement and to open/close shells
• Have a more developed body systems than
sponges or worms.
• Take in oxygen through gills or lungs
• Some have shells
• Ex – slugs, snails, clams, octopuses
• Show radial symmetry
• Have a sac for digesting food
• Have soft bodies
• Have tentacles with stinging cells
• Come in 1 of 2 body shapes – polyp or medusa
• Ex – jellyfish, anemones, man of war
• Create a graphic organizer for classifying
animals as either cnidarians, mollusks or
– You can make a chart, table, dichotomous key, or
any other visual that can be used to classify them.
Ticket out the door
• 3 Things you Learned
• 2 Things that were interesting
• 1 Question you have

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