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You have taken the first step onto a path that will lead you farther than you ever dreamed possible.
Sounds terrific, right?

Some of you may find the journey quite easy with many “aha!” moments. Some may struggle with an area or two, but
rest assured that all is possible when you set the intention for yourself to claim all the abundance, health and happiness
that is your birthright. Now having said that…

You are going to have to dig deep. You will have to dig deep within yourself and be completely honest with yourself. By
doing so, you will help clear up the blocks to your success that keep you stuck in the same old patterns that created your
life to date. These blocks, however are not just things you can just slap a bandaid on, or cover up with a little makeup,
or comb over. They have been with you for a long time and won’t give up their comfy locations easily.

It will require some simple, yet profound exercises and a little homework but I will be right there with you. The
techniques I will show you completely changed my life and I look forward to sharing them with you. I will be doing the
exercises right along with you as they become a daily practice. They will require only a few minutes each day but will
create dramatic and life-long changes. You will be able to work at your own pace and repeat as often as you would like.
I will be available to answer any questions you have and you will have access to post your comments and questions
online to receive feedback from others in your situation.

My name is Jillian Warner and I am an intuitive and channel healing energy. I have always had a passion for health and
nutrition and in 2005 had a spiritual transformation that led down a wonderful life-altering path. My dream is to share
the information that I have gathered from the masters in the fields of nutrition, lifestyle, health and spiritual (new age)
consciousness. With your help, we can create a community of people striving to live a life full of passion linked to
service to others. It is in giving that we truly receive. So, the sooner you help YOU, the sooner you can help OTHERS.
Isn’t that a terrific plan?

Over the next 10 weeks I will be sharing cutting-edge information with you absolutely free.

I want to connect you with some of the leaders in the Abundance Consciousness Movement. I want you to have hands-
on training and experiences that will clear the way for you to create the joy, happiness, health and freedom that you

If you are ready for the keys to unlock abundance, then read on! I will describe the 10 keys that you will master. Many
of these will have you scratching your head wondering, “why in the heck is that important”? And that is perfectly OK.
Just let the ideas sink into your consciousness where they can grow and work miracles.

It is within your consciousness, accessed only from within, that miracles can occur!

Each week I will send you a detailed description of each key with exercises, videos and links to even more information.
Asking Within to Create Health and Abundance requires that you go within yourself to unlock you own potential. Our
society, relationships and institutions have taught us that any success one can achieve occurs outside yourself and that it
requires hard work and discipline or “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

Sure, that is one way to do it and you may or may not succeed. You may spend a dozen years or more struggling and
sacrificing your happiness, your close relationships and health and still not end up with “success.” It’s a gamble! Some
people have paid dearly for the outward success that you see.
Those who are living the abundance consciousness are creating their success from within and in many areas of their
lives. Would you call a healthy body abundance? A loving relationship? A healthy family? I know I would! When you
are in the flow of conscious creation, the things you need for success come to you almost effortlessly. The answers you
seek come to you. You build your life from within and watch it develop without.

Why not stop looking forward to “some day…” and start creating abundance and the feelings of success right now? Why
not look around you and feel gratitude for the abundance you create every day? If “like attracts like” doesn’t it make
sense to BE the success you want to acquire? The Law of Attraction, the #1 Key to Abundance will show you exactly how
to make this law work for you.

Visit askingwithin.blogspot.com .

Jillian Warner

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