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tfm the journal of total fuel management

Do construction
need a fuel
page 3

Ask the Fuel Expert:

Measuring the Fuel ROI of
construction projects page 3

Survey of Fuel Trends page 2

Finding capital
in this economy page 6

Better fuel security page 7 vol.9 no.2 the journal of total fuel management 1

Vol.9 No.2
INSIDE: inside this issue START: from the editor ADVICE: ask the fuel expert

If you use fuel, we need to talk

2 Start: If you use fuel,
If you need fuel to function, this journal is for you. Our goal is to provide ad-
we need to talk
vice, analysis and insight into using fuel better. How? First, our point of view
2 Analysis: Of war, is that fuel is not a sunk operating cost. We view fuel as an investment that can
Washington and be measured and managed for a return.
weather For example, do you have a way to measure how much a litre or a gallon of fuel
3 Advice: Ask the Fuel earns your business? Can you calculate how much product it delivers or how
4 Feature: Measuring
much earth it moves? How does a business even begin to measure that? This
Journal will help you answer these questions and direct you to the solutions that Measuring the Fuel ROI
of construction projects
make it possible. We’ll also help you manage fuel smarter and find the tools you
the Fuel ROI of need to maximize efficiency and minimize costs associated with using fuel.
construction projects
At 4Refuel, our Total Fuel Management systems make it easier to minimize
5 Insight: Closed Loop fuel consumption and reduce toxic emissions, making your company more
Technology efficient while enhancing your productivity and profitability.
Costs always seem to be on the rise and fuel has become the largest operating With TFM you are a part of a Clean Air Solution and in
6 Expertise: Show If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me. expense, next to labour. For some, fuel is considered as just an expense, while
Me the Money fact it can pay you cash back.
Bill Bishop, Editor/Vice President Marketing & Communications other companies can calculate a real return on their fuel investment. They
7 Technology: have taken control using Total Fuel Management (TFM). Adopting a new clean air strategy starts with assessing your needs. Traveling
Found: a low cost to and from card-locks or a central refuelling station wastes fuel and causes
TFM gives you the tools to control fuel costs while helping you measure and
clean air solution emissions. Wheel to wheel refuelling will cut both eliminating on average 20
manage profitability from one project to the next. To start, you must adopt a
minutes in labour costs per fill.
7 Opinion: Improving ANALYSIS: both sides of the border new attitude and go deeper into how you look at fuel. Then you look at the
bulk fuel storage and total cost of refuelling, not just the cost of fuel. The cost of fuel is the price you Are you managing your fleet effectively? 4Refuel’s Closed Loop Technology is
pay at the pump. The total cost of refuelling includes that plus the cost of la- available to measure your key operating information. (See the article on page 5)

Of war, Washington and weather

bour, the time spent refuelling and the waste and theft that occur in the process. One more point. You can eliminate wasted fuel and pollutants quickly without
Fuel spills and expensive clean ups contribute to your cost of refuelling too. any cost by simply educating your drivers and equipment operators. Once they

– a survey of fuel prices The future is now…TFM has changed the process of
refuelling and how construction companies measure
know the effect they are having on the environment, changes can be made.
And your new TFM system pays you cash back too, because every time you
cut wasted fuel it saves you money.
Bob van der Valk, 4Refuel Fuel Pricing Analyst return on investment.
When considering oil prices there Oil refiners who were producing see how decisions being made in Jack Lee is President and ceo of 4Refuel - got a question?
4Refuel’s TFM system locates the fuel you need and delivers it to you. This
are more moving parts than a car diesel in record numbers last year Washington will shape the present You can Ask the Fuel Expert directly at
saves fuel and labour costs. It also stops theft. Then you start to measure fuel
wash, but here are a few things we have reversed course in line with economic uncertainty. Most of the consumption by tagging each piece of equipment with a digital chip for posi-
have been keeping our eye on. shrinking demand for  road diesel. usual economic levers have already tive identification so you know exactly where each drop of fuel goes as well as Ask the Fuel Expert
In fact, fuel volume  at truck stops been pulled by the Bank of Cana- engine operating data. Each month “Ask the Fuel Expert” appears in newspapers and
Canadian and US diesel prices have
has dropped by a national average da and, like other countries; we’re magazines across Canada and the United States. Each article is
been at similar levels, (excluding You can set operating thresholds for each machine and quickly see where the
of  nearly 20 percent. Some of that watching the US to see how quickly intended to help you understand how to be better fuel managers.
taxes, which can add up to 20% in most fuel is being used, or wasted. Once you have that you can manage your
loss was offset by increased use of the engine of the world economy Visit us online at
Canada) but parity may not con- people, and your fuel better. It is not impossible to cut fuel expenses by 15%
heating oil as a result of colder than can be re-started.
tinue with consolidation within the or more based on the information you now available.
average winter weather conditions.
Canadian  petroleum industry.  Re- The Energy Information Admin-
If the prediction that we are enter- You can’t control the price of fuel, but you can control
cent  news of   Calgary’s  Suncor istration (EIA) predicted gasoline
ing a 20 year cycle of colder winters
Energy  merging with Petro Cana- prices for the US to be at $2.21 this each project’s fuel consumption.
CLEAN AIR: could actually da  will effect overall competition. 
is correct, we can expect to see a summer. I expect prices to average SUBSCRIPTIONS: don’t miss out
save you money The move  gives Suncor all of Petro
pattern of higher consumption. around $2.50 per gallon. Here are SIX Ways to Cut Construction Fuel Costs:
Canada’s worldwide operations 1. Become a Fuel Manager: Fuel is expensive, so plan to manage its use
Does biodiesel work with including lucrative oil sands explo-
Oil futures and the Middle East With regards to diesel, this year’s
prices seem to move based on the
and control consumption. 4Refuel can show you how. Get the latest fuel information – real-time
construction? squeeze prices… 2. Train and educate your people: Your people control fuel consumption each
ration in Fort McMurray, Alberta, crude market rather than pres-
time they fire up their engines, and proper training can improve fuel efficiency. You can get important fuel updates whenever you want – however you want.
Biodiesel is a mix of traditional refining facilities in Fort Saskatch- Oil futures should be watched very sure from speculators. Demand is
3. Decrease Idling: Be aware of the time engines idle and you can cut your 4Refuel gives you quarterly, monthly and weekly updates online and in print.
diesel fuel with renewable veg- ewan, Alberta as well as Petro Can- closely as changes to supply levels in down significantly due to the world
ada’s collection of over 1,500 retail the Middle East come to bear. The fuel costs by as much as 50%. Initiate a campaign to reduce idling time and Ask the Fuel Expert – get CEO Jack Lee’s fuel advice column via email
etable oils and rendered fats. economy, so expect diesel prices to
outlets – among the largest and most anticipation of tightening supply reward participants. or online at or in any of 58 publications across
It does not require any engine remain below gas prices in Canada
profitable networks in Canada. has kept prices moving up and this 4. Upgrade your Fleet: Whenever possible, invest in modern, more fuel- North America manage your subscription at
modification and by using a and the U.S.
trend will continue if confirmation efficient equipment. Modern diesel engines are far more fuel-efficient and
B20 blend, (20% biodiesel) you Commodities  have typically been If you have any questions about The Pipeline – get the latest analysis of fuel supply and pricing trends from
comes that supply is dropping. perform better.
can expect approximately a used as a hedge against inflation and this article or other topics related to our fuel pricing expert, Bob Van der Valk – twice monthly! manage your
5.Plan a regular maintenance schedule: Well maintained equipment
15% reduction in greenhouse crude oil has been the investment of In addition, decisions on govern- trends in fuel prices, please contact subscription at – click “Join Newsletter” to change options
performs better, improves fuel efficiency, reduces toxic emissions and, in the
gas emissions. 4Refuel can an- choice by players in that market. To ment intervention and regulation Bob directly at 406.853.4251 or long run, will cost less to maintain. Journal of Total Fuel Management – receive this publication
swer all of your questions re- monitor any kind of trend in the pe- in the world economy will play out
6.Track your operating data: You can measure and manage your fleet direct via email manage your subscription at – click “Join
garding the use of biodiesel. troleum business, we’ll keep a sharp amid other geo-political events.
You can get all of Bob’s fuel updates better when you have the right information. Tracking fuel and efficiency is Newsletter” to change options
eye on supply and demand levels. Much of the world is waiting to
here: critical to cutting fuel costs.

2 vol.9 no.2 the journal of total fuel management vol.9 no.2 the journal of total fuel management 3
feature: fuel management

Does construction
in yard onsite
onsite fuel direct onsite
storage tanks refueling

need a fuel solution? onboard

client fuel
fuel data uploaded
trucks from filling

Your calendar is marked. Your people and equipment are ready to

begin that new project for the summer and hopefully the weather
will cooperate. The last thing you need to worry about is fuel.

In the past, you could rely on the major oil companies, however times have Final stages – as a project winds down the fuel needs decline and equipment
changed. The fuel you need may not always be available because of high is reduced to a smaller detail and fewer staff – depending on proximity of
seasonal demand and refinery shut-downs due to accidents. But there is a equipment and accessibility, a smaller scale application of mobile and tank insight: closed loop technology
new advantage called Total Fuel Management. TFM eliminates the risk solutions can be employed -
and worry associated with refuelling.

Closed Loop Technology:

Start Up: Needs are limited. Fuel is required for a few pieces of equipment
TFM is a complete solution from fuel purchasing and delivery to cost along with consumption and operating data and reporting. Mobile fuelling
containment and consumption analysis. It helps construction companies services the small amount of equipment and 24 hour service ensures all
manage fuel like other investments and drive a higher return. The system equipment stays busy while the project picks up momentum.
works by combining professional onsite service with powerful online reporting
tools to minimize the cost of obtaining fuel and maximize productivity and
High Activity: Construction is in full swing and the project’s fuel needs rise
dramatically. Supply is critical and empty is not an option so our Certified
Take total control of your fuel dollars
profit from using it.
Refuelling Professionals ensure top grade service. Concentrated areas of
The system works by combining professional onsite service with powerful the project might have bulk fuel tanks installed with remote monitoring to 4Refuel delivers Total Fuel Management with Closed Loop Technology All data is delivered via email and available online from the Fuel Management
online reporting tools to minimize the cost of obtaining fuel and maximize ensure security and supply whenever it’s needed. Mobile fuelling can be developed exclusively by 4Refuel. James Lee, Vice President Systems Online (FMO) or on-line portals. Our technology makes it easy for you
productivity and profit from using it. It gives you simple effective control of used for after-hours service and to reach far flung equipment, cranes and Development & Integration points out, “Our technology solutions are to measure fuel consumption by piece of equipment so you can compare
your fuel to eliminate environmental risks, fuel theft and unnecessary waste. stationary units. flexible, scalable and easily integrated into existing platforms. It is the most performance through each phase of your projects.
sophisticated system available in the world today.”
Here is where 4Refuel’s technology fits in:
Most powerful of all, TFM is an adaptable, reliable, multi-phase solution that Wind Down: You are close to being finished. Fuel needs decline and your
Lee explains, “Fuel Management Online (FMO) can record all refuelling
was built for construction business. Since it consists of scalable technology, on-site equipment is limited, but TFM still tracks every drop of fuel you use. Onsite: we deliver fuel directly – wheel –to-wheel – to your equipment
information and deliver it to your desktop. An RFID chip about the size of
adaptable systems and professional service the scope of the solution changes The fuel management solution scales back to mobile solutions to optimize when it’s not in use and measure each drop of fuel pumped
a dollar coin is attached to each piece of equipment. A fuel record including
in sync with each stage of a construction project. your productivity and minimize labour. Onsite tanks: we make bulk drops to yard tanks and storage tanks – we
location, date, time and volume is recorded and then paired with the vehicle
Each project is different but so is each phase of a project. The middle stages Here is a quick overview of the many features and services which can identification number.” can equip your tanks with security, remote monitoring, fuel island dispensing
are the busiest with the most equipment and operations the most spread be included in a multi-phase Total Fuel Management strategy: and positive ID so every transaction can be tracked online
“Our software reports everything from when to order fuel to how effectively
out and, of course, the most fuel intensive. Consider the project value of fuel is being utilized in fleet vehicles. We provide information measuring Off-site: our online tracking integrates with card-lock systems enabling full
• wheel to wheel delivery by Certified Refuelling Professionals (CRPs)
just one percentage point during this busy phase and you can see how not engine idling, speeding, revving and GHG emissions. This allows our control and fuel management no matter where you get your fuel
tracking fuel adds thousands of dollars to overall costs. • automated data collection at every point of fuelling clients to manage fuel efficiency, asset productivity and their environmental Onboard: operating a remote site? we can lease you a fuel truck or equip
• online access to detailed fuelling records footprint. In addition, the threat of fuel theft is eliminated. Fuel can now be one of yours to capture and upload fuel data from your site
During this frantic phase, fuel needs are immediate, supply is essential and
• web-based tools for cost containment and analysis managed like other assets to show a return on your investment.”
every minute of the day is worth thousands of dollars. 4Refuel’s highly Fuel Management Online: is where you can easily view ever docket
flexible fuel management solutions scale to match your operations with • automated odometer readings and operating hours “Fuel consumption data helps project managers save money, control costs and review price history, consumption records and even greenhouse gas
an array of mobile and tank-based applications. Fuel security is most and make better decisions” emissions at no charge
• GPS shots of every site fuelling for enhanced resource management
important at this time too, when the worksite is at its most populous.
• professional handling, convenient service Get more information at or by calling us toll-free 1 888 4 Refuel
Positive ID systems provide tight control over supply and ensure accurate
data capture. • expert analysis of fuel needs and planning of fuel logistics strategies

4 vol.9 no.2 the journal of total fuel management vol.9 no.2 the journal of total fuel management 5
expertise: show me the money TECHNOLOGY: greener & leaner

Found: a low cost clean air solution

4Refuel’s TFM systems have built in plies Wal-Mart Canada in Ontario times we have installed GPS units in cutting emissions, just imagine what
green benefits that pay big dividends to with 135 trucks on the road and an- our trucks and we are now measuring the result would be with a fleet of
our environment. “Our first goal is to other 16 vehicles in yard to serve the some operating data, and have looked 400 or 500 trucks. More companies
help our clients cut their fuel consump- massive retail conglomerate. Hugh at the average time our vehicles spend should take advantage of 4Refuel’s
tion, and when we do their carbon Sanders, Roff Logistics Vice President idling. We regularly meet with our services.”
footprint is automatically reduced,” tells us Wal-Mart has a green agenda. drivers. Since inception this plan has Other clients using 4Refuel’s TFM
say 4Refuel President Jack Lee. “Each year they look at ways to im- worked. We have reduced idling time systems have made an impact too.
According to Transport Canada’s prove their operations and decrease in Brampton by 15% and in Corn- Miller Transport who serves McDon-
statistics each litre of diesel fuel their carbon footprint. In fact one of wall by 9%…those numbers were ald’s Restaurants in Ontario has cut
burned creates 2.7 kilograms in toxic our managers sits on a green commit- almost double that when we started. emissions by 599,373 kilograms. ERB
exhaust. “We deliver fuel wheel to tee with other Wal-Mart suppliers to It all cuts fuel consumption.” Transport with operations in Quebec
wheel,” adds Lee. “We eliminate work on these ideas. Every year we He adds, “4Refuel has helped us has cut their toxic emissions by over
time on the road and the fuel it takes have to come up with new ways to do grow with our business. When there 553,000 kilograms and Coca-Cola
to get to their refuelling station.” our part for the environment.” was a refinery shut down, you found has cut 242,892 kilograms of pollut-
Among 4Refuel’s strategic business partnerships is our relationship with the With over 6,000 clients it is easy to This year Roff Logistics has cut its the fuel we needed so there was no ants in the Ontario region.
calculate the reduction in GHGs. toxic emissions by 228,461 kilograms interruption to our service. We didn’t When you look at transport compa-
Royal Bank of Canada. Recognizing the great advice RBC gives us, we asked “This year alone, our clients have of GHGs. Mr. Sanders is quick to have to drive around, searching. nies that operate hundreds of trucks
combined to save the environment That saved time and fuel.”
RBC Vice President Dave Pohl, to share some insight with our readers. 17 million kilograms in pollution.”
add, “It is astonishing to see those
numbers are that high. Our com- Mr. Sanders looks at what his compa-
the GHG savings, thanks to TFM, is
astounding. Tim Horton’s (Ontario)

Prepare now for the Economic Recovery

Roff Logistics of Brampton Ontario pany’s green policies have been evolv- ny has done to cut pollution, “When cut an astounding 866,355 kg in
is one of those companies. Roff sup- ing over the years. To shorten drive you think about what we have done GHG emissions in just one year!

OPINION: effective fuel management

Nothing lasts forever, but when He adds, “When you review these with your banker you can get good feed-
we are going through a sluggish
economy it seems like the end will
never come. But fear not, there is
back on the health of your business. We look at your equity base as well as
your working capital. We consider your debt load and your ability to service
debt. And it’s all right there in your Financial Statement.”
Improving bulk fuel
economic recovery around the bend
and according to Dave Pohl, Royal
Bank’s Vice President/Commercial
Where can you find money in this economy? It could be
closer than you think…
storage and security
Managing and maintaining your own on site fuel tanks can be a risky business.
Financial Services there are a num- Are you sitting on extra cash? Let’s find out… Without the proper controls fuel spills, environmental clean-ups and fuel theft
ber of things you can do right now • First look at yourself. Where can you be more efficient and cut costs? For add up to squash your bottom line. Unless you are using Certified Refuelling
to speed your company’s recovery. example carrying unnecessary inventory is a liability, rather than a profit Professionals and digital measurement data capture, profits will slip away.
Dave Pohl, Vice President, First, are your financial Statements centre. Do you need to carry so much stock? Waste is created when times
Royal Bank of Canada are good and your sales are growing. Look at your company and ask, “Do I Not only does our Bulk Delivery Service ensure you will get the fuel you need
in order and up to date? “Your com-
really need to buy that?” at competitive prices, but we guarantee minimal risk to the environment and
pany’s Financial Statement is a road
your employees with our best practices policies. 4Refuel’s data capture at
map for your business,” Mr. Pohl says, “It shows you and your banker where • Look for hidden value. For example one client had a storage yard they point of refuelling streamlines your accounting with instant accurate data for
you have been and where you are going. It is important to do these monthly bought for $100,000 that is now worth ten times that. Does it make sense simple reconciliation using Fuel Management Online (FMO). For multi-loca-
and quarterly so you know where you are at any given time. And with the to sell the property and use the cash for your business, and instead rent a tion users data can be delivered to one office. Equipment performance and
software programs that are available off the shelf (like Quick Books) it is easy yard? Another option is consider a sale/lease back on your equipment. fuel consumption data gives you the ability to mange your people and equip-
to input your numbers and keep track.” Rather than owning that equipment, you may want to sell it and lease it ment maximizing productivity, controlling fuel consumption and emissions
When business is good companies may get back from the bank. That can give you instant cash. too. Our TFM systems are scalable fuel logistics solutions that are adaptable
fat. Mr. Pohl points out, “Now its time to • Re-Consider your ROI. Return on invest- to multi-phased projects.
get fiscally fit and learn where to improve “Look at your most recent Financial ment should be measured for all your as- 4Refuel’s Bulk Fuel Delivery Services include:
operations and cut costs. Look at your sets. Are you making an acceptable return?
most recent Financial Statement. A lot of
Statement. A lot of companies • bulk fuel delivery to tanks
Every expense should be measured. For ex-
companies consider their annual Financial consider their annual Financial ample rather than spending $400,000 on a • cartage (moving fuel purchased by client from third party)
Statements as something they have to do new piece of equipment, would you be bet- • remote tank monitoring (keep-full service)
for corporate reporting or for their bank- Statements as something they have to ter off investing $40,000 to fix it? • fuel islands (dispensing with auto fuel data capture and upload to FMO)
er. Really, financial statements are your do for corporate reporting or for their In conclusion Mr. Pohl adds, “Running a • theft controls (positive ID to lock out misappropriation)
scorecard. They give a real view as to how
healthy your business is. They help with banker. Really, financial statements are business is hard work and it is not easy to • mobile fuel cubes and industrial grade site tanks
make changes, but you gotta do it.”
strategic and business planning. With them
your scorecard. They give a real view Find out more at your local RBC branch or
4Refuel is a national Canadian company with operations in regions of the USA.
you will see significant changes happening, Find a solution quickly at or call 1 888 4Refuel
before it’s too late.” as to how healthy your business is. ” online at

6 vol.9 no.2 the journal of total fuel management vol.9 no.2 the journal of total fuel management 7
Who’s managing your fuel costs?

It’s time to stop viewing fuel as a cost

and start seeing it as an investment.

With fuel fast out-pacing labour among top

operating costs, businesses today can’t afford
to be without a fuel management system.

4Refuel not only reduces your true cost of fuel, we also

help you lower consumption, increase efficiency and
maximize productivity across all your equipment.
Find out how to maximize your fuel investment.

Canada 888 4Refuel | USA 877 US Fuels | International 1 604 513 0386 | Online

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