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Compassvale Secondary School

Secondary Two Normal Academic

Integrated Curriculum 2011

Name: _______________________( ) Date: ___________

Class: _______________

Part I: What have we been doing?

Human activities have been carried out in the name of development at the
expense of the availability of resources for the future generation.

i) How do you think you have wasted resources?

ii) What are some resources which have been wasted on an individual level?
How have these resources been wasted by individuals?

Part II: The Way to Go

When discussing about the world’s resources, the discussion will involve the
concept of sustainability and self-sufficiency.

i) What is the definition of sustainability and self-sufficiency? Record down your

understanding of the two terms in the given space.


ii) What is the difference between these two concepts?


Part III: I Want to Play My Part!

i) What do you understand by carbon footprints?


ii) At this point you know that there are primary and secondary sources of carbon
In your groups, discuss how your carbon footprints can be reduced. Suggest
simple practical ways that will encourage your family and friends to reduce their
carbon footprints.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
~Margaret Mead

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