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As I and my co-member observed the class of Mrs. Julieta R. Layug, the adviser
of Grade III-B of Cabetican Elementary School, I got some techniques and strategies
from her on how to motivate and get pupil’s attention for them to easily learn about the
topic that I will going to give if ever, in the future.
Because Mrs. Layug, teaches Math that time, I expected her to use discussion and
lecture method. But I was proven wrong; she also used some strategies that can also
apply in real life like using real things to compare two objects, so that the pupils will
easily get the answer. I was surprised then, when I found out that pupils were enjoying
the discussion when their teacher used two flowers as a replacement of two numbers. In
that case there is education and at the same time entertainment or what we called the
EDUTAINMENT. Not only that, after the discussion she’s also giving some examples
and she’s letting her pupils to answer the given fractions on their own to test if they really
understand what is being discuss by the teacher.
As the discussion is going on, there’s one thing that suddenly flashes in my
mind; I came to realized that being a teacher is not easy, although this was the profession
I chose for me to become in the future. I found out that in teaching your learners, you
have to be prepared your self, give your full effort and your heart to your clientele. And
you also have to consider that they have their individual differences in terms of their
abilities and capacities to learn.
In this observation, I’ve learned a lot from the teacher and also from the pupils.
And I’m looking forward to have a follow-up observation on the said school. I may not
promise that I will become an excellent educator someday but I assure that I will apply all
those tips and techniques in my future career. I really learned and enjoyed the observation
at the same!

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