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Assessment: Identify and pronounce

words correctly
Able to identify and Listening and Speaking
Theme: words correctly World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 8: Stay Clean, Be Happy
Introduction: This lesson focuses on listening and
1. Teacher reads the Activity book page 35
speaking. Activities are teacher-led
words. where teacher elicits words with the
2. Pupils read after the phoneme /o/ and /g/. There should be a
teacher. lot of encouragement for pupils to speak
3. Number the pictures and share. Teacher’s role is to facilitate
correctly. and provide a good environment for
Enrichment: Build confidencelistening
in publicand speaking
Encourage topupils
happento talk
in the
speaking classroom.
Get pupilsStandard:
Content to talk about 1.1 Able to listen pronounce words and
cleanliness speak confidently with the correct
stress, rhythm and intonation.
3.1 Able to form letters and words in next
legible print including cursive writing.
Learning Standard: 1.1.3 Able to listen to say aloud and
recite rhymes or sing songs with
3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat and
legible print.
(c) Numeral
Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should
be able to:
a. Talk about a stimulus with
guidance e.g. soap.
b. Sing songs with guidance.
Time: 90 minutes / 60 minutes.
Teaching Aids: Manila cards, picture cards, soap.

Activity Teaching & Learning Notes

1. Teacher puts a bar of soap Listening
in a box and asks the pupils A bar of soap.
to guess. Making interpretations

2. Teacher shows picture

cards to the pupils and asks Listening and Speaking Picture cards.
questions about the pictures.

3. Teacher guides the pupils Sing a song Pupils sing a song

to sing the song with action
in the textbook page 33. Vocabulary Paying attention
4. The pupils sing the song Pronunciation - wash, hands, oranges, girl,
with action scrub

5. Get pupils to say the words Pronunciation Phoneme: o, g – words: wash,

aloud while one of the pupils hands, orange, girls, wet,
points to the words Vocabulary rinse, wipe
6. The teacher asks the pupils Sing a song
to sing the song again with
other actions i.e. wet, rinse,

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