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Stress Management

By Srikanth Gupta

Dr.Hynes research
‡ Defines it as wear and tear in the body and the stressor as the stress events, which activates the autonomic arousal system. ‡ This process is also called as the General Adaptation Syndrome. i.e. The capability of an individual for adaptation to stress. The syndrome can be divided into 4 phases.

‡ 1.Alarm ,this is ³fight or flight response. ‡ 2.Adaptation is the stage in which the body tends to adopt to physiological changes occurring from alarm state. ‡ 3.Exhaustion-if the arousal continuess.the body fails in its attempt to create balance and thus lead to exhaustion. ‡ 4.Termination-if there is no relief from arousal, then the stress on the physiological system can lead to death.

‡ Milton says the mind is in its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven. ‡ The treatment of stress related problems is not tranquilizers ,antacids or antidepressants, which given act like ³sweeping the dust under the carpet.

But how to manage stress

‡ There is a tremendous need for a Holistic approach or min-body intervention to combat the menace of negative stress. ‡ Every individual should learn how to deal a stressful situation in a positive way and not to react negatively. S.M should be practiced from childhood, through out your life and the only method to remain healthy, physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, psychologically, physiologically, environmentally and spiritually.

‡ Martin Luther King has said: ‡ ³The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.´

Response to stress
‡ There are 3 types of responses when there is stress. ‡ 1.Response of reaction: You hit the roof. ‡ 2.Response of indifference: You are not bothered about the problem. ‡ 3.Response of Action: You sit comfortably, anlysis the problem and come up with positive solutions----always try to be this.

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