Artificial Intelligence: Surrogate.

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Artificial Intelligence

Name : _________________ Section : _______________

Date : __________________ Time Started : ________ Time Finished : _________

I. Perform the Following OPERATIONS

1. ( * ( + 6 8) ( - ( 7 1 ) ) ) = ____________

2. ( setq P ‘(9))

 P _____________

3. ( setq X ‘(10) )

(setq Y ‘(10))

 ( + X Y ) ________________

4. ( setq X ‘(10) )

 (Print X ) ________________

5. (car ‘(xyz)) ______________

II. True or false: Write “true “if the statement is true , and “False” if the
statement is false.

1. ___________ Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the

branch of computer science that aims to create it.
2. __________A knowledge representation (KR) is most fundamentally a surrogate.
3. __________Intelligent reasoning have often come from work in five fields.
4. __________One view, historically derived from mathematical logic, makes the assumption that
intelligent reasoning is some variety of formal calculation, typically assumption; ( f )
5. __________ A second view, rooted in work in psychology, sees reasoning as a characteristic
human behavior.
6. __________ A fourth approach in intelligent reasoning is, derived from probability theory.
7. __________ Two important consequences follow from the inevitability of imperfect surrogates
8. __________ KR is a set of ontological commitments. It is unavoidably so because of the
inevitable imperfections of representations.
9. ____________ Imperfect surrogates mean incorrect inferences are inevitable.
10.____________ Allan Turing created the turing machine. ( f )

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