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V Human Resources Management (HRM) is the

attraction, selection, retention, development, and

utilization of labour resource in order to achieve both
individual and organizational objectives.

V Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) is an

integration of HRM and Information Systems (IS).

V HRIS is the system used to acquire, store, manipulate,

analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent information
regarding an organization's human resources.
Work force

V !ccounting subsystem
system Work force
Internal audit
HRIS Compensation
Database subsystem

Benefit subsystem
intelligence Environmental
subsystem reporting
V HRIS or Human resource Information system helps
HR managers perform HR functions in a more
effective and systematic way using technology.

V Human resource and line managers require good

human resource information to facilitate decision-
ïypically, the better ïhe Human Resource Information
Systems (HRIS) provide overall:

V Management of all employee information.

V Reporting and analysis of employee information.

V Company-related documents such as employee handbooks,

emergency evacuation procedures, and safety guidelines.

V Benefits administration including enrolment, status

changes, and personal information updating.

V Complete integration with payroll and other company

financial software and accounting systems.

V !pplicant and resume management.

HRIS can be applied in the following areas of HRM
V HR planning
V Succession planning
V Work force planning
V Work force dynamics analysis
V Staffing
V !pplicant recruitment and tracking
V Employee data base development
V Performance management
V earning and development
V Compensation and benefits
V Pay roll
V Job evaluation
V Salary survey
V Salary planning
V Benefits management
V HRIS has showed many benefits to the HR operations.
! few of them can be detailed as;

V Faster information process

V Greater information accuracy
V Improved planning and program development
V Enhanced employee communications
V ack of management commitment
V Satisfaction with the status quo
V No or poorly done needs analysis
V Failure to include key people
V Failure to keep project team intact
V Failure to involve / consult significant groups
V ack of communication
V !lthough almost all HR managers understand the
importance of HRIS, the general perception is that the
organization can do without its implantation. Hence only
large companies have started using HRIS to complement its
HR activities.
V But HRIS would be very critical for organizations in the
near future. ïhis is because of a number of reasons:
V arge amount of data and information to be processed.
V Project based work environment.
V Employee empowerment.
V Increase of knowledge workers & associated information.
V earning organization

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