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Know Your Discounts: Top Auto Insurance Discounts

Auto insurance is a responsibility of owning and operating a vehicle that simply

cannot be avoided. To be considered a valid driver in the United States, you must
have some form of automotive insurance coverage. Fortunately, the price you pay
for your insurance is something you can control. In some states there are over 200
carriers offering insurance, all competing for your business. Many insurance
companies offer cheap insurance policies but in return you receive low quality

There are ways to lower the price of your insurance policies without having to
sacrifice the quality of your plan. Understanding your insurance policy and the
available discounts can lower the cost of your insurance as much as 40%. Read
below to find the top insurance discounts.

1. Safe Drivers Discount

Drivers who have a clean driving record or who have not been involved in an
automotive accident within the last 5 years can save up to 30% on their
insurance policies. Insurance companies consider drivers without traffic
violations or accidents to be low risk drivers. The less likely a person is to be
involved in an accident the less money they pay in auto insurance.

2. The Good Student Discount

Insurance companies do not consider a driver to be an adult until the age of 25.
Any driver under the age of 25 is considered a high-risk driver, therefore pays a
substantial amount of money for auto insurance. A way young drivers can
reduce the cost of their insurance is to receive good grades while in school. A
good student is considered to be anyone over the age of 16-years-old with a GPA
of 3.0 or greater. The reasoning behind the lower cost of insurance for good
drivers is the insurance companies believe those with good grades are more
responsible then their peers.

3. Anti-Theft Systems

Discounts are available to those who have anti-theft systems in their vehicles
such as a Low Jack System. A vehicle that is equipped with an anti-theft system is
substantially less likely to be stolen or tampered with then a vehicle without a
system. An anti-theft system is something that can be installed into an old vehicle
or can be purchased with a new vehicle.

4. Day Time Running Lights

Day Time Running Lights are commonly equipped in newer vehicles and can be a
benefit for remaining a safe driver. Drivers who drive with low lights on at all
times have a greater chance of being seen by other drivers and are less likely to
be involved in an accident.

5. Seat Buckle Discount

For drivers and their passengers who always wear their seat buckles, you could
receive up to a 15% discount on your insurance premiums. The discount is
commonly applied to the medical or injury portion of your policy.

Not all discounts above may be available within your insurance policy. To find out
what discounts are available to you or to find an insurance company that offers
discounts visit Take control of your insurance today.

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