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Pre - Chapter Outline

Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 - Mobile Network Design
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Basic Structure of a Mobile Network
1.3 Problem Formulation
1.3.1 Problem Assumptions
1.3.2 Terms and Notations
1.3.3 The Problem
1.3.4 Constraints
1.4 Thesis Format

Chapter 2 – Theoretical Background and Review of Literature

2.1 Global Optimization
 Introduction
 Elements
 Method
2.2 GA
 Introduction
 Genetic Operators
 Termination Conditions

Chapter 3 – Method of Investigation

3.1 Familiarizing with GA & PSO Algo. From reading books, previous thesis & the
3.2 Performing PSO and GA on Simple Mathematical Equations
3.3 Site Research (Dengkil)
3.4 Visit to a BTS Station (to study more on the BTS)
3.5 Visit to the ministry to find out population of Dengkil
3.6 Implementing GA and PSO to the problem at hand]

Chapter 4 – Presentation of Data

4.1 FYP Part I ( 2 Equations )
4.2 FYP Part II ( Mobile Network in Dengkil )

Chapter 5 – Discussions & Findings

5.1 Genetic Algorithm
5.2 Particle Swarm Optimization
5.3 Comparison

Chapter 6 – Conclusions & Recommendations

Appendix 1 - Initial Solution
Appendix 2 - Final Solution

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