Radio Caroline Last of The Pirates

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Rapio CAROLINE epee LAST OF THE PIRATES Conon a i Ce ELD i Ee Ce ad deta ea gta yy ree | 5 ma : RNR Satay Se a Oye ‘Acai sn ya So Fa an ‘er tO ron, Baa ote INTRODUCTION asec yt ae Rage ooh Ath the ston has been of the a for og prod of tne and has EiteerSheamete on Vetoes i Crperaced any beck, parka in reset yer, the name RAD ‘CAROLINE i stl the most instant recognisable name in Evopean radio. It evokes in most people flood of memeris, most deeply nostage but ofan a {ute roarect "Rado Carling, | remamber that. Johnie Walker and his KSs Ja the car Ieenoae. Tory Blackbum ond Dave Loe Travis, thy slated on Carne Flower power and Camaby Steet, wat new must, freedom and long hot summers. They passed a law to siop i, didnt they, shame. Or perhaps the ‘ boat sank” ‘Well actualy no. Carine, abet in a much changed form sil exists to this very day. It has been sai thatthe staton was a vicim of is own success. ‘With the prolfeaton of rado stations serving the United Kingdom, te ‘ginal the catalyst hat made ial happen has manly been forgoten by the publ at large Ratio 1 was the governments replacement forthe ofshere radio stations of the sti. Independent Local Rado was inroduend a few yaars ltr. Rado 11s row in isis and of these ‘independents! they have mosty been ‘alowed Up nto conglomerates where they ae 'nependenty owned by the same people and ‘independent varsmt ether the same, othe same sounding programmes. ‘The driv, the imaginaton andthe excitement has all gone and one might ack ‘whether the wheel nas turned fll ele and wheter Garaine i needed again {o ot trem out of her complacency Radio has changed beyond bel since Easter 1964 when Caroine began, ‘Tht years on, we ae sl around ans we have n9Iterton of ging in jst yot. The stabon has survived through the dedcation and determinaion of Countess staf, presenters and crew. Sone have perfomed quie fraordmary feats of ngeruty, foritude and courage. This Booklet bute toch one ofthem [hope thatthe flowing much abridged str brings back fond memories and provides you wih a fesh insight. The fll Nistor of Caroine's tity turbulent oars would cortainly require a volume tity old the size of ths Most important, now you have rediscovered us, don't ose us again Tony Kine For Rad Caroline Pblaed by Rao Cain, POBox B63, ane, SHAD, Enger © rade care 1084 1 mv. CAROLINE ALEGEND IS BORN ‘And In The Beginning. Ronan O'Rahily was manager for the promising singer Georgie Fame Tere was very Ite opportunity for artiste onthe smaller record labels to have ar time on the few rac outlets avaiable. Rado Luxembourg Froadeast right time to the United Kingdom but its music poly was many controled by the Big Four record companies, Decca, EMI, Pye tnd Phipe, in the early ste Rao Luxembourg fad @ huge folowing from the record starved young of Bran and. boasted DJs Pele Murray, Davi Jacobs, simmy Savile ‘and. Bary Allis among -oihers Meanwhile the BBC Light Programme ‘tom London occasionally ofered a popular music programme with Sam Conta the comedian. Humphrey Ufleton the Jazz. man; the wel fod Brian Matin, and not to be forgatien ‘ifies crooner Jimmy Young Frustrated by these restraints to promote new talent and the rejection by Rade Luxembourg, Ronan ‘rnounced that he would start his ‘wn rad ation. To the echoes of thel laughter a wnat they considered to be just Buster from a young fusacils ishman the ite realised the. impending Implications of his werd ‘Ronan had been excited by the sucness of Dulen rate) station Radio Veronica which had operated Of the. coast "of Scheveningen, Hetand. Veronica had broadcast siece 1960 and immediately became popular with the Dutch people ami fnimosty from thee government. “The tea of starting a radio station forthe UK had also been mentioned ‘aan Ronan met Alan Cravior, an Austaian who owned independent musie business. He wa ‘xpenencing the same problems in promoting is atts as Ronan. At the fine of tele meeting Crawior’ was Planning to set up Radio Atanta to Eroadeast fom a ship. Soon a race ‘gant tine developed with Ronan land Craword each attempting to be the eat to gat on he ai Through his company Planet Productions Lis, Ronan’ ORahiy fased finance for the project wih lish, Brtsh and Swiss money. The fexDanish passenger vessel Frederica was located mn Holland and taken tothe pot of Greenore, owned by. Aodhogan O'Rahily, Ronan's success Businessman father. Ronan had no hestaton to rename the. ship. Caroine, afr President ohn F Kennedy's aco Veronica tom the |__neomey ot Sevenngen m.y. MI AMIGO daughter He had ban dstesse, ike many, a the assassination of he fest Roman Catholo President of the Unted ‘States jst a few months fara Ha fet tat t would bea ting trie tothe young Ish American President he aamired TAL Greenore the ship was fied outwith ado equpment, #165 fot high aerial mac! and a special anchor system to contend against the harsh Nortn'Sea environment. Meanwhile, the Rado Aorta project was aso progressing having acaured the Mi ‘amigo for ter rado ship. They hac fico decded to ute the facies at Greenore but owing to the rely between the organisations Adanta fiffred delays as 2 result of Yam pretences ‘The Caroli sailed fom lrland taking a course trough the Bristol Channel andthe ‘Strats of Dover frivng. off Felstowe. dng. the fvening of Friday 27 March 1954, tnt tsts beginning ow hours at Reguartranamistons began. at may the nest day. With the words This Rado Caraine on 198, your ‘al'day music stator”, Semon Dee hed indeed began the UK radio revolsion United We Sait ‘Ater_ an event saiing fom Greene, curing which the 141 foot high mast simostcolapsed over the side, the Mi Amigo artved off Frintn-on-Sea_ on. 27 Api 1988 Test tranemistons start on @ Nay ising the Caroline frequency afer ose down at 6 pm. Requar programmes commenced on 12 May Ging 2 Fequency of 1493KH2_ (201 Both Radio Caraine and Radio ‘lata aimed ther programmes. at the urate London market but after 2 few weeks an agreement was, feached by both organisations 10 merge. The decision fesuted Inthe Caroine saiing 1 a new maoeng off Ramsey ay in the Isle of Man, broadcasting’ a= she sailed sround the coast Once. in_postion she broadcast as Radio Carine North. ‘The M Amgo, meanwhile, remained hor of the Essex coast and broadens as Radio Caine South ‘Soon other offshore stations arrived. Radlo Sutch run by pop Sager Screaming Low Sut’ stared In May 1958 using the former Second Wor War ant-areagun emplacement, Shirerng Sands ft in the Thames Estuary as ts base Liter inthe year it was renamed Redo Cy under the charge of Reg Calvert. wha managed a rumber of 2p groups incuing Sut ‘Other ots in the Estuary wore ‘aso taken over by vaFO1S groups ‘Baring rade stations. The nex vee years saw inceseant dupes Detwoen the new occupants ad the Buhortes nthe courte on wheter the forts were located win Bish Juescton or nt Rado invita took over the Red ssands for soon ater Radio Suteh Stated broadcasting, It ater became KING Radio. which eventualy Changed ilo the successful Radio 4500 wih ts ‘sweet music format ‘amed at ne housowte owaver, Radio Caroline's majo a was ott ave unt Noveriber 4964" on. board the converted ‘American mioesweepet mv. Galaxy Tis ship housed Rado Londo, and m.v.GALAXY Majo: competion for Caine ame in Be fom of Rad London ich | broadest fon the foe minesweser mr Gley hom December 1004 i Aina 967 "Aer cecdown the ship want emary wher stint 1 sat ai toxin ao son Sd rtm eforrerse leg year fragt ine evel sank i 1970 Kel Harta | aco Cty broatcas rom he Shvenng Sans Fot | stated ful programming on 23 December 1084 ‘with Amercan ané rsh financial backing Radio London brought arose rm the States a slick presertaion sve urea previously Inte Brith es ‘The bate. for_survival_ was ‘warming up and statons competed forlistoners and consequently bigger aversing deals. Also the. Brtsh Labour ‘Government threatened to bring in legslaton to oulaw the ‘offre sions ‘On Wednesday 19 January 1968, the Mi Amigo dragged her anchor ‘and ding the early ours ofthe next moming went aground onthe beach beveen Frinton and Holnd-on Se ‘A dramatic rescue of DJ and crew took piace by Breeches buoy. Those Fescved included Tony Bickburn and Dave Lee Tras. The Mi Amigo was. eventually related and sald to Holans where she underwent inspecton — end ‘ratalaion of @ now and more ‘owerul transmits. For a couple of tteoks thee was no Rado Carving ‘South but a temporary replacement was found in te mv Cheon tahich ceated broadcasting as Radio ‘yd off Sweden because of pack ie. {ests stared on 12. February but power was rather low and reception tras poor even local in Esse. (On Apel the Mi Amigo retumed to her old anchorage and ater tests resumed regular programs wih 2 new SOKW Yansmfier greatly Improving recepton to Sou wast Engng and in Europe. “Sl futher slaions care on ai from shoe and. forts arainé the Brite sles, Radio 270 on tre Ocean WW of Searvrough, Radio Scoiand ipa Hs as one ter tnanp Syaey ended he enh of fete offeced a watson rato Sun hao Enand ad coo ot Rep faitacaerae fhe: anes Tecnico han Shas) ear Rado indo snd Ores ou ca. St ats Ea Subst folcwewiart Cael ‘The Bel Toll oy knw BI an est os Ginga hearer at Sa peanatar owen gros oes Sather at aon more he Sash asec fon assay rida ca sea Tern Rao Ciy vas Sarre ay hf ries sndeoel ys rng ary ST a a it ond weg’ hres Sangeorer al fe athoe ado sabre hat "Snare between Seeley wth be xeon he Snedoy ea Sano" carne spe“ Ae mana roger Te lone) ae Cries Scam boon Caer “ond Sew pas esising wth he * Offshore Echo's jead about offshore radio in Europs The sunten ean of Chota In Bary The Gandia Proto. Apt 1904, line, London, RMI, Laser. ith present, froe radio news, reviews, general radio news and features. five times a year, OFFSHORE ECHO'S costs just £4.00, iegue subscript m.v. CHEETAH II mv. MEBOIT 10 station renamed Rasio Carine intematona. Mesnwhle tie noth ship had an extra wo weeks of grace ‘ad continued tobe serviced from be Ise of Man. The MO.A di not come ino fet on the sland unl midnight (ont August ‘An ater to roplace the vacuum lot ty the slenced ofshore stations ‘was made by te BBC by wiroducing Radio 1 30 September 1967. For 12 few weeks, unti Radio 1 stated, araine became the main provider of daytime popular music othe UK and had a reputed kstenership cf tens of rilions across Euzope. Many tunes {ht not only hear the curert Top 40, Dut also wendeang when, if, or how the new MOA. law would be Implemented to sence Caraine ror to the passing f the MOA. ‘caroline ad epened new ffces In ‘Amsterdam, Holand " where all ‘Siation business was tobe handed Both the noth apd souh ships had been wel socked. with food Water and fuel at te time of the MOA. beng - inroduced but fering, slong wih DI and crew Changes had 10 be card out fom Holland or rland This often meant Journeys of up to 24 hows fom ship ‘plana “The station remained on air trough the hash water of 1967 but there were iereaing diicutes In tendering the shi wih suppis and replacement crows becoming. very Irtequert Money was saring o dry tp. although there had been some lites finance punped nto. the stations to Keep ther afloat mainly from one pare record company. Major Minor, and relgious crparisaions. Advertsing deals " hich had been hoped for fom are Imulinalona) companies were not ferhconing an ils started to mount . ‘The Wismuler Company servoed the ‘ships but wit) an Irerening debt owed o them the two bothers wo owned the. company fxgued onthe action they shout take for recover the money. The ‘daagreement came fo 8 oad when ‘ne ofthe brothers decided 1 act Crater and slze beth ships and take them to Hola. On Sunday 3 March 1968 bol the Caroine North ‘and South she were hijacked and Boarded by the crews. fom tops ‘ned by Wsmuler Whi the ships fncnore wore wiched up the Dis find crows were conned fo sop any Counter aon and the ental were removed fom the tansmiters. The mnedum wave fequences remained ‘Sloe as the ships were towed sway ‘M Easter 1065 an atompt was made fo retan the South staion by Using the Osean VI, the ado ship that ad been Used by Radio 270 off Scarvorough Ose to the press publishing the story the authoribes fnsured the ship rover lft Whitby Hou ‘Gn 2 Maren 969 a special one hour” tute programme was Croadeast over he medium wave tranemitle of Fado. Ancor, Carine OF foc par inthe proganme arranged | by. French feonomis studert, "ves Kuhn. tr 4970, fom 13June to 20 June, Ccaroine tured! when Radio Nevthees Inertial Jeamed up with Ronen O'Rahiy. and. changed Its, name Radio Caraine Internationa, Harolc Wilson's Labour Government, responsible for Introducing the M.A. had called a General Election to be held on 17 dhne. was fet that peopl, ariclany the younger fret time Nolet, stould be reminded of the Unpopular M.O.A. The Conservatives were promising to inroduce ommerial rade to. Brain and Caroine was considered the. ideal Woe for the. ofsnore radio 1bby. ‘The Conservatives won, ‘The Second Coming The Ml Amigo and the Caroline remained impounded in Arsterdam Uinta puble aucton was held on 29, May 1872. At the. aucion the ‘lepdated Cerone was sold to ship breaters and broken up wie the Mi ‘Ago was bought bythe Dutch Free Rago Organisation who said he ship. had been purchased to become an sifshore radio museum ‘On 3 September 1972 tho Mi ‘Amigo @uiety eR her mooring. and fanchored in Inirational waters of Scheveningen, Holland and scon Stared tests on tho old 11872 Caroine South frequency. Over the next months inegular broadcasts Were made while work continued to Improve the condton ofthe ship ana its broadcast equipment. Broadcasts were general of Dutch during Saylight hours and Engish ‘verights Aris time a new aerial Sytem was being constucted (On 2 Apel 1873 the Nordomoy, home to Rac Verona, ran aground uring a severe storm. Veronca accepted an fer made to them by Renan ORahi to use the Mi Amigo for thee programmes url their own ship had been repaired, 2 Racin Veronica helped to improve ‘he Ml Amigo fo ther Bri stay Yo an fextent that iin afew weeks ofthe ‘Nordomey "retuming to her ‘anchorage Caroline sated two new Services, Radio Coroine 1 on 773 ‘iz as an Englsh servoe and Rado (Caroline 2 on 1187 Kz targeted the Duten Ths lasted for 2 couple of ‘weeks unl generator fare put bth ‘Saboos of the ar Flowing repairs @ new Benelux secvce stated 09 1187 KHz named Rado Alans wih Radio Seagull on fait overighis" in Engish wih 3 Contemporary album format. ‘Ont October 1973. the mast ‘colapsed and although a temporary fystem was constructed ony low power coud be used giving out & father poor signal. Radio Alans decided to part company wih Colne and obtain ther own shi. Meanie on the Mi Amigo work stored on a futher replacement ‘desal_mast and a few days. aor Christmas” 1973 broadcasts started from a new Duh. siaton caled Radio Mi Amigo which ire ai time ‘ding the cay. Night saw the eum of Rado Seagull for a few weeks “unt February. 1974 when Radio Caraline tok over the same hours ‘The Dutch equivalent of the Marne Offences Act was itoduced iat midnight on 31 August 1974 forcing the closure of Radio Veronica ‘ater 14 years. Also twas the endfor RI and Rado Alanis. The. Mi ‘Amigo welghed anchor and retuned {othe UK coast to a poston near the Kentish Knock ighiship. There she contrued ~ broadcasting programmes as Radio Mi Amigo and Caroine. ‘Wh the arival of the Mi Amigo ofthe Essex coat he UK authors Started 1 Incease ther mening of the ship. Dung 1975 soveral Du's along wih a supper of records were the fist prosecutions under the 1867 MOA (On the evening of Saturday 8 November 1975 the Mi Amigo des from her anchorage. After severa! hours." dramate programming incuding the ship grounding on sanabark the engineers switched the ‘waramitrs of 35 she entered British {errtoal waters. Over the fllowing ays the ship was. watched by (goverment vessels. One request Board the. M Amigo was reused Eventual onthe 13 November 8 tug hired by. the. Caroline organisation reposiioned the ship but notin her previous postion. A few hous later broadcasts resumed, “POP WENT THE PIRATES" by Keith ‘Skues ‘The definitive book on the subject of offshore ‘iat’ radio, Covers 1930's to present day Thy yar of rsech Comments from these ile 1 Owe 200 photographs. J 2594 pase Sahack £14.99 Hardback £28:99 Pls £4 portage pack “The Mn of te Ocho LaM@S' MEADOW PUBLICATIONS (RE), SHEFFIELD, $18 SW, ENGLARD The next day Essex police, with Home Offee offi, boarded the Mt ‘Amigo and fore closed the station own for being win terial bits. ‘The tips Dutch captain Werner de ‘Dwar, engineer Peter Chicago and ‘wo DJ. Brieh Simon Baret and ‘Amescan Mike Uoyd, were arrested ‘ad taken to Southend. where they ‘wore charged fr offences under the Moa Meanwhile the Mi Amigo ‘remained sient at her anchorage ‘manned by the Dutch crew uni te ‘hp was sucossstulyrepostoned in International waters @ week later. By the end of November the Wanamiters hhad. been salted on and’ both Radio Mi Amigo and Radio Carine ‘resumed fu programming ‘On 10 September 1878 te Mi ‘Amigo again lost her anchor and ‘went aground on a sandbank and took in wale. Aer being towed back {o poston Be Dutch cew decid to jmp ship fearing anther Brith rast ‘wae imminent and. went to Holand ‘They returned tothe Mt migo a few aya ster wth a men larger anchor During 1976 the autores aces against various people including Os ‘and tender” operators. John Sackson Hunter wae, prosecuted for ‘epiaying a Caroine Car Sticker ‘which eventual led hi te sent prison for a shy ay term. The following year saw prosecutions ‘ane! those astising. Caraine ‘extended to Holand and France ‘During 1977 Caroline moved her ‘requency to 953 KHz but in October of thal year closed down folowing major falure of equpnent. The ‘rer saw her almost sink when the ‘row were rescued after the sho 14 yted_taing in water Atbough andoned she remained afoat. The fotowing day engineer Peter Chicago courageously boarded the Mi Amigo Single handed 9 heavy weather and began reps tothe stricken ship. She relied to the ai surpsing rmany_on 15 Apri 1979 wih Dutch, ‘and English programmes as Radio Carlin. On the moring of 20 March 1980 she finally fost er bate against the clomenis and sank durng a ‘som. A few hous earier” at “The remains ofthe Mi rial | eee miight, ater going aground end {aking in water, Tom Anderson and Steve Gordon closed Radio Caroline ‘down win the taon theme. Tom and. Steve, long win DJ Nek Richards, Gutsy DU Hans Verbaan ‘and. Wilson the canary were herlaly rescued by tho Sheerness Ufeboat, Holon Tumbul. The rescue took place In horrendous conditions ‘nth the Heboat having to make vee ‘temps to go alongside the Mi ‘igo before a ere were rescued, AHat Trick! ‘Ater 42. monthe and many rumours a new radio ship passed {through the Englsh Channel and ‘anchored fy the Knack Deep, near 10 wher the Amigo lay "The Ross ‘Revenge hed been fited out secretin Santander, Span Dut the ships 300 foot aeal tower had dravn some atten om the ocala and press. She let harbour ‘humediy before the autores could ‘acl It had. been intended to have restarted on the 18th aniversary of the passing of the MO.A. but due to transmiter problems the sian was dated, Everall after some fests fon 963 kz. wih the 50 KW tranemiter she commenced regula! broadcast a missy on Saturday 20, ‘Rupust 1982. Tom Anderson, one of ‘he ast voices heard onthe Ml Amigo preter the fret programme en the fnew Radio Carsine starting wih the Garane theme by the Ferunes and Imagise by Jam Lenn, "The Foss Revenge had been a former trawler for Ross Fishers and ‘was a popular ship wih the Grimsby Fleet, She. was the largest "se trawler to have been but t 978 tons. ‘Wher design, which incded an ice avengthenedPul sho was ideally Suited for the hostie Noth Sea fevrenment “The fet real teat came when sho broke anchor on 20, January 1984 iting ono’ asandbank but fred hereal fo sal back to her positon ‘Under her own power ‘few days afer Caroines return the authorities | reesablshed Tmontorng the station's actives people caught supoving the ship. “lust Ike the siies, serous cofshore competion atved from an ‘American backed project. Laser 558 Droadeast from the Communtcator ‘and. employed American DJs. 10 presenta Top 40 format. Laser soon Decame hugely popular and caused ‘reat concern” withthe UK ommercal stations who wer losing ‘usec to them in December 1984 Caraine let 2 Dutch station, Radio Monique, hire 3 963KHz ranemiter dung the ‘daytime, Radio Caolne nrodueed 3 lower power transite on STOKE fore Engish sevice On 8 August 1985 the Bish ‘government charred 2 'spy boat, {he Diop Survey, to montor the offshore radio slaions Laser and Caroline. This was quicky dubbed Euroseig by Laser who gave regular reports of the new and unwelcome eghbou's.” Meanwnie Carine Ignored the Oli presence during programmes. ‘On § November 1985, severely stom lashed and shot of suppies, the Communtators Captain dected 16 to woigh anchor sled into Harwich wih the Dt giing escort "Afr almost 3) months. under seige and at a reported cost of more than £100,000 the main target ofthe ‘aon had been shut down, Laser Montoring ofthe Ross continued for ‘further few weeks but then she was left on her own again to weather the Noth Sea winter storms. “The day afer Laser closed down Caraine moves her S78 Kez broadcasts” to. the better 558 ‘frequency. Over the months fo come a tighter Top 40. format was eveloped inceasing listeners ‘The Brlsh Government Inteduced amendments to the Terrtoral Sea Act atring tetra my, Conmuntcaar limits. Consequently the Ross moved toa new anchorage at the South Fale Head in June 1987. At the ew location the ship would be nearer the main shipping lanes but being further {ast ofering less protection in rough ‘weather “All appeared wel in 1087 and the ship fede the horendous sea Wwhped up by the October hurricane ‘though there were a few tecarical problems with the matt suppor ays. Many land. based. stations frperenced problems and were forced ofa but Caroline conned. ‘On. 20. November the thoe hundred foot igh tower collpsed uring a severe north easton storm Huried aon “was essential 10 ‘ensue everyone’ salty. Emergency Services were alerted and on stab to it the crew off shoul the need aise, Engineers cat the tower fee ‘fom the ship where It had remained ted 10. the” vessel but laying ‘overboard int the rough sa, Unling ship piping, redundant since the vessels fishing days, 2 makeshit aeral mast was rected ‘Within eight cays ofthe main tower eolapsing Caroline resumed broadcasting on ver ow power: ‘Meanie on land Howard Beer had been summons to. appear at Southend Cour accused of lvring fuel othe Ross Revenge. The juape sent him to prison for 8 months. On ‘appeal t was decided the sentence ‘ras far to long and he was released ‘er 7 weeks a in March 1068. a new shortwave tation earted from the. Ross Revenge caled World Mision Radio whieh Broadcast a mitre of eigious programmes and mus. Meanwhile the engineers worked con a vately of masts anid. ool Systems which gradually permitted the use of higher power. Radio Mondue ‘had departed from the ship. when the "tower colapsed anda “number of their former staf stated Rado 588 9 Duteh in May. Rado Carcine broadcast overnight in November 1988 the Dutch talon moved to 8192. Carcine Felained the 558 channel and fesumed a daytine sence to complement the night time. Later Carolin also used the B19 frequency te provide an overnight ‘aliatwe! servos after Radio 819 and t evening religious segment. Viewpoint 819, had closed. The 558 channel played. a ght Top 40. ste of programme whereas the 819 ‘Ateratve played a more relaxed Contemporary bum format, often ‘efered to a the hipy service “Two new masts were gradually being constucted when sections and pars wore able to be secety Selvred to the radio shi. ft was Wely known by Carotne that progress was being montored by the authors. During the summer of 1980 further werk took place on bulcing the masts but with completion near the autores took more notice. In mid-July helicopter hovered near the ship taking photographs. During the afternoon of 21 July the Ross was ‘buzzed by an aioree jt and minutos later'a French naval launch orcled the ship taking photographs of the ‘anchor ‘system. Eaty next day 3 Dutch tender alongside the Ross was intercepted by the cutter Landward ” with O11, ofils onboard ‘accompanied by the Essex poke launch Vala i Supplies continued to. be unloaded whe ofcile ‘demanded over loud alr fr the ‘Smash and Grab On 18. August the Landward aroved aga and the crew identfiod themecbes as offcals of the Dit together win a representative of the Dien radio autores (PT) They Stated interaonal acion was being faken to silence the broadcasts from the Ross Revenge. The Di. asked to be allowed on boar the Ross, his request was refused but a Carlie representative boarded ther ship to dscuss the sialon. During the hegotatone i was sated that there had been 27 arests onthe continent and the crew af he Ross should give Up’ a there was no land suppor lt Newt day the Landward returned ‘and was jied in the eal afternoon by the large Dutch tug Volans which Bled up alongside the Ross. Alarge frumbee” of armed Dutch iegaty ‘oarded and tok contol ofthe radio hp. Al vansmiters wore swiched Sf and the offeiale spent soven hours guting the ship of al Broadcast ‘equipment, including records Features that could not be removed ‘easly were smashed by ‘Sedgehammer During the operation Dit fleas boarded the Ross and intevewed the Beish crew but in ‘hurry when a press boat arrives ‘Val tranemter valves and pats had been stashed away by the crew during the raid which enabled Ccaraline to retum on 1 October 1980 with low power Further repairs were Undertatan but then the Dit fwerded. London based Spectum Radio the Carine $58 channel. Boh Stations broadcast on the same frequency for a while. The London staon was. given an adiional frequency befor ter offical start. ‘uring 1990 further heats bythe athories ‘against those tendering the, sho crested "problems it Sustaining broadcasts and tranemiasions became sporadic. At times crews and supples had to be (delvered by infatabe dinghy “The government induced last ‘minute amendments tote Broadcast ‘Rt that was ging though Pariament ‘uring 1990, These closed loopholes wwihin the 1087 MOA. Caroine, fry slaton broadcasing fom Intemational waters, had to have an fcoeptable leence. The new. law fempowers seizure and aest of the broadest hip along wih much “ai “Te Find ever Eas 9950 the Ros on Ener Saurcay 1968 20 heavier penaties for hose involved in the sation ‘On 10 December 1990, a fow wooks before the Act became law, the Ross sufered goneraor flue in force 11 storm. The cow, Carine Marin. Rio and Chis Adams were rescued by Sea King Helicopter. ‘The next day. the abandoned Ross was inspected by offi fom the ti snd Try House. She remained wihout crew for fou days {nl engineers Peter Chicago, and ‘Tony Cols sucesstuly boarded and Undatook emergency repairs. ‘An agrooment was reached with the Dik that the ship would be ‘lowed to slay at anchor provided ‘Supplies taken out were not to be {eed for broadeast purposes. in January 1991 the Ross Revenge Support Group was formed by supporters of Rado Caroline. The ‘ew group's tention was to keep th ‘hip tafe at sea and ensure thatthe ‘row had adequate fel and supplies. ‘Aso they would investigate ways that Caroline coud legally resume broadcasting ‘On 19 November 1991 the Ross lost her ancnor na severe stom and ‘ety nextday went aground on the ‘Goodwin Sands. She was eventually refoated by the Dover Harbour Board {ps Deft and Dextrous and detained by the Department of Transper In Granite Dock m Dover From 7 Api to 4 May 1982 Radio Carine sucessfully broadcast ror the Ross Revenge to Dover using @ 28 day Rested Servce Licence 10 commemorate the staiors 28th fnnersary. Much needed) funds were raed. A futher icenced broadcast ook place for just 17 days to the Medway area between 22 ‘August and 7 September 1952. Duo to the autheries not allowing the Ross. Revango to leave Dover the Staton had to arrange hued tranamigsion Enk tothe Bibel! Hil traramiter ste. Consequenty the ‘staton lost large sum of money. (On 19 February 1983, folowing tas wih the Duteh PTT. all the fecupment removed during the 1888 aid was relumed. and. immediately Degotations had began wih the DOT. immediately the ship. arived In Dover. Under the supervision of hos Chel" EngneerEme Stephenson repairs were cared out by wolumeers On 27 October 1993, the detention order was removed for 2 few hours to permit the Ross to be ‘moved to new mooring onthe River Blackwater n Essex Local Essex station Breeze AM broadcast a specal hour ‘rogram trom the Ross Revenge {o commomerate Carne’ 20h ‘aniversary onthe 27 March 1954 ‘On 16 May 1994 Johnnie Walker retumed to Caroline ater more than 26 years and broadcast ve fom the Ross Revenge. The 8 day lesnced roadeast o Essex iso conmemo- fate Caroline's they years and cover the South East Boat Show at Bumham-on Crouch ‘OVER 360 OFFSHORE RADIO SVmeos TTEMS AVAILABLE came 12 sond an SAE for our oo Tatst catalogue to: 1 STEERS HORIZON SALES, 4121 Monkton Street, Monkton, todimoch more Nr Ramsgate, Kent, 712 40, England CORTRTUS ABOUT BOAT TRPS TO BOARD THE ROSS REVENGE” SOLE AGENT © ALLPROFTS FROM OURSALESGOTOTHERRSG * Tuose THat Have Served “To produces compete at of aes that have been heron Rao Carine veto pa ny yore anoe an inposaby Ble lowing shoud nt be ofr short 1D The bracts now ber names) known yor er nae sed ra, or ter, ho ine on Caine To anasto) slong the name centes Ds who depared Rao Cara ete the Maine fences Ac (1967) wa To Webhave sis nd iat wih Dutch amos who broadens onthe Dulch Rade Carine ratora) sores or wo asses he Engh sore, [2 Thelat ao includes note who broadcast on he staions wo Rested cena rasa ad seit programmes up unl he en of 1992 Enaust Cine Aan, G.oe Anus, Roms Aor (Roo Baws), Miz Avene”. Pr sec {Pr Rate). Br A, Ta A Bar A, Tot Aun Deve AEN, DW ALN ities Anes, rn occ, bv Asc, Tu Bocee, Dive ome (Gove tance Eton Moran Man Siamese), Ae Aree, Dt Ave, Joe A Siete Mar Nox Baur Davo Bes, Bin Bx, Rx Bar, Sac Bae, Neon ‘BomnctaSumve (Mee Gewmeren, Fane Bowe", Mowe, Boonen do Bowe ‘Guo Benen, Cas Ben, Jon Bar, Kem Bux, Tow Buca or Ban, Nox Bowne, Bae, hoy Buon (cn Mixon, he Boos, as Bros, Lon Cums Beow’ Ren cm, Davo Bac Een Br, Max Bran, Got But", A Burn, Dov Cave, Aor Caron, Tat Caron, Bow Carr, Co Carne, KO, Caran Roe Cons, Suan Crass, Pex Cmca, To Om, Pri Cas PETER ‘Tr Stuer Gaon Cars Cue, Dae Cano, See Com, Ci Cov” COD Glue Game, Conon Cae Cres Cu, Rome Dat, Rex Ove das Drs Rouse Tosa Dar. Pn Occ, Stax De, Sten Duo, Mrz Dao (Caeonr ME Konuwe), Suwmria Oro, Gem Dawu, Mac Dot, Jon Dre, Rom Eo, Tow Eomwosy Oras Er, Die Eus, Sie Brows, ease Ecivo, Cons Eine, SO Ena Bevery doen nc, Dive Fs (De Tumeur Fa), oon FRO ‘Gum Fore Dave sit, Eo Fore. Ker Fc Nx Foca, Ks Fran, Cr Fuca, Rosen Gait Tour Gucrs, Nec Gan, Sram Get, Gat Gs, Steve Goer, Je (Gear Roma) (te) Goon, One Gar, Pa Gama, Maz Hac, Ker Frenne” es Hast, Noe ims (Sa? Russa), Ros Harsen (Ree Ja), Dee mss, ten Hamu, Piet Hoe, us He” Me Hows, Reno cco, Nox {Tce De deus, Tone ds, revenues, Kony Jas (Rey Pc), Crs des en ies, Jory don, Dow Jaan, Poa dees, Pur Jom, A Joey (Conn) Rey nes, Jewry Re Swe iw, Me Kes, Je KE ‘Maren Kane (ve Groen), Gu Ka, Crs Koen, Stee Ket, Dv Kem Kuno that KJ Ka. Keri Kn, Eons Koo, Ca aaron, Ton Ko Pas Kee, Shree, Bar Lee”, Due Laven Me Lamerce, Royo it, Ast is, ou Lex Sor Lise, Joe ems (Semen Be), Ke Lams, Ba Ls Mowe Ln, ier ioe, Tew Loos. Max Live, im Mack, ov Mac, Mie Maron Bra moa” Creamy Mansa a Mann Sree Mata, Key Ma, Coc la She Mares, Bon Mar, Rone Marva Mr Mars, Mev: Mr, Pa sci, lowe HRs, Tow Nokes Faroe MeN, Joo Moe, Se Mean ME Mace’ Memes, Coss Was, bx tes (is A), Pra Move, Cove Mrs 2 Bucs Mame (Bruce Puce), Ao Mocecok, Crs Meo’, Eo Momo", Hor Mone Mame, Sats Muza en sca eG Cover) Ju Min, ‘Sov Mun oy Scan) Mrs Masa Kev Nose, Ae Nein, Can Noro" Bot ‘Nous, Pat Nome Nan, Mut Fs (ar Osc), Oa Owe, Dex PAM. toc Pa, Tow Pe Peon Pa, vor Prac Jos Se), Ma aren Dae rv. Com Pease, Mn Pera, Txt res, Peen Pres, Se Pars, Pr Pome ‘Ton Pres", Pron Onn, Bc Rens, Jomo Rec. Pa Renee, Our Remaos (Revou Ler Ree), Dae iauwcs Who Gur), Bs Resueos, See ewes, Nex Rows, Reo, Dare Ron Net Roms, vat Reon, Ae Roos, De Ros Ma Rocz Eure Ro, Roo Ross Jaes Rss Res CarevRv O'S), Ry BUCK Mu’ Sennen’, Tame Sear Rae Sor Awa Lapeer Bae), Dae Sues. Pa Serna Ta Semenn, Ken Suns, Mam Scoe, ox Scr, Caer St om “hersououro Re), NewS at, Rene Sane, Moe Sree" Doe Ste, Bos Stem, Rowro Sense dox Srne7 Asn Symes, ew Sraos, Dae Tana, Som ‘amor, Tener Dono Trans ha, Rowe Tecra (Ba), sec Tous Fence Tome’, Dit Lat Tames (OT), Aan Tomer, Kem Tome, Jw Tem, Tome Vine Br Va, Goss Veo, Sunt Verne (Sta Var). Seen Vat, “oe Was, Mine, Was-Ganuvo, Bon Water. Coun Wa, Mac Wee, Cas ‘Ware, hee Ware, Gene Wea’, Dave Wet, arcu Wer Roowra Wet, Tow Wa [NaWheun, Eo Wire, Wess, Be Wace Mao Was, Mor Wea ‘and, Ove Wasen, Eno Wasser One Wes, Peer Wow, dan Woe, Ma ‘Warr Je Weer Dae}, DasaWa, Tara, Se Yo fs, dene Bees, Bower, Teo Boum, Exum vos Bu, Geto ve Dt (Geran wt oe Ze), Pea Per Br). Tow Dotsn Ren Daan Par Dinos, Feros Omen Oca Fy, Pee an Gv, Henna Gna Rl} yes Roe Hine (Roxarsone) Jay Mae ac, Co on, Lec Keen, Owes Ke He ve 8 (Ean zo oe Lan, ery on U2, Wh Lorn, Foe et Ms, Hu Meson, Hos Mawr, Muse, Cam Perna AD Pre. Seca Peas, PET oC ase, Abeer Ws on Sa Bu Ss, Mae Sort To, a Troe Tat fen Vine, Ha Vem, Joce Veroce, doce Vcr, itn WR, dom Vise erence Ves, encen Wenn, Panos Wr, ten Zoe, [RAoio CAROLINE INTERNATIONAL (FrouMo02 Jn 1970) vce, Aus, Lan Tree (Wn Roaen Dit, Ao Ace Ca Mire). RAnI0 CAROLINE OFrigint NEWSLINE (0839 669990 ‘Te on AMBER Yo GVE YOU THE TRUE NEWS RECT FROM THE STATIN. ‘UPoATED WEERLY. CALIF NOW AND HEARTHELATEST ABOUT HE ROSS Revenat, OWS, CREW A OUR BROADCASTS, l “The ew ol he Rass Ravage Gus the 198 ria ae oderod roman atthe rt er, Carne Naren, Chr Kerns). A Burenriy Uron Tre Wiest or Peter Moone yo Ganount ataTion maint, PER MoORe TEL OUT WAY REAL AS sere 1987 um. 1981 me adoxBuTTwty Urow Te Whe, Pres £10.99 ‘erase ree, AvaaBue nou Orrovons Eot', POBox 1514, Lovoen, WT LL. ™ CaucHT ON CAMERA 4S Photo Series For weddings, portraits and commercial photography O81 676 8174 "Nom you e964 now you so” “Te Soars songs ha oes Revenge n 188. The D1 spf beat Dope Surveyor mae the Goce’ gong onboard hen he side sh “Tho ug Volans usc byte Dutch Pfr the Aut 1908 radon be Ross Reve. “Ep ‘eco. Vat have we here ten” tel Saturday 22 ly 189, eleraona watr he poles launch Vigo ors 9 Och onde to dock Ro be Ross Revonge. THE RADIO CAROLINE CLUB eoaany Puss 5 wasazne CAROLINE NEWSBEAT NEEP YOU WFORNED O ALL THE LATEST NEMS WTA "THE Sta, PeseeRS MO Ce Fon us £1 we wu PLEASED To MA You A WRODUETORY COPY (FTE LATEST oO WT ETALS ON HOW T0 0 Ware: RADIO CAROLINE, Po BOx 963, LONDON, SW20 8X1, Rapio SHips ‘Sure rar wave anonacas Rane CaROUNE v. CAROLINE Bult in 190 as a Danish passonges tary arid Fedora. She was acqured Ccaroine war 664 andes ot or er new rte asa ras sho inthe ish Repl ‘Stew 6im ong ores of Gm, dup fut ver 4m weigh 702 one ‘Renamed Carine her ntl anchrape was of Fett bt wen Carlie an _Asaria merge ne wae moved of sof Manan became Rasta Caine Now etna boadeaat ook pace on? Mah 168, Shr aft ches aoeecown. ‘urna th eay haut of the net moring, she Was boarded by 2 uy fom Te ‘Wamuer ardor company wa salad tal they wee owed money for Der srvins Shewas hen towed halon “the paar on page 2 shows ha passing rough the Engich Channa on har euro Arstorar ie Marc 1958 ‘Ate end of May 1672 she was od at auton fa sip breakers nd a ben we. wv. MIAMIGO ‘The moat famous ofthe Caine ships ad sl ond remembered ysis and cow ana Buln 1921 orga asa saling ship bt longhoed wih an engine aed Inez Herforma nares ware'¢ Margin, mv Olga, my. Bon Jour. Maga ‘Mara So, she had an resting stay before he Carlie carer. ‘She as a much amar sip tan he Carine a 407m, trash Tm wih 2 taught ot 20m. Her reglred wot was 30 tone. ‘Before Calne acquired ber she was cared om ama case tao hip by ‘Sundin waton Rage Nove whist sparta between 101 ard 1052 Het Engh ado {aye Dogan se Rago htatn 1964 bt she soon became ada Crcin Sou "Spe want aground nea Fon ary 1600 ar vets to or poston in Aa oft yearapora ren land whence a moe powarl Yaneree ‘ure the roming of 3 March 1988, na cavefly planed eperaon, she was oad bya Merce tener company tug and er waree send of She wat thon owed te Hotand and nunded arg wih or Norham st she Th ara ar ra career fenned of Holand andi 1974 flowing be easing ot ‘meDush M.A she etumed toa potion ef te Essex coast Dung a hear sl Maen 1800 ane sank the Thames Extn. Her mest ome paring sywers os & rmearalto he par where shelay ui aly elapsed ew yrs wv. CHEETAH I ‘he Chootah was used by Swedish ofshre sation Rado Sy, When pack oe ‘orate stator 1 close dw sug te wir of OBB sain owne Mrs Ba Woche: ‘ered Ceine the Chetah faa empary replacement rhe Ml Amgo when the Suh ‘pan aroun eaten ‘Se ler aid to Baril (ormety Babs) n The Gamba whae sre besa 2 rextauarThe Choa was ovrey Garages by ean ad evertualy sar the aour Her remain af poied ou to tures one fe Rado Cine thos 2 uv. MEBO Il tn 1048 a » garral cago snp and cgay nam he Sate. She was fpwcnacd in 1969 by rh asad Mebo Lid The Maka rame had been deve’ fon the pnp! decor names of MEltr and Bi, rt Be same sugges Yom he Marre Ete Brodcasing fences (Ac) ‘She had eng 587m, bexh of 8.8m a crag of 33m and weighed 620 ‘Once comets she became spends uous peyehadelealy paid rao she fond ond he ofthe aso tena in Jarry 1070, She Wosdeat Rade Noweea iemateral ane Rao Carine ematona for awe msune 1870 “The RN sp had mary poten dung = days a 8 rao sp When se salad ‘tom te Dutch cost m Mare 1070 tothe Essex comet er MAW trosdcaae nee [reveal anos byte Brith Govern In Aust ta ear Navn tur 2 {he Outen coo. she broadcast ie the amas eves 2a ing ose ana ne ship Nay 1971 saw a re barb tack wich sauessovre Sarma, The ek ‘oloweda seayreement btween Rage Verona andthe srs of he ed ‘She cod down on 31 huput 1974 sn aut ofthe uth MOA bul wor snpounde by he Duchauhers wh ete she woul feta boasting of er (lan Afer several cout cases she was evtial reaaed and ss te Lyon {overeat She rcaceasn 1977 fom Tol but than was sped ofl roe {aupert The ap wa hen repariafo have bean dened wen sed 1 ge pradse by te Loyan a re wv. ROSS REVENGE But ot Srememaven in 1060 ak an leaner and erin ned Froyr ‘Sha was bough Rose Tralrs i and roamed os Revange 662 Her lng i 87 Bm, trendy 10.3 and Graugh 518m. Weght 978 tons. Sie was the Bape! ie rir bt at that re ana we vd Inte God Wr bate Ilan and tan a the ay severe 171982 so ity became Savage sh but then found ana eae of He ase replacement sp forte Mi Amigo. She was Med etn Span fo become e lagest {peraonal a spn Europe Ht 300 fol a oer was baeved to be tetas ruc on ay fosing vas! the wos, ‘She ared of saben Aus! 183 and remained af soa ut November 1991, longest pera any rao sho roman ase nthe isto of ofanore rao. er ital mening a he Ree Calne snip was Kc Deep Bt se moved to the Sout Fate Head esponee fo e Breen goverment amerng the Tetons Sea Ain 1687 Ip Noverbr 1687 he 300 fol aa ter colupee ‘On 20 Novenber 1881 se lst er anchern asm and stand on he nots ‘shai oe of ny wo sip fo have boo rescued eo he snc. Tha ots Revenge Suppon Group pad the savage cots ana harbour eee whe etaned in Dover. Te gfoup ae undertook suficert rope lo enable fa to be ‘moved anew mooring en be Rive Bachar n saeco 2 Octobe 600 Remaring reper wat requred bythe Depairert ot Trarspr i hoped 19 be colts ung 1994 tera lease rom te deren oder 2 ap are eee "a Mller ee THE FUTURE For most ofthe ime ht have bean nena in charge of Caine wo have been io ‘cha ston feiss ta simp fo survive Wes achiever enough New wile ‘Sur ereuratareas are far omoved fom ht we woud In, we teh pared ot Stabity an pepe ae asking understand pean, what about he fae? ‘On paper ou opts are many, but i praca toms, franca mations and our instore on rong our pendence raews OU opportune. Sree 1901 when out ship was brought uring ito UK conta, we have bean laying by he es A fow hn sous have pu ta onto ne order thee, bat fr geeral ou evar for beng good toy hs beer prosus Ite For tance, took {wa yas of corns ngotaton 1 be alewod io move ou sh frm Ken io Essar Bring tev wo wore shadowed bythe auitrbs fr vey ml of he voyene News iter tough fous fom he ower tha be, saying that wo appa fo @ "cence io boadcast London fe appiaton wou go trough en th nog ae a Way aly erang the nuserce we hare ben fo succssve ‘ore art ‘tty years Hating verted ting ganed Wie ed apple Rado Autorty ues Later in oro celta our om hit ithday we aha for oe mont cence ‘The boasating copabiy ‘onboard the Rose Rowonge can prosoce 9 svery ‘owas We were ore one wat Paranoid might bo, but do rater sar at someone is wig he ene “The fue? The ga hat we eniod he mera 1964 has age been fe, pee hough seme of the serves mayb, Inierrs hao 2 great avert) of ee. Having sad Ps, nol cant governess sat ut {aut ogra’ us a eee, te aw area nse a way at we could ano Soa \ethout at fing asked ye ames eens fora county Wen hn mn ‘re comnueto prove ura ‘Ancterpsstilty which cube pursued tandem wih, quite separate rom our ‘ter pons stele raz. The saonce atl ao has eit fr some years. ‘lea signal can be detec ous ranaly or ever te wile of Europe, uf ‘naerloas oe sine ora recep fhe signals not yt pore bu when oes eresfal ad wl e's ing of he pst woud be vey pean br Cine be up and nang ot {he mesum wer ey estou essere ic brings us to he question, jst why Go we do i? What isthe deste to ‘Commune ae aoa has Cane 6 enure ity very Set years? tis nt jut about being aie opay a Reing Stores record tothe popuaon witout uhoreaton edo sos al abou feedom Url sence by te Beasaatng Ak ‘ih srr persion for ame rerenon beyond the core tery, Catan was the ony fee vlc broadcasing toe UX weet scualy Bong ‘ad byte goverment Offcals wil trot out hogwash about possible ierfrence and ederence, to Irtmatnal reas a Pe reason fo pursue Carcio,bt he fea aso as has Seon adres pray tomes Dat what canst be onto’ moa be smn Scone amriceaone il fol you hat te erton i 19 9ve you Sa {ovenment and moe eecom wile, fac, dong the opposte Waletamate may 35 bu | do fe at George Oss dart von of he tata tata foresaen "Aiea ar ard 184 has adualy aed The newspenk’ of pole, snus! end racial covets i ateady upon us. Ox uery tyes are Song ramen oeravaunscmpabesereatpos Harmoss ee Ie catman an lscaoud af now taboo Nowe prases auch as ren shes ‘recovery td saned oe ear fhe conmanty eee at ws By potions ‘tho tow at we iow thay af ing nash. bl eaualy Poy know Bat we Mave Inet been mae too apa odo arthing abut We are exhorted o back he ‘oral ersade of ang back oben ty people who ae msn axoisting secret. puree or hae nemsves he mora fej “he ply of ta a wa tories be toad Ie i without anyone sang vo ay Snbugh a eng Petr Finch ine fle a8 8 renegade TY presenter inthe wonder fim Network faze tte popu ony we ra onl enw wo Ma ‘Aang wih sre very god musi he my vn fr a retom Rade Casing, 2 ree tre auesboning vot hat eearenes ot det ar hyp, expodg efor wat I. FRetsing perans to wht we ween 196, a iat for te peop. hom Iwi be traded an enact, no, hats exty what | am. Good nates rare every nom Sng Remember, you can ai rss, but sn very eas aise Pete Moot, Sian Manage. May 1604 ee enna THE ROSS REVENGE SUPPORT GROUP Folowing the 1989 raid and atlempts by the autores to sence Rao Caroine the RRSG was esladlshed curing. 1991 by supporters throughout Europe who were concemed forthe safety ofthe crew and ship ft sea, Since then the RR.S.G, has been responsible for financing the Ross Revenge. Through mary members and ther monthy donation the Salvage costs, mooring fees and other expenses incued after the Shiowrck have buen pai by the rou. Intact over £60,000 as been nated to date. Addons, thvough our members voluntary work groups on the Ross Revenge, tie RRS. has Raped to ensure a future for Europe's last fee radio stan, To ind out how you may hap us please send a large SAE to: RRSG, 25 THE MEADOW, CHISLEHURST, KENT, BR7 6AA, ENGLAND, yn ot Pane ane ea ees Paget Hoye Eoeeee 6

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