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Kenya Is Located on the East Coast of Africa, between

Tanzania, Ethiopia,
Somalia, and
Uganda. Kenya
was Origianally A
British Trading
Post After it was
Purchased by the
Easth Africa
Company. In 1920
Kenya Became a
Crown Colony, that Lasted until 1968 when Britan “Granted”
The Independence of Kenya After Several Violent uprisings
beginning in the 1950’s. The new country was led by Jomo
Kenyatta, the Leader of the uorising. Under Kenyatta A strong
Political Party was formed, the Kenyan African National Union
or KANU. In 1992 Kenya opened itself to Multiparty
Democracy after years of Political Pressure. In 2002 Mwai
Kibaki was elected as the National Rainbow Colalition’s
Canidate and proceded to win the presidency, he has remained
president to this day.
Kenya’s Flag
BlAck: represents the
People of Kenya
Red: represens blood
Green: represints
Natural Wealth
White: Represents Peace
The Masai Sheild and spears represent the defense of Freedom.
Keya VS. U.S.A
 Kenya Is A LOT Smaller than the U.S. , In fact it’s
just over twice the size of Nevada. Why? Kenya was
originally a British Colony, The british would not
have wanted to rule a smaller area because it would
strain already weak political positions and would be
just plain harder. In Comparison The united States was
expanding before the American Revolution, they
Bought tons of land from Coast to Coast, it’s no
wonder Kenya’s so much smaller.

 Because The United States is so Large it has a smaller

population density then Kenya, only 84. In
comparison Kenya Nearly doubles that with a
population density of 158.

 The GDP or Gross Domestic Product of the two

countries are radically different from eachother the
U.S. GDP is nearly 45 times that of Kenya!!!! Kenya
has a Gdp of $1,542 a year in comparison to $45,592!
The gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic
income (GDI) is a basic measure of a country's overall
economic output. It is the approximate market value of
all final goods and services made within the borders of
a country in a year.
 Life Expectancy Has a Drastic difference between the
U.S and Kenya, Males in the U.s. are expected to live
to the age of 77 on average. Wheras in Kenya men live
to an average age of 53. Women in the U.S. are
expected toLive to the age of 81, in Kenya they are
expected to the age of 54 on average.

 In the U.s. the Birth rate is 13.83 per thousand, In

Kenya the Birth rate is 35.14 per thousand. Why? In
Kenya Family has massive importance, it is in their
culture to have large families, also the infant mortality
rate in kenya is much higher, if they had less children
the population would decrease.

 Infant Mortality rate is so different between Kenya

and the U.S. ,In Kenya 55 out of every 1000 children
between birth and the age of two are expected to die.
In the United States only 6 out of 1000 babies are
expected to die. That’s a lot less in comparison.

 Literacy rate for Kenya n Adults is 74% , in the U.S.

that number is 99%, pretty different education.
Government and
The Kenyan Government A Multiparty
Democracy that is very similar to the United States
Government. The Current President is Mwai Kibaki
who was elected in 2002. The two main Political
parties are the Kenyan
African National
Union and the
National rainbow
Colalition. The
President Is the Chief
Mwai Kibaki
of State, an d the
Prime minister, who is currenly Raila Odinga, is head
of government. The 224 seat
national Assembly or Bunge
that controlls legistrature. In
Comparison the United States
is very similar. The united
states has an executive branch,
currently held by president Barack Obama
Barack Obama. The U.S. Congress and Senate Make
up the Legislative Branch, and the Court System
makes up the Juditial Branch.

Kenya’s Economy has suffered Severly in recent

years. Due Mainly to Low International Funds,
Corruption, rescession, And Fiscal reforms. The
Kenyan GDP has doubled since the 1960’s but is still
so low that some kenyans still struggle to meet their
basic needs. The Largest Employer in Kenya is
Agricultur, this employs over 75% of working
Kenyans. Other Major Employers include The Tourist
Industry, and some basic Factories.

Fun fact: The Kenyan Shilling is Equal to the

U.S. Dollar.

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