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32033, 34,38 36-39 40-45 77 a 66 ~4> Te : ° 253 OUTLINE OF SUGGESTED VIET OF DANIEL 12 IT. Medo-Persia. Ve 12 ‘ Cambyses, 529-5223 B.C. Smerides, ‘582-5dl B. Ce Darius Hystoapes, 485-465 B.C, 9 Ir. & v S. Alexander the Great, 336-323 B.C. Cassander, Lysimuichus, Ptolemy, Seleucus, 5.C, 301. Battle of Ipsu: Pioleuwy Legus, 323 Seleucus Hicator, 312 Ptolemy Philadelphus, Antiochus Theus, Berenice. B. C, 289 Ptolemy Euergetes, Ptolemy Callinicus, 5. C. 345 Antiochus Magnus Seleucus Philopater, B.C. 157-176 Antiochus Ephohanes, 176-164 THI. Rome Pagan and Pagal vs 30-45 Destruction of Jewish Temple, A. D. 70 Taking away daily, A. D. 503 Plaing Avowlnation, A. D. 553-538 Papal persecution through the centuries Protestant Reformation, 1517 - Character and creed of the Papacy. Unfulfilisd Prophesy this side of 1844 of the South aumedaniaa rife in tho North © papas poorted by the "Ten

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