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The Alphabet Table of Contents ‘Aa — Amazing Ants ...2 Pp — Playful Puppies \7 Bb — Baty’s Butierflies 3 Q@q—A Question for the Queen ...18 Ce — Cinderella's Coach .. . 4 Rr—Really Rosy... 19 Dd — Dandy Dinosaur . . ..5 $s —Sitting by the Sea Ee — Enormous Elephant & — Tk—Time for Teo Ff — Friendly Fish 7 Uu—Up Goes the Umbrella. .: Gg — Gorilla Games 8 Vv—AVery Fine Vine... 2. Hh — Hungry Horse <9 Ww —Woody's Window ....... 2 W-Weley oo... 10 Xx —Relaxon a Box ., “gig Jj —Just Jasmine . 11 Yy—Yes! He's in the Yord.. 26 Kk—Alion King ..............12 Zxz—Zazu Con Zigzag ..........27 LU Lovely leaves .............13 Aladdin’s ABCs oo... eee 28, 24 Mm —MiniMonkey ...........1 Good Night ABCs... 0.0... ..90, 31 Nn — Nibble on Nuts 15 Helping Your Child ctHome .......32 Qo — Open the Orange Paint... 16 © Disney eg Se tage votes maces _ F Amazing Ants Name Atta watches the ants. Capital A and small @ are partner letters. Circle each ant that has partner letters. Then trace and print the letters A and a on the lines. Pues ee os -— Vale Naa € Disney/Pixar et a * . eo +7 tee te "4! +, Baby’s Butterflies Name Baby Tarzan bas at the butterflies. Color each butterfly that has capital B or small b on it. Then trace and print the letters B and b on the lines. '© Burroughs and Disney eee eee ee TARZAN® Po Fr ve * “Ginderella’s Coach Name Cinderella waves from her coach. Find and circle each capital € and small ¢ in the picture. Then trace and print the letters C and € on the lines. Cn pr erence eres 5 A eer re 7% ° . ° \ dl \ Zt — eh ett of Ea Dinosaur Name Help Rex figure out which of Andy's toys belong in the drawer. Draw a line from each picture that has a D or a d to the drawer. Then print the letters D and d on the lines. = 8 I oa | | AP - = | Lal 4 Ty Sieg 20 Diney Pane gen! Story Elements © Dane a Sots Recognizing and Printing Dd 4 4° § 3 & wg ae - fg det praise et ” Enormous Elephant Name Tantor is a big, huge, enormous elephant. Color each footprint blue that has capital E on it. Color each footprint brown that has a small € on it. Then trace and print the letters E and e on the lines. . Rote nen eur eran © Burroughs and Disney ° TARZAN® Te hea | L r Friendly Fish Ariel swims with some friendly fish. Color each fish that has an F or an f next fo it. Then trace and print the letters F and f on the lines. ene SS La 5 we sane K a aT gitar ’ “Gorilla Games Name Terk plays gorilla games. In each box, draw a line from the letter next to the gorilla to its partner letter. Then trace and print the letters G and g on the lines. Ge . \ \ rel nd vd \_/ ee tt 4, TARZAN@ e ae - 4b . Hungry Horse — Name ' Help Phillipe find his food. Draw a line along the Hh path to get the horse to the hay. Then trace and print the letters H and h on the lines. © Disney Recognizing and Printing Hh Bambi skates on the ice. Draw lines on the ice to match each capital I with a small i. Then trace and print the letters I and ion the lines. Matching and Printing li © Disney 1 RE, ee ayia bye eet ap prs . i Just Jasmine ; Name | What is Princess Jasmine's favorite letter? Color each space that has a capital ' Jor a small j on it to find out. Then trace and print the letters J and j on | the lines. i f t == SS SSS joel — 1 \ J} \ 7 [pen eectceeececteeetco | | | : T T ; vel \_/ © Disney — (La ee ge ' Ts, HOST va xa T+ 5 4 7 + A Lion King Mufasa is the Lion King. He is sitting on a rock. Now, look at the other rocks. Color the two rocks in each group that have the partner letters K and k on them. Then trace and print the letters K and k on the lines. Pocahontas loves fo run through the leaves. Color each leaf that has an L or ‘an Ion it. Then trace and print the letters L and I on the lines. \ © Disney 13 7 FRCoeE Hayy yp te ore oe Ee Mini Monkey Name Abu is a tiny, mini monkey. On each rug, circle the letter that is the same as the letter in the box. Then trace and print the letters M and m on the lines. a / Recognizing and Printing Mm eo Ptah at a Se a EMS ra a gh se ee Nibble on Nuts | Piglet may want to nibble on the nuts. But Pooh only wants to eat honey. | Circle each nut that has capital N and small n on it. Then trace and print | the letters N and non the lines. © Dieney Based on the“Wnn ro Matching and Printing Nn Poort wos ty AA bine ad EH, Shepard. Al rahtsresomed. Open the Orange Paint Name Geppetto wants to open the orange paint. Draw a line along the Oo path to get Geppetto to the orange paint. Then trace and print the letters O and o on the lines. 16 (a ne ee eee Rod © disney PaaS +% . - — f oe Site ot Playful Puppies Pongo and Perdita’s puppies like to play. Circle each puppy that has a P or a p under it. Then trace and print the letters P and p on the lines. 7 ys Ye Et ~ "A Questio for the Queen Name Atta asks the Queen a question. Color the question marks that have partner letters. Then trace and print the letters @ and eon the lines. Pk Da QO oO a. reo oo eo ‘=| \_A & we Se egg 8h 8 Cri eke € Disney/Pixar 7 « . + aie y a es ees BM : pba ae es A Really Rosy Name What does Belle see in the jar? Color each space red that has a capital R or a small r on it. Then trace and print the letters R and r on the lines. Recognizing and Printing Rr the Sea Name What does Ariel see by the sea? Circle each picture that has an $ or an s on it. Then trace ond print the letters § and s. Gy r & e . e \ \ ee Sees et ee \ \ NWA Soa. cae ce eo = = y \ Noe te . Recognizing and Printing Ss oes +o,°t * ‘et See Fy ag : Time for Tea ‘ I's Mrs. Potts and Chip's favorite time of day—tea time! Look at the letter T or ton each teapot. Color the teapot and the teacup that have partner letters. Then trace and print the letters T and t on the lines. CT ap OY ere er Br oT oor \ pS Wim ep ae phy ae POMS — oe a ea eee het the Umbrella Name An umbrella keeps Pooh and Piglet dry. Color each part of the umbrella that has a capital U or a small u on it. Then trace and print the letters U and u on the lines, aT a qed 11 qT qT I \ 7 XZ wr eo eoo nanan = —— Aud Recognizing and Printing Uu il ena ns ert . EH. Shopard. Al ights reserve. Foy tetas Et A Very e ° ° Fine Vine Name Tarzan swings on a vine. Start at Tarzan’s vine and draw vines to each capital V and small v. Then trace and print the letters V and v on the lines. re + I 4 t t | t ' ' t t t t 1 1 t \ \ / WO te )~CSCSCOCO™C™C V. eae grere oo ence Speen t aw V7 t_ Ww y ' 1 i (© Burroughs and Disney Pee Ren Maca a | TARZAN@ epithe g he wi AE efits sah r : Woody’s Window Name ‘What does Woody see outside the window? Circle each picture that has a W or a w next to it. Then trace and print the letters W and w on the lines. (ee eee © DsneyPoat Orga Toy Say ee Sa eth mets © Osrey Sei Dog + ‘© ames nusnes| 4 + elax on a Box Name | The Seven Dwarfs are home from work. Now, they can relax. On each box, | draw lines from the letter in the middle to the same two letters on that box. | Then trace and print the letters X and x on the lines. a AN - + x yf % on mera roronconnencinreeneee a Z \ ye 6 ZN ZN Yes! He’s in the Yard. Name Help Andy find Buzz Lightyear. Draw a line along the ¥y path through Andy's yard. Then trace and print the letters ¥ and y on the lines. “ROT or a —_— — ae IN / V7 ¥ / / / / iE EI eR he 26 ecognizing and Printing Yy cress oan ISS ‘ments © Disney 1 t Can Zigzag Name Zazu can zigzag from tree to tree. Cross out each letter that is not a Z or az. Then trace and print the letters Z and z on the lines. ~¥=53----- —— sen we --- ----- 4 / ff © Disney (eee Meat Mea ead Te! ee r ty ha ee a tee Aladdin’ s ABCs What is Aladdin holding? Connect the dots from A to Z C+ tofind out. Then color the picture x .W : a v -R USS ; whe at sy

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