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Presentation Self Assessment

Our story was clear and the message was easily understood
by our audience.

Our story included the parts traditionally used in myths

and fables (fiction, explanation of why something is the way it
is, ends with a moral/message, etc.).

I spoke clearly so my audience could hear all that I said.    

I was able to ‘become my character’ through the use of

drama techniques (facial expression, gestures, voice, etc).

I brought in or made props and costumes to make our

story more believable.

I worked collaboratively with my group to make and

present an entertaining story.

I think I did really well at bringing all the props so the audience can
understand. I also think that the I did very well on making the audience
interested in the story.

Next time I need to think about speaking in the character’s voice, but in the
same time speak clearly so the audience understands.
I noticed that all of you in your group were serious about creating an entertaining story that included
all the parts of a fable and though you say you didn’t collaborate with your group so well, it seemed
like your group worked well together. Your costume and props did certainly help make the story more

Always remember to use your face and voice expression to help become your character.

Overall, a good performance by you and your group, Joy. Well done.

Ms. Denise

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