Trecutul Simplu

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Trecutul Simplu

A. Mod de formare
Subiect + Vb.II (terminatia "-ed" pentru verbele regulate)

1. I wrote a book last year.
2. He went to a football game last week.
3. We played in the park yesterday.

Did + Subiect + Vb.I?

1. Did you write a book last year?
2. Did he go to a football game last week?
3. Did you play in the park yesterday?

Subiect + didn't + Vb.I

1. I didn't write a book last year.
2. He didn't go to a football game last week.
3. We didn't play in the park yesterday.
B. Folosim Trecutul Simplu pentru:

• activitati terminate care s-au petrecut in trecut

She was in France 2 years ago.
We bought a new washing machine 2 weeks ago.

• actiuni incheiate care s-au petrecut la un moment determinat in

They were in England in 1981.
I left Bucharest in april 1994.
C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Trecutul Simplu:
yesterday, at this time yesterday, 2 days ago, 2 months ago, last year, last
week, the day before yesterday

1. Diana went in Belgium 3 years ago.
2. I was having lunch at this time yesterday.
3. They played football 2 hours ago.
4. Paul taught English and French 3 months ago.
5. She left town the day before yesterday.

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