Based On The Given Examples Try To Find The Factors of The Following

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Based on the given examples try to find the factors of the following:

1. 1 + 8x3
2. y3 + 64
3. x3 – 8y3
4. x6 – 27y3
5. 8x3 – (x - 9)3

Firm UP
Check the work of the students, and then discuss the correct answers
for clarification purposes.

Mastery of Skills
Factor each expression.

1. c2 – 25 6. a3 - 125
2. y2 – 81 7. 1 – 27y3
3. 4r2 – s2 8. 8x3 + 64
4. x2y2 – 9 9. a3b6 – x3
5. 625p8 – 81q4 10. 125x6y6 + 8


Use your head! :D

The class will be divided into two groups, then from the pattern use your head each group
will have a different representative for each round.
Those representatives will factor the given expression mentally the first one who
will give the correct answer will have their corresponding point in different rounds.
There are Easy (1 pt.), Moderate (3 pts.), and Difficult (5pts.) rounds.
The winners will have their rewards. :D

Easy Round: (5 questions) each answer should be explained.

1. x² − 100
2. x2n − y2m
3. x² − 81
4. 64a3 – b3c3
5. x3y3 + 27z3

Moderate Round: (5 questions)

1. -9 + j4
2. 16r6 - _ =(_ + _)(_ - 3p)
3. m3 – 729
4. 64m3 – 1728
5. a3 – _  = (a – 11) ( _ + 11a + _ )
Difficult Round: (3 questions)

1. 16p8 – 81q4
2. 8x3 – (x - 9)3
3. (x - 2)3 – 1/27

Instruct the students to find words that can best describes their family
members then factor the words with its partner (family member), and draw it in a
thing that represents the whole family.

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