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Risk factors

School environment

Recent research has linked the school environment to school violence.[49][54] Teacher assaults are
associated with a higher percentage male faculty, a higher proportion of male students, and a
higher proportion of students receiving free or reduced cost lunch (an indicator of poverty).[50] In
general, a large male population, higher grade levels, a history of high levels of disciplinary
problems in the school, high student to teacher ratios, and an urban location are related to
violence in schools.[49][55] In students, academic performance is inversely related to antisocial
conduct.[17][25] The research by Hirschi[44] and others,[30][45][46] cited above in the section on the
home environment, is also consistent with the view that lack of attachment to school is
associated with increased risk of antisocial conduct.

Lax school authorities

In 2005 on a school bus in Montgomery County, Maryland, an 11-year old girl was attacked by a
group of students who forcefully penetrated her with an object.[56] The child's mother, not the
school, called the police, although a school administrator did notify the girl's mother (the
students were not charged with sexual assault because the police mishandled the paperwork). In
2008, the Baltimore School District failed to intervene in an act of violence committed against a
teacher. A student had taken a video of a peer beating her art teacher. School officials ignored
the problem until the video was posted on MySpace.[57] Some cases of school violence have not
been brought to the attention of the authorities because school administrators have not wanted
their schools labeled "unsafe" under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.[56] With or without
NCLB, in the US, there has been a history of underreporting violent incidents occurring in

The media

School shootings are rare and unusual forms of school violence. School shootings are
accountable for less than 1% of violent crimes in public schools, with an average of 16.5 deaths
per year from 2001-2008.[17] Some commentators claim that media coverage encourages school
violence,[61] although a more likely explanation is that the reporting follows the events in
question. On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people at Virginia Tech before
committing suicide.[62] Possibly because of extensive media coverage of the Virginia Tech
tragedy, several students across the US committed violent offenses or threatened to do so in their
schools. On the other hand, the press would likely have been faulted if it did not cover serious
threats to public safety like the Virginia Tech and Columbine massacres.
Tourism District Bombana

Sagori Island
This island has white sand and lots of pine trees grow, and is inhabited by tribal people Bajo.
This island in the tourist can enjoy the beautiful sun rise and sinking. This island is located in
District Kabaena and can be reached by speed boat about 4 hours west of the city towards Bau-

Watutuburi Cave
Tourism is located in the Village District Lengora Kabaena East. Tourism can be achieved using
a vehicle with two wheels and four wheels, with a distance of ± 25 km from the Capital District.
Uniqueness / attraction is a cave found this place be imprisoned. And in this cave there is a
spring that some people believe the water can provide property.

Nature Rerede Ee (TAHITE) Boiling Water

Nature tourism is located in the Village Tahite District Rarowatu. Ee Rerede this is one of the
tourism that has a uniqueness that is rare, this is because, in general, the water boiling hot, but on
tourism this water does not feel hot. Tourism can be implemented using the two-wheeled
vehicles with four wheels and ± 10 km distance from the City District.

Lumense Dancing
Traditional Lumense derived from the word that means flying Lume and Mense, which means
high, so high-flying Lumense means. This dance comes from the District Kabaena District
Bombana. The meaning of this dance is worship in the gods. This dance is presented at the
ceremony guests welcome parties of the people in the District Bombana

Marine Tourism
Coral Reefs Wakatobi nautical tourism is that tourism activity has been developed in the
Wakatobi Islands, which supported the existence of the National Park Sea Islands Wakatobi. The
benefits of this tourism asset, not because the carpet is very knowledgeable reef waters along the
sea bottom topography with a complex shape, such as slope, flat, drop-off, Atoll underwater
Cave and the marine biota of a wide range.

Depth of water varied in the reaching 1044 meters with the base of the sand and relaxing, the
area has potential that has a significant presence, especially coral reefs and many types of marine
biota is diverse with the aesthetic value and high conservation.

Specifically marine park Wakatobi archipelago has a ± 25 fruit with a group of 750 coral reef
species, surrounded total 600 km2, and the tourist beaches obek potential for managed, spread
throughout the Wakatobi region. Based on potential, makes this area very comportable for dive
tourism activities such as surfing and snorkeling, fishing and tourism. So one of the foreign
journalists suit named Jacques Costeau Wakatobi rate as penyeleman beautiful place in the world
(Wakatobi is the finest diving site in the world).

Wakatobi Dive Resort

Wakatobi Resort Located near beautiful beaches and menawam-Tomia Onemobaa Island,
Wakatobi Islands. Wakatobi Resort offers world-class diving is supported by a spectacular house
reef and the ease of access to the dive with the diversity of life under the sea again with the
added security and comfort in doing the activities that suit is guaranteed with a protected marine

Wakatobi Resort also has a staff of experienced and knowledgeable in tourism services, with the
food dish and a healthy sense of diversity, and equipped with satellite communication device
with internet access 24 hours, so the Wakatobi Dive Resort to serve guests with the service
standards of the world.

Resort is also equipped with the airfield on the island Maranggo Tomia with flight paths that
connect the island of Bali akan Tomia to make a trip to Wakatobi easier and convenient.

Culture Tourism
There is a variety of archaeological and historical heritage of social and cultural existence of the
unique and characteristic of the community, is a cultural property that has a value attraction
power, as a support for the development of tourism sector.

Cultural heritage provides the characteristics of past wealth and cultural values that until now can
be seen in the pattern / Wakatobi traditions of a society which is well known as the coastal and
island communities. So that the culture of the more coastal culture (marine antropologis).
Existing culture is what gives a unique phenomenon for the development of tourism based on
cultural values.

Wakatobi Marine National Park

Wakatobi Marine National Park is a conservation area in the sea area of Kepulaaun Iron Wind,
Wakatobi National Marine Park is a beautiful garden and sea coral reefs in the world. Travelers
who want to spend some time in this area, Tours Travel Agent PT. Wakatobi Dive Resort and the
Board of Management, Wallacea ready to meet the needs of tourists began to visit each of the
completeness of the structure with diving.

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