Assignment 1

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Aircraft Stability and Control

Date 19/01/2011
Max. Marks 5 Last date for submitting the assignment : 31/01/2011

Q1. what is aerodynamic balancing? 1

Q2. Draw and explain briefly the various types of tabs. 2
Q3. Consider following statements for airplane with an aft-tail. 1
Sum of forces along X and Z axes is zero.
(a) Pitching moment about C. G. is zero.
(b) Increase in α is accompanied by nose down pitching moment and vice versa.
(c) Increase in α is accompanied by nose up pitching moment and vice versa.
(d) C. G. is behind a.c. of wing.
(e) C. G. is ahead of a.c. of wing.

Identify the Minimum number of statements from the above list that must be true to ensure

i) Equilibrium condition only.

ii) Static stability only.
iii) Both static stability and equilibrium.

Q4. Briefly explain the following (note: in the following question, static stability refers to
longitudinal static stability): 1

(a) Let an aircraft in steady level flight be trimmed at certain speed. Can a level and
steady flight at a higher speed be achieved by only changing the throttle setting?
(b) If the elevator size is increased, what will be the effect on longitudinal static stability.
(c) If C.G. is located ahead of aerodynamic center of the wing, it ensures that aircraft has
static stability.
(d) An aft-located tail (conventional configuration) always contributes to static stability.
Is it true for a canard configuration also?

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