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Foraminiferal Blostratlqraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Patala and Natmmal Forrnatlons at the PaleocenelEocen,e boundary in Salt Range and Surgh,ar R,ange" Pakistan


Jamil Afzal

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A dissertation presented to the Institute of Geology, Punjab University, Lahore in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Doctor 0" Philosophy (,G1eological Sci,ences)


Prof .. Dr. Aftab Ahmed Butt, Institute of Geology, Punjab University, Lahore.


This thesis is approved for submission as a fullifiUment of the reQluirerments for the Ph.D. degree in Geology to be awarded to Mr. Jamil Afzal.

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Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmed -siilf- -

lnstitute of Geology Punjab UlniversUy Lahore


to my parents, especially late father, for their never-ending attentions towards my educ:atlion and personal well being.


ThilS, thesis deals with the distribution patterns, zonations and correlation among 165 species of the Late Paleocene to Early Eocene planktonic, smalter and larger benthic foraminifera hosted by the Patala and Nammal form,a'tiorm. The study is based 011 the high resolution analysis of 215 samples from the five welili-,known outcrop sections of the Salt Range and Surghar Range, Upper Indus, Pakistan.

Four related aspects in this study were focused upon: (1) a DisHer systematic documentation of the smaller benthic species especially newly erected by Haque (1956). (2) to generate a hi~]h resolution data reg,i).rcUng the p~,a,nktonic and smaller benthic foraminifera and to establish their respective zonanen schemes, (3) to test the- European shallow benthic zonation schemes and to tie them with open marine planktonic zones and (4) to establish the PIE bound,arythrough the excursion of planktonic, smaller and larger benthic foraminiferal turnovers.

The SEM photographs coupled with taxonomical revision provided a better documentation of smaller benthic foraminifera. Some of the species and gener,s of Haque (1956) have fallen into synonyms. During this study, two new species wer,e described. The first named Pseudowoodella pata/aensis which wa$ recovered from the basal part of Patala Formation. Its widespread distrihution and fairly restricted range (within P4c Zone) make this species potentially useful bliostraUglliaphic marker. The second named Textularia etteb], atso from the Patala Formation but its distribution and range could not be confirmed.

The higlh resolution data of the planktonic foraminifera revealed several discrepancies in their relative stratigraphic ranges. The most signihc.j;I,nt were the dlachrenous longer range of PI. pseudomenardii and diachronous shorter range of M. velascoensis. Almost simultaneous LOs of these two taxa h~ndemd to establish standard M. velascoensis Zone. Whereas on the other hand the ovarlappinq range of PI. pseudomenardii with several younger species such as .A,c,lJrinina witcoxensis berggreni, A. broedermanni, A. wilcoxensis strai1o'cella, Pse'udohastigerina wilcoxensis, Muricoglobigerina soldadoensis,Mof'oZ:icJwJlla formosa gracilis, M. subbotinee, M. marginodentata and M. lensiform'i& was a strang evidence about its longer range. This assemblage specified a horlacn coeval to the M. ve/ascoensis Zone of Arenillas & Molina (1996). This an,omaly has been further qualified by the overlapping of a major part of AI. ctJcumjrormis Zone or .N. deserti Zone (=SB5) of the shallow water taxa and by the upper pan of INP9 Zone. In this respect, the zonation of Blow (1979) was found most suitable, therefore, adopted with slight modification for the Salt R.ange. Six lPianlldo:I1IJic foraminiferal zones were established and correlated with other atandard zonation schemes. Another anomaly in this area might be an ear~y entry of M. aragonensis which has been observed within the middle of NP11 Zone and just above the upper boundary of N. globulus (=8B8) Zone. Due to this reason M. formosa event which accompanies M. caucasica, is represented by a period of very short duration throughout the study area.

Due to the lack of continuos shallow marine carbonate environments, all the zones of shallow water zonation schemes could not be estabmishea. Cons,equently, a benthic zonation scheme based on the combInation of sma.I:Jer and ~afger benthic foraminifera has been proposed applicable to the S,aJt Rang~.

Recognition of NP9/NP1 0 boundary in Salt Range is very problematic whtch was overlooked due to rare to absent T. bramlettei, T. contartusand perslatance of Zone NP9 species into zone NP1.0 (estabfished through Uterature). Moreover, recognition of NP9/NP10 boundary at a horizon which is just prior to the FO of M. formosa formosa is also puzzling.

Integration of several Late Paleocene to Early Eocene shaUow water and deep marine foraminiferal zonations and calcareous nannotcsaf zones (a.,cco:rding to literature) emerged in the form of a blostratiqraphlc fram,ew-ork applli.!(;abfe to the Salt Range. This framework near the PIE boundary shows elosestmtlartties with the zonal oorrelation of Schaub (1981) in contrast tethat of S,ena-Kiel et al. (1996). This framework reflected the presence of two. hiatuses around the P-E transition.

The Inigh resolution data shows that the paleoceanographic chalil'ges oeclIning around the PIE boundary, effected the both shallow and deep ma,r'ir'l.e foraminiferal paleocummunites. The three distinct turnovers of the of planktonic, smaller and larger benthic foraminifera occur very close to each oUler wU,nina thin sedimentary layer (about 2m thick), at the thin limestone bed which separates the middle and upper units of Patala Formation. Thjs horizon lies withi,n the upper most part of Mg. soldadoensis Zone (this study) and apparently in the upper most part of P4c Zone of Berggren et al. (19'95) .. Magnetostratigraphic data to estimate the total time span for these turnovers was not available. Following Blow (1979) and apparently Cavelier & Pomerol (191;86), the PIE boundary has been proposed at the LO of PI. pseudomenardii within AI. cucumiformis (SB5) Zone. This horizon according to the accompanying planktonic foraminiferal assemblage is coeval with the base of M. ve/ascoensis Zone of Arenillas & Molina (1996). The other potentiatly useful p~anklonic foraminiferal candidate to define this boundary is, FO of A. wilcoxensis berggreni.

The base lIerdian in Europe lies at the horizon defined by the base of Alvf:(Jlina cucumiformis, Nummulites desertilfrassi or AssiJina prisca Z'o,ne whic.h is an event related to the middle of NP9 zone and lower pa . .rt of P5 Z,one. lin the Salt Range, N. deserti, A. dandotica, A. prisca appeared at NP8/NP9 zona'! boundary whereas Alveolina vredenburgi (=AI. cucumiformis) appeared in the middle of NP9. Both event occur within Mg. soldadoensis Zone (this study) .. Therefore, it is recommended that for the Salt Range, the base lIerdian must be exchJ.sively defined at the base of AI. cucumiformis Zone.

Pa!eoenvironmental data indicates that basin became tectonically active during the later part of late Paleocene which produced a major depression in the middle of the study area (Khairabad section). The widespread transg.ressipon in the Early Eocene time has been encountered possibly' coupled with tectonic subsidence.

The author is greatly indebted to Hilal A. Raza, Director General Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan, for the approval of thls project and providing an opportunity to work in the Federal InsUtute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany. I am great.~y obligled to Pro Dr. Aftab Ahmed Butt, Punjab University Lahore, for sed.ifrlg up this project. and his guidance and continuos interest for this study. Thanks to Rblz Ahmed, Chief Geologist HDIP, for his constant support, guidan,ee and encouragement to carry out this research. I would also like to thank Mr. Wasim A.hmed, Manager Operation HDIP, Islamabad and Dr. Asrar M .. Khalil, Incha.f'ge Bloatratlqraphic section HDIP, for allowing to use the official Iacilities dur~ng and after the office hours and HDlP data related to this study.

Ourino the stay in Germany, the author had a series of detailed discussions with C. H. von Daniels, Chief Biostratigraphic section of INLfB and W. Weiss Senior Biostratigrapher in BGR, who induced an orientation to handle this project which greatly improved the quality of the thesis. Dr. W. Welhis was very kindly arranged the SEM photographs and plates. At the same Ume,exh,austive discussions and sharing of knowledge on taxonomical problems regarding the planktonic foraminifera with Professor Olf. H. P., Luterbacher in Tubingen University is highly appreciated. Ukew~se, the,ty of Professor Dr. L. Hottinger in University of Basel can no,t be forgeUed with whom the author had a chance to work on the different aspects of larg,er foraminifera.

Thanks are also due to Miss Fenner, Incharge Biostratigraphic section of BOH, who very kindly made excellent arrangements for this study in BGR, to Mr. Jourgan, Mr. A. Muller and Mr. Haut who made it possible for me to participate in several short courses conducted in different universities and organiz.ation of Europe, to Mrs. Sabina Steger for having patience to take f'uJlildreds of SEM photographs and to Miss Kothe, Biostratigrapher in BGR for anatyzin'fJ a few samples for calcareous nannofossils.

I am thankful to Mr. Ashraf, Biostratigrapher in OGDC, for nannofossil analys~s of a few samples. Thanks are also due to my several colleagues in HOIP: to Mr. Amjed Cheema, Mr. Abrar Ahmed, Mr. Muneer Memmon, Mr. Nascer A. Shafique, Mr. Ghulam Abbas and Mr. Mujtaba for their ever ready s.~pport.

Above all, I thanks my family due to suffering my company during the t~me when I was abroad and even after when I was at home. The moral support and cooperation of my wife, Humaira, was the most inspiring element durinq this exhaustive study without which it would have not been possible to complete this task.



fossils and their three dimensional distribution in sediments, when studied systematically, provide the bases to divide the geological history into distinct and globally correlatable chronostratigraphic units and also reveal the accouunodatiou place of the host sediments with respect [0 the shore line. Therefore, fossils especially "foraminifera" serves as all efficient tool to facihtate the oil industry where one of the prime interest is to develop a chronostrarigraphically controlled sedimentation models. During the last 10 years, dramatic development in the stratigraphic analysis has further strengthened the role of biostratigraphy tor the regional and intcruational correlat ion of I he sediment ary rocks.

Simple biostratigraphic correlation OWl' a region does not necessarily identical with the chronostratigrnphic one. Firstly, because: the subsequent studies have! l'\ <C'~ded that the benthic and even the previously considered most reliable group, the planktonic foraminifera when tested magnetosuruigraphicully, showed diachronous stratigraphic ranges within the dillerenl completely open marine sections of the world. Therefore, the discrepancies in the stratigraphic ranges of the plauktouic Ior.uninifcra, especially ill the zonal III a I kers, may produce erroneous results hidden in biostratigraphic zonation. [t is worth to mention that after {lie dismissal orAl subbotincu: as a zonal marker Cor P6a ZO!IC (Berggren, 10()5), the reliability for the world wide isochronous ranges of lite planktonic foraminifera has become doubtful. Secondly, because all the organisms in 'the sediments are environmentally controlled, therefore, appearance and disappearance of microfossils on the couuuenta] margins rarely represent biochronozoual boundaries. In both of the cases the zona! boundaries are seldom represent the biochronozonal boundaries ,IS defined in their statotype sections.

On the other hand, sediments deposited ill shallow marine settings containing shallow marine assemblages (Iar~er 1(1J'<1 mi IIi tera) are ,1I\\<lYs d i tlicult to tie cluonost rat igraphically with the sediments deposited ill open marine seuings. Several aucmpts !la\ e been made to formulate Tertiary shallow benthic zonations based on alvcolinids, uummulitids (Hottinger, 1960; Schaub, ! (81) and 10 correlate with open marine 2011,1IiOI)S based on calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera (Stainforth et al. 1975; Schaub, 108 I ~ and Serra-Kiel et al 1(96). Majority of these investigations restricted to tile Mediierian region In all these attempts several adjustments in such correlation have been proposed. Unlike the plnnktonic foraminifera, benthic toraminilcra are mar€; readily controlled by facies Therd(xe, variations in total stratigraphic ranges or shallow marine fauna can not be out of question. Racey (1 ()94 , 10(5) and White (1994) applied and tested the above mentioned zonation schemes in Oman. Therefore, it is of urgent need to apply and test the validity of these zonation schemes in Pakistan also and to correlate with the planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossils zonation ill the preview of the modern and 1ll0S1 up to date knowledge.

In Pakistan, the SCllt Range is a key area where interfingering of both shallow and open marine sediments has frequently occurred during the Late Paleocene 10 Early Eocene time, which provides an excellent opportunity to establish a correlation model of tile planktonic and benthic foraminifera and calcareous nnunofossils.


The main objectives of this research are:

• Re-examination of new species and subspecies of I Iaque (1956) under the SETv! photographs, to explore their stratigraphic ranges and to establish a zonation based all the smaller benthics.

• To reveal the relative stratigraphic ranges of the planktonic foraminifera and to establish an appropriate regional zonation scheme, in case of any discrepancy ill the ranges of the important zonal marker, for I his region.

• To apply and test the shallow benthic zonation schemes of Hottinger (J 960), Schaub (1981) and Serra-Kiel (1996), and to correlate them with established planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossils zonation.

• To define the Paleocene/Eocene boundary based on the high resolution data of planktonic, smaller and larger benthic forarninifera ill lhe preview of the all going international research on this topic.


Sedimentary rocks around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary time span are spread throughout the main sedimentary basin the "Indus Basin" of Pakistan thai has been subdivided into Lower, Middle and Upper Indus Basins. Since long time the Upper Indus Basin has been a center of geological/paleontological activities due to its oil producing Potwar Depression. Around this depression a number of geological elements are located i.e. in the north, it is surrounded by Kala China Range and Margala l lills, on the south by Salt Range (Figure I I)

The Salt Range arc.i which is a focus of our investigation dCI ived its name after the occurrence of gigantic deposits of rock salt embedded ill the Prccambria» blight red marls, stratigraphically known as "Salt Range Formation" (formerly "Punjab Saline Series"). The Salt Range is essentially an E-W trending elongated narrow mountain belt deeply cut by tile river Indus near Kalabagh, from where it takes a sharp turns like a hair pill bend 1111111ing in almost N-S direction.

Despite that it is easily accessible, it has a wealth of variety of geological features for which, therefore, is riglu Iy known as field Museum of Geology where t he rocks from Permian to T ert iary are richly fossiliferous composed or diagnostic fauna and barely exposed due to lack of vegetation (Figure 1.2). Apart from the easily available road side geology, there are some prominent gorges which provide fantastic locations to study tile older and Tertiary sedimeruary succession. ThE lithostratigraphic information used ill this study are based on tile different field trips of the entire SaIl Range conducted during I (_N] [0 1995. Tile earlier geographic subdivision oC the entire SaIL Range into Cis-Indus Salt Range and Trance indus Salt Range was due the Indus River that runs through this range near Kalabagh. Tile Trance-Indus Salt Range is also famous as Surghar Range while the Cis-Indis Salt Range has been further subdivided into three units, eastern, central and western Salt Range. For the simplicity of the reader and to avoid confusions we an: presenting here two fold subdivision of Salt Range. During these field trips. the stratigraphic sections of the Early



Paleogene rocks were measured and sampled in the several major cuts distributed over the entire Salt Range. From east to west these cuts are Nila Wahan section, Kuraddi Nala section, Kaura Nala section, Patala Nala section, Nanuna] Gorge section, Khairabad section and Chichaii Pass. A sample collection of Porth et al. (1986) from the Chinjina Nala section (Makarwal) lying in the extreme west of our study area have been also studied. In our earlier investigation, it was observed that tile distribution of the planktonic foraminifera particularly within the Patala formation is restricted only up to Patala Nala section. Therefore, we confined our investigation between Chinjina Nala and Parala Nala sections, and termed the whole area as Western Salt Range (western part of the Cis-Indus Salt Range and whole Trance-Indus Salt Range). The mea east of Patala Nala section is termed here as Eastern Salt Runge (eastern and central pan of the Cis-Indus Salt Range) (figure 1.1). III total about 215 samples tiom the above mentioned live well known localities \vere drawn at a very narrow interval.


Pioneer pnlcoutological investigations subdivided tile Early Tertiary sediments into three time-rock units Blandford (187()) uuroduccd "Raniko: Group" and 'killlw· Series" 10 separate the Infra-Nauunulitic and Nununulitic bearing rocks (below Nari) in the Kit thar and Laki Ranges of Sind respectively. The Kiuhar Series was tirrther subdivided by Noellillg (1903) and lor its lower pan he introduced a term "Laki Series". This three fold subdivision of lime-rock units soon became popular and due to their paleontological criteria used to apply throughout the Indo-Pakistan region including the Salt Range.

Vredenburg (1909) claimed that the deposits of Ranikot age were not deposited outside Sind. In reply, later on Davies (1935) published some evidences about the existence of Rauikot in the Sal! Range. PinJuld (1934) who sampled tile Tertiary sediments of tile entire Salt Range, was already in agreement with the six fold subdivision of the Nnmmulitic bearing rocks of the Salt. The six rock units include Dak Pass Bed (Hangu FIl1), Khairabad Limestone (Lockhart Limestone), Pat ala Shale (Putala Fill), Nauunal Limestone and Shale (Nanunal Fm.), Sakesar Limestone, and Bhadrar B ebs. Davies (1935) ill cooperation with Piufoh! studied the brger foraminifera. These six rock units known as Laki were previously divided by Davies (1935) into Ranikot and Laki He placed the lower three rock units i.e f Iangu, Lockhart and Pal ala within Ranikot while the upper three, i.e. NaIl1111al, Sakesar and Bhadrar within Laki. Due to being Nuuunulitic bearing both Ranikot and Laki sediments were previously considered of Early Eocene age. Further paleontological development suggested that the Rnnikot Beds are ill fac: Paleocene in age (Haque, j 956; Adams, 1(70). Therefore, for all (he practical purposes the lithological boundary between Paleocene Ranikot and Eocene Laki (i.e contact between Patala ami Nanunal) throughout the Upper Indus Basin was used to mark the Paleocene/Eocene boundary which was considered concomitant with the extinction level ofll/i.\cL'//ulIL'U tniscctla and l.ockhurtn: haimci of (he larger foraminiferal group (Adams, (970). But within the deep marine sections where tllis group was completely missing, simply the lithologic boundary between Parala and Nammal was used to mark this boundary where as this lithological boundary itself ill different areas remained controversial. Some of the workers placed the PIE boundary within the lower part uf overlying Nanunal formation (Haque, 1956; Hottinger, 1971).

Later on the dating of these rocks through the other group of fossils, i.e. planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannoplanktons and dinoflagellates, opened a Ilew avenue Through these groups of fossils, this boundary WdS marked within the lower pan of lite Parala Formation in the Khairabad area i.e lit the l.O 01',1 I 1'<'/{/s("()L'II.\is and/or FO orA. 11'I/Co.\"l'IISis hL'lgg/"l'lIi and fO of


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Figure 1.2 Generalized stratigraphy ofthe Upper Indus Basin (after SIHlh, 1977) Shaded area indicates the investigated horizon

1: brantlcttci (Weiss, 1988, 1993; KOllle, t 988 and Afzal & von Dauials, 1991). This boundary is still controversial (see Gibson, t 003; Hybdl &. Trail, 1993, Asiliaf & Bhatti, 19<) I). Thmugh these biostratigraphic investigations, it \VilS emerged that a major facies change may exist ill this area, In such i111 area where a major facies change of sediments troll) very shallow to deep marine occur, demarcation or PIE boundary is not a simple task especially ill tile situauon when the PIE boundary has not been officially announced. Several proposals under IGCP project 308 have been presented and many studies are still in progress. Therefore, the 1110st suitable criteria is needed to be worked out to define this boundary tor the Salt Range.


Field Work

The Paleogene sediments (Patala and Nununal fouuations) lrou: five field section have been measured in the field by lLsing optical distance meter. The data was plotted 011 paper to measure a true thickness ofthe formatious. As our prime interest is towards the planktonic foraminifera which has been found restricted ill the western Sail Range Therefore this study is based on the five section ofthe Western Salt Range. In total about 215 samples were dra. v n ill velY narrow interval.


For the biostrruigraphic studied approximately 100 grams or {he each field sample was separated All the samples were i': ied, approximately weighted and dissociated, where needed, by hammering. For all overnight lillie, samples were soaked ill hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of ammonia to avoid acidic reaction. The sample were washed over a sieve of 90 microns. Washed residues were dried at 60-80 degree centigrade. The dried residue was passed through a set of ditlereru sized sieves to :-;plit the snnrplc i'110 diilcreu: size Iractious FOl' tile paleontological studies, 0.2 micron size 11,1(liu11 was used III case of very rare to absent planktonic t:luna the smallest residue below 0.2 micron size fraction WilS also exnmincd For the larger foraminiferal fraction above the 05 nun sieve was used.


For the plank tons and smaller benthic foraminiferal analysis, picking and identification of the specimens was done under IIll: Olumpus and Zeiss microscopes. Depending upon the faunal richness or the sample, about 0 I 1005 grams or the ti,KtiUIl (0 :2 micron) was taken and spread over the aluminum pickillg trey witll ..:J) sCOI'~d rectangles Almost rhe whole population of the planktonic a III I xrnalicr benthic loraminitera WilS picked which normally ranged in number from 200 to 500 specimens per sample III case of dilh~"cllce ill the original sample size, the absolute counts of the variable sized samples were converted {O tile standard sized sample. The specimens were either placed ill single llssclllbLlgc sll(k or din~,.cnt species were placed in separate slides. for the larger foraminifera. fairly reasonable number of specimens were picked.

Species Identification

For the biostratigraphic analysis, as many species as possible, were identified. Tile specific data, which was pailly gCl1t:rated ill BGIZ aile! P,ll tly in IIDlP, is based mainly on the comparison with holotype and other illlpor1ant SEl\1 published figures. For the planktonic foraminiferal comparison, tile collections of Weiss in UGR and tilat of Luterbachcr deposited ill the Natural I Iistory Museum Basel, Switzerland and in the Institute of Geology/Paleontology in Tubiugen, Germany were looked at For the smaller benthic t()lilJllinifera, only the holoiype illld other SEM published ligures have been relicd upon while a liuge volume or literature has been reviewed to work out the synonym list. For the larger foraminifera the collection or Schaub (Il):) I) deposited in the Nutura] I Iistory Museum Di1Sl·l, Switzerlam! hib been also examined.

Data Presentation

The pl.uiktonic ami smdllel benil1ic t(lrilJl1iJliferal data is presented in terms of absolute count using a unit volume orthe washed residue sample. For lilis purpose, 0 I to 0.5 grams of the washed residue of 0.2 micron size fraction was used. The size of the sample was taken according 10 the richness uC the sample. Fillidly the absolute count were convened tor a standard count tor O. I gram sample each This dill;1 has been plotted into six told Irequency distribution. The data with single specimen 1ll00C thill} ,my of the six division is restricted I,) I Ill' previous class to give 11101\.: accurate look. Ollly those species which comprises the 1l1;lj\1J" l'UI1'1KlllcI1l of tile whole population or which are \'eIY cliilrilcteristic \\l'IC plutted 011 distJihulil111 chans. To avoid any distortion in the original dilt,l PCICl'Jltilge COII\"l'rsi(lll \ViIS 110t uSl'd ;\11 the illustrations were prepared by thl.! author using plgL1Jl1 "Coreldr.ivv S"


Extensive SLivl photugraphy \\"IS perll)llIlL'd ill the IJlil'IOPillcolltulogil';.J1 section of the Federal ln-uinu c U!' Geosciences dilll Nalllr;!! Rc:-;ulII,'cs (BClIZ), I'LlIIIH)\'er, Germany About 200 specimens of' the planktonic nile! slll;tllcr benthic (orilllliJlii'er<l were I11UlIIlted on stub and coaled with gold alld fixed in the chambers of electron microscope Trying Oil diJ1'c1 eru voltages, setting contrast ,1 Ill! position or the specimens, a numbc: oj' prints were viewed until the optilllUlll result is obtained. Relatively goou photographs were selected to make the pillll.!S. The filial photography of the plates was also done ill DGR A part of lIH.: photography for the larger foraminifera all the optical microscope (Laica) was also done ill BCR while rest of tile work was completed ill HDIP

The topics mentioned lI111kr the objectives arc treated ill six dillereut chapters. In chapter 2, a brief account of lithostratigraphy of the Parala and Nanuual fonnarions and paleoenvironments is given to present all overview of the paleogeographic set up ofthe basin durillg tile late Paleocene to Early Loccne time III clldpter 3, iI high resolution d;lta rega: ding I he planktonic 1()rall1illii'era is presented, relative stratigraphic ranges of the planktonic foraminifera are established. Based Oil this data a zonation is proposed 1()1 the Sail Range lil\":illg in to consider.uiou the ZOIl,ltioJ1S of mow (len()), Toumarkinc & l.uterbacher (1985) i1lld Derggren et al (1095) A correlation among tile different zonation schemes according to our data has been also established. In chapter 4, an elaborated qunnru.uive dCCl)UIH of tile smalle. beuthics and liIJ"ger tC)J"illllillill:ra is presented and used to devise a benthic zonation. Several zones from rhe zonation schemes of Hottinger (1960), Schaub (1081) a Ill! Serra-Kicl Cl0l)()) are idcnIitied and correlated withthc lUCid zonation 111 chapter S. a


brief over view of the calcareous nannofossils investigations (previous studies) along with fresh investigations is given. In chapter 6, we focus all the integration of different zonations to establish a biostratigraphic framework. Tile four groups of fossils has been investigated mostly on a single set of samples from different sections of the Salt Range. In chapter 7, we switched over to the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. Several horizons displaying the foraminiferal faunal shills are revealed. The PIE boundary is defined ill accordance 10 the distinct planktonic and smaller and larger benthic foraminiferal tLJI'I;OVers which occur close to each other. Four appendixes are included. Appendix-I includes taxonomical notes llil the planktonic, smaller bcnihics and larger foraminifera. Appendix-2 contains [he reference list, Appendix-J COil tains the plates and their description whereas species check list is given in Appendix=l. One auuexture is also attached.




Tile lithostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental infonnation presented in this study are based partly 011 the field data and partiy 011 laboratory analysis. Tile srr.uigraphic sections of the Early Paleogene rocks were measured alld sampled ill the several major CUIS distributed over the entire Sail Range. From east to west these cuts consist or Nih! Wahan section, Kuraddi Nab section, Kaura Nab section, Patala Nala section, Nal1ll1lal Gorge section, Kluli.tI .Id section, Chichali Pass section and Chinjina Nala section (Lumshiwal). As the sediments dlOUIHI the Paleocene/Eocene boundary j()ulld barren or planktonic Coraminilt:r,1 in the area cast 0[' Piltala Nala section, therefore, the data about lite sections east of Patala Nah is 1101 included and discussed in litis study (figure 1.1). The objc:ctive to present the p:i1coeIIViIOlllllel1ts is only to envisage all overview or the basinal configuration during the Late Paleocene to Early Eocene time. Tile !iJiI tJagged paleogeographic configuration is out of scope ofthis study.


1, Nammal Gorge Section

Various authors have ,!ileildy measured tllis section (Haque, Il)5G; Jurgan c[ al., 1.989 partly. Wardlaw et al., 1 l)l) 1) ami various others have investigated it biostratigraphically (Haque, 1956; Baq, 1971; Kothecl al., 1988; Weiss, 1988, 1993; Bybee! & Sdf-Trail, 1993; Gibson, 1993). This section is very CilSY to access I1IHI all the Tertiary rock units especially Patala and Nanunal formations are well exposed Consequently, these rucks ill the field as well as in laboratory have been investigated ill greater dctai]. This is our reference section.

Although the main stream cuts tile whole sequence, but alung this stream cut the lower part of the PataLI formation is 110t exposed. The best exposure of lower pi111 of the Patala Formation is exposed ill a second order tributary (north-west or tile main stream) where the boundary between Lockhart Limestone and Patala Formation is located at 32", IS' Nouh and 71", 47.17' East on the topo sheet JeP/14 Survey of Pakistau (PI 2 l ) The best exposure of the upper half of Patala Nammal and Sakesar tornuuinns are located east of tile main streau: and/or Nammal Dal11 at 710 39.81 minutes North, 71 u, 4S ()5' Fdst The measured section with Si!lllplillg detail is given (figure 2.1).

2. Patala Nala section

Davies 8:. PiJlt()IJ (19_17) designated this section as the type locality of tile Patula Foruuuiou Nobody measured this section before This section lies sooth-ens: of Nanunal Gorge, topo sheet 3SP/14 01111' the Tertiary rocks (PilLl!<l 10 Sakesar) are exposed i,l this section. Tile high cliff or tllp Lockhart Limestone lies ;11 the base l)f this section ill this section, the tOlal thickness of the Pdt,tla Formation is exposed at three ditlercnt pillee.) The lower 11,111 ,\I'lhe Parala is exposed in

a second order tributary, south-cast of main stream at 32u, 38' North and 71°,49' East. The middle pan is exposed slightly nonh-wcst (upside) of tile b;lsal pan. Whereas the topmost pan is exposed further upside in tile main stream. The measured section with salilplilig detail is illustrated (figure 2.1)

3. Khairabad section

This section lying in the middle of our study area is located <II 32", )25' East and 71°, 24.7' North OJ) topo sheet JDP/l) Survey of I'akisr.u: The Tertiary rocks are well exposed in this area. The section from the top Lockhart to top Nammal is illustrated (Figure 2.1).

4. Chichali Pass section

The Chichaf Pass section Iyillg ill the middle of the study area is located in the Trance Indus Salt IZange (Surghar Range) 111 this section T erti.u y rocks, fiom Luck hal I Limestone 10 Sakesar Limestone, are well exposed at the southern limb of the anticline. The upper pan of the Patala Formation is covered ill this section whereas il is exposed OIl the other limb of the anticline. The contact between Patula and Nanuual formatious lies at a sharp bend of main stream at 32°, 60' North and 71 0, 25' East 011 IOpO ~Iwct JSP/5 of SlllVCY of Pakistan The measured section from the top Lockhart to bast: Sakesar with S;1I11pl;llg detail is illustrated (Figure 2. I).

5. Chinjina Nala section (Makarwal)

Chinjina Nala section (Makar wal) lies at the eXlrellle west of the study area, south-east of Makarwa] area This ScUIOI1 is located ill the Trance Indus Salt Rdll):!,e (Surghar Range) at 71 ", 9' N and 012°,53' East, topo sheet JSP/I ofthe survey otI'akisian ThiCK sequence of the Tertiary rocks is well exposed In this section The samples collected by Porth & Kamcrau (1986) were used for this study who did not measure this section accurately. According ro the field data an estimated thickness has been presented (Figure 2 I).


1. Lockhart Limestone

Type locality: Fort Lockhart in Samana Range.

Dcsniplioll: The Lockhart Limestone is not thoroughly investigated in this study. The upper most beds are medium 10 dru k brownish grity, fossiliferous, dill' f()J"[llillg, nodular limestone (Plate 2 1) having abundam large!" lind smaller foraminifera, pelecypods, g<lSI ropous, echinoids fragments, bryozoa: IS, est racodes, cu!"a Is .tlld ,dgae. 111 t he lOp mos: layer, only til Nam: nit! Gorge ami Khat! ahad sections, moderate OCClJITcllCe of planktonic for.uuinifc: <l has hecn encountered

Distrtbutlou and Thickness: Lockhart Limestone was not measured ill the field.however, it has been observed throughout the study area Its thickness decreases towards the eastern Salt Range and finally it pinches out in the ext rente eastern Salt Range.

PaJe· Due to the occurrence of abundant larger foraminifera, ostracodes, pelycipods, gastropods, echinoid spines and green algae, shallow marine environments have been assigned to it. Only the top most bed yielded the planktonic foraminifera that reflects a very brief and short term sea level rise. The shallow marine environments of the Lockhart Limestone throughout the study area indicate that Lockhart basin during the Late Paleocene time was a shallow marine carbonate platform.

2. Pa'ialia formation

Type loe..dlty; Pat ala Nala section

Descr:iI~'ioJ): All over the study area, fhe Patala Formation shows a three fold subdivision (plate 2.2). The lower unit is dark gray to brownish gray shale, at places gypscferous, with common layers of medium gray, thin, nodular limestone (plate 2.3,2.4). Middle unit is composed of dark brownish gray shale with very thin beds ofcleystone, sandstone and limestone. (Plates 2.2,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8). The unit at places is glauconite bearing. Both lower and middle units are characteristically rich in larger foraminifera. Other important constituents are ostracodes, pelecypods, solitary corals, fish teeth, eciuoid fragments, algae, bryozoans etc. (also see PoJ1h & Raza, 1990). The top of this unit is marked by a thin layer of dark rusty brown, sandy, fossiliferous, ledge forming, limestone (Plates 2.8, 2.9). This limestone ledge is overlained by dark gray to black, shale rich in planktonic, smaller and larger foraminifera (PI. 2.3) which is termed as upper pan of Patala formation. These subdivisions are traceable as such ill Patala Nala section. The brownish gray Patala shales which in type locality is characterized by high content of larger foraminifera and other macrofossils, is completely replaced by dark gray to black shale showing complete absence of larger foraminifera but rich in planktonic foraminifera in the Khairabad section. This lithology is almost identical to the upper pall of the Patala Formation in Nammal Gorge section. III Chichali Pass section the lower unit contains a few layers of unfossiliferous, nodular limestone and sandstone whereas in the middle unit a few beds of fossiliferous limestone are present. The upper pal t of Patala that is dark gray shale, (equivalent to the black shale in Nanunal Gorge) is covered along the main body of the Patala Formation but poorly exposed about 1/2 km up side 011 the other limb of an Ii cline. The top of upper unit is marked by a dark gray coquina limestone that is overlained by light gray mar! of the Nammal Formation. Almost identical three fold subdivision of the Patala formation is observed in Chinjina Nala section.

COld-ace Relutlonshlp: The Lockhart/Patala contact has been oftenly descried as transitional due to the nodular limestone beds present ill the lower part of Pal ala which is also termed as transitional zone (Porth & Hilal, 1990; Kothe, 1988). Throughout the study area, it distinctive weathering feature along the Lockhart/Patala boundary is observed i.e. a very high cliff of the Lockhart Limestone in contact with the low profile of Patala shales. This contact is sharp, conformable and easily recognizable (Plates 2.4, 2.10, 2.11). The same stratigraphic level is adopted here for Lockhart/Patala boundary.

Dish'ilmrioll and Thickness: The formation is widely distributed throughout the Salt Range, Surghar Range, northern Kohut, Kala Chitta and Hazara area, also present in whole of the Potwar 9



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Basin but is missing below the Jehlum Plain, south of eastern Salt Range, in Mianwali Reentrant and in the subsurface of the Murwat Range. The measured thickness of rhe formation is about 85 meters ill Patala Nala section, SO meters in Nammal Gorge section, ]0 meters in Khairabad section, 40 meters in Chichali Pass section and estimated thickness about 50 meters in Chinjina Nala section. In middle of the study area the fonnation is thin while thickens towards the margins.

Paleoenvironments: The overall environments of the lower unit of Patala show slight change in environments within the range of inner shelf. The lower most beds of Patala shales in Patala Nala, Narnmal Gorge and Khairabad sections show the rare occurrence of planktonic foraminifera while rich ill the smaller and larger benthic foraminifera that indicate deeper part of the self with an open marine influx. This level is soon dominated by the agglutinated foraminifernl assemblage with extremely rare to absent larger foraminifera that indicates brackish water environments. The rest of the overlying lower pan of the Patala Formation shows the presence of gypsum lumps and crystals with barren to extremely reduced diversity of fill types of foraminiferal fauna suggesting restricted marine, lagoonal environments.

Near the base of middle unit, 'a high diversity pattern of larger and smaller benthic foraminifera is observed which indicates a relative deepening while near the top of this unit the entry of planktonic foraminifera is also encountered which indicates further deepening. As a whole the middle unit represents deeper part of inner shelf

III the upper unit of the formation high diversities of planktonic, smaller and larger foraminifera and presence or Midway type fauna indicate middle to outer shelf environments. The whole thickness of Pata!« Formation ill Khairabad has been interpreted as outer shelf to upper slope environments due to the vel)' high number of planktonic foraminifera per unit volume of sample, very high diversity, complete absence of larger foraminifera and relatively deep marine smaller benthic assemblage (Velasco type). This intcrpretution is well explained by Afzal & von. Danials (1991 ).

According to the above mentioned information, the overall cOliligll[",lIion of tile Patala basin during the Late Paleocene time was a broad shallow, gently dippillg shelf 011 the east em and western margins 01" tile steady area whereas center of the study area (Khairabud) was the deepest part (outer shelf to upper slope) of the basin. The lower and middle units of the Patala Formation were deposited under shallow marine conditions with a slight transgression fit the base of middle unit. The sediments of Patala Formation during the later stage (upper unit) encountered a wide spread transgression consequently deepening of the whole basin took placed (Figure 2.2a).

3. Nammal Formation

Type Iocality: Nanuual Gorge section

Description: The Nammal Formation is divided into two units. The lower one is predominantly light olive-gray to bluish-gray Illilr] witll light 10 medium gray, thin to medium bedded, limestone (mudstone) (Plates 2.2, 2.0, 2 12, 2.1 J) One rhill bed of fossiliferous marly limestone at the base is present ill the Nannna! (Jorge section (Plate 2.1-111) The frequency ut" tile limestone beds increases upward (Plate 2.12). Ncar rile upper part of Nanuual marl, <l thick bed of fossiliferous (larger Foramini fcra) calcareous saud :;IOIIC is present (PI" t c 2 1 -lb). T he upper Lilli t Dr the Nanunal Formation is light bluish gray, medium bedded, cliff Iorming limestone (mud to weakstone) (Plate. 2 12). Both units are rich ill the planktonic and smaller beiuhic foraminifera. The two fold subdivision of Nanunal Formation (Nauuual marl and Nanunal limestone) is typical feature of the whole study area


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4. Planktourc foramillikrJ

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Figure 2.2 Palcogcogrnphic profile along the S:J!t and Surghar jZ:lI):'-';" l..iscd 01) tile depositional CI1"il"Ol1l11"::II[S: 2.2a. Configurnno» of Ill..:: basin during the LIt..:: Paleocene. PS Zone (upper part ofthe Patala Formation): 2.20. Configu r.u ion of the basin during Early Eocene, PGa-PS ZOllC:': (Lower p:l1"1 of the N:ll11111al Fouu.uion). The terms inner, middle and outer shelf, J . nd upper slope arc used to represent the interpreted pnlcocnvironments ill the Salt Ibllge which is a p.nt of cxtra-courincntnl

dowuwr.ippcd u~l.-;iJl.

Contact Relationship: In Nanunal Gorge section Haque (1956) placed the base of Nammal Formation at the limestone ledge that separates the middle and upper units of Patala. He included the black shale within his Nammal (Pis. 2.3, 2.6). This black shale towards its top becomes limy where a very thin bed of light gray, fossiliferous marly limestone is observed above which major lithology is light to medium gray marly shale which is ovcrlained by light gray, thin calcareous sandstone bed full with planktonic foraminifera which is overlained by limestone. Due to tile change in lithology and color, we marked the boundary between the Paiala and overlying Narnmal Formation at the thin bed of marly limestone which in Patala Nala sect ion becomes very disti net arid further eastward (in Kaura Nala) it becomes VClY thick where the pure limestone beds of Nanuual rest directly above this marly limestone. This boundary is supported by all overall faunal change at the same level. Our boundary is very close to but slightly below the boundary of Wardlaw et al. (I991) who placed this boundary at the thin bed of calcareous sandstone in the Nanunal Gorge section. In Patala Nala section, the Patala/Nammal boundary (dark gray to black shale/light gray fossiliferous marly limestone) is exposed within main stream cut. Above this level light gray ccquinal, sandy limestone bed is present that intern overlained by unfossiliferous limestone and marl. In Khairabad section a limestone bed separates the black shale and light blue marl. In Chichali Pass section a thin coquinal limestone bed separates the black shale alld liSh! gray ma: I. In Chinjina Naja section an argillaceous limestone bed separates shales of Patala and light gray mar! of Nammal.

Dlstributlou and Thickness: The regional distribution of Nam 111 a I formation in Sail Range, Surghar Range, as well as in Potwar Basin and adjoining sub basins is similar to that of the Patala formation. The formation was measured in the field. Maximum thickness was observed in the Patala Nala section that is about 200 meters, whereas 120 meters thick ill N<1111111ill Gorge section, 60 meters ill Khairabad and Chichali Pass sections and estimated about 75 meters in Chinjina Nala section.

PaleoenvirOlllllents: The basal layers of Nammal formation in all the sections yielded larger foraminifera in association with the planktonic foraminifera. Therefore, indicate deep inner to middle shelf environments. The overlying marl and limestone layers yidded high diversity of planktonic and smaller benthic foraminifera, very high number of foraminifera per unit volume, high planktonic to benthic ratio and high keeled planktonic foraminiferal percentage and Velasco type fauna. All these parameters indicate deep marine outer shelf to upper slope environments. One thin bed in the upper part of this unit yielded abundant larger foraminifera tllat may indicate down slope movement of the larger foraminifera !I'OIll the shallow part of tile shelf to deep marine environments. This down slope movement of the shallow marine fauna has been observed right from the Patala Nala section to Khairabad section. The overlying limestone unit yielded the similar foraminiferal assemblage, therefore, the similar paleoenvironments have been deduced. The percentage of planktonic foraminifera, number of foraminifera per unit volume gradually decreases towards the upper most pan of tile formation that indicate shallowing upward sequence. At the top complete absence of planktonic foraminifera and re-entry of larger Ioruminifera indicate inner shelf environments. Detailed paleoenvironments in Khairabad section have been described by Afzal & von Danials (199 i).

The overall configuration of the Na111111al basin during the Early Eocene time experienced a rapid deepening in the study area. Within the range of a very sl1011 distance (between Kaura Nala and Kuraddi Nab sections) a major variation ill the facies and paleouevironments of tile Nanunal Formation has been observed. The Nanunal Fornuniou east of Kaura Nala is completely shallow marine. This indicates that the study area tectonically became active during this rime. Therefore, the

1 1

deepest environments (outer shelf to upper slope) llliglH have attained due to the combined effects of normal basin subsidence, tectonically corurolled subsidence and sea level rise (Figure 2.2b).

4. Sakesar Limestone

Type locality: Sakesar peak in central Salt Range.

Descl'i)ltiou: Only the lower most bed of the Sakcsar Limestone was examined in the field that is light to medium gray, medium bedded, irregular, nodular, cliff forming limestone (Plate 2.15). The limestone contains abundant black chart nodules, larger foraminifera, green algae, mollusk and echinoids fragments. Relationship: The lithologic boundary between these two formations is conformable in the study area (Plate 2.12). This boundary ill Parala Nala section is transitional. However, the tentative boundary has been marked a~ the level where nodularity become quite dominant (in narrow pan of the gorge). In Chichali Pass section the contact could be easily marked at the pronounced nodularity feature and presence of Ail/CO/lila.

Distribution and Thickness: Sakesar Limestone is distributed throughout the study area but not measured.

f'aleoenvin:uuurnts: Complete absence of planktonic foraminifera, abundance or larger foraminifera iAlveolina, Lockhartia and Orblf()/i/c's) and green algae are interpreted very shallow inner shelf environments. The shallow marine nature of this rock unit indicates that the deep basin was almost filled with Nanunul sedimcuis.


• Three fold lithologic subdivision of {he Patala formation and two [old lithologic subdivision of the Nanuual Formation arc well established and easily recognizable throughout the study area.

• The thicknesses of the both Pat ala and Nammal formations are almost double at the eastern and western margins as compared to [he center (Khairabad sect ion) of t he study area.

• Paleoenvironment interpretation of the Tertiary sediments (Lockhart, Pal ali! and Nammal formations) in the study area reflects that till: basin became tectonically active during the latest Late Paleocene time that resulted in a major depression ill the middle or tile study area. The intensity of the tectonic activity increased during {he Early Eocene lime as reflected by the deep marine environments throughout the study area but only wes! of Koraddi Nala section. The shallow marine nature of the Sakesar Limestone indicates that must of [he space of the basin was tilled with Nammal sediments and complete absence of Middle Eocene sediments reflects that t he basin was complet ely filled wi t h the Sakesar sediment s.


l"l~atle 2.1: .A massive and cliff forming Lockhart Limestone ill the Nammal Gorgc section: "a" represents the top most Led of the Lockluut Limestone above which (he overlying Patala Formation (lower part) is covered.

PIRIe 2.2: A comprehensive view: middle unit of Patala Formation (a), upper Imi~ of Putaln Fornuuiou (L) and 10\\'('1" Ullit or the Nauuual Foruuuion (c) exposed west of main stream ill the Nnuuual Gorge section.


Plate 2.3: Medium to dark gr;l}' shale with uodulnr Iimestone representing towel- unit of the Pntnla Formation at Nauuuul Gorge section west of the main stream.

1 (1


P'h.f,e 2.4: Brownish gray shale with nodular limestone (lower unit of (he I'u l aln Formation).




Ph}"t 2.5: Dark brownish gray shale wilh subcrdiuute claystone, sandstone aud limestone intercalation representing the middle unit of thc I'ntula Fornuuiuu ill the Patnla Nala section.

1 (,

1~1!l'e 2.6: Grayish brown shale with suhurdiunte days 10111 .. ', s.uulstoue and limestone intercalation n'pl'l'SCllling middle unit of the Palal" Formation exposed west of main stream ill the Nanunal Gurge section.


Plate 2.7: Sandstone, claystouc and shale irucrrnl.uiou l'l'I)I'l'Sl'lItillg top of t he middle un it of the Pntuln Foruuuion ill Palala Nab section.

1 f3

Phlle 2.8: Comprehensive vicw or the Nanuuul :lIlll Palala Ioruuujuns ill Nuuunnl Gorge svct iun: "a" rcprvscuts the lop most ln-d of dill' forlllillg Lur kha rt Limestone, lib" rep resents gray shule willi dil),SIOIlt', s:lIHlslolle nud Ilrucstoue iutercnlnriou (middle Part or I'utuln), "c' n'pn'sl'llls gray to black shale (IIPIH'l' part of Patala Furnuuiou). Just above "c", black shale gradually turning ill 10 light gray mad, This Ic\'d has been considered as :I bound.u y between Pnt nln aud Nanunul furut.uiuus; "d" n'lu'csl'lIls lower 1I11il and "c" n'IH'l'sl'lIlS upper unit of Nauuual Foruuuiou.

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Plate 2.9: Dark gray to black shale representing the uppcr purt of the Pntulu Formation in Patala Nala section: "u" represents thc limestone ledge which separates the middle and upper units of the Putul .. Foruuuiuu. "b" fl'IU'l'Sl'IIIS a dose view of the same limes tune bed.


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P'li~le 2. 10: Contact between Lockhart Limestone nnd Putala Iuruuuious ill the Patn!:-i Nala section. Lockhart Limestone (a) and Patala Fornuuiou (h).

1~lnt,e .1.11: Contact between Lockhart anti Patalu formarious ill till' Nalltlll"l Gorge section. Lockhart Limestone (a) nnd Patala Foruuuiou (b).

:2 1

"Iaiel, .12: A comprehensive view of the Nauunul Formation exposed ill till:' cast of the main streum ill the Nammal GOI·gc scctiun: "a" represents light gLI)' 10 bluish marl and limestone with upward increase of limestone layers (lower unit of Nammal Formation), "0" represents light gr.IY liuicstonc (uPPl'1' unit of (he Nuuunul Foruuuiou), "c" represents nodular liuiest onc of Sal.csur Furnuuiuu.


Plate 2.13: Light bluish gra), marl and liLIICS{OIlC n~Jlr(,sCIIliLLg the lower uui! of the Nunuuul Furunu iou in Pal:!la Nala section.

,fl~~te 2 .14a: A thin lUady limestone bed ilt the base of Na 111 uinl Furruution ill Nummal Gorge section.

Plate 2.140: Calcareous sa lids t all e full wit h l.ugcr fora III ill ifern t"\ posed ill tile east of ruuiu strcnrn ill the Nauunnl GOI'ge section.




The importance of the planktonic foraminifera and their preference over the benthic foraminiferal group due to their cosmopolitan nature has been already realized before 1930s. Consequently, the subdivision of the sedimentary strata by using this group of fossils in the oil industry became much popular, Therefore, in response to fulfil! the needs of petroleum industry up to most optimum level, two independent Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal schemes were proposed.

One appeared in the Soviet Union in the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains (Subbotina, 1953; Krasheninnikov, 1969) while the other in Trinidad for Caribbean region (801li, 1957a, 1957b, 1957c, 1966). The latter has been applied and expanded in various petroleum exploration regions with further modifications and improvements (Berggren, 1969; Blow, 1979; Siainforth et at. 1975). T ournarkine and Luterbacher ( 1985) provided a detailed review of I he development history of these zonations. further refinements in the Paleogene zonation still in progress. For instance (Berggren ei: al. 1995, Arenillas & Molina, 1(96). Additionally many regional Paleogene zonation has been carried 011 to propose.

Through the subsequent planktonic foraminiferal studies conducted in different regions, especially when tested magnetostratigraphically, it has appeared that the planktonic foraminifera are not panacea for biostratigraphy, The world wide "datum plane" has lost their strict scenes of isochroneity. A variation in the stratigraphic range of any datum marker may produce erroneous results when followed to apply any standard zonat ion scheme Thci dare, before applying the standard planktonic zonation scheme, the relative stratigraphic ranges of all the planktonic foraminiferal species must be fully explored over a region. The present study is an advancement towards one of the same goal.


Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Salt Range is scanty due to tile dominated shallow marine carbonate sediments. For this reason the biostratigraphic framework of the Salt Range has been based 011 the occurrence of several age diagnostic larger benthic foraminifera (Davies and Pinfold, 1937) Second publication was the monograph of Haque (1956) in which he emphasis 011 the smaller benthic foraminifera, additionally he reported the presence of a few planktonic species from the Rauikot and Laki (Patala and Nanunal tonnarions) or the Nammal Gorge. Afterward for a long period, no appreciable work fix the plankton foraminiferal biostratigraphy could appear. The silence was broken by a wide spread reconnaissance investigation of Weiss (1988, 1(93). He investigated three localities (Nammnl Gorge, Pata!a Nala and Khairabad) of this study area. I lis study was based all the samples taken at a wide interval, He established the plankton biostratigraphy (mainly Patala Formation whereas Nauuual Formation only


in the Nammal Gorge section) by following Toumarkine and Luterbacher (1985). Based on the non evidence of the)\;1. edgori Zone he proposed a hiatus between I)/. pSi!//(lwIJl!l/ordii Zone and M subbotinae Zone in all the studied sections whereas the standard FI. pscudomemudi] and M. l'i!1aSC()UIISis zones could not be separated. This sedimentary break was considered as a result of a large sampling gap (Porth & Raza, 1990). Khairabad section was re-iuvestigated by taking closely spaced samples (Afzal & VOIl. Daniels, 1991) They observed overlapping range of PI. jJSI! udon tenardi! with an assemblage which according to Berggren (1969), Blow (1979), Toumarkine and Luierbachcr (1985) ami Berggren & Miller (1988) should not be older than P6a Zone. Therefore, the zonation of Blow (1979) was considered most ilPpropriate. Consequently a continuos sedimentation at the transition from Late Paleocene to Early Loceue was established. Recently, the Patala and Nanunal formations were restudied from the Nammal Gorge section for their foraminiferal contents (Gibson, 1993). He came up with results from the Nanuual Gorge on the bases of insufficient data, however, he placed the top Patala within late Paleocene, P6a Zone of Berggren (1960). Following Haque (1056) who mentioned the presence of M. velascocnsis in the lower pun of Nanuual, Gibson commented th.u the lower Nauunal may be Late Paleocene.

for the present biostratigraphic fiame work, high resolution planktonic foraminiferal analysis of more than 215 samples from 5 sections namely, Patala Nala section, (figure 3. I), Nauuunl Gorge section (Figure 32), Khairabad section (Figure J 3). Chichali Pass section (figure 3.4) and Chinjina Nala section (Figure 3.S) has been done. For taxonomy and str.uigraphic ranges, several major references are consulted which include Bolli (1957'1), Lu ter bacher (1964), Stai nforth el al. (I ')7S), Blow (1070). Toumarkine and Luterbachcr (1985). The Illtcr works of Berggren and Miller (1988), Berggren el al. (1995) and Arenillas & Molina (1996) has been of great significance in this study in terms of establishing planktonic foraminiferal framework of Salt Range, During the course of this study, it has been observed that none of the zonation scheme was applicable iii totality Therefore, some of the zones have to redefine for this area. For the re-definition the concept of zonal categories is mostly adopted after Berggren & Miller (1988) (Figure 3,6), While establishing this regional zonation scheme the consideration not to deviate much from the standard zonat ion, has been never forgot tell. The criteria for the re-definition of zones are given (figure 3.7) and their correlated with the important st andard zonation schemes (Figure J. 8). Around Late Paleocene to Early Eocene time span, a quantitative data regarding the first and last occurrences of more than 40 planktonic foraminiferal species has been recorded and their general stratigraphic ranges has been presented (figure 3.9)

Zonal Terminology

The zonal nomcncl.uure used hell' is mostly followed aticr Berggren & Miller (1988) with some amendments. A billstratigrilphic zone (a basic unit) is a body of strata characterized by the occurrence of fossil (taxa/taxon) irrespective or lithology and dcpositioua] environment or that strata. The zonal categories designed here are defined as follow.

') -: _0

Concurrent Runge Zone is a body of strata having overlapping ranges of selected taxon. The base is marked at the first appearance datum (FO) of always younger taxa and top is marked at the last evolutionary datum (LO) of other taxa (Figure 3.6a).

p.u"Hal Hauge Zone is designated for a number of situations for instance I) it is a body of strata characterized by all interval within two successive [70s OflWO taxa and the older 01112 of these two is the nominated taxa (Figure 3 .ob), used for all interval within the successive FOs of two taxon within the range of a third nominated taxa (Figure 3.Gc), 2) also used tor an interval withill the LO (base) and FO (top) of two taxon within the range of third taxa (Figure J.6d).

Il1tcrv~~l Zone is body of strata defined between the LO and FO of two successive taxa and younger on is nominated (Figure J .6e).

P~anktonjc Foraminiferal zonation

Muricog/obigerina soldadoensis Zone

Category: Concurrent range zone. Authors: Arenillas & Molina (I CJlJ6) Age: Late Paleocene.

Slnlligl'apliic Hurizuu: Top Lockhart Limestone to basal pilll of tile Pill ala Formation in Patala Nala, Nanunal Gorge and Khairubad sections (Figure'S J. I, J 2, 3.3); lower part of the Patala Formation ill Chichali Pass and Chinjina Nala sections (Figures 3.4,3 5) .


Interval between tile FO of A Ig .. 1()/dudol'l/sis to the LO of IJ/.IJSL'I/(lolllc!JI{JI'(/ii.

Other asseuiblugc: S. Iril()clllil/{)idl'.I, ,')'. Iri(/Ilgltlaris, .)'. /ulJ"jllbJ"{J{)ki, ,')'. iinaperta, AI. contcotrunccua, A/, l'du.l"("m'II.I"i.1, ""I. occlus«, 1\ I. subbotiua«, ,\ /. Ul'{I"U, Ai. angulata, !vI. 11I(II~ill(JdC:I//U/ll, AI (1"1..'/1"0, l\I £lCII/a, 1\ I. e(~"-:£ll"i. ,\I. .1"11 bbotina«, 1\ I. 1(,IIS((Ol"llli.l", A. wilcoxcusis wilcoxcnsi, "'1. fottnosa t-:J"Uuits, A. COlIl'l.:XLI, A. /i1"{)('d:'I"IJIUlllli, A. IJSL'lId()/U/It/ellsis, A. mckannai, A . snhsphucricc; A. 1I'!lC()XI..'II.I/S strubocell«, .. I. witcoxcnsi» /;l.'JggI"I.'JII, I'l. pusil!a, Ill. chaputani, l'l. cf. pl"!.'IILi()scilitlu, (;. [uxorcnsis, T. Ilsl'IIc/{)illll/u/(, and 1)II.!IILio/ms/igt'l"ill([ wilcoxcnsis.

Rcmnrks: The first planktonic foraminiferal influx ill the top most bed of Lockhart Limestone containing COI1U1101I Aig s(j/dUt/OL'IISIS marks the base of this ZOIlC. III the lower part of this zone (ncar the Lockhart/Putala boundary) several species such as M. conicotruncuta, AI. edgari, M. cj subbotina«, M. wIKllla/a, 1)/. IJII.Illla, A. suhsphuerica, A. III ckan! uti, 1)11. wilcoxeusis are observed. This data suggest a horizon equivalent to P5 Zone of Dlow (I ,)70) and P4c Zone of Berggrell cr al. (10')5). Many or these species arc IIDt present ill the upper half of tltis zone 'where several other species such as l'l: wilcoxcnsis, A I. Slfhh()/III({e, A I. fonuos« gracilis. ,"I. snhbotiuae, AI IJlwgiJlodL'Jl/u/n, AI Il.!lIsijrmllis, (;. Iakivnsi»; AI. (III!.'/m, A. II'JiC()Xl'IlSIS hl.!Iggrelli, J:

IJ.ledoillli/u/u, l'l. c]. jisL'lId(}.,cilidu (s s. Blow, 1(70) and A. brocdcrnutnn! commonly observed near the top of this Lone. This assemblage tits ill to P6 Zone of Blow (1079) and P'k to P 5 zones of Berggren et al. (1095). The middle pan of tile Painla Formation is very shallow marine


of Berggren et al. (1995). The middle part of the Patala Formation is very shallow marine completely lacking planktonic foraminifera. Therefore, the exact level representing exit and entry of the above mentioned species could not be defined. The LO or typical JH veluscoeusis is observed either just prior to or in juxtaposition with the LO of l'l. pSI.! uclont I.! uardi! , whereas above this level several forms related to AI velascoensis arc observed but the typical one does nor occur. Afzal & von Daniels (1991) observed similar problem in Khirabad section. therefore. they considered the most appropriate to apply the zonation of Blow (1979), whereas ill case of all other standard zonation an erroneous impression of a hiatus was needed to introduce. This zone as a whole is equivalent to the P5 to P7 (lower part) zones ofDlow (1979), II/. lJSl.!lldulIIl.!llaJ'(lii Zone of Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985), P4c Zones of Berggren e! al. (1905) and to A .. solcladoensi» possibly to I. Ieavigata zones of Arenillas & Molina (1096) (Figure 3.0).

In Nanunal Gorge and Pat ala Nala sections, two horizons containing P. pseudomenardii were identified, first at the base of lower part of the Pal ala Formation and second within the upper part of the Pat ala formation, whereas at Khairabad and Chinjina Nala sections, the lower and upper part of the Putala Formation yielded this taxon respectively. At the second horizon (in Nammal Gorge section) the specimens are couuuon. well preserved and relatively bigger in size than in the lower part. In most of these sections, the total range of P. pseudonienardii has been observed much longer exceeding above the LO of A1. vclascoensis (s.s) and accompanying with other younger assemblage, Reworking o] IiI. psetulontenardi! and/or desolution of A4. vclascocttsis alone do not look convincing. The best places to study this phenomenon is lower part of Patula formation in Khairabad sections where the fauna is well preserved and common In Nauunal Gorge section, l Iaque (1956) reported this taxon under Pscudogloborotaliu J1Ji.!IIJ/;J'tlliL'CU (1)1, pscudomenardii). From the same level Weiss (19H8, 1993) also reported it but Gibson (l993) although mem ioucd the presence of other species of Plunorotalites stock but he commented that Fl. pst:udo/llt:i/u!"d,i is absent

The Pl. pscudontenardii Zone, since Bolli (195 7a) until Uerggren e[ al. (1995), has been defined as total range zone, Only Blow (1979) defined it as partial range zone of the nominated taxon. Berggren et al (1995) in their zonal correlation diagran: (fig 7. p. 145) correlated the base of his P4a Zone with the middle part of the 1'1. I)S('lldolllf..'/lUl"dii Zone of Bolli (1966) and Berggren (1969). This comparison lack satisfactory explanation. This may be inferred as the FO of Pl. jJ.\l.!wlolJlL'lI(frdli is diachronous. Additionally, they mentioned that in different DSDP Iioles, FO of P/. jJ.\f..'lIdoll/eliurdii has been recorded at different paleomagnetic chron levels (Berggren ct al. 1995, p. 150) which may strengthen the doubt about its diachronous FO. If it is so, then their may be a possibility that its LO may also be: diachronous likewise, which has been already subjected LJI1(iL:r considerable debate. A comparison of Pi. puscudontcuctrdii Zone proposed by various aUI hur;-, is gi ven (figure 3.7).

In Khairabad and Nammal Gorge sections, the planktonic foraminiferal data of Weiss (1988, 1993) showed the last occurrence of 1\ I. vclascacnsis before the last occurrence of P/. pscudomeuardii (confirmed here). I Ie followed the total runge definition of P4 Zone, consequently the PI. pscndotncnanli: and AI. velascoensis zones could not be separated. We think that for the Salt Range area, the use or tile international stratigraphic ranges of the above mentioned species and adopting conservative definition of P4 zone (as a total range zone) will hinder discrimination between standard P4 and P5 zones, and will always present erroneous impressions of a hiatus between P4 and successive younge!" zones

According to our, the FOs of a number of younger species i.e A/O{"O?Ol'L'//U formosa gruci/is, AI. subbotinue, IH. J/It/"~il/()dr..'/JI(/I((, A, wilcoxcnst» struhocella. A broedermunui and A, wilcoxcusis bcrggrcni, l'selidu/i(Jsligerill£1 wilcoxcusis were found origiuat ing within A4g solckulaensi» Zone (this study) just before tile LO of IJ/.


pSU udomcnarc Iii. This origination of species looks identical to the turnover of Berggren et al. (1995, p. IS I) which occur between tile LO of l'l. pscucknncnanh! and FO of M, velascoeusis. A comparison of stratigraphic ranges of many planktonic species across P4 to P6a zones of Berggren & Miller (1988) as given by various authors show a remarkable differences. A number of species which were previously considered origill<ltillg close to the P6a Zone (see Bolli, 1957; Stainforth e( al, 1075; Toumarkine & Lurerbacher, 1985 and Berggren & Miller, 1988) now has been observed overlapping with I', pscndomenardii (Canudo & Molina, 1992; Berggren et al. 1995; Arenilias & Molina, IlJC)6) as already proposed by Blow (1979). Consequently, t"I, subbotinuc has been dismissed as a zonal marker and P6a Zone of Berggren & Miller (1988) has been eliminated. We have the impression that the total range I)/. pseudomcnardi! Zone (=1'1. pscudontcnurdi! and A. so/dwlol!Jlsis zones of Arenillas & Molina, ! 9lJ6) as established in Alamedilia sections or SP~l;ll, is not St'IISII Bolli (1957) and Berggren & Miller (1988), rather might be extended one due 10 longer range of this taxon (as mentioned by Blow, 1979). In Sail Range, a further longer range of this taxa has been observed. In order to avoid any sever distortion, the upper limi: of I)/. pscudontv nanlii Zone is considered here more appropriate by replacing its top at FO of A.f..~ .. soldadoensis (as originally proposed by Blow, 1979).

A number of phenomenon that has been observed within the range of PI. pscudomenardii i.e. I) LO of typical ,\4. vclascoeusis just before or at the LO of F I)St' IIdoJII enanlii, 2) occurrence of PI. pscuilomcnardii with two distinct assemblages of P 5 and P6a zones of Berggren & Miller (1988), 3) planktonic fornminiteral origination (= turnover) before the LOs of Pl. PSL'IIc/()/IIt'IIi1l'dii strengthen the idea tluu total range of 1'1. pscudomcnardii in Sail Range is longer. The other solution is to throw down the fOs of several above mentioned species within I'/. 1).\t'/(c!oJ/lcllilrdli (standard P4) Zone. We think that application of the total range status of the I'. pwui/()II/('lIw'dii Zone at the cast of a number of younger species including some important markers looks more problematic. To correlate this zone with other so called standard zonations, we slightly deviate from the origill,d concept of Blow (1979) and therefore, adopt the concept of Arenillas & Molina (1996)

Acerinina wilcoxensis berggreni Zone Category: Partial range zone

AU •. bar: Originally proposed by Blow (1979) emended here. Age: Early Eocene

Stmtigraphic Horizon: Parala Formation (Figures 3.1- 3.5)

o,efini'lion: Partial range of the nominated taxon between the LO of I'/' jJs£'lld()IJ!c!I!(fl'dii (base) to the FO of Mifonnosaforntosa (top),

Odu!r assemblages: .)'. {J'/ul/plluris, S. lill((/h'I'Ia, S. IJ(lJ'lJi/JI'U(}A/, ,)'. bukv); ,\ /. cu: (I ItO, ,H quetra, 1\4 formosa j.;l'acills, III (lee/lis! t. M. JllUigill()duli/{f/u, A I. edgw i, 1\ /. (/(,/I/U, /\ I suhbotinct«, A. wilcoxcusis wilcoxcnsis, A. wilcovcnsis strubocclt«, A. wilcoxeusis lil'/'g:;I'l'II/. ,/. !).\'l'IIc/{)/OI)ih'lIsis, I'/' chapnutn], I'/. !)Scll£/olJll'I/(/I'(/ii, I'/. (f j>sclido.)'(·,,,t/d, G. luvorcnsis, c; sill/pies. t ; ktkiensis.

RemiU'ks: The species which get extinct within this zone are 1\1 (}(..'dIISl/ (/1/(/111 l"(t:w·i. As has been mentioned above the A/, velascoensis (5.S) do not occur above the LO of PI. pscudotneuarclii, Within this zone no typical toun Ofi\!. l'I..'IUS(·ih'IIS/.' \V,IS observed ill either ofthe


section. The most dominant representatives of Morozovella plexus above the LO of P/. pscudomcnanli: in Nauunal Gorge section, consists of /1./1. acuta, AI. (1(:(111(/, ,H suhhotinu« cuu! M. (illeim. Several forms of /1.4. acuta has been observed which all one hand show transit ion towards M. velascoensls (/1./1. vclascoensis var. acuta of Haque, 1956; pl.4, fig. 3,5) and on the other hand towards M. aragonensis (/\4. aragoucnsis of Haque, 1956, piA, lig.4). The later posed a lot of difficulties to establish the zonation. Likewise A4. occlusa also showed several variation from low conical to very high conical. The later form looked very close to /1.1. amgulIL'lIsis (also see comments of Gibson, 1993). A few specimens with 5 chambers/last whorl show good similarities with /\4. vcktscocnsis but none of such specimen showed the presence of spines 011 the chambers tip all the umbilical side. Similar forms also observed in Chichali Pass section Whereas Chinjina Nala section common occurrence of such f0I111S observed especially in the upper part with a few typical specimens. We designate these form as AI ({[f' velascocnsis. These variations are not observed in the Khairabad section where the horizon is represented by the dark gray to black hemipelagic shales Only M. lIC(I'llI, M. snblsotincu: ami /1.,1. quctra are the douununt asselllblilge above the almost simultaneous LOs 1'1. j)St'lic/ul/I(!I/(/I'{lii and /1.1 velascocusisi«, DCCdllS~, the true form of ]\4. velascocusis is rare 10 absent above the U) of I)/. I)S(!lIdoIiICIIW'(/il, I herclore. i ( is est ablished thai M. velascocusis exhibit a diachronous shorter range on this continent.

Stainforth et al (1975) also commented thai M vclascocusis may be missing even in the tropical and subtropical assemblages where M. vclascocusis Zone call be recognized by the presence of M. (/(.'1110 and AI. (J(f_·III.m. For the same situation Toumarkiue & Luterbacher (1885) mentioned t hat this wile can be ident itied by the presence 01'/'.1. acutu and /\~/g .w/dudut:lIsis. Very recently P]. pscudomcuardii has been observed overlapping with /\Ig soldadocusix (Berggren et al. 1995) and also with M. subbotiuac (Afzal & VOIl. Dunials, 1991 and Arenillas & Molina, 19(6). ln this study runny other younger species, as mentioned above, has b~~11 observed overlapping with P]. psendoiuenardii, therefore, it has become extremely difficult to esl.tI,li\1t zonation above LO of PI. pscudomeuantii. However, Blow (1979) instead mentioned longer r<lllge of /'1. 1).\!..',,,lul/ltlllurdii extending into his P7 Zone, a horizon referable 10 Early Eocene.

The most characteristic taxa which first occur close to this horizon is A. wilcoxensis hr.!rggrel/i. Blow (197()) defined this zone as an interval between the fO of A. wilcoxensis bL'l'gt;rL'lIi juxtaposition with tile LO oiM. vcluscocusis to the FO of /1.1 fonuosa fonuosa. But we have observed a VCIY brief overlap of /1.//. vclascocnsis (s.s) and A. wilcoxcusi» ht!lt:gl'lllli just prior to the LO of /)1. pSc!lIdo/l/('l/oJ'c/ii. A similar overlap but above the LO of N. 1)\CIli/utllt!lIllIdii has been also observed by Arenillas & Molina (1996) ill Alamedilla sections ill Spain This data renders difficulties to correlate this zone with other equivalent international zones. As We concluded that the range of 1)1. p.\L'II(/O/llUI/(II'dJi is longer all this continent as compared with other regions which might have swallowed most of the lower part of classical 111. vcluscocusi» Zone (equivalent to I. It!avigolo Zone of Arenillas & Molina, 1(96). Taking in [0 considerat ion all these facts and discrepancies, we propose to replace the classical IIj, veluscoeusis by the A. wtlcoxcnsi» hI.!IKKJ'(:Jli. No other important event occur between the LO of I)/. jJ.)ellc/uIIICI/(l/'(lil ami FO of ,\4 . [onuosa. Extinction of A1 edgari is observed very close to the FO f M. j(J/'II/US({, therefore, this zone is equivalent to the upper most part of classical II 1. l'L'Il/.\{,O!!IISis 10 the lower part of M. subbotiuae Zone of Bolli (1957a), Toumarkine and Luterbacher (1985), Berggren el <II. (1995). and to !V/. velascocusis (nut classical) to /1./. subbotiuae zones of Arenillas & i\ lolina ( 19l)6) (Figure J. 8).


Plank Ionic P"la/a Nauuual Kliairdbdd ( '/lIch<l/i Cilinjin3
F orami niteral Nala Gorge section Pass Nala
S. [rontos« - - - - -
S', inacquispirc: 20m - 30m - -
I\I {(1'l1),i()JJellsis 30111 2 S III 20m ~ I Sin -
not fully
M, [o /'11/ ()S({ 2 III .:.J 111 3m 'JO,51ll established
A, \ vi! C( )Yt' I Isis 12m . 5m Sill Sill 10m
h L'l'J:,I.: r t' 1/ i
A4g votckuloensi» 58m 4:'1111 12111 20m 30m
I Table ,L 1 Thickness uClile dilll'lellt 1.01\es <IS established ill the live sccuons of tilt: Salt [Zange,

Morozovella formosa Zone

Category: P311ial range Zone

Auihol': Bolli (1957a), detinitio» adopted after Blow (19n) Age: Early [ocelle

Sll'aligl'aphic l lurizou: Base Nanunal FOIIIl(l(iOIl ill hllala Nala, Nammal Gorge ami Chich ali Pass sections (Figures .1,1, _l 2..1 4, ~ :'1) and PalaLI Formation ill Khairabad section (Figure 3,3),

Definition: Interval between the FO of the k/()m:'()l't'/lu./iJUII()su/oJ'IJI()S(l (base) 10 FO of Iti. "rago/lL'lIsis (top)

Other asseruhlugt-: S. mlocnlmoick:», S. //';ullglllu/'/s, .)', lirutpcrt«. S baker), AI /()I'J)f()S({ Kracilis, M. subbottna«, A/, (/L'(I"a, A,/. 1l'1/\ !lim II is, /1.1 (1'11'/1'(/, /I./. (,aI/C({S/l'U, ,\ /. ('u71L'1', J...lg. ,\oldwl()t'llsi.\', M, /J/mgillod(,l1/u/(/, A, IU!cIJX('II\!\ 11 "!cO\'('II,\;S, A, 11';I£'o.H'II\/.\ ,\//d/J(J('('llo. A, wilcoxeusis ht'lggl'(,lIi, A., IJseJld{)(oll/lt'I/.\/\, 1'1 CIIl/IJI/WI/I, (i, II/Y(!/'('IJsis.

Remarks: The name or (l1is zone was llrigill<llly proposed by Bolli (19S7a) t(l!" the simultaneous HJs of M. fonuosu .fiJl'lI/{)\l! dill! Ii 1 (f}'UgIIIJ,'I/\IS nUl [IIl~ subsequent studies proved that tv! jO/'Il/u,\ujiJl'lIl()s({ appeal' prior ttl the ro uf/il ({lOg0/h'IISis (Premoli-Silva 8.: Bolli, 19n~ Blow,

1 (J7()~ Toumarkine 8:. Luterbachcr. 1 ()8 5, Bcrggrell & t.l iller, I ()8 8, D~rggrcil C( al. ,199:)), For this il1lt!lval TO(lllldrkille & L.llkrl1;icliL'r (1()8.'i) used;w overlappillg lilll~/.~ or/l./ ,\'I(h/J()/ilJ(w and M. .Ii mil()S" /()UII(),\(/ bel ween I he LO or/I I. i'l ~I:.UFl alld FO of k/. urug(JIIL'l/sis Simu I taneous FOs of 1\/jiJl'lIl{)S(/./(lIW{)\(/ (JIlt! M, /,'I/\/I()/liI/\ were lIsl'd by Blow (1 ()7')), I krggr~ll &. Miller (1088) and 5 1

Berggren et al. (1995) to define the base of their P8a and P7 Zones respectively. Arenillas & Molina (J 996) observed the overlapping range of NI. leusiformis and NI. 1,('lwc(J(,IISis before the FO of A1. formosa fonnosa within his M. vclascocnsis Zone. In this study a very brief overlapping range of NI. lensiformis, NI. velascoensis (s.s.) and PI. pseudomenardli Zone lias been observed in the top most pan OfNIg. soldculoensis Zone.

A problem observed in this zone is related to tile M. caucasica and NI. which appear just at the base of this zone. This is the same horizon where Haque (1956) ill Narnmal Gorge section reported FO of his A1. velascoensis and its persistence about 20 III above the base of Nammal Formation which was later 011 dated NP II (Kothe et al. 1988, Kothe & Ashraf 1989). From the same level Gibson (1993) picked AI. vclascocnsis but he looked greatly confused by the NP 11 age assigned to most of the interval which yielded this taxon (Bybdl & Self- Trail, 1993). In Narnmal Gorge section, A4. forniosa formosa at its FO is very rare and slightly smaller I han it s normal size. Due to these reasons perhaps both Haque (1956) and Gibson (1993) could not noticed the occurrence of this taxon. We concluded that M. vclascoensis of both Ilaque and Gibson is actually NI. caucasica. In the lower part of the Nanuual Formation, well ! ),<..:,l',ved specimens (!f NI. formosa fonnosa, M. C({IICCISIUI and AI. (;,.ugollellsis are frequently present. ill Patala Nab section,

only a few specimens of NI. fonnosa formosa in the upper most layer of Pat ala Formation were encountered whereas in tile basal layer of Nammal Formation this taxa is commonly present in association with NI. pentacantcrata and M. aragouensi». In Khairubad section well preserved common occurrence of this taxon was observed in the lower part of Pat ala formation. Discrimination betwcct: A4, vclascocnsis from its Early Eocene homomorph 1\1. caucasicct is already a major problem. Hillebrandt (1962) considered M, fonuosu fonuosu as synonymy of A1. caucasica. Likewise, Jenkins (1971 fide Berggren, 1977) in the New .zealilnd sections distinguished 5 chamber M. crater trom 6-8 chamber A4, caucasicu and suggest cd th.u AI. fonnosafonuosa and All. crater are synonymous. Similarly Blow (1979) mentioned FO of A I. crater just alter the fO of M formosa formosa in his P8a Zone. This implies that discrimination of these three taxa is vel)' difficult especially in the above explained situation and in the areas where sedimentation rate is slow. The proposals of Hillebrand! (1962) and Jenkins (1971) were not accepted (Berggren 1977) and NI. caucasica is oflenly considered as a decanter of M. aragoncust» (Tounuukine & Luterbacher, 1985). But our data shows that FOs of these three forms lies very close to each other.

The zone is essentially correctable to P8a Zone of Blow (1979), P6c Zone of Berggren & Miller (1988) and P6b Zone of Berggren et al. (1995), to NI. subbounae Zone of Tournarkine & Luterbacher (1985) and NI.j(JI'Jllosa Zone of Arenillas & Molina (1996) (Figure 3.8). This zone in all the sections has been recognized but its total thickness is very brief Crable J. 1 }

MOliDZiJiv·e/la aragonensis Zone

Cnt~gory: Concurrent Range Zone

Autbo.r: Bolli (1975a), definition adopted after Blow (i 979). Age: Early Eocene

Stratigraphic Horizon: Nanunal marl ill Pat ala Nala, Nanuna] Gorge ami Chichali Pass sections (Figures 3.1,3.2,3.4) whereas upper part of Pal ala Fonuarion to lower pan Dr Nanuua] Formation in Khairabad section (Figure 3.3).

neriuitiou: Interval between the ro of AI amg()II!.!lIsis (base) to the LO of A f formosa formosa (top).


O'~ber assemblage: S. {rial/gil/art's, S. Iinapcrta, S. hornibrooki, .\'. lozano}, 1'.1. etc If IU, M. subbotinac, /1.4. quctra, ,H formosa gracilis, 1Ii lensiformis, M. crater, !d caucasica, M. spinulosa, A. wilcoxeusis wilcoxensis, A. wilcoxcnsis strabocclla, A. wilcoxensis haggreIJi, A. broedcrntcnui, A. pentaccunerata, A. PS(!IIt/ofopJieJlsi.\ A. butlbrooki, I)SL'{fdu/tasligel'il/o wilcoxeusis. Mg. soldadoeusis, U IUX()J'CIISis, G. lakicnsis, G. siutple», IJ/. pscudoscitula.

Remarks: The species that make their first appearance in this zone include S. inucquispin), S lozauoi T grijfi/wi!, llastigcrina bolivariaua, ,H spinulosa and A. bullhrook). Several other species which disappear ill this zone are A. wilcoxeusis wilcoxcusis, A. wilcoxeusis hL'rg..;/'t'JJi, U simples, M. formosa gracilis.

A confusion exist between the names and definitions of Morozovcllu fonnosu Zone and ivl. aragouensis Zone. Bolli (1966) (rejdefined C. formosa and C. aragouensts Wiles. lie mentioned the first occurrence of both G. fonuosa and G. aragonensis at the base of his U. fonnosa Zone. Berggren (1969) followed the same definition for his P7 Zone. Subsequent studies has proved that M. formosa appear a bit earlier than M. - arctgoncnsis. Stainforih et al. (1975) and Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985) did not used the range of M. formosa (originating within their M. snbbotiucte Zone) before the first occurrence of M. aragouensis, I Iowever, Blow (1079) used this range to distinguish a short but distinct interval i.e. AI. fonnosa-lensifonnis (P8a) ZOIlC. I le divided the total range of M. .. [onnosa into A/I. formosa-M. lensifonnis (P8a) and M. (lmgoJ/L'JI.\·is-A/l/(Jr/l/os({ (P8b) zones. Berggren & Miller (1988) and Berggren et al. (1995) followed the s.une concept for their P6c (=P6b) and P7 ZOIlt:!S respectively. Therefore, the 1~1. jUJ'I}J()sa lone of Bolli (1066), Stainfouh et al. (1975), Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985) corresponds 10 the AI. (/mr.()//('lIsis-}\1 formosa (P8b) Zone of Blow (1979), P7 Zone of Berggren et al. (1995). The base of ollr!lI (fmK()IIt'lisis is essentially contemporaneous with the base of ZOLle P8b of Blow (1 (n9), to !11ll! of Zone P7 of Berggren & Miller (I (88) and Berggren et al. (1995) (Figure 3.8).

Another spectacular feature observed throughout this area is the very brief interval representing M. formosa Zone. Just above the FO of AI formosa /(JI'/I/(}s(J FO of/vI UI'(JKOJJt'Jlsis and A. pcutacanterata is quite evident. This phenomena and the NP j 1 dg~ or tile interval which yielded FO of M. uragoncusis show a considerable degree of deviation 1"0111 tile most recent time scale of Berggren el al. (1995). This discrepancy reflects that A~/' UntgO/Jt'IISIS appeal' earlier ill Salt Range (see also Toumarkine & Luterbacher, 1085, p.90, fig.J). The species which show their first appearance at or wry close to the base of this zone include M. .. spiuutosa and A. bullbrooki. A considerable overlapping of the range of these taxa with AI. fonnos« fonuosa do not fit well according to any of the major reference. However, Stainforth el al. (1975) showed a very brief similar overlapping in the middle of their A//, (J/'((t:()JJUJJsis Zone.

Bolli (1966) define its top at the first occurrence of G. {rIIXidli and (;. taronhacnsis.

Beckman (1969) replaced its top by the first occurrence of A. pcntucanrcrata. This study showed rare occurrence of both S. bakcri (-G fl'llI{ida) and A. peutacatncrata together with 11>/' formoso and M. aragoncusis. Therefore, for the top we follow the concept introduced by Blow (1979) and subsequently followed by Berggren & Miller (1988) and Berggreu et al. (t 0l)5)ie the last occurrence of M. formosa (a nominated taxon for the P8, total range 201le or Ulow, 1079) (Figure J 8).


Subbotina inaequispira Zone

Category: Partial range zone Author: Berggren & Miller (1988) Age: Early Eocene

StmUg.llal)hic Horizon: Upper part of Nanunal marl (Figures 3.l, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4).

Definition: Partial range of the nominated taxa between the La ofj\l f()J'/JIUS(/./O}'JII()Sll (base) and FO OfSllbb(}/iJJa/ruJI/osa (top).

Other assemblage: S. linuperta, S. triangularis, S. inacquispira, S. baker], Ad. W.'(I/IU, !vI. quetra, A4. aragonensis, !vI. caucusicu, M. spiuulosa. A. hullbrooki, A. wilcoxensis strubocella, A. p~·e udoto]) i lc nsis, A. broc dcrmcu /IIi, PSI! udohast igcr! I/U wilcoxe IIS/S, /Y/g, s(J/dut/()U I isis, G. luxorcusis, Turboratalia griffinac, T. pseudomcyrc, G. tarubaensis.

Renwrl{.S: Throughout the history of the'planktouic foraminiferal zonation, this wile by definition has been subjected under many amendments. Several taxa have been used for (his suarigraphic level but still no final agreement is achieved. Based 011 the first occurrence of 1'1. 1}(i1I11l'1'II1! juxtaposition with the first occurrence of A. aspensis and las! occurrence of !vI. fonnosu fotutosa, Bolli (1957a) introduced PI. palmcrae Zone. This level was clearly below the first occurrences of A. bullbrooki and G. bower! (- S froutosu), Luterbacher (l964) and Luterbacher & Primoli-Silva (1964) introduced an equivalent A. bullbrooki Zone. Berggren (I (60) instead of //. h/lllhmoki used A. demo for his A. densa Zone, Stainfonh et al. (1975) observed A. /J(!JI/ucwlIl'm{o (> A. uspeusis) earlier than the first occurrence of I'. /m/lJlel'ae and ")". frontosa. Tiley mentioned <In overlapping range (if M. fonnosa formosa and A. pcntaccuncrcn«; hence used first occurrence of A. pcntuccuncrata for base of their G. aragoncusis Zone. Blow (1979) mentioned overlapping range of A. bullbrooki and M. formosa within P8b Zone. He did not concur with tile planktonic nature of PI. palmerae and placed it under genus Pararotcdiu. To define the base of his P9 Zone, Blow (1979) used first occurrence of A. aspcsis essentially contemporaneous, ill his view, witl: the last occurrence of M. formos« formosa TOll markine & Luierbacher (198 S) observed <Ill overlapping range of!'v!.jimJl{Jsa and A. pcruuccunerut« (~A. aspcnsis), They used A. IJI.!II/U(,{llIIl'/'(I/{/ to define the base of !vi. aragoneusis Zone to the first occurrence ors. froutosu (top) which intern is the base of his A. pcntacameruta Zone.

These difference of views clearly demonstrate that there exist discrepancies in the stratigraphic range of different species at this level which might be attributed to the facies controlling factors and/or difference in taxonomical concepts among various authors. Berggrer: & Miller (1988) addressed this problem ill detail. They infect presented all appropriate, ill authors view, solution of the problem. They used the partial range of ,1 distinct and easily distinguishable (axon S. iuaeouispira, within the firs: fa of III palmerac and FO or 1/. nuttal]! respectively. We have observed an overlap of A. bullhrooki and AI. fonnosaformosa within i\'1. amg(}lIl.!lIsis Zone. Blow (1970) also expressed similar overlap within his P8b Zone. On the o( her hand we observed an overlap of !ll. spinuiosa and M. JIJ/'III()sa./c JnIl{)SU. \V e did 1I0t observed I'/. !lU/IIIl'/'Ul' ill allY of the section. A similar benthic [onu W(}{)dd/a granos« described by l laquc (! ():'\6) Iiom (ile Pura!a Formation of the Nauunal Gorge section has been also recovered close to tile LO DC M. j(mlfu.\d

formosa which has been a source of confusion Due to the complete absence ofA'I()J'(J201'l'lla group at this level, in Khairabad section, the author previously used the FO orA. w/h..'II.I'i.l' as <l marker of P9 Zone (Afzal & von Daniels, (991).


Apart from all such controversies, the most important event which hils been unanimously accepted by several authors is the LO of M. formosa formosa which ill this region occur within stable ecological conditions, therefore, recommended to use for the base of overlying S. inaequispira Zone. The original concept of Berggren & Miller (1988) tor his PH Zone has been adopted here with slight modification i.e. to use the partial range of S. iJlw!(///l.Ij)im between the LO of M. formosa formosa and FO of S frontosa. Within this interval Turhorotaliu pscncknnyr«! and a few specimens of Ctauviliuctla has been observed.

This zone is equivalent to M. aragoneusis to lower part of I). 1)(t/IIIl'I'Ul' Zone of Bolli (1957a, 1966), to A. butlbrook: lone of Luterbacher (1964), to AI a/"ugOJ/(:lIsis 10 A. del/sa Zone of Berggren (1969), to AI aragouensis Zone of Srainfonh et a! (1975) and Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1985), to P9 Zone of Wow (1979), to P8 to lower part of P9 zones of Berggren & Miller (1988) and Berggren cl al. (1095) and AI. cuucasica Zone of Canudo & Molina (1992) (figure 3.8).

Subbotina frontosa Zone

Category: Partial Range zone.

A.u~l~or: Orue-Etxebarria (1984). top emended here according to Bolli ( 1957(1) Age: Early Eocene.

Strntigraphic Horizon: Nammal Limestone to base Sakesar Limestone (Figures} .1, 3.3).

Definition: Interval between FO of ,\'./I'OIJ/(}S({ to the PO of I/, I II I l/alli.

Other assemblage: S. /i1l(I/Jc!11a, S. /riallt:"laris, S iuaequispira, S. baker], J\4. (/('(11/(/, A/I. qu l' trct, 1\1 aragoncusis, AI caucasica, ;\1. .\/)/1111/0.\'(/, A. bullbrooki, A. 11'iIC()XI'IISis strabocella, A. pscuclotopilcnsis, A. brocclcrmuuni, 1'.~·l'/fd()//({.\/iKerilla ll'iI(,()XL'IISIS, ,\ ~L;. ,\oldud()l'IISis, G. Iuxorensis. Tmborotuliu gl"{fjillul', J: /)sL!lId(}lJIe),l'i, G IU/·lIhu('IISis.

Re~nal'l~: The P9 Zone represent a wide time span It was needed to split this zone into further subzones We have divided the zone Into AI. inacquispira and AI froutosa zone, the later is equivalent to the upper part of UI'. jJlIll/II.:me Zone ofBolli (1057), lower most p,II1 of P 10 Zone of Blow (1979), A. pentucantcruta Zone of Toumarkine & Luterbacher (1085), Ilpper part of P9 Zone of Berggren & Miller (1988) and Berggren et al. (1995) (Figure 3.0).


High resolution biostr.uigrphic analysis of the Early Paleogene sedimcut s (Patala and Nanunal formations) yielded following main results:

• Only the western pan of the Salt Range contains (he Late Paleocene 10 Early Eocene Plank tonic forami IIi fera.


• Vertical distribution record of I he plank tonic foraminiferal species shows the presence of almost all the important taxa used tor the various standard zonation schemes. The planktonic foraminiferal record at various levels within the sections is interrupted by [lie shallow marine facies

• A considerable variation in the ranges (first ami last occurrences) of several species including the zonal markers has been observed. Hence damaged the concept of world wide isochronous datum plane and also rendered difficulties to use the standard planktonic zonation schemes. Consequently a regional zonation scheme, consisting of six planktonic foraminiferal zones namely Mg. soldculoensis Zone, A. wilcoxcnsis belggrelli Zone, kt. j(}/"II/().\U Zone, /0. aragoncusis Zone, S. inaequispira Zone, and S JIDIJ/Gsa Zone has been proposed.

• The overlapping range of l']. pscudomcnardi: with M. lensifonnis, A. wilcoxeusi« belg;.;rew, A. bollbrooki, M. .!o/'JI/(J.m ;';J"([cilis, M. Jll(fr;,;ill(Jdell(o(a atul Pit. wilcoxeusis, T. /)sf!JlLiuilJli(a(([ indicate its diachronous longer range which hindered to establish standard PS ZOl1e of Berggren et al. (1995). Adopting the total, range concept of P4 Zone of Berggren et <11 (1995), an erroneous impression of a hiatus is needed to introduced at the top of Mg. .m/duc/()(!I/sis Zone.

• The absence of typical M. vektscacnsis above the LO of PI. I)Sl'I((/ulIlt.!lIuldii ill many sections while presence of its related forms in some of the section indicate that LO of,\';' vclawoensis is also diachronous and shorter in the Salt Range.

• Mrformosa (z.o P6b) Zone is a very brief event in the Salt Range, \\'h~I'(:'IS AI ('(II/C((SI(,(( and A4. crater appear very close at the base of this zone.

• M. aragonensis Zone is a major event which includes the appearance of M, spinnkrs« and A. bullbrooki almost in the middle of this Zone. It seems that AI amgoll<!nsis appear earlier on this continent but unless it is proved through the magnetostratigraphy, it is correlated according to the most recent standard Paleogene I ime scale.

• The planktonic foraminifera! data ill the Salt Range indicates Ihdi /"II;[liol1 of Glow (1979) is the most appropriate scheme to be followed for this region. Therefore, il hus been adopted with slight modifications.

• Due to the several discrepancies observed in the relative stratigraphic ranges or the important zonal marker and other species further investigation is necessary to develop lineage among several important taxa


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A n
Cuncurrcu t Range ZOlle A n
Partial Range Zone 3.6a


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Pnrual Rallge Zone 3.6c

3 _(id

I IlIlcn'aJ Zone
1\ Figure 3.6 Defiuition of the zonal categories adopted for this study.

Foruminiferal Zones
Zoual 1\ lurkers Age
This Study
.§ SI I bbo I it iae
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Defore the mid of the nineteen century, the most efficiently used group of fossils to fulfill the requirements of the oil industry was the smaller benthic foraminifera. Later on the planktonic foraminifera due to their floating and drifting life stile and wide distribution in the oceanic waters gained priority over tl.:ie benrhics which are often environmentally controlled. After well establi shmen t 0 f t he planktonic forami niferal zona t ion, UIICC again the int erest in the benthic foraminifera has grown. The intention to correlate the benthic foraminiferal distribution with the planktonic foraminiferal zonation schemes has been growing rapidly during the last two decades (Doughlas, 1973; Aubert & Berggren, 1976; Doughlas & Woodruff, 1981; Mork hovcn et al. 1986; Bolli et al., 1994) There still exist different opinions about the potential usefulness of the smaller benthic microfossils. Variety of taxonomical problems, large number of species, environmentally controlled behavior and longer geological ranges of the species make them of limited stratigraphic values as compared to the planktonic foraminifera. I Iowevcr, mauy of the species especially deep sea species may possess the characteristics of good index fossils: a distinct and easily recognizable morphology, a wide oceanic distribution and fairly short geologica! ranges (Ooughlas & Woodruff, 1988).

On the other hand, in wanu-water, shallow marine carbonate shell' sequences, larger foraminifera have been used as a first rank reservoir target for the oil exploration and age determination. This group of fossils is widespread, often abundant and easy to recognize to genus level. Many of the species are short ranging. However, the species level identification sometimes may be difficult and controversial. Nevertheless, different groups of larger foraminifera have been used to formulate a zonation scheme applicable as tile planktonic foraminiferal based zonation. For instance, relevant to this area, tile Tertiary Letter Classification (Adams, (970), Tertiary larger foraminiferal zones of Pukistan (Kureshy, 1978) and larger foraminiferal assemblages (Weiss, 1988). Individual zones of the first two schemes are too wide to subdivide the stages. Other zonation schemes, based 011 phylogeny of various lineages of alveolinids, nunuuulitids and assilinids have been devised by Hottinger (1960), Butt (1989, 1991), Bloudeau (1972) and Schaub (1981). They included detailed microfauna! and stratigraphical contributions of the earlier workers regarding this region (i.e. Nuttall, 1925, 1926; Davies, 1937; de Cizancourt, 1 <)38; Gill, 1952, 1953; Smout, 1954; Smout & Haque, 1956; Nagappa, 1951.).

III Pakist an, Early Tcrt iary sediment s generally rep resent shu 110 \V mari ne inner to middle shelf facies where the foraminiferal fauna is more readily coutrolled by environments, Sea level tluct UJ I io ns resulted several intern: ptious in the foram i !JilL-LII (la rger and planktonic) record in (he sediments. Consequently, it becomes impossible to develop a complete zonation scheme based exclusively 011 the above mentioned larger foranuniferal groups. [11 such a situarion, the top and bottom of any isolate identified ZOIlC cannot be


chronostrat igraphically equivalent Therefore, an attempt is made to establish a local assemblage zonation using characteristic smaller benthics and most imporrau: representatives of the larger foraminifera (alvcolinids, nummuli: ids, operculinds, assiliuids and rotalids). The purpose to study the benthic foraminifera is three fold, I) to reexamine the status of new species of Haque (1956) under the SEM photographs and to perform better documentation, 2) to test the application of larger foraminiferal zonations of I Iouinger (1960), Schaub (l t.J81) and Serra-Kiel ( 1996) and 3) to devise an appropriate benthic zona: ion scheme.


This study is based on the high resolution analysis from the top most bed of Lockhart Limestone to Nammal formation. More than 90 smaller benthic species have been identified. For most of these species, SEM photographs are given while light camera photographs for the larger foraminifera The taxonomical description is added only for the figured specimens of smaller benthic foraminifera. OtIC to the availability or well established standard taxonomical references (Hou iuger, 1960; Schaub, 1981; Racey, 10(4) a systemat ic taxonomical exercise for tile large foraminifera is considered out of scope for this study. Only the most important and frequently occurring species (about 40 species) were plotted on the quantitative distribution chart (Figures 4 1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5) which display several stratigraphic levels with distinct faunal change suggesting a sea level fluctuation, a break in sedimentation or species turnover. It has been observed that some of the species erected by l Iaque (1956) fall in to synonymies. Only two new species has been described

A benthic foraminiferal zonation dose to the Paleocene/Eocene boundary level has been presented. This zonation is a local one and a combination of smaller and larger benthic foraminifera. Total benthic (smaller and larger) foraminiferal population has been subdivided into six assemblages to split lip the sediments into different assemblages zones. The zonal terminology is represent cd by abbreviation 'SRX" where Sf( stands fOJ" Salt Range. In addition zones of Hottinger (1960) and Schaub (1981) have alsl) !lv,'ll identified so that tile zonal boundaries of local zones must be accurately correlat ell (Figure 4.6). The SI ra tigraphic ranges of the NIIIJ1I1JII/i/!!S and Assilina as proposed by Schaub (1981) are given (Figures 4.7 & 4.8).

SRX-1 Assemblage Zone

StnHigJ"aphic horizon: I3aSl: lies within top Lockhart Limestone while (OP within lower pan of Patala Formation (exclusively in the Chinjiua Nala and Chichali P<lSS sections) (Figures 4.4 and 4.5).

Ddillitiou: The bast: of this zone is not defined whereas tile top is defined at the siiuuhuncous fO of NIl/lil/Jltlill'.\" deserti, N. thulicus, Assilinu .'I! ill {JS(l, A. dancloticci and A. pnSC(1.

Other assemblage: The important larger foraminifera includes Alisec/lulI!!(1 miscella, 1\1. s/({IIII)i, Lockhartia V'IJ., Lockluirtia haintci, Rantkothalia situlcnsis, I( nuttulli, Rotaliu ... pp., Operculiua jill -ani, Op. snhgranulos« and Op. salsa. The characteristic smaller benthic population includes Cibiculcs Iobatulu«, Cib. jJa/a/a(!llsis, Cib. mcnsillu, Cib .... illlplljx,


Cincoriola patalaensis, Cin. ovoidca, Anonuilinoides baudi, Asterigcrirur (..:11 II iformis, t.1jJhidilllJl jfJ.A, Thalnumuita hctfecz], 1'11. glacssncri, fh'jJ/oplimgllloides sPjJ·, P sudogloborotalia k hairabadc I/SI S aud / J se II dowoode lla patalu« nsi s,

n.e~nnl'ks: This Zone is confined only for the western part of the study area (Surghar Range) and do not exist in the eastern part of the study area (\ill! Range) for the same lithostratigraphic level. In this zone overlapping ranges of the sm.rllc: benthic species typical of Pseudogloboratalia ranikotcusis and Cincoriola (Punjabiu) ovoidcu are observed. Not a single specimen of Nunuuulitcs observed ill this zone, Therefore, may be equivalent to the A. yvettae Zone of Schaub (1981) and AI. levis Zone of Hottinger (l960) and SD4 Zone of Serra-Kiel et at. (1996), This zone is equivalent to the top most part of Pseudogloborotalia ranikotcusis Zone of Haque (1956) and to the M. JIIisce//lI-Llwilllei-LJk simplex assemblage Zone of Weiss (1993) (Figure 4.6),

SRX-2 Assemblage Zone

Stratigraphic. level: Base lies within top most bed of Lockhart Limestone ill Pat ala Nala, Namrnal Gorge and Khairabad sections, while within the lower part of tile Palala Formation in Chinjina Nala and Chichali Pass sections, Top of the zone lies in the middle pan of the Patala Formation in Nammal Gorge, Patala Nala and Chichali Pass sections and top of the Patala Formation in Chinjina Nala section (Figures 4. 1- 45)

Definition: The base of the zone is marked by the simultaneous FO o] NIIIJIIIIII/iles deserti, N thalicus, Assiliua dcuulotica, A, spinosa, A, piisca to the LO of AI. l'l'et!!.!l/hwgi (= Al. ClJC/IIJ/ iformis).

Other Assemblages: M. tuiscella, Lockhartia -"Pj)" L. hainici, N. sinclcnsis, N IIIII/al/i, A. dandotica, A. spiuosa, Rotalla ,\PjJ., N. dcserti, N. thalicus, (1), salsa, 0/), slIhgl'UlIll/osu, Op. jiwaui. The smaller benthic assemblage includes Cibicidcs lobcttulu-: Cibicidcs. a_ff, uutltifarius, Cib. patalacnsis, Cib. sill I/JiL' X, Ciucoriola patalacnsis, ('/JI, ovoidca, Sakhiella uannnalensis, Asterigerina cuuifonuis, le//)lIiilil/lII sp.A, Thulnutnnitu /1(!/i:L'::i, 1'11. g/lless/Jeri, l'scudogloborotaliu -"PI), This assemblage is the same as found in the previous zone. The new entries include Epistouuuia sernimarginata. Woodclk) IU/lIIJ/Ju/eI/Sl.\·, Sphcteroidin« dubiu, Eponides kurstcni, E. /0 I us, Psetulowooilella l/ullllilligL'/,u, V"i1'IIIiIlL'l'iu patalacusis, li'i/oclI/llla sarahae.

Renrarks: In Khairabad section, the top most bed of the Lockhart Limestone is richly fossiliferous with well developed specimens of Nuuunulitcs dcserti ill association with the rare occurrence of A. dandotica. This data indicate slightly younger age of the top Lockhart Limestone. Weiss (1980) also mentioned the presence of Ntmunntltcs and commented that the age may be younger Davies & Pinfold (1937, p. 57-58, 67) mentioued tile gellcral range ofAl. vredcuburg) ill the Salt Range area showing its first llCl:UII ,';, c' witiuu [he top most beds of Lockhart Limestone and last occurrence to the top of J>a[~li;l Formation but their data lack information about tile individual sections. We did not observed this taxon 'Ill any of the section from the top Lockhart Limestone rather first occurrence is observed ill the middle pan of the Pat ala Formation in Parala Nala and Chichali pass sections whereas in upper part of the Pat ala Formation ill Chinjina Nab section. In Patala Nala and Nauunal Gorge sections LO of AI. 1'J'lJilellhllrgi was observed before tile LO of /1. dWU/()IIC" whereas

in Chinjina Nala and Chichali Pass sections their LOs were observed simuiraueously. The late entry of AI. \'}'ud!!llh/l"~i (above the FO of NUII/JJII/lil!!s desert! and A. dUlle/otica) might be facies controlled or any of these two exhibit diachronous appearance. III Pat ala Nala and Namrnal Gorge sections, last occurrence of AI. vredertbut gi observed before the faunal turnover where A1isceI/ww{f-l.ockhartia-OjJL'n.:u/illa-Ralliku/hww dominated assemblage is replaced by the NIIJJ1IJ1I1/iles-Assililla-f)/.scULyc/ilJa dominated assemblage. Additionally at the same level the smaller benthic assemblage typical of SPX-l Zone gradually disappear.

Serra-Kiel (1996) mentioned the last occurrence of n. sindcnsis at the P4/P 5 zonal boundary whereas Butt (1991) mentioned that its range extends into a horizon referable to Early Eocene. Our data shows its overlapping range with N. dcscrti, A. ckunlotica and AI. vrcdenburgi. Therefore, we consider its range extending within P5 Zone. Hasson (1985) found M. miscella and l.. haitnci above the FO of M. aragoncusis Jones 8: Racey (1994) also mentioned the ranges of these taxa extending into Early Eocene. Om data shows the occurrence of extremely rare insitu specimens of Miscellanea stamp! (not that of A-f. misce//a) within Nauunal Formation in Patala Nata and Nanuuul Gorge sections (above the first occurrence of AI/orlll()sa and Jyl. aragoncnsis). As a whole this zone IS equivalent to the upper part of Cincono!« (Punjabia) (J1,()/dL'(/ Zone of Haque (1956) and lower part of AI. cucrouifonnis zones of Hottinger (1960) and S8S Zone Serra-Kiel tt al. (1996) (Figure 4.6).

SRX-3 Assemblage Zone

Stra tigruphlc horizon: Upper part of the Palata Formation in alt the sections (figures 4. I, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5).

Ddlniliol1: The base of the zone is defined at almost simultaneous LO of AI nuscella (s.l.) and LCOs of Miscellanea suunpi, Lockltartia haiutei to the simultaneous LOs of AI. cucutnifonnis and A. dandotica.

Oc,ber assemblage: The larger foraminiferal assemblage within this zone Includes Numtnulites dcserti, Opcrculina subgrauu losa, (1)' jiwaui, Discocyclitu» douvillei, Lockhartia :'jJfJ., No/alia :'jJjJ. VeJY rare occurrence of Miscellanea stcuupi and Lockhartia haintei is also associated with this zone. Only a few smaller benthic species of assemblage SRX-l could pass into this zone but gradually disappear in its lower part. The species of Zone SRX-2 continue to occur. The species which make their new entries ill this zone include Cibicidcs III u II til/ri ns, Cib. alieni, Cib. praecursoria, QllilJ(/lleluelllil/(/ gUIJ/k'li, (}. pse uc 10 vata, Pseudowoodella ntannuilligera, Valvnliueria I)((t(//UUII.I;S, Nodosaria latejugata, N. II(WIIIWluIISis, Astcrigcriua /I!X(/I/(l, Ancnnaliuoules acutu, l lvigcrinellc:

Iakiensis, V{/gilil/lillup.~"is saundcrsi, Vag Mexicauus tnulicostatus, (;101/(1,,1111(/ le(ll'igala, Leuticulina tnidwayeusis, L siutplictsshua. Bulimtna quadratu etc.

Remarks: Locklutrtia hail/lui and A//, statupi rarely observed within this zone. A transition form between A. duudotica cuu! A. pustulosa is frequently present and is a major source of confusion. The SRX2/SRXJ zonal boundary ill this area corresponds to a major faunal change. At this level Misceltanaa-Lockhartia dominated assemblage is replaced by NU/IIl/luli/es-Assilill{/-LJiseucyc!iIlLl assemblage. Also a major change in the smaller benthic population is related to this horizon. Therefore, this horizon is picked as a major turnover in this area which occur close to simultaneous LOs (~i PI. pscucknncuunlii and !\// vctascocnsis. As a whole, this zone is equivalent to the lower half of Q. gU/}flai Zone or l Iaque (19S6), to


upper part of A I. cncumifonuis Zone of Hot t Inger (1960) and upper part of SB') Zone of Serra-KieI et al (1996) (Figure 4.6).

S,RX-4 Assemblage Zone

StrnUgrnphic horizou: The basal part of Nammal Formation (Na uuna I marl) exclusively observed in Patala Nala and Nammal Gorge sections (Figures 4.1 and 4.2)

Defhdlioll: The base of the Zone IS marked at the FO of Assiliua (!/l/J/I·\{I1I().m whereas the top at the FO of N gtobnlus.

Other Assemblages: The larger foraminiferal assemblage include U danville], (1), ornata, Op. subgrauulosa, N l!ff. bltl'digall.!l/si.\· kuepperi, N de SI.! I'll whereas t he smaller benthics includes all those which are observed in SRX-J Zone and new entries includes ('II). alieni, Cib. praecursoria, Vaglnulinopsis Mexiccuius nudicostcuus 1I1/(1 Hillililillo "/)1) At this stratigraphic level almost whole smaller benthic assemblage is found facies COlli rolled and ill Khairabad sections occur withiIllvlg soldculocnsis Zone.

R.euuu·ks: This interval represent a complete pelagic environment throughout tile study area lacking larger foraminifera but rich in planktonic foraminifera. Tile pot ent inlly usefi.d taxon for this level is still (!. t;UPI)L'I'i The base of this zone, through the huger foraminifera! markers, is defined ill Palata Nala, Nammal Gorge and Chichali Pass sections According to the stratigraphic range orA, (!ff. pustulosa of Schaub (1981) (Figures 4,7 and <1 8), this zone is equivalent to AI. etlipsoidutis Zone of I lottinger (1960), to A, arencnsts Zone of Schaub (1981), to SB6 Zone of Serra-Kiel et a!. (1996), to the upper pan of Q t;u/)I)eri zone of Haque (1956), to the A. leytucriei-N. [ossnltttu-D. IWJiko/(,IISis Assemblage Zones of Weiss (llJ8H, 199J) (f-igure 4 ()),

SRX=5 Assemblage Zone

Slnlligrapiaic hurizou: Lower pail ofNanuual marl (Figures -1.1, -1.2 and .:J.3).

OefIn,ition: Interval bel ween the FO of N glo/J"llIs to the FOs or N pIUII/t!UlII.\ and /1, plana.

Other assemblages: This zone represents fully pelagic environments due to the dominated planktonic foraminifera, whereas very r.uc larger foraminifera were cucouniered. The smaller benthic assemblage is same as observed in the previous SRXJ to SRX-4 zones The new entries includes (/ulld,YII/({ II II id« , U cariuatu, G. I(}({l'igll/u, A. .lorr, UJ'i/g()lll'IIS/S, Clavuliuoides lakicnsis gmup and Pullcni« quinqnclotm. This zone is be equivalent [0 A, af]. arencusis Zone of Schaub (1981) and SB7 Zone of Scrra-Kicl et al. (Il)l)()) (Figure 6.1).


SRX-6 Assemblage Zone

Sindigraphic horizon: Upper pan of Nanuual marl (Figures 4.2 and 43).

Deflniriou: This zone is defined by the stratigraphic range of N. /)/Ui/Ii/a{IIS and A. /)/((I}((.

Otb·er assemhlage: The larger foraminifera include A. spinosa, A. /Jils/it/usu, N. K/U/)If/IIS, N. burdigatensis kneppcr), N. eschcri, D. '(if dispansa ({W/ Lockluutict hunt! /J/f.\III/(}.m. A laxispira also appears within this zone. The smaller benthic reCO\LI) b very limited due to the compact limestone (mudstone) faceies, however, a few specimens of N /U/L'jllgO/([, C. III ultifariu S, Lenticulina !!J1)fJ., Furscukoina dubia, I 'alvutincria hills] and /fegerillo'\jJ. were recovered form the Nanuual Gorge and Parala Nala sections but commonly present in Khirabad section.

Remnrks: In Khairabad section, within completely pelagic sequence of Nauuual marl an assemblage rich in N. plal/II/(//IIS, N. t;/ohlllw', N hll)'{/iga/L'lIsis f,,'I//)IJL'Fi and /1. planet has been observed which indicate downslide movement of [he shallow mnrine sediments. In Narnmal Gorge and Patala Nala sections a turbiditic bed of fossiliferous calcareous sandstone assemblage rich in N. g/Ohll/IIS, N. escheri, A. /(/Yi·~/)Jj'(/ llild A. p/WJ({, Discocyclina aff. dispausa is observed. In these localities this assel1lblilge is completely bounded within the fully open marine environments. These assemblages represellts S8l 0 to ?SB 11 zones of Serra-Kicl (19<)(1) respectively Tile above mentioned assemblages has been related to a shallow marine insitu depo sit s east or Pat ala Nata section Such a turbiditic was not been observed west of Khairabad section. Because both of thcsc assemblages ill this area represent a vel)' thin, single even! of shallow marine environment wiihin Nammal marl. Therefore, chronosuatigraphicully considered the sallie. This Lone is equivalent to N. planulatus or A. plana zones of Schaub (1981) and SSlO Zone of Serra-Kiel (1996) (Figures 4.6).

SRX-7 Assemblage Zone

StnHigrllphic horizon: Upper part of Nanunal Formation (Nauunal lIlarl and Namrnal limestone) and base of Sak esar Limestone (Figures 4.2,4.3,4.4)

Oefinillion: The zone is defined by the stratigraphic range of A. /(/xi.\I)inr above the LOs of N planulatus and A. 1)/(//1(/.

Other assemblage: Due to the tight nature 01' tile Nauuual Limestone (mudstone) tile smaller beuthics are not investigated. The limestone is fully pd<lgic t II1IS lachillg the larger foraminifera. Only a few specimens of NUII//JIII/iles .'1). O/h'Feli/l/JiI .\1). ,1Ild ,lss//il/u .\1)/). and A. laxispir« has he(!JI obscrvc.]. The smaller benthics include I'. //1//\/, /Jlgcllel'l/1U "jJ., Noniou !!JP/)" Cibicidcs .\1)/)., Lcnticnliru : "1)/), and Ancnualinoldcs acntu.

Remarks: The top most bed of Nammal Limestone in Chich.rli I'.\o;s section yielded A. laxispira; and the basal layer of Sakesar Limestone contains Alvcoliua fornastni] indicating that this zone most probably is equivalent to at least pal'! of tile A. /uxi.\j)im Zone of Schaub (1981) and SOil Lone or Scrra-Kiel (1096) (Figure 4.6).


A general stratigraphic ranges of the smaller and larger benthic foraminifera in relation to the planktonic and benthic foraminiferal zonation (this study) and substages of Schaub (1981) and shallow benthic zones of Serra-Kiel et al. (1996) have been presented (Figures 4.9, 9.10).


• This study provide full f1egged revision and documentation of" the smaller benthic species including of Haque (1956) ill terms of illustrations and their vert ical and lateral di st ribut iOI1.

• in the western part of the Salt Range, Late Paleocene to E. Eocene sediments represent a gradual deepening from inner to' outer shelf A continuos sequence or shallow marine carbonate environments lack in this area. Therefore, hinders to apply and test the zonation schemes of Hottinger (1960) and Schaub (1981). The sea level fluctuation, on the other hand, have produced several interfingering of shallow murine events (containing larger foraminifera) and open marine events (containing planktonic foraminifera), which provides an excellent opportunity to correlate the larger foraminifera with the planktonic zonation. For further 1, .. llli,lllel1tS, tile proposed zonation and results should be tested for the other pal Is ur tile Salt 1ZilIlgl: and other areas.

• Many of the smaller benthic foraminifera have been observed facies COlli rolled in this area. Therefore, these can not be successfully used alone for zonation. However some of them i.e. Quinqucloculina gappai, L(}X(}S/OIJIIIIJI applina«, Cincoriolu patalaensis, Ci». avoiclea.Pseudowoclclla patalacnsi», Ihdll/ul/lli/u SI)P. and ('Ii!/cidl's IIIlilij(lJ"il/s are significant for the benthic zonation.

• A regional zonat ion scheme consi s t i ng of seven bent hie (smaller and I urger) '0 raminiferal assemblage, SRX-I to SRX-7, has been devised and correlated with other zonations.

• A horizon which displayed a spectacular change in the smaller and larger Iomminiferal assemblages lies within the Patala Formation. At this horizon '\'/Isce//UI/('({-/.ockhu/'/iaRanikothulia dominated assemblage is replaced by Assilina-Nunnnnlitc« dominated assemblage. This faunal change is used to define the SRX-2/SH.X-3 Zonal boundary and lies within AI. CIICIIII/{!()/"I/lis Zone (S05).

• Two sedimentary breaks are predicted. first brief one is within upper pan of the Patala Formation along the SRX-2/SRX-3 zonal bound,")' Second a major oue lies ill the lower most part of Nammal Formation which is evident by llle complete absence of the larger foraminiferal assemblages representing S137 Zone.

• A variation in the relative stratigraphic ranges of some of the larger foraminifera has been observed. Therefore, the zonation criteria of Schaub (1981) based on Nuunnulites and Assilina, when applied in this area, don't show as good zonal correlation. Five

substages of Schaub (1981) consisting or AI. cucutnifonnis Zone or I Iouinger (1960), N,(/L's£!I"tfi,jPI"ISCl[ Zone, Nt{/(}/>II/IIs:4.1e),lIIL'ril.!i Zone, N p/ullit/a/lIs'A, p/WIU ZOlle and A, laxispira Zone of Schaub (108/) has been identified. Folluwing anomalies has been observed,

A distinct time difference between the FO horizons of Nnnnnulitcs and Alveolina in this area, AI. Iln.:dL'llhliJ't{i (~AI. ClICIIIJli/()I'IIli.\) appears at the higher stratigraphic level as compared to N dcscrti, A, daudotica and A, prisca.

Longer stratigraphic range of Runikotlutli« sindcusis overlapping with N dcserti, A, dcuulotic« and II t. cucuuufonnis

Longer stratigraphic range of N g/U/JII/US, ,4, /lller/;uc/lI.!ri arul A, pustnlos« overlapping with A, plcu«, and N /)/mlll/uIIIS,

Early entry of ,4, laxispira within [he upper pan of SB 10 Zone,

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(Literature review)


In the recent years the growing Interest In the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, both in academics and oil industry has invoked the biosuatigraphers to correlate tile planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous uannofossils zonations in order to get maximum precision. The modern planktonic foralllillilCral research has proved that many 1,1 : !I\,,' planktonic foraminifera including zonal markers show diachronous ranges ill different regions The same may hold for the calcareous nannofossils. A parallel high resolution data of botb planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossils on the indigenous material is prerequisite. 011 the planktonic foraminifera a high resolution data has been presented ill the previous chapter Since no one has generated the high resolution data except the routine analysis of the calcareous nannofossils to elate the Tertiary sediments done by various authors. Therefore, a brief over view of these studies are presented and discussed here. The original data sheets of the authors rcg<lnlillg the calcareous nannofossils has been presented lor comparison (Figures.'). I to 5.8)


Several authors have already iuvcsrigated tile Patala and Nanuna! formations in the Salt Range and Surghar Range area Kothe et al. (1988) studied the calcareous nannofosils and dinoflagellates ill Paiala Nala (Figure 5.1), Nanuual Gorge (figure S 2<1), Khairabad (Figure 5.3). Chichali Pass (Figure 5.4) and Chinjina Nab sections (Figure 5.5). Their main thrust was on tile Paiala Formation only, whereas the Nanunal Formation was investigated only in the Nanunal Gorge section This study was ill fact based on the samples drawn at wider interval. Kothe & Ashraf (1989) tile Nauunal Gorge section with close samplings and presented further refinements (figure 5.2b) Khairabad section was alice again investigated by Ashraf & Bhatti (1991) with closely spaced samples (Figure 5 3b). Early Paleogene sediments were also investigated from the Nannnal Gorge sections by Bybell and Self-Trail (1993), this study introduced further refinements especially lor the LIpper part of the Nanunal Formation (Figure 5 2c). Ashraf & Bhatti (J 991) re-invest iga: cd t he Pat ala and Nanunal formation in Khairabad section. For the present study, a few more samples of Pat ala Formation were investigated by Kothe ill BGR, and of Pat ala and Nauunal by Ashraf ill QLiDe. The discussion about all these results is placed under the zonal criteria. Out of these six, tirst five sections have been investigated for the plank Ionic foraminifera ill t his study. F or the Chinji Il<l Nala sections t he original set of sampl es used by Kothe ct al. (! ()88) has been invcsugater: Illl' COI;II11illilcrll For the Chichnli Pass section the sample of Kothe et al. (I ()SS) wit 11 additional samples were invesligdlcd for Ioramiuifera. For the Khairabad section the oliginal set or samples investigated by AL/,ti &. VUIl Daniels (1991) and Ashraf & Bhaui (I ()91) investigated tor tile for.uuin.fcra and calcareous nannofossils respectively

-I ~

were re-invesiigaied in this study, For the Nammal Gorge and Patala Nala sections fresh set of samples are investigated for planktonic foraminifera. Tilt; lithology of Nanunal Gorge section presented by Bybell and Self-Trail (1993) was good enough to be compared accurately with that of freshly measured (this study), Because Nauuual Gorge and Patala Nala sections are quite close and identical in lithology. Therefore, the results of Bybell & Self Trail have been project over the sections measures for this study, Some additional samples from the Paiala ,lild Nauuual from the new set of samples has been investigated by Kothe and Ashraf

List of calcareous nuunofossil studies.

L Nammal Gorge section" .. , , .. ,,,, ........ , .... , .. ' Kothe et aL (198S), Kot he & Ashraf ( 1(89), Dybell & Self-Trail (1993),

Kothe (this study) and Ashraf (this study)

2, Patala Nala section, , , .. ' .. ' , , "Kothe et al. (1988), ;\shraf(lhis study)

3, Khairabad Section , ' , Kothe et al. (1988), Kothe & Ashraf (1989)

4, Chichali Pass section , , .. , ~ .. " .Kothe et al. (1988)

5, Chinjina Nala (Makarwal) sectIon"""",,,,,,, Kothe el al. ( 1(88)

6, Khairpur well.. ... " .. , "" '''" .. _" ""Bybell & Self -Trail (1989)


All hough a number of calcareous uannotoss: I zouat ions have been presented (Baumann & Roth, 1969; Bukry, 1971 <I, b, 197 J; Goll, 1972: I lays et al 101"2; Osman, 1(89) but the most comprehensively compiled and ticqucntly used is that of Martini (1971), In this chapter only the zones of Martini are referred, The above mentioned investigation in the Salt Range area deal with the interval II'OIll Zone NP8 10 Zone NP l..1i 1--1 The zonal nit eria adopted I()(' t he above listed studies is ofMartini (1971) with sonic amendments which are disl:lISSl'd below.

Hetiotittius tiedieli (NPB) Zone

Original definition: Interval between FO (!l lIe/iu/If/IIIS Fled"/I to the FO of Discoaster mU/1 ire tdiatu«.

Remarks: Kothe (1988) used additional marker i.e. the LO or Hotnolitlms d!!~afls to mark tile (OP of this zone (figure 5,5)

Discoaster muttlreaietus (NP9) Zone

Original definition: Iruerval between lite fO or i). 1I/IIIIi/'od/o/IiS to the fO of Tribrachiutus brantlcttci.

Remarks: As both markers are rarely present ill the Salt Range area, Therefore, some additional markers arc used i.e. I owcin« /()\'(/I.', lusciculnhu» sl..'iiullbil <lilt! F richcudi! are only present in NP9 ZOlle, Thc LOs or l_jglllllh/lit!IIIS hl..'l'~l'lIJl, Z brcuulcttc», N.:(Jaieidulil/lIIs hulo); and Neochiastozygus chiastus MC used to mark the top of this zone (Kothe, I ()H8), The lower part or the zone is idcnuticd by the overlapping range of D. 1/1II/lilw/iufIlS and fleliuliflllls f..klj)t:!li, The upper most IH1I1 (upper forth half) of the Nfl9 Zone is identified by the overlapping ranges of Sed/}()/IIIIIIS UP!!tfIlS, ('(1I11/)ylo,)phol..'m clela and L()I)lwd()/ifJlIIs I/(/S(,L'II (Bybel] & Self-Trail, 19(3)

Tribrachiatus contortus (NP10) Zone.

Original Definition: Interval between the FO of 1: braJIIlelft!i to the LO of T. coutortus

Remarks: Due to the absence uf T. contortus, sacristy of T brcunlcttei and persistence of species typical uf zone Nfl9 (fo(/'\"L'Iculitlllls fYIIIII(III!/O("lIIi.\·, 1< bobii, l, cliuotu»; 7YK()discl/.\:\· herlynii, Ncochiastozygus elliasflls) into zone NP 10, the determination of N 1)( liN PI 0 zonal boundary is very problematic for tile Salt Range area (Kothe & Ashraf; 19(0) (hSlllt: 5.20). The rewor-king of the above species was excluded due to the absence of Cretaceous, Eally and Middle Paleocene species. Similar problem was encountered by Bybcll & Self-Trail (I ()<)J), they could not identify NP 10 Zone due the sacristy 01" T. /Jmlll/L'ffCi but they commented about the presence of some of the NP9 species even within NP 12 Zone (Figure 5.2c) Also Ashraf & Bh.uti (1991) did not found 1: coutortus and T. brcunlette], therefore as a solution of this problem, they used f.0 of IJ diastypus for the base or NP I 0 (Figure 5.3(1).

Discoaster binodosus (NP11) Zone

Original Definition: Interval between the LO of T. coutortus to the FO of!). loclocnsis.

Remarks: In the absence of T. contortus; several other markers were used i.e .\jJ//(!IIO/It/IilS editns, 5,/)11. COIHI)icI/IIS and ,)j)/i. radians which have their f.Os within NP I I ?Olle (Kothe et al. 1988; Kothe & Ashraf 1989; Ashraf & 8hatti, 199 I). whereas Byul'll & Self-Trail (1993) commented that complete absence 01' tile genus Ttibraclmuns cuu! 1}I"t.'sclh"C {!/I J. kllL'/JI)ai may be considered as an interval equivalent to NP I I rather than NP I () Zone.

Tribrachietus crthostylue (NP12) Zone

Original Definition: IntL:rvill between the FO oC!). lodocnsis to LO of r. Ol"t/W'\"fy/US.

Remarks: In tile absence of D. /()c/OI.'IJ.\f\·, Kothe et al. (198B) used D klfcl)/Jai for the base of Nfl 12 Zone. In case of Lite entry of I.l. kl/('/J/h'l"i, 8ybdl & Self-Trail (1993) used the simoltaneous FOs of/J/uc/Ofes spinosus, IUIUht!(J.\j)IIlIL'm IJaclI/L'U 10 mark the base of NP 12 Zone

Discoaster /odoensis (NP13) Zone

Original definition: Interval between LO or 1: ()/"I!J{)S~l'//lS to the FO oU). slih/{J£i{)(!IISIS.

Couuucnts: Only Uybell & Self- Trai] (1993) established this Wile by the LO of F//ipso/iflllls l1Ull,,d/IIS (Figure S.2e).


In this section a brief discussion on tile calcareous mllJlol()ssiIs investigation is presented.

All the ranges ofrhc calarcous nannofossils are disL"lIssl:d dCCllldillg to th~ Perch-Nielson (1988).

Ago of the Lockhart Limestone

Kothe el al (1l)~~) did not found nannofossils ill the Lockhart Limestone (Figures 5.1, S.2a,b). Ashraf & Bhatti (19t) I) recovered several species of NP8-NPC) except n. nntltirruliatu« ill the top most bed of Lockhart ill Khairabad section (Figure 5.1b) In the Khairpur-! well (eastern Salt IZallge), Bybdl ami Self-Tr()j! (I (N]) rccovend /Ie/wlif/Ills wilhrim(FO ill upper NPS) (11/(/

l!. kleinpclli (fO in NP6) in the lower pan of Lockhart Limestone. Therefore, the age of the formation may range from NP6 to NP8.

Age of the Patala Formation

ChinJioa Nala section

Except in Khairabad section, the calcareous nannofossils were nut previously reported from the base Patala Formation. In Chiujina Nala section, Kothe et al (1988) marked the NPSfNP9 zonal boundary ill the lower pan of Patala Formation at the LO of H degllll.~· and immediately above this level Kothe reponed FOs of F thorns), F clituuus, T. tovaa and N. chiastus ana Zygrhabilithus bijllgatlls (Figure 5.5). The presence of F t/wlI/wi (FO near the top of NP9) and Z. bijugcut,» (FO within Nil II Zone) observed in this section at the base of NJ>9 Zone does not tally with the species range of Perch-Nielson (1085) but Kothe (I %8) used these markers to define NP9 Zone. The top most part of Pat ala formation in this section yielded simultaneous fOs of D. nndtiradiatus and L uascens. This assemblage according to Pcarch-Nielson indicate upper most part of the NP9 Zone, but the late entry of D. nutltirculiatus has been either overlooked due to the scarcity or it is diachronous in this region. Tile NPS/late NP9 boundnrv in the lower pan of Patala need further Investigations. This age assignment may be interpreted as ,\ minor break at this level.

Chichali Pass section

III the Chichali Pass section, open mariuc conditions lavorable for tile planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils has been found only in the upper 1110s1 pan of Perala Formation which yielded all assemblage typical or upper part of NP9 Zone including D. multiradiatns, F. scaubii, F invoiutus, 1<: t_l'lII/h'II!/()!"IIIIS and 7ygm/IU/Ji/!I/llls hi;'_;lit:aliis (Figure 5.4).

Khairabad section

In Khairabad section, Kothe et al (I9Sb) identified NP9 Zone by the [-0 of D. niultirudiatus at the bast: of Parala Foruuuion (I:igllle )3<1) She did not touud both T coutonus and 1: brcanlcuei but reported almost simultuneous LOs of N. .lIllie/liS, N. bnkry], D. mohlcri, Crusiptacolithus lctipon«, Ereskoit.« SlIh;;CI"//I.Iu, ,\/)h L'II//(II/JIIS, ZIJ;odi.YCIlS lia(rllii and Fascicullthus Sl'p. in the lower pan of Patala Fonnation (samples 30J). All the above mentioned species according to Perch-Nielson ( 1985) last occur ill the top 1110St ]1a11 of the NPlJ Zone. The LCO of Faciculithns has been also in lise to mark the base of Zone NP I 0 Kothe et al. (1988) did not marked Zone NP I 0 at this level because the very next sample (1l0 .)02) just above it seems to be wider enough or contaminated which showed the first OCClIITl:llCC of I J. barhadoeusis (fO ill Zone NP 10) together with the assemblages of ZOIIC Nil II (.\/)Ii. editu« and ,\;)h mdi(/I/s) and of Zone Nil 12 (/). kl/"/)/)L'1"i). The coutaminarion is tunhc. proved by the presence of l'I. pst!IlL/()lIIel/an/ii ill the same sample (Weiss, 1988, 19(3). The reinterpretation of Kothe's data indicate that NP9/NP I 0 zona] boundary call be marked ill tile lower part or Patala Fonnatiou (at the top ofsample 3(3).

Ashraf & Bhatt: (1991) also observed t ). 1/I/1/li/"(/di~ tttt» at the base of Pntala Formation (Figure 5 Jb), They could IIOt gCIH . .r.ue high resolution data as meilliulled above ill the lower pan of

the format ion. III the absence of b0111 T. COI/IUI·tIlS ami T. brcunlcttci, they marked the N P')/NP 10 boundary at the FO of}). diastipn» but this horizon ill the str<ttit',Iilphic section lies at much higher level almost ill juxt aposit ion wil h the FO of j\ I. formosa fonuosa of tile plank tonic foraminifera (Afzal A von Daniels, I c)91 and this study). The total thickness of NP I 0 ZOl1e t(.lUIHJ about one ami half to two feet only. Zone Nl' II was dcliucd ill the FOs or ,\/,/i. cditus and ,\/)11. nuliaus (rO within NP II Zone) ill the midway of Patala Formation. This implies that tile actual boundary of Nt> IO/NP II Zone may lies slightly below this lcve]

Nammal Gorge section

In the Nanuual Gorge section, Kothe ct <II. (I (8) elated the Pillala Formation NP8 to NrC) (figure S.2a). She could not identified NPIO Zone. BUI reinvestigation of this section (Kothe & Ashraf, 11)89) with close sampling, she identified the NP 10 Zone at ihc FO of T. brcuulctte! (Figure 5.2b) In this section the total thickness otZone NPIO is also around two fed. Due to the vel)' thin NP 10 Zone and placement orN!> I O/NP li boundary at the Pataliv'Nallllll.d COIII<lCt, she commented that possibility of a hiatus can not be excluded She observed mallY of the NIH) species within Zone NP 10. Bybcll & Self-Trail (I ()9]) abo dated the tipper pall of Pdl,!!" as Nfl() (Figure S.2e). Due to the occurrence of Sco})ulull/is (/}I('I"III.\". ('UIII}))'I()})}IL'I"L/ dele: and i.()plwdi}II/I/i.\" II({.\"U:IIS (all first occur ill the upper most pall of Zone NPC)) they placed the upper pall or Patala within upper part of NP9 ZOIlt:. Like Kothe et al (198~), they could not pick the rarely occurring T. brcunl« ttci. They did not couuucntcd much about till' age or lower )lil!"! of Patala. Two samples (lrtg40 and Jng43) from lite LIppe! pill t of P"tala Form.uio» were irtvcslig<ltcd by Kothe which she placed within NP9 zone

Patala Naja section

Kothe el al. (1988) investigated only a few samples and identified NP9 Zone in the midway of the format ion but exact sira: igraphic position is not clearly (kilned (Figure S I). The presence of I< thontasii indicate the upper p.nt of NPl) zone designated to the upper part of Patala as in the Nanuual Gorge aren OI1~ sample (Jpuq ) from the base of Patala Formation has been analyzed which yielded /J. //IIIII/rudiu/IIS, } /. j,;/t'I})('llil, F tcmpcuufonui: (anulyzcd by Ashraf) indicating lower pan ofN[H) Zone (.c....CPSa).

Age of the Nanlnlal Formation

The base of the Nanunal Formation in all the sections, except in Khairabad, has been placed within Nfl II Zone In Namma) Gorge section, FO of.\})1I. C()Wj)IL"UIIS along with other is used to mark the base of NP II (Kothe ct al I C)~8 ,\lid Kothe 8..: Ashrar. I ')8')) (Figure 5.1a,b). Bybell & Self-Trail COLJlu not generate a reliable ddla for NP I I Zone, nevertheless the absence of genus Trihrachiatus, l l ornibaokinc: IIIHI l-uscicnlithu» (all last occur in lower P,1I1 ofNPIO Zone) ill the basal of Nanuna] Fornuuiou has been interpreted as Zone NP I I (Figure 5.2c). This interpretation strengthened by tile results of Kothe et al (1988) Kothe could nOI produce finer resolution and whole formation was placed within NP II. On the contrary, Byhcll 8:. Self-Trail (10,)J) has interpreted NP 12 and Nil I 3-14 Zones. In the middle of the Nauunal marl, they encountered l ). kuc] ipcr], Nil( rhdo.'l)/iL!I"({ hctculc« (FOs ill Zone N P 12) whereas i 11 ! I,L' 1I pper P;1I1 of" Nanunal Formation the persistence of} l. k ill.'} J}Jr • -ri (LO ncar the top of NI)14) (lnd last occurrence of FllijJsoli//llls tnaccllus (1.0 near file tup of NP 12) has been used tll csiablisl: tile top of' Nil 11 (base

of NPI3-14). In Pal ala Nala section Kothe et al. (1988) tentatively placed base Nammal within NP 1 I (figure 5.1).

In Khairabad section, Kothe et al. (J 988) placed the base Na 1I111lil I within Zone NP 12 (Figure S.Ja). Ashraf & Bhaui (1091) marked the based of Zone Nfl J 2 by the fO of IJ. lodoeusis at the base of Nanunal Formation (Figure S.Jb). The NPI2 age assigned to tile lower P'lI·' of Parala Formation is most probably due to the contamination as discussed above.


The over view of the calcareous nannofossils investigations ill the Salt and Surghar Range area as conducted by various authors and present study reveals the following points.

• The top most layer of the Lockhart Limestone lies within NP8 Zone

• The Pat ala Formation range Cl"Ol11 Zone NP8 to Nl' 12. The oldest age of Parala formation in the Patala Nala and Nanunal Gorge sections is lower pan of NP9 (=CP8a) whereas the youngest age in these sections is NP9 or ?NP 10. In the Khairabad section, the oldest age is NP() (possibly upper pall) whereas the youngest ag~ is NP 12 III the Mak arwal and possibly in Chichali Pass sections the oldest age is NP8 while youngest ilge i" NP9 The NPS age of the Patala Fonu.uion is required 10 be proved by fiuthcr investig.uion

• The Naill 111 a ! Fonnaiion range from NP I I to NP I 3. III Makurvval and Chichali Pass, sections Nauuual Formation W,IS IJOl investigated. III Nanunal Gorge a III I Patula Nala sections base of Na 111 111 a I lies within NP 11 ZOIl(:: whereas ill Khairabad section it lies wuhin NP 12 Zone,

• This implies that both UPPCI- and lower boundaries of Patala Formation throughout the study area are diachronous (liid a Illajul facies Chllllgc exist ill the middle uf the stlldy area.

• Due 10 the absence of T. C()IJ/OJ"IIfS, scarcity of T. brwlI/l'IIl'l and persistence or species typical of Zone NPl) into NP 10 the identification of Z()l1C Nfl I () is highly problematic in (his area (Kothe & Ashraf. 1(89) A very thin sedimentary layer representing NPIO Zone may indicate a late entry of 1: bramlctte! and l ). "iils~J1J1/s In this area, therefore, NP 10 Zone identified here may not be chronostratigraphically equivalent to tile NPI0 Zone otMartini (1971).

• Several hiatuses were predicted The first hiatus is expected at NP8fNP9 zonal boundary in the lower pan of Pill ala Formation ill Chinjina Nala section, second hiatus has been predicted at the Paiala/Nammal boundary (NP I O/NIl II zonal boundary) ill Palilla Nala and Nanunal Gorge section. The hiatus prop used at the NP9/NP 12 LOlWI boundary ill Khairabad section is not an actual rather due to the conuuuiuation.

• A discrepancy in the strruigraphic ranges of various calcareous nannofossils have been observed, therefore, it is needed to generate a high resolution to address this problem.


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Biochronstratigraphic correlation between shallow ami open marine deposits at regional and global scale has remained a. major problem. Since a long time, inter-correlation among different groups of fossils characteristic of both shallow ami deep regime has been attempted for instance larger foraminiferal zonation based on Alvcolina group (Hollinger, 1960) was correlated with the planktonic foraminiferal zonation (Luterbacner, 1970; l lillebrandih, 1975), whereas the zonations based on NIIIIIIJlII/iles and Assiliua groups were correlated with the calcareous nannofossils zonation (Kepellos & Schaub, 1973 in Schaub, 1973) which were formally present ed in Schaub (198 I) (Figure 6. I). Similarly, zonations based on radiolarians, dinoflagellates and other groups were also corrected with planktonic and calcareous nannofossils (Bolli et 31, 1985). Recently, the latest version of the plank Ionic and calcareous nannolossils corrcl.u ion (Paleogene Time Scale of Berggren el al. 1(95) has been correlated with Tertiary shallow water ZOIJeS (Scrra-Kiel, 1(96) (Figure 6.2). Such a correlation based 011 more than two groups of fossils is ,I difliculr task and may need subsequent adjustments Tile recent on going investigations ill diJferenl regions has proved that many ofthe species of previously most reliable planktonic foraminiferal glOUp, including zonal markers, exhibit diachronous ranges (Blow, 1lJ79; lkrggrcil e[ al. 1905, Canudo & Molina, 1994; Arenialls & Molina, 1996). Consequently, modifications in standard planktonic zonation art: stilt being proposed. This study has also displayed several discrepancies I cgarding the relative stratigraphic ranges of tile importunt species of planktonic t(lJ'<lI11illikra including zonal markers which resulted a further modification ill the planktonic ior,lIllinitl:ral zonation applicable to this region (chapter 3). The same holds true for tile calcareous nannofossils as discussed earlier (chapter 5) and also for the larger foraminifera (chapter -4). This implies that the gellel'<ll correlation model of Serra-Kiel (1996) may not work well ill this region. Therefore, an adjustment in zonal correlation according to the local ranges in the respective groups of fossils in required III this chapter. a try has been made to intercorrelaie the local benthic zones with the planktonic foraminiferal zonation (this study) and with other standard zonations of planktonic foraminifera, and also with larger foraminiferal zonations of I Iottinger (1960), Schaub (1981) and Serra-Kiel et <11 (1996), and wit I' calcareous nannofossils zonation of Martini (1971) (Figures 6.4, 6 5, 66, 6.7, 6 8). As ElL- as tile correlation of planktonic fOl'lI111illitera and calcareous nannofossils is concerned, several models for the Tertiary has been presented duly calibrated with magnetostraiigruphy, (Berggren et al. 1985 Bolli et at 1985; Haq, 1987, Harland et al 1980; Berggren et al. llJ95 etc). Each correlation model shows a slight differences within the late Paleocene 10 early Eocene lime interva) (Figure 63).


Sections with in[~rlill:lgL'l·ing OpCII marine inllux within shallovv murine self deposits and turbidites containing both shallow and deep marine fauna (if not reworked) provide an excellent opportunity to establish such conelation models. The Salt Range is a key area to conduct such investigations because of having both open marillc iuterfingering and turbidites within the Early Paleogene deposits The three gmups of foraminifera. planktonic (chapter J), smaller and larger benthic (chapter 4) have been investigated in this study whereas already performed studied of calcareous nannofossils (chapter 5) are used for this correlation. For three of these sections (Chinjina Nala, Chichali P,bS a Ill! Khairabad) the samples investigated previously by Kothe er al. ( I C)l)S) and Ashraf & Dhalli (I l)() I) It)!" calcareous nannofossils have been preferably investigated here for the planktonic Ioramiuilcr«. Theretore. it provides a direct correlation or these groups, While for the other two sections (N<lJllJl1,11 Gorge and Paiala NaLl ) ddkrent set of samples are used. Nevertheless. an indirect cUITl'I,lliol; L11" results IS made by comp;llillg tile lithological sections. Additionally, a few samples li·PIll the Nanunal (jorge and Paiala Naill sections have also undergone nallllot(lSsiJ investigation. \Vhile eSI;lblishing the cilwllostJ'iltigraphic correlation, the discussion has been progressed wit h reference to I he plank: Ollie foraminiferal zonat ion (I his st udy).

Benthic Foraminiferal Zonation

htlala Fonn.uion is mosi lv shallow mil! inc which have two open marine influxes, first near the base (a brief one) nnd second at the top (a major one). The fl)JIll<llioll contains abundant larger foraminifera throughout its thickness. The Namma] Formation is mainly pelagic having a shallow marine influx ncar its base, a turbidite bed ill Ihe middle part and silalluwillg upward limestone in t he up per part. Only these t hrce segments of (he Nanunal Fon J)al i Oil co III ain larger foraminifera. therefore, due La the absence of a continuos sllallow marine carhouate environments, all zones of European larger foraminifera! zonation schemes otl Iouinger (1l)()O) ,lJ1d Schaub (1981) could not be identified in sequence. Therefore. a local zonation scheme (SRX-l 10 SRX-7) based on the smaller and larger benthic t()r:lI11iniJl'ra has been devised. Ollly one wile based 011 Alveoliua of Hottinger (19()O). [\\,0 zones bdsed 01\ NII/Ill/I/flill's and four zones based on Assilin« of Schaub (1l)81) are cecogllizcd A bUI!!tic Il1lilllli'litCral turnover is abo idcntified ar (he SRX-2ISRX-J zonal boundary

Calcareous Nannofossil Zonation

A detail reviw orthe previous i(IVesti~illinll rg,lrJing the c.ilc.u cous uannofos sil zonation has been jllcsellkd (cIidJllcr S).


P'~al1ktonic Foraminiferal Zonation

According to the high resolution data of the planktonic foraminifera several auomalies ill the stratigraphic ranges of the planktonic foraminiferal species, including the z.011,1I markers, are observed. Therefore, a zonation scheme based on the local ranges has been established applicable 10 this region. The data is used to interpret the zones of Blow (1979), Toumarkine & l.uterbacher ( t 985) and Berggren cr al. (1 ()9 5) also. These zones are nnmcd £IS 1\ 19. soldudocnsi» Zone, A. wilcoxcusis hurgg/,L'lIi Zone, AI fonuosa Zone, 1\1. (f)"ug()IIUIISIS Lone, .',,: I//{/U{I"/.\f)il"lI Zone and S

frontosa Zone.

P1anofotaiites p seudomenerdli Zone (not observed in this study) Interval between FO of Ill. {J-I(,lIdu/l/l'lImdli to FO ofklg .. loldud()<.'J/.III.

This zone could not be established due to the absence ofpl<lllkl()Jlic foraminifera below the observed first occurrence or~f"i .. voklculocnsi«. This zone is equivalent to I'/. !,-lclldo/llc'I/(/I"e/ii (P4) Zone of mow (1979), lower part of t-t. 1).I"clldlJlJlt'I/(//"dli of T oumarkine & Luterhacher ( 1(85) and P4a-P4b subzones of Berggren et al. (1995). The upper most pari of this zone corresponds to the benthic foraminiferal SRX-l Zone observed for the sedimentary interval from Lockhart Limestone to the lower pan of the Patala Formation exclusively in Chinjina Nilla and Chichali Pass sections (Figures 6.7 and 6.8). The base of SRX-I Zone is not discussed due 10 the limited study of the Lockhart Limestone, while the top has been defined by almost simultaneous FO of A. prisca, A. damloticc: am! Numntulit.:» descrti. for the same sedimentary interval ill Chinjina Nala section, Kothe el al. (19Hg) identuied dilllltbgl.:lliitc Pak-DIII Lone (equivalent 10 NP8). Therefore this zone most probably is equivalent to the AI. levis Zone of HOllinger (1')(1U), A. yvettc«: Zone of Schaub (1981), to SB4 Zone. According to Serra-Kiel e! al (1996), one of the multiple criteria to define the S04/S135 zonal boundary of is LO of g sindcnsi» contemporaneous with tile P:l/P5 zonal boundary of Berggren et al. (! ()95) This taxon is observed ill Salt lbnge nrea overlappillg with Nutnnntlites desert), N thulicu«, Assiluu: dwu/Of/UI, A .. lfNl/o.IU illlt! A/. vrcdenburv). Therefore, positively extends within upper hall' orN!>() Zone (equivalent to P5).

MUficog/obigerina soldadoensis Zone

Interval between fO of~lg soklaclocnsis to LO of/'/. PSClfc/O/I/(!IIUI'(/1i

The base of this zone lies within the tirsr open marine influx which is observed at the.

Lockhan/Patala boundary in Patala Nala, Nammal Gorge and Khair.ibad sections and in lite lower pan of Patala Formation ill Chinjina Nala section. At the base of lilis Wile, simultaneous FOs of NI 1111111 nlitcs descrti, Assilina ilandotica lil/(/ A .. spinosn ill association with kl/scci/ulli.!a ruiscella, l.ochartia Iiainict, Ranikotiu d!« sindcusi: cuu] R: Ilii//([/ii arc observed which define the base of SRX-2 Zone (this study). The above mentioned assemblage indicate the base 01" N. dcsern and A. prisca zones of Schaub (1981) and base of S135 Zone of Serra-Kiel et al. ( 19(6) The assemblage of SI35 Zone is commonly observed ill the basal pan of Patala Formation ill Patala Nala sections, oared NPH (figure 64); rare and poorly observed at the base of ll;lIala Formation ill Namrnal Gorge section .dared NP0 (Figure 6.5), commonly and well preserved ill the top III os I be« of Lockhart Limestone ill Khairab:«! section, (liltl'd NilS (Figure 6. 6). conunon and well preserved in

.~ I

the upper part of Pat ala Formation ill Chichali Pass section, dated NPt) (Figure 6.7) and commonly observed ill lower pan of Pat,ila Fouuatiou ill Chinjina Nala section, dated NPH (Figure, 6.8). The NIIII/I1I11/ilic and Asstliua assemblage soon disappears whereas it reappears in the middle part of Patala Formation in association with Atvcoltna l'I"L'dl'lIhltlgi (AI. CIICIIII/((omll.\) which indicates tile base of AI. cucutnifcnrui« Zone of l(ottillg~r (I l)60). Davies & Piulold (I (37) mentioned the general range of AI. vrcdcnburg) showing its fO within the top most bed of Lockhart Limestone. However, we did not observe this taxon in Lockhart Limestone in any of the studied section. Therefore, the base of SO) Zone of Serra-Kiel (1996) essentially identical with the base of /1/ dni!l"li and A. prisca zones of Schaub (1981) and 10 the base of SRX-2 Zone (this study) lies within Mg. sokladocnsis Zone (this study) which IS equivalent to p) Zone of Olow (1979), to the upper part of PI. pW/Ii/O/iII.!IIUnlii Zone of Toumarkine & Luterbachcr (198)) and to P4c Zone of Berggren et al. (1995). As this datum, which is defined here at base of all the above mentioned Lones except A/. CIICIIII/[ftmJlis Zone, lies at the NPS/NP9 zonal boundary (figures 6.4-6.8). Therefore, accord i ng to I he Paleogene ! ime scale of Berggren et al. (19():)) this horizon must lies within the upper hall' of P4c Zone This correlation shows a considerable degree or deviation form the correlation model which is a result of-a long lillie investigations done in Europe (Luterbacher, 1970; Hillebrandth, 1975; Schaub, 19)) 1 and Serra-Kiel et al. 1(06). 011 the other hand, FO (~f AI. l'I"l.!Lil.!nhlflgi (-"'AI. cucutniformis) ill all the sections is observed in the mid of Nfl9 Zone (Figures 6.4-6.8) which is in accordance wiil: the results of Schaub ( I 081) and Serra-Kiel (1996). Therefore, it is concluded I ha I in the Sali Range, Nnnnnnlitc: A ssilina group ap pears eurli er as compared to its normal appearance in the middle of NP9 Zone in Europe. Whereas appearance of AI. vrcdcnburg! in Salt Range coincides wuh appearance of this taxa Wilhiil NP9 Zone in Europe, therefore, represent isohronous duuuu level.

The above established correlation according to ihe planktonic foraminifera is very complex here. The placement of most of the SB) zone within P.:lc Zone of Berggren et al. (I (95) (Figures 6.4~6.g) pal1ially dUL: to the c.u ly entry of NlilillJllI/ih.'s Asstlin« group of the larger foraminifera (Chapter 4) and on the other hand due 10 the longer stratigraphic range of 1'1. PWIlLi()JJII.!Il(fJ'dii (Chapter J). The planktonic foraminiferal turnover within the range of FI. P.\Ulld()IJII.!II([f(/ii and M vclascocusis which is identical ro tile turnover of Canudo & ivlolill;l (1992) and Berggren et al. (199.'i) support OUl' iurcrprct.uiou Likewise, a benthic f(11"il1lIillilcr,d !1I111over associated to t:le upper most pan of I'/. IISL'IIt/u///l'lIun/li range is <Ill additional evidence 1\\0 different planktonic foraminiferal assemblages i e or P-lc Zone and p) Zone of lkrggll'1l el al (199_'1) and that of calcareous uaunofossil« i.c. lower NIH) (=CP8a) and upper NP9 ('--C(lSb) ill the lower and upper p,1I1 of the Patala Formation respectively (both within the range ofPl. PSt'IIl/()IIIt'II(/I"c!ii) is also in hormony with our interpretation. Additionally, maximum thickness of the Pal ala Formation deposited within P4c and NIH) zones (representing it time spall of about 0.3 Ma) is more than 50 meters thick in Parala Nala and N,llllillal Gorge sections (Figures G 4 and 6.)) To accommodate such a thick pile of scdimcnt s of normal marine enviroumenrs Willlill this limited time, an abnormally high sedimcntatio» rate is required (II contrast to this, the interval between LO of I)/. pSI!/(d()I1IL'I/(//"dii a1\d FO 01' iI/. .ft )l"JI/().m.ft ntnoxu (represen t illg 2 i\ Lt t nne span) is found only 12 meters [hick (Figure 6 6) As has hl'el! documented !hill LO orll/. l'dUSl'OI!IISis is diachronous and often Illissillg ill the tropical ,ISSl'lllblilges (Toumarkine 8:. Luicrbachcr. 1085) But the presence of AI \'e!({.\('()CII.\;S (s.s.) below till: LO oi!']. IJSL'I/(IOiih'IIl/l"cill dill! its absence above this level ill all the studied sections Gill not be overlooked and is quite mcaningtir! ThcreCore, Ihe life time work of Blow (1979) who documented the diachronous LO of /'1. /J.\ (!lId()IIIL'IIW dii Instead of M. I'e/W·('(J('II.\is call not be ignorer]. As tile reliability OJI tile WOJ ld wide isochronous ranges of the planktonic toranunitera is 110 more there as it was tell years ago, therefore, it is possible that in the Sail Range the both above 1Ill'11liollCd taxa l11ight have been showing a diachouous tas: occurrence.


Our data regarding the planktonic and smaller benthic turnovers occurring just close to the almost simultaneous LOs of Ill. I)SI.! udomcnarc Iii and 1\1. velascocusis does !lot contradict this interpretation. Moreover the SDS age of a thiu sedimentary Interval above the simultaneous last occurrences of these taxa prove it (Figures 6.4-6.5). Most of lower part oL\.J. vclascocnsis Zone is found overlapped by range of 1)1. I)St'lIdollll'lIurdii even if we accept diachronous La of AI velascoeusis.

The Ilerdian stage was defined by Hottinger and Schaub ~ J I !!)()) iii Spain because it corresponds to all iuipouam step ill the evolution of the larger llll'dlllillill:fi1 Alvcoliuc: ami Nunnnulitcs which are 1I0t present in the classical Paleogene succession ofihe IJaris Basiu but wide spread ill the Tathys realm Tile extent of Ilcrdian was originally defined based 0[1 Atvcotiua zones (I louinger & Schaub, 1960; I [Ollinger, 1960) which were later on correlated with the zones based 011 Nunuuulit« :., (Schaub, 198 I), pla[l\-.; tonic torami nilera (Luterbachcr, 1970; II illebrand! h, 1975), calcareous nannofossils (Kapellos & Schaub, 197J). According to all these illvestig(l( iOJ1s and recent studies (Serra-Kiel, 199() the position of the base Ilerdiun defined (II !lle base of I'll, CI/C/lIII~f()J')}Jis ZOJle csscutially correlarable to tile base of A, I!I'ISUI dlill base of N de.\r!ui and N. frussi zones lias been fixed within NPl) Zone (middle pan) and !IS Zone (middle part) (Figures (:, l and 6.2) As ill this study, N ilcserti and A. prisc« zones arc observed a( the NPS/NP9 zonal boundary whereas base AI. (,1(u(/I/~j(mJlis Zone within NPl) (middle part). Therefore, we propose that the original concept to define (lie base Ilerdian i e. at the base 01',.11. U/Clilll{/imills Zone should be retained ,1110 it should nut be defined at the NIII/IIII/Ilires zones ill tile S~dt Range.

A. wilcoxensis berggreni Zone

Interval between La of 1)1. pscudotncnardi! to FO orAl. ,/c)f'JJlo.wl/(Jl'iI/(Jsa.

This zone lies wit hi II the black shale (u ppcr part ) of P,1l ala Forma tion A larger foraminiferal assemblage rich in N. clcscrt}, A. darulotica, OjJ. !'./I/!gral/lllwu, /"1. .\!)/lJ(JSU, D. rauikotcnsis (>? D. ((lIglls!ue) and extremely rare occurrence of t\,liscdlllllL'(( .l/mlll)! allt! L haime! is observed in almost all tile sections (Figures ()A, 0\ 67, () S) III (Ill.' !Up must LJed of Patala Formation only ill ClllLljillJ Nala alld Chichal: PitSS sections, AI. l'/'L'{!el/hwgi is also observed (Figures 68 and 6.7). Tllis assemblage specifies the upper parI of AI. (,lIel/lllilol'll/is Zone of Hottinger (1960) and that of Sl3S Zone of Serra-Kiel el al. (1 L)l)6). A remarkable fauna] break in smaller and larger benthic foruminilera is observed (chapter 4). TIlt.:I'(::l<Jrt.', this !illlnal break (turnover) is used to define I he base of SR X-4 Zone (t his study) This assemblage represent ing S B 5 zone lies within the 1\1 \'e/WL'(h'II.I'is (PS) Zone. Therefore, we conclude that AI. vclctscoensi« is diachronous here and a major part (lower part ) of standard }IS Zone hds been swallowed by the longer range off)1. IJSI.!I/dol/lt'lIunllf. The planktonic foraminiferal assl'lllblilge withill A. wtlcoxensis bat:yrC'lIi ZUllI..' (equivalent to upper part ofSl35 Zone) is almos: sinul.u: to tile asselllbl~lge 01'1\4 velascocnsis Zone (nut standard but representing the upper must range ofAl. 1'r!iW(.'(Jl'IISi.l' Zone of Arcnillas & Molina, I ')06 and Canudo & i\ Iolina, 1996 in Alamidella and Zumayia sections, Spain) The base of this LU1le lies ill the lower 1110S1 pan of SRX-4 Zone and upper 1110s1 pan of NP9 zone and middle of AI ('/I( utnifonuis Zone. This ZOII(, is equivalent to the lower pan or (). l-iUI tpcrt Zone of l Iaque ( I () 56)

M,on::rzovella formosa Zone

Interval between FO ofAl formosaformosa to tile FO of M. aragoucnst»,

The base of this zone is ohserved at the Parala/Nammal boundary (established ill this study) in Par ala Naja, Nanunal Gorge and Chichali Pass sections (Figures 6.4 lind 6.5) whereas in the middle part of Pat ala Formation ill Khairabad section (Figures 6 6). This base corresponds 10 vhe base ofP8a Zone of Blow (1970), P6b Zone of Berggren et al. (1905) To tile same stratigraphic level ill Nanunal Gorge section Kothe et a! (1988) assigned NP9 age and just above this level Kothe & Ashraf (1989) identified base of NP 10 Zone. Due to the scarcity of T. bratnlettci and persistence of NP0 species into N PI 0, Bybel! & selt- Trail could not ideot it)' NP 10 Zone in Nanuual Gorge section. As discussed ill derail (chapter 5) that NPWNP 10 boundary established in Nanunal Gorge section may lies possibly at slightly higher chronostratigraphic level (Figure 6.5). Likewise NP lO base III Khairabad section lies just prior to the fO of M. fonnosufonnosa (figure 6.6). The base of other planktonic foraminifera! zones equivalent to AI .for/l/oso Zone (this study) has been correlated within NP II Zone (Bolli ct al~ I ')85; Berggren ct al. I ')85; l larland et <11. 19S9 and HaC], I ()87) Whereas Berggren Cl al (1')')5) placed Illis base within Nil 1 0 Zone. Our data ill Khairabad is ill accordance with Berggren et al. (1905). Based on the results ill Khairabad section and accepting the late picking of T. hrcttnlctt«! ill N;lllllllal Gorge section, we consider that the base of our AI fonuosa Zone which apparently lies just below tlte NPCJ/NP I () boundary should actually be within NP lOA t I he base of I\I If muoscr ZOIl<.~ (11l1S study). FO of / »-; lil.ld/I/u donvillci, Assiliua tiff jJlI.\IIl/()Sa, cuu] N. £fL'.\<'1 u, ,/s.\i1I1/({ 1(// hlmhg(l/t'llsis kll('jJ/lc!"I and ill the upper part Opcrculina ornata arc observed uilly ill Pdtalil Nula and Nilllllll;d Gorge secuous. This assemblage is used to define SRX-4 ZUIlC (Figure 6 5) and is equivalent to upper pall of (!. gaplJI!I"i zone of I Iaque (I (56). Alvcolina are completely missing ill this zone. According to the stratigraphic ranges of Schaub (1981) (Figures '-l 7 and 4.8), this zone should be equivalent to his Assilina arcneusis Zone of Schaub (10H I) and to SB6 Zone of Scrra-Kiel et al, (I ()'J6) and AI. cllipsoiilali: Zone of Hottinger (1960). Schaub (1981) Iound the base or his A, arcneusi» Zone within' NP 10 (figure 6.1), whereas Scna-Kiel (1996) placed the base of its equivalent SSG Zone within top most part of NP9 and P.'1 (Figure (2) We correlate the base of our 1\1. ./imllosil zone within Nfl 1 0 and to the SB6 Lone.

III Patala N;1Ia, Nanuual Gorge section, inuncdiatcly above this assemblage, FOs or N. g/nIJII/llx, N atacicu» and A. £!(l/t')J!/l'/"iei are encountered in the rirs: limestone bed ofthe Nanuual Foun.uion. Tllis bed in Chichal: jl,ISS section yielded NPC; asscillbidge (fresh data, which is due to the problem of Nl' 1 0 Zone in this area) and dared NPIO ill Nanun.rl Gorge (Figure 6 . .'1 ) Just abOVE this bed, sediments yielded .\jJI/enol/II/IIs C()W/JICIIiIS (FO within NI> II ZOiJe). Therefore, has been dated NP II This datn indicates that S137 and its equivalent zones arc missing in this area. The sediments dated NP 1 1 (just above this limestone bed) yielucd;\/. tll"Ug()IIL'lIsis indicating the base of AI £/mg()IIL'llsi., Zone (this study) equivalent to Ihe base of P7 Zone of Berggren et til. (1095). As the base P7 lias been correlated to the middle of Nil 11 Zone (Bolli et al 1<)85; Berggren el a! I t)8.'1~ I Iaq, I ()87 and Harland VI ,11 1(89) Therefore, correlation according (0 our oatil proves that a hiatus at th~ top or the above discussed limestone bed exists ill PdLilll Nalu, Na1l1111ill Gorge and Chichali Pass sections (Figures 6 4,65 <Inti 6.7). Berggren et al. (1')')5) placed the base of his P7 Z01le within NP 12 Zone. In Khairabad section where the larger toraminiferal bed is missing and the whole sequence lies witlun deep marine hemipelagic shale, the base or P7 Zone has been observed within NP II (Ashraf & Bhatti. I CJ(1). Tile data of Kothe et al. (1 <)88) at this level is not reliable due to contamination (see chapter 5). Therefore, we propose the base orlif. {//"ug()IIl'lIsis Zone (P7) witilin Nl' II Z011e and within SBS Zone This correlation lor the calcareous nannofossils and larger foraminifera is very close t{) iii;]! of Schaub (193 I) lind Serra-Kicl (I ()C)h) but for the planktonic

foraminifera shows deviation from Scrra-Kiel (I '.N6). The base of M. fonuosa Zone ties at the SRXJ/SRX-4 zonal boundary. We correlate the base of SOS zone within NP 10 Zone.

Morozovella ereqonensis Zone

Interval between FO ofAl (//'(/;';())/L'II.\is to LO ot'/v/..f()J'/I/(J.mjimllusil

The base ofthis zone ill Purala Nala, Namma] Gorge and Chichali Pass sections is identified just above the first limestone bed of the Namma! Formation whereas ill Khairabad section it lies within black shale of Patula Formatioll (Figures 6,..), 6.5, 6.7). The /II formosa M. amgoll(!mis zonal boundary (this study) is idL'lltic;d to the PSaJPBb zonal boundary of Blow (I (n()), to P6b/P7 zonal boundary of Berggren L:l al. (I ()():)). This boundary in al! t he sect ions is observed wit hi n NP 1 t Zone whereas top of M. uU/g()lIellsis Zone ill all t he sections wit hill N P 12 (Figures 6.4 -6, 7). This correlation is ill accordance with tilL' correlation of Bolli et al (1985), Berggren et al. (1985), Haq ( I 0~7) (Figure 6 .. 1), The whole thickness of this wile represent tillly pelagic environments lacking larger foraminifera except nile shallow marine IUlbidite bed observed ill the Patala Nala and Na I11J1lil I (jorge section. The cllcct s of this down slope transportatiou of shallow marine sediments has been recorded from rile center of the basin (Khairabad section) where common occurrence of N. p/WIII/UIIIS, N. /J/ln/i~(//t'I/~is klil!/)/JL'J'i, N. t;/()/JIf/IiS and A. plcut« is observed Almost similar assemblage in Nalllll1<l1 Gorge and Pat ala Nala has been observed i e. A. 1;/(///(1, A. IJ/lSIiI/OS((, A. /uxi.\jJll'U. A. tutcrbakhcri, N. g/()/m/lIs, N. eschcri, N. .\/), (c')N. 1)(1l'/ul'L'ci) and IJisc{)(Yc/lII({ 4(, dispctnxa, These assemblages ,Ire usei] to define SIZX-6 Zone (this study) and are equivalent to N. plunulutn» (}r.4. planu ZOIli.CS or Schaub (1081) <llld SBIO Zone of SCII';l-Kiel et al. (1906). Discrepancy ill the stratigraphic ranges of the liII'ger foraminifera lias been observed at this st ratlgraphic level (see chapt er 4) .. III the above mentioned sect ions t his shallow marine event occur close to the /14. umg()JIl!lls/s.\'. i!/Ul'I/lIiV1JI'lI Zonal boundary or <It the P7/PS boundary of Uerggren et al. (19()5) and within NPI2 Zone (figures 65 and 6.6) This correlation for the larger foraminifera and nannofossils is ill accordance with Schaub (1981) and Serra-Kiel (19()6). At the same level pltlllktullic Illl',II11ill!J'cI',t1 alld c.rlcarcoux llit;II1Il11(,)ssils li<tla tlu not tit as according to tkrggl ell et <II (I ()l),'i) who plill'~d the b;lse ofl '7 Zone ill the middle NP 12 Zone but we observed base P7 within Nl' II and Sng It may be concluded that /II. (/W;,;ol/t't/.\'is in Ihis area appears slightly earlier.

Sttb.botina inaequispira Zone

Interval between LO of/\/, .I()/'I//(}\ujiml/{)siI to FO ors. /I'()II/()SU.

This wile is also observed within a complete pelagic sedimentary interval lacking appreciable HIl101l11i of larger Itmllllillifera to recognize zonation of Schaub (1081) The base of this Zone lies within Nt) 12 while the top has been observed within NP I J established in the Nan-mal (Jorge section only (!lgure G S). litis zone corresponds 10 Zone SRX-() (this study).

TIll: M. w·u,':.!,()/IC'I/\h.\'. i!lul!(/lIi.\jlim zonal boundary (this study) is approximately equivalent to till' P8b/P\) ZUllill boundary ut' Bk1\V (1079) and P7/P8 LOll,d boundary of Berggren et al. (19<)5) lies wit hin N P 12 dill! possibly wi! hill the Zone S 1310 whereas the upper boundary of this zone (\'. itlUt'I/III.ljJlm.\'. jn!II/().\u) lies in the NP I J Zone


SubtHJtilUfI frontosa Zone

Interval bet ween FO of S. [routosn to the fO off I. III 1 ttull),

The base of tile zone is defined at the fO ofS/I'Ol/{{)sa. The zone is equivalent to the lower pan of P 10 Zone of Blow (I C)7CJ), to ~'IJL'''/(IC{//)/(!I'U!£I Zone of Toumarkine & Luierbacher (1985) and upper part of P9 Zone of Berggren et nl (I 9CJ5) Tile top of t he wile could not be defined due to the shallowing upward sequence. Tile base of the zone is observed within NP 13 Zone established only in the NaJ11lJlaI Gorge area. Vt:IY rare larger foraminifera (A. IUY;.\jJim. OjJu/,ctllilia SI)., Lockhartia '\P.) are observed which indicate A. laxispira ZOllL' 01' Schaub (I 981) or SB II Zone of Serra-Kiel et aI (I CJ()()) III the overlying Sakesar Forin.uion ,.JI. forsccn! is recorded 111 Chichali Pass section. This indicate that the top of Nanunal Limestone lies within SD 11 Zone.

The above explained datil has been used to device a general biochronological correlation model applicable to the Salt Runge area (Figure 6.9). This is the nrst attempt for this region. Further investigations ill tilis CIrca and adjoining areas are required 10 refine this model. This correlation proved the prescilce of two hiatuses around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary which are pronounced at the margins (Pdtala Nala, Nammal GOI'ge and Chichali Pass sections) of the basin whereas no gap exists ill the ccnual part of the basin (Khairabad section) The llrst olle is a very brief and lies within Patala Formation, within Alg soldculocusis (=P4c) Zone of planktonic foraminifera, within upper half ur NP9 Zone of calcareous nannofossils, at the SRX-2/S[ZX-J zonal boundary of benthic foraminifcru (this study), within middle of AI. cucunufonuis or within its equivalent SB5 Zone. The second hiatus lies ill the lower most beds of Nanunal Formation which represents a time span Ii om top of M. fonnosa Zone to lower pan or 1\1. a""t-:()JI('lIsis Zone (top P6b to lower P7), from top NP 10 to lower part ofNP 11 zone, and top SB6 to base SD8 zone. The interpreted hiatus ill chinjina Nab is also a major one


• A correlation model based Oil the parallel studies of planktonic, smalier ami larger foraminifera, and calcareous nannofossil-, is presented in tilt; form of Late Paleoceene to Early Eocene biochronosuuugraphic model. This model is based on six planktonic foraminiferal zones from 1'1. jJ.\'i!/Ic/O/l/L'I/{f/·dli 10 S j{JI'/I/{)\{{ (tbis study) ill relation to their equivalent zones of Blow (1 ()7lJ), Toumarkine & Lute: hache] (1985) and Berggren el <II (1995), benthic foraminiferal zones fiD111 SRX-I to SIC\:-7 (this study) and the equivalent zones of I Iouinger (1960), Schaub (1081) and Scrra-Kic! ct al (l()%), and calcareous nannofossil zones lroru NP8 to Nfll_) of Martirn (1971)

• Presence oftwo hiatuses close 10 tile PIE bOU11L!itlY are quite evident.

• A diachronous PataLJJ\';lllllml bound.uv is observed throughout the Sail Range. These boundary ill tile tIlilrgil1;1I ill 1.:;]:-; (PaLlia Nnla, Nanuna) GOI'gc, Chichali (I'ISS and Chinjina Nitta sections) lies ill the kl. [onno:«: (P()b ZOllC), NP I I and SB(} zones whereas it becomes younger in the central part of the 11;I:-;il1 (Khairahad section) where it lic:-- \\ II hill ,\ I. (//'(/.\-:(11/('1/.\'1.\' (P7), NP 12 zones

in the central P,1I1 of the basin (Khairabad section) where it lies within !\-I. (/l'Ug(}//(,II.I"/S (P7), NP 12 zones.

• The Ilerdian stage was originally defined by Hottinger and Schaub (1960) at tile base of AI. cucuntifonuis Zone and later it was correlated with the horizon dclinet] .u base of N dI..'SL'1' Ii , N frassi, N soli/anus and A. prisca zones of Schaub (1981) which is equivalent to the base or S85 Zone of Serra-Kiel (1906). In Europe this isochronous horizon lies within middle of NPe; Zone and P5 Zone. But this study has proved that these two groups of larger foraminifera do not show simulraneous evolutionary datum in the Salt Range. NlIlIIlllillilt:s appear earlier at the NPS/NPe; zonal bOUJlu,lIY and in the upper halfofP4c Zone of DerggrcJl et <II (1995) Whereas Alveoliua vredeJ/hlll"};i (~. AI. CIiC/II//!(o/,/IIh) appear ill the middle of NP0 alld Pole Zone of Berggren el al. (1995) Zone. The r:O of AI. vredcuburg! shows the isochronous datum correlatable [0 the base of Ilcrdian in Europe. Tile placement of AI. CIICI{III!/iJl"lllis Lone within P4c Zone is UUt 10 the longer range of III. I)Sl!lIdollli!II{I/"(/ii. It is therefore, reconunended that for the Salt Range, the base llerdian must be defined at the bast: oLc-/1. C/IC/I/iliju/"I/lis alone and no! on the fO ofN. dcseni or other species ofNIIIJlIlIII/iles.


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Fi~lIrL: 6.4 Corre l.rtiou among tIlL: vari(llis plallkloillc fnraOlillil'cral, S111;Jlkr and huger benthic toramuutcr a l and calc.u cous nanuotossits zonation schemes as cstublishc d in Patala Naln section.



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