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Press Release - Alberta Surface Rights Group

For immediate release – January 21, 2011

The Alberta Surface Rights Group has done extensive research into
the Provincial Government’s recent passing of the Carbon, Capture
and Sequestrian Act (Bill 24). The Bill was introduced for first
reading to the Legislature on November 2, 2011 and was
proclaimed on December 2, 2011. In order to rush this legislation
thru, the Government of Alberta enacted Closure to stifle any
public debate, and in a mere 30 days the Act was passed which put
into law the Government’s expropriation of subsurface property
ownership and also committed 2.5 Billion dollars of Alberta
taxpayers’ dollars to be given to private for profit companies.

The Government’s current commitment of 2.5 Billion dollars to

this Act doesn’t end with one time expenditure; it also further
commits Billions for many years in the future. The Act also places
all future Liabilities of carbon capture and injection schemes on to
all Alberta Taxpayers. Once the private for profit corporation has
reaped all of the profits from the project, they turn over all future
liabilities back to the Crown, hence back to the Taxpayer.

The Alberta Surface Rights Group is requesting that Premier of

Alberta RESCIND this ill-conceived and damaging Act that places
a huge financial cost on the Province of Alberta especially when
the Progressive Conservative Party has created such a huge
Provincial Deficit. The question to be answered is “why the
Government of Alberta cutting back on Education Funding, and
Health Care while in the interim opening up the Provincial
Treasury to private companies only to enhance their profits?”
Citizens of Alberta have heard from the Government of Alberta
just how good this Act is for all Taxpayers, this is far from the
truth and requires the open public debate that was so clearly
avoided by the Government’s action of deliberately enacting
closure in the legislature. Alberta Surface Rights Group has
organized a Special Meeting to inform all concerned Taxpayers of
the damaging consequences of this legislation and give everyone
the opportunity to become informed and ask questions to the only
Member of Parliament that spoke out against Bill 24.
All MLA’s have been invited to attend this meeting to be held at
the Trochu Community Hall on February 1, 2011 at 7:00 pm.

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