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Classroom Language


Questions You Can Ask:
1.  How do you spell that?
2.  How do you pronounce that?
3.  What does that mean?
Statements You Can Make:
1.  I don’t understand.
2.  I need help.
3.  I have to be absent next class.
Could You Please…
1. ..write that down?
2. ..say that again?
3. ..say that more slowly?
4. ...explain that to me?
5. me understand that a little better?


Questions That Tutors May Ask:

1.  What part do you not understand?
2.  Can you further explain that?
3.  What does that mean to you?
4.  What do you think will happen next in the story?
5.  How did you make that choice?
6.  How do you go about solving that problem?
7.  What are your thoughts?
8. What questions do you have before we move on?

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