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Making Magic In Glass Boxes

Inside the ADA Nature Aquarium Gallery

Aquascape In Focus: World Before Columbus
Vietnam Aquascaping Competition Results
SCAPE at the Orange County Fair
IAPLC 2010 Results ISSUE 8
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 1
Letter from the Editor

Inside our November/December Issue

I know you all have been waiting patiently for the next latest and
greatest issue of the AquaScaping World Magazine. I am proud to say
we are back and better than ever!

ASW has high professional standards, and therefore we are switching

from a monthly publication to a bi-monthly schedule to allow us ample
time to develop the articles and magazine. With the extra time, you can
be sure future articles will be more in-depth, more comprehensive, and
touch extensively upon aquascaping techniques and activities from all
over the world. Now, let‟s get right to it.

In this issue, you‟ll find an array of aquascaping competition results

from the Aqua Design Amano, International Aquatic Plant Layout
Contest 2010 and the Aquabird Vietnam, Aquadesign Aquascaping
Contest. This year‟s participants have continued to push the bar in
creativity and execution.

Our Aquascape in Focus for this issue comes from Italian Aquascaper,
Pasquale Buonpane and his “World Before Columbus” layout. This
layout achieved an impressive 106 ranking in the IAPLC 2010. Find
out a little more about the aquascape and how you can make one

Also, the ADA Nature Aquarium Gallery in Japan is a must visit for any
planted aquarium enthusiast. While many of us can‟t make the trip to
Japan, we can live through BJ Ruttenberg. He takes us on his
adventure to the premier aquascaping headquarters.

Finally, planted aquarium promotion has made great strides in the

United States through the Southern California Aquatic Plant
Enthusiasts Club (SCAPE). SCAPE hosted an aquascaping booth at
one of the largest fairs in Southern California, helping to draw new
members to the hobby. Check out what they did, and maybe you can
promote planted aquaria in your region too!

Happy Aquascaping everybody!

John Nguyen
Editor in Chief
AquaScaping World Magazine

2 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010



Introduction for the eighth issue of AquaScaping World Magazine.
By John Nguyen


An close and personal depiction of what it takes to create an aquascape that
can compete well against thousands of high-class aquascapers.
By Marcin Pęczek


The Southern California Aquatic Plant Enthusiasts attracts new visitors to the
hobby through events such as this one at the Orange County Fair.
By Billie G.


A showcase of some of the TOP Aquascapes featured in this regional
aquascaping contest in Vietnam.
By Nguyen Quang Hung, Ngo Truong Thinh, and Dao Sy Hiep

Learning to become an accomplished aquascaper is a process. Here is an
adventure of experimentation, success and failures.
By Shawn McBride


This issue features Pasquale Buonpane‟s World Before Columbus. This
aquascape features extensive rock work, which helped place it at an
impressive 106 rank of over 1,800 entries in the IAPLC 2010.
By ASW Editor


The largest aquascaping contest releases its results. Find out more about the
contest and enjoy some of the entries and the results.
By ASW Editorial Staff


Here‟s your chance to see inside the Takashi Amano‟s Nature Aquarium
Gallery and some of his aquascapes.
By BJ Ruttenberg

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 3

Competing against

Discover how this aquascape placed among the Top 100

in the ADA International Aquatic Plant Layout Contest 2008
4 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010
the Best
in the World

By Marcin Pęczek

n 2008, my aquascape
“Green Recess” ranked a
whopping 77 out of 1200
entries in the 2008
International Aquatic Plant Layout
Contest. Let me tell you, it wasn‟t
all the easy.
My name is Marcin (Martin)
Pęczek, I‟m 34 years old and I
live in Lodz, Poland. I have a
wonderful wife Anna and
daughter Maggie (2.5 years old).
Both of them love waterworld. I
studied chemistry, which is
sometimes very useful in aquaria.
With some breaks in
between, I have been addicted to
aquaria since I was seven. My
first aquarium was metal-framed
and I raised Xiphophorus helleri
there. Later, the time came for
my first silicon glued tank with
plants and fish. It was a typical
community tank, which after a
few years it was torn down. I owe
my current comeback to aquaria
to my wife (at that time my
girlfriend) as she was the one
who bought me my first fish.
When I first heard about Dutch

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 5

Spring I went all the way and
aimed the scape into my favorite,
all green plants.
As the layout developed, the
title of this aquascape came to
my mind when I noticed that
when I gazed into the scape, I felt
drawn into a quiet and relaxed
state. I imagine the feeling is
similar to how a fish feels while
resting under driftwood – that‟s
where the “Recess” part of the
title came from.

Arranging the Hardscape

The rocks used in “Green
Recess” are called Manten
Stone. I received them from my
good friend Adam Paszczela.
Beside being simply pleasing
to the eye, the Manten Stone
functions to separate the
substrate and the sand. This was
essential in keeping the layout
clean and composed. The lines
defined by the rock layout
created a foundation for which
the viewer could return to as their
eyes move slowly from the
plants, driftwood and the rocks.
Driftwood setting was not
difficult since I only had two
pieces of it. I just placed them
into the tank and I was satisfied
with the result instantly.

Aquascaping the Plants

The main plant in this
aquascape is one of my favorites:
Eleocharis sp.. This time I
Style Aquascaped Aquariums, I Amano, which I saw in The Style decided to buy Eleocharis
was really pleased by the vision of ADA catalogue (page 68-69 of parvula from Tropica. The
of a tank, where plants are the that book). I wanted to challenge variation of Eleocharis is
most important. A few years later, myself and see if I can manage to incredible when compared to E.
on a Polish discussion forum, I create something similar. Of parvula from non-commercial
read about the famous course my aquascape turned out farm which I had in the previous
aquascaper Takashi Amano and completely different in the end, aquascape. Tropica‟s Eleocharis‟
his “Nature Aquarium”. Since but I still learned a lot of new leaves (needles) are more
then I began learning how to techniques and I realized that delicate and they bow down to
arrange aquarium layouts to trying to copy an existing the substrate, while growing, so
conform to the “Nature Style”. aquarium is not as easy as it the plant is not so high.
appears to be. Eleocharis sp. is a relatively
Inspiration of “Green Recess” I began the layout in easy to grow plant so I
The inspiration of Green September 2007 and I continued recommend it for the beginners.
Recess was from one of the to nurture it until July 2008. After Planting does not require much
aquascapes, made by Takashi some attempts with red plants, in experience. It is enough to take it

6 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

A Bud of Sagittaria Flower emerges
from the tangles of moss patches.

out from the basket, clean it from grassy plant called Sagittaria part of aquarium. This time I
the wool, split into several subulata. In the beginning I didn‟t didn‟t need it so I let it grow as it
portions and then put the plant plan it to be in this aquascape; it wished to. Two months after
into the substrate where we want is correct to say that it appeared planting I did the first trimming at
to. After 2-3 months we will have surprisingly – I must have left an 1/3 of its height to let it grow
a beautiful, green lawn. In old bulb of the plant in the denser. After that, I trimmed HM
order to speed up the effect it is substrate when forming it. After regularly on different heights to
good to cut the plant very low some time the Sagittaria grew so increase the growth density. The
after planting, removing the large that I spent long hours with final forming was made a few
emersed grown leaves, so that the scissors, trimming it back so days before the photo was taken,
algae will not grow on them, and that it would not dominate the I trimmed only stems which were
the new submerse leaves will aquascape. too long and did not look good.
appear sooner. Another of my favorite
I trimmed Eleocharis every plants, Hemianthus Trimming Plants
two months in different spots micranthemoides (HM) has a I know you‟re thinking that I
which allowed me to achieve the particular leaf structure with only trim the plants regularly to get
natural effect of higher and lower two leaves in the vertical that I them “groomed” into the shape I
grass. I took this idea right from like. It is very good plant to trim want. However this is quite the
the wild lawn in front of my and form. In my first aquascape, opposite. I rarely force the plants
house. The overall effect created which I sent to 2005 International to anything, and even when I try
a more chaotic and wild (but Aquatic Plant Layout Contest, to do so, it is even more rarely
natural) atmosphere in the layout. with frequent and low trimming I achieved. That‟s why I usually let
My second favorite, is a created a HM lawn in the front the plants grow as they wish and

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 7

where they wish to in my The substrate height was 2.5 Sunday, 1/3 water change (about
aquarium. Of course there are cm in the foreground and about 22 liters) and progressively I
moments when I have to use 7.5 cm in the background. As would add various amounts of
scissors, but I do it rather on mentioned previously I used fertilizers each day.
impulse, without a specific Manten stones to separate the For the most part, the bigger
scheme. Sometimes a plant sand from the Amazonia. t r i m m i ng s ( st e m s, m o s s ,
mass need to be trimmed so that Although the stones did a great eleocharis sp.) are done before
fish have the space to swim, or job at keeping the two substrates the water change on Sundays.
other times while looking at the apart, of course my shrimps The other days I often do small
aquascape something just would dig up the Amazonia and trimmings with scissors to keep
doesn‟t look fine to me. Trimming dirty up the sand. I had to clean things tidy, especially when it
is a moment which I sometimes the sand every so often using 4/6 came to stopping new runners of
regard and sometimes I am mm silicon hose during water Saggitaria subulata.
satisfied with. changes. A few times when it
was too difficult to clean, I was Overcoming Algae
Substrate Design forced to replace part of sand In this aquascape I had
The substrate I used is a few foreground with fresh portion. some problems with Blue-green
bags of new ADA Aqua Soil Algae (BGA), especially on the
Amazonia Normal and Powder, Tank Maintenance is an sand by the front glass, and on
and a few liters of used Aqua Soil Everyday Activity the rocks. In order to get rid of
from previous aquascapes. At the From daily fertilizing, weekly them I used ADA Phyton Git,
very bottom I also added Bacter wat er changes, and t he which is a liquid supplement that
100, Clear Super and Tourmaline occasional trimming, it all adds can stimulate stem growth, and
BC to start up the bacterial up to a lot of effort to keep a chemically, at the same time can
colonies. In the front, as a healthy aquascaped aquarium. help deter the growth of algae.
decoration sand, I used ADA I made a fertilizing schedule However, the best method on
Bright Sand. for each day. The beginning was BGA was removing the dirty part

8 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

of sand and replacing it with fresh
sand. I removed BBA
mechanically, using Pro Picker
from ADA – it is a great tool
especially in difficult to reach
Of course the best way to
control algae are frequent water
changes, stabilized fertilizing and
keeping the tank clean and tidy
as a whole, so that low levels of
organic carbon appear. A l g a e
eaters such as Caridina
multidentata and Crossocheilus
siamensis are also helpful, but
they don‟t always want to eat

Fish Selection: “If it ain’t broke

then why fix it?”
In this aquascape I used
Green Neon Tetras
(Paracheirodon simulans) from
the previous aquascape. From
the beginning I felt they fit this
layout just as well so I did not
consider any other species. I did
however increase the school size
up to 40-50 fish.

Favorite Aspects of Green

I think I like the mid-left of
the aquascape the best. Many
species of plants join together
there – Eleocharis parvula,
Glossostigma elatinoides,
Microsorum pteropus ‘Narrow’, (sometimes even twice a week) and honored to be graded among
Sagittaria subulata, Taxiphyllum they always came back after the other beautiful layouts.
alternans and moreover Manten some time. At the end (in May) If I had to make this
Stones and driftwood. The cutting out new runners of aquascape once more, I think I
aquascape in this area is very Sagittaria, while attempting not to would change the arrangement of
detailed, which dynamically destroy the well grown stones in the central part.
changes as plants grow and aquascape became quite tiring. Especially one of them is not fine
infiltrate each other. I feel, that for me, I didn‟t manage to soften
this part of layout is the best, and Accomplishment at the 2008 the bold driftwood impression.
everyone will find something IAPLC But all in all, I wouldn‟t change a
interesting here. Personally I was very lot, I still like this layout and
surprised that I achieved a working on it, even though it was
Prevailing Challenges dreamed place in the first 100. I sometimes difficult, “Green
The biggest problem (and ranked #77 among over 1200 Recess” gave me lot of pleasure.
most tiring) was keeping the sand entries. I have already seen this
clean and BBA occurrence from year‟s contest album, and I think
the rocks. Despite using the ADA that the participants level in the
Phyton Git, cleaning the stones first 100 was very high as always,
and frequent water changes and I am even more delighted

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 9

Step 1: After placing Bacter
100, Clear Super and Tourmaline
BC at the base, use a plastic
divider to separate the front and
back areas. Fill in the back area
with ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia.

Step 2: Now that the back is

filled in, proceed to place the
ADA Bright sand in the front
area. Be sure to keep the plastic/
cardboard divider in place to get
the substrate curve desired. .

Step 3: When both sections are

filled in, carefully remove the
divider. Do this slowly as to
minimize mixing of the two

10 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Step 4: Begin arranging your
hardscape starting with the stones.
Here Manten Stones were used to
help maintain the division
between the Aqua Soil and the
Sand. Moss covered driftwood
was placed to maximize the use of
vertical space

Step 5: After the hardscape is

arranged to the desired look,
Eleocharis parvula was planted
through the background evenly. .
Over time, with minimal
trimming, the plants will fill in with
a natural appearance.

"Green Recess" Maintenance & Fertilization Schedule

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1/3 water change
Brighty K 2ml Brighty K 2ml Brighty K 2ml Brighty K 2ml Brighty K 2ml Brighty K 2ml
(about 22 litres)
GB Step 2 2ml GBS Shade 2ml GBS Shade 2ml GB Step 2 2ml GBS Shade 2ml GBS Shade 2ml
GBS Lights 3ml ECA 2-4 drops (seldom) GBS Lights 3ml ECA 2-4 drops (seldom)
Green Bacter 6-10 drops
Green Gain 6-10 drops

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 11

Green Recess (IAPLC 2008 entry)
Dimensions: 60x35x30cm
Volume: 63 liters
Light: 2x15W fluorescent tube 7500 K - Arcadia Freshwater
Photoperiod: 8 hours
Substrate: ADA Substrate System
(Bacter100, Tourmaline BC, Clear Super, Aqua Soil
Amazonia and BrightSand)
Fertilization: ADA - Brighty K, Green Brighty STEP 2, Green Brighty
Special SHADE, Green Brighty Special LIGHTS and
Green Gain, Green Bacter, ECA.
C02 Injection: Pressurized C02 with ceramic diffuser

12 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Plant List Fauna
Echinodorus tenellus, Crossocheilus siamensis,
Eleocharis parvula, Otocinclus sp.,
Glossostigma elatinoides, Paracheirodon simulans,
Hemianthus micranthemoides, Caridina multidentata
Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow', Neocaridina heteropoda var. red.
Sagittaria subulata,
Taxiphyllum barbieri

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 13

Wild, Wild...Green (IAPLC 2007 entry)
Dimensions: 60x35x30cm
Volume: 63 liters
Light: 2x15W fluorescent tube 7500 K - Arcadia Freshwater
Photoperiod: 8 hours
Substrate: Aqua Soil Amazonia - Normal, Bacter 100 and Multi Bottom.
Fertilization: ADA - Brighty K, Green Brighty STEP 3, Green Bacter, ECA.
Green Brighty Special SHADE, and Green Gain,
C02 Injection: Pressurized C02 with ceramic diffuser

14 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Plant List Fauna
Cryptocoryne beckettii ''petchii'' Crossocheilus siamensis
Eleocharis ''parvula'' Hemigrammus hyanuary
Hemianthus micranthemoides Otocinclus sp.
Microsorum pteropus ''Narrow'' Paracheirodon simulans
Microsorum pteropus ''Philippine'' Caridina multidentata
Rotala sp. ''Green'' Caridina sp. "Tiger"
Sagittaria subulata
Vesicularia montagnei
Vesicularia ferriei

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 15

Tigers in the Jungle (IAPLC 2006 entry)
Dimensions: 80x35x40cm
Volume: 112 liters
Light: 2x18W - Philips Master 865
Photoperiod: 8 hours
Substrate: Quartz gravel about 3-5mm and Aqualit - Hobby
Fertilization: Planta Gainer Classic, Planta Gainer Macro,
Planta Gainer Ferro+
C02 Injection: Pressurized C02 with ceramic diffuser

16 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Plant List Fauna
Blyxa japonica, Limia nigrofasciata,
Microsorum pteropus ''Narrow'' , Caridina multidentata,
Sagittaria subulata Neritina natalensis

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 17

Dream-land of Limia (IAPLC 2005 entry)
Dimensions: 80x35x40cm
Volume: 112 liters
Light: 2x18W - Philips Master 865
Photoperiod: 8 hours
Substrate: Quartz gravel about 3-5mm and Aqualit - Hobby
Fertilization: Planta Gainer Classic, Planta Gainer Macro,
Planta Gainer Ferro+
C02 Injection: Pressurized C02 with ceramic diffuser

18 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Plant List Fauna
Blyxa japonica, Limia nigrofasciata,
Hemianthus micranthemoides, Caridina multidentata,
Microsorum pteropus ''Windelov'' , Neritina natalensis.
Rotala rotundifolia,
Sagittaria subulata.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 19

Southern California
Aquatic Plant Enthusiasts

SCAPE Exhibits at the

Orange County Fair

By Billie G.

20 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

he idea of a local fish hobby whose focus is on The membership
planted tank club started planted tanks and reside in the geographical locale covers areas
on an international Southern California area. as far North as San Jose and as
planted tank forum by This is how the Club Name – far South as El Cajon and Tijuana
people located in and around Southern California Aquatic Plant Mexico – all points West with
Southern California as a Enthusiasts – was created. This som e m ember s att ending
discussion about trading aquatic name turned out to be quite meetings as far East as Phoenix,
plants locally. As the discussion synonymous with the art aspect Arizona.
thread progressed and people of creating a Scape, which is Members gather every third
located in and around Los short for Aquascaping. Sunday of the month where there
Angeles and Orange Counties The club did not fair too well is some sort of educational
started trading plants, it was in the beginning and its‟ leaders presentation or demonstration
mentioned that some locals ought became disinterested. It then followed by a live auction where
to create their own club. The changed hands in February 2008 members can get a multitude of
ideas and suggestions started and the membership dues were rare and exotic plants including
flowing with what a local club dropped. This is when the new fauna and inverts at bargain
should look like. SCAPE started to flourish with basement prices. The club‟s
There were a few activity and the membership sky success is primarily based on its‟
enthusiasts that had the time, rocketed. There are currently 321 Vision and statement of purpose.
resources and knowledge to active members from all over SCAPE is a local, non profit
create an online forum and come California with monthly meeting group formed of the most
up with a club name. It was a ve r a g i n g 7 0 p eo p l e i n dedicated Aquatic Plant
discussed that the club should attendance. Enthusiasts in Southern
serve those in the ornamental California who, together, form a

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 21

movement to promote awareness where SCAPE was visible to gazed at the planted tanks. Many
and knowledge of the science, thousands of people in a single did not realize they could bring
art, and beauty of planted tanks weekend. the same beauty and techniques
among both hobbyists and One of which was the from their flower gardens into
retailers. assistant coordinator at their fish tanks.
If hobbyists support their Centennial Farms which is
communities through education located at the Costa Mesa Transporting Aquariums
and the local retailers, the Fairgrounds. He felt the Club‟s It is best to plan the tank
community and retailers will educational purposes aligned months in advance so that the
support the club! with theirs and invited the Club to tank has a chance to mature and
display planted tanks in their all the plants settle in nicely.
Promoting the Hobby floral building. Tanks 10 gallons or less are
SCAPE is always much easier to transport
looking for ways to and set back up. The
promote awareness and process entails draining
education about the
hobby. In April 2007 a
“Visitors were very the tank as much as
possible to eliminate
dis pl a y boot h
procured during the
impressed by the planted sloshing during transport.
Water sloshing back and
America‟s Family Pet
Expo at the Costa Mesa aquariums’ beauty. ” forth will ruin many hours
of plant placement and
Fairgrounds. It turned out rooting.
to prove quite successful Remove as much
by introducing ourselves equipment as possible
into an environment where It was a good match! The and cover with plastic wrap to
people love and care about their public paraded through the floral trap moisture and air. Ambient
pets including fish. It was there building in amazement as they temperatures need to stay

22 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

consistent with no direct sunlight science aspect. As their
while in a car. Setting them education about the symbiotic
back up is pretty tedious and relationships between the flora
takes delicate care. and fauna increased, the more
they wanted to transform their
Focus of the Exhibits own fish tanks into planted
The exhibits focused on style aquariums.
and ease of setting up and For those first timers who
maintaining a planted tank. We just loved the tanks usually
tried to cover the basic tanks set asked, how much would it cost to
ups with as little tanks possible. set up these types of aquarium?
We had a 10 gallon high tech People with previous aquarium
Malaya Biotope, a half gallon all experience asked about where to
natural Dutch style aquarium, a 5 buy such beautiful plant
gallon medium tech Iwagumi , a specimens and the equipment
Wabi-kusa and a one gallon low that was used. Are they easy to
tech Betta paradise. Below each take care of? How often do you
tank was a descriptions of each do water changes?
tank on display discussing the T he ones wit h m or e
type of aquascape, flora and technical and detailed questions
fauna names/scientific names, asked to join our online forum
maintenance, lighting, etc. where we gave them SCAPE
cards with our online information.
Visitors Impression For most SCAPE members,
Visitors were very impressed it was an amazing experience to
by the planted aquariums‟ talk about something they really
beauty. Some had no idea there love to do. Sharing information One of several exhibits, this Betta Heaven
shows visitors a Betta Bowl can be more than
was such a thing as tropical with people who are complete just a fish in a plain bowl.
aquatic plants. Others were strangers enlists them to want to
interested in the design aspect, get involved because they see
while more were interested in the and can even feel your passion.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 23

24 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010
Future of SCAPE and the We continue to pursue SCAPE has roving meetings
Hobby excellence in aquascaping every third Sunday of Month.
Events such as this one designs, plant cultivation and Club membership is free and all
allow us to promote the hobby breeding by being more active in information about SCAPE and
and get more people involved in our monthly meetings. We try to upcoming meetings/activities and
planted aquariums and hold more “How To” seminars events can be found on the
aquascaping. especially to new recruits. We S C A P E f o r u m
I w o u l d s a y seek the help of sponsors by (
Southern California is already reaching out to big and small
trying to catch up with the front entrepreneurs in our areas who
lines of the hobby with the likes are directly or indirectly related to
of Japan, Germany, Taiwan, the hobby.
China and the rest of the SCAPE has been invited
world. The geographic location of back to display exhibits and
California being nearer to Asia is educate fair goers in 2011. Other
an advantage for us hobbyists planned events have not been
specifically with the influx of new inked yet, but we look forward to
and existing species and connecting with the San Diego
technologies to our existing community in some capacity in
market. 2011.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 25

26 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 27
d V i e t n a m

“Vietnamese aquascapes become much

more than a visually designed layout...
28 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010
Aquascaping Contest
Results 2010

quabird Vietnam (ABV) ABV invites Vietnamese
recently released their aquascapers from all over the
results for their regional world to participate in the
annual aquascaping Aquadesign Contest. The entry
contest called the Aquadesign form and official rules are
Contest (ABV Contest). published several months
This contest was first beforehand to allow aquascapers
organized in 2005 by the to develop their best aquascapes
By Nguyen Quang Hung administration team of the to present to the panel of judges.
Ngo Truong Thinh Aquabird Vietnam Forums and The winner of the
Dao Sy Hiep has grown tremendously each competition receives a Trophy
year. The contest is financially Award and $300 (USD) prize.
supported through voluntary Some winners may receive
donations from the Vietnamese aquarium supplies as prizes
aquascaping community and the through local aquarium stores
administration team. One and their donations. However,
particular member, Dui Manh the best prize of all is “priceless”.
Tien (Tienbm), has been one of The winners and participants of
the primary sponsors and active the competition achieve bragging
organizer of the contest. rights and increased reputation
During the six years of ABV among the local aquascaping
existence, the contest has been community.
developed each year with the To be ranked among the
leadership of Tran Quang Hung TOP 3 or even the TOP 50 is
(Aquatichung), who manages the highly honored and a significant
judges and organization achievement for aquascapers.
committee for the contest.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER AquaScaping World 29

“Memory” by Haicu (5th Place)

“Seven Deity Wind” by Desperator (6th Place)

The AVB contest is This year‟s contest held layout in terms of depth and
evaluated by an esteemed panel some of the best aquascapes the space. When these rules are
of aquascapers who have had contest has ever seen. Each combined with the personal
international success in year the quality of entries gets touch, Vietnamese aquascapes
aquascaping competitions such better and better due to become much more than a
as the Aqua Design Amano aquascapers finding new ways to visually designed layout. These
International Aquatic Plant Layout develop a new style and a fresh layouts become homage to
Completion (ADA IAPLC) and the aquascaping perspective. Some country and represent the level of
Aquatic Gardeners Association of the top aquascapes included aquascaping Vietnam has to offer
Contest (AGA). rich colors, highly defined visual to the world.
This year accomplished lines (through plant trimmings) In the past three IAPLC,
Vietnamese Aquascaper Ngo and efficient use of depth and Vietnam has slowly risen among
Truong Thinh sat on the panel space. When compared to other the ranks of international
alongside other aquascapers countries aquascapes, r ecog nit ion. Vietnam ese
such as Sylvain van Waerebeke, Vietnamese aquascapes often aquascapers have been honored
Uttoshi Guillerm in, Diego include specific features native to with a number of honorable
Sandoval, Bjorn Hoorelbeke, and the land of Vietnam. From rocks, rankings and TOP 3 rankings
Luis Navarro. driftwood, stones, and even including Bronze Prize 2008,
The AVB judges look for plants, Vietnamese aquascapers Grand Prize 2009 and Silver
creative and unique aquascapes, use the locally available Prize 2010. Some of these
that employ a good use of resources in their aquascapes to winning layouts feature and use
materials and planting skills bring a personal meaning to their Vietnamese materials such as
which ultimately bring a sense of layouts. rocks, stones, and driftwood.
Asian Culture in their layouts. In addition, the aquascapes In Vietnam, the aquascaping
Balance, harmony, depth and featured in this competition make hobby has fluctuated a lot with
attention to detail are among the the best use of photography and many ups and downs, in terms of
criteria used to evaluate the painting rules (Golden Rule) to planted aquarium supplies and
aquascapes. provide the most optimal visual interest. The future of planted

30 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

“Stone Garden” by BanhBeo (8th Place)

“The Sounds of Silence” by DangThanh (9th Place)

“Nature” by Ducvtv (10th Place)

aquariums and aquascaping in waterways for aquatic plants and support from aquarium
Vietnam remains bright as experiment with them in the companies and local stores, the
evident in the many young aquarium. contest is surely to expand
members who have joined the One of the most important across the region.
ABV forums in recent years. goals of the ABV forums is to In the next contest, the AVB
The aquatic shops and help new aquascapers improve administration team expects an
stores located in Ho Chi Minh their planted aquarium design increase number of participants,
City and Hanoi are highly skills and to maintain our success more innovative aquascapes, and
supportive of planted aquaria, in the international contests. more aquascapes that capture
and they continue to provide T he next Aq uad e sig n the intricate beauty of nature.
hobbyists with access to an Contest will be scheduled in mid
abundance of aquarium plants 2011. While the competition is
and materials. In addition, many mainly financially supported
hobbyists continue to explore the through our membership, as AVB
local mountainous areas and gains additional sponsorship

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 31

Wakening Grand Prize
Dimensions: 125x60x50 cm
Plant List
Volume: 375 liters
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Light: fluorescent 6x40W Jebo 10.000K
Marsilea hirsute
C02: Pressurized C02
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Author: Solid
Glossostigma elatinoides
Comment: Tank describes a mountain chain in the early morning. Living
Eleocharis acicularis
beings just have waken up after a long sleep with the new fresh day, full of
Vesicularia montagnei
power. This tank also marks my return to planted tank with many changes
in the manner of presentation and idea expression.
Paracheirodon axelrod

32 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Shangri—La Silver Prize
Dimensions: 106x61x48 cm
Plant List
Volume: 310 liters
Eleocharis acicularis
Light: fluorescent 6x39W
Eleocharis quadricostatus
C02: Pressurized C02
Marsilea drummondi
Author: Vietlam
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Comment: Shangri-La is a legendary valley leading from the Lama
Utricularia graminifolia
Religion monastery deep in the west end of the Kunlun Mountains.
Glossostigma elatinoides
Shangri-La paradise on earth where the trees live on this land is always
Hygrophila sp.
green, things seem to live immortality and the happiness became
Weeping Moss
Paracheirodon innesi

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 33

Changing Season Time Bronze Prize
Dimensions: 108X50X48 cm
Plant List
Volume: 259 liters
Eleocharis acicularis
Light: fluorescent 4x39W Aqua Japan 10.000k
Eleocharis quadricostatus
C02: Pressurized C02
Glossostigma elatinoides
Author: Coi77
Marsilea drummondi
Comment: During the business trip to the Northwest in the last spring, the
picture of rice terraced fields intermixed in the limestone mountains and
the immense imposing rock fields remained always in my mind. From that
idea, I used plants to combine with the Iwagumi arrangement to create
“Changing Season Time.” Fauna
Paracheirodon innesi

34 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Think Again 4th Place

Dimensions: 80x30x40 cm
Plant List
Volume: 96 liters
Hottonia palustris
Light: fluorescent 3x30W Atman 10.000K
Glossotigma elatinoides
C02: Pressurized C02
Eleocharis acicularis
Author: VKN
Fissiden fontanus
Comment: The green immense windy, sunny plains, chain of haughty
Peacock moss
limestone mountains layers upon layers, premature rich rice fields are
Marsilea hirsutais
curving well – groomed.

Somewhere in the sky, bird herds are spanning wings into the high Fauna
cloud…all that pictures make the Northern people of the letter S country Pristella maxillaris 'Golden'
be homesick with an overfill feeling and also make a unforgettable memory
to visitors even only one time…All the splendid things are created by
preeminent people? Oh no!

Mother Nature has given to us a lot of precious things, but it‟s so sad that
we had been destroying everything. Please thing again and take action
before it become to late cause there are precious things we can only
recognize when it slip out of out hands.

Do you want our descendants to be able to play on the green grass

carpet, breath the pure immense atmosphere and let the soul fly with non
stop bird‟s wings in the sky? Or they will learn about mountains by the
stories of ancestors, by pictures and video tapes?

Please thing again!

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 35

g in n er ’ s
A B e t i v e
Pe r s p e c
Learning to become an accomplished
aquascaper is a process; one of
experimentation, successes and failures.

36 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

quascaping has could find. While there I began
captured the eyes and looking at the few live aquarium
imaginations of many. plants and decided to purchase
From the moment I saw them. I eagerly planted these into
pictures of various aquascapes I my tank and sat back to admire
knew I wanted to create my work. I liked what I saw, but
something like what I had seen. my admiration turned sour after
So began my journey into the several days when I discovered
hobby that has since reawakened my fish acting strangely. My
my passion for art and nature. In angels were gasping at the
the series of articles for the surface and others showed signs
AquaScaping World Magazine of stress. Soon I began to
my column will focus on my experience losses. The tank that
journey as a budding planted had been stable for a couple
aquarium enthusiast to an years was no longer in
aspiring Aquascaper. equilibrium. I tried many things to
First, I will share a little about regain stability but with no luck. I
By Sh myself to help you understand decided to transfer the remaining
awn M what brought me to this hobby fish to an old 20 gallon tank and
e and how I discovered start from scratch with the 37
aquascaping. I have always been gallon aquarium. I now suspect
fascinated by nature and as a that through planting I may have
child would often catch any living stirred up anaerobic pockets
creature I could find and attempt within the gravel substrate
to recreate its natural world. leading to oxygen deprivation,
Often times this would lead me to stress, and disease. This mishap
ponds, lakes, and streams. As I was a blessing in disguise.
grew older I began keeping While searching the internet
aquariums. I‟m sure many can for what may have gone wrong
relate to the feeling of walking as well as ideas for what to do
into the local fish store as a kid. If with my tank I stumbled across
you are in this hobby it is an pictures of the most amazing
experience many of us have in planted aquariums. I wanted to
common. For years I kept create something similar inside of
various tanks filled with the my aquarium.
typical fish: swords, tetras, My first problem was where
bettas, plecos, and at one point to begin. All I had were pictures,
three large Oscars. These tanks great for inspiration, but not
also had the typical decorations: helpful in more practical matters,
tacky plastic plants, fake logs, such as equipment, plants, and
and even a skeleton sailor who the overall process. I continued
drank rum when the bubbles filled to peruse the internet searching
his jar. for information. I looked at ADA
One day I found myself contest websites and found
bored with the same decorations specifications regarding
and travelled to the local fish equipment used in each
store to see what new items I particular aquascape, some of

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 37

Upon finding Aquascaping
World I knew I had come across
a home to many experienced
aquascapers who were willing to
share their knowledge and
experience. I read every issue of
the Aquascaping World
Magazine, I browsed the forums,
ingesting as much information as
possible. I found various
members and moderators who
were knowledgeable, friendly,
and helpful. Jur4ik (Juri) was
always there to answer a
question and I owe him a lot of
credit for what I have learned.
My second piece of advice is
to use the forum! I posted every
question as I formulated a plan
for my tank. I posted a chemical
analysis of some substrate, I
made many posts about
equipment, plants, critiques of
hardscape, hardscape materials,
and the list goes on. Most
members can relate to what a
beginner goes through as they,
too, were once a novice.
Hopefully what you have learned
will aid you in sorting good
information from the
misinformation or, worse yet, the
dogma that can sometimes
plaque advice given with good
Another member whose
information is useful is Tom Barr,
A typical high tech planted aquarium with pressurized CO2, canister filter, and bubble counter. a respected aquascaper with a
which I had never heard. Carbon latching onto the concept of background in plant biology. He
dioxide inj ect ed int o an substrate heating cables. I went operates a site called The Barr
aquarium? What? Plants named as far as purchasing a cheaper Report. This site was extremely
by genus species, all of which I set of them only to discover helpful as well, but is not as
did not know. Lighting equipment, through various reliable sources beginner friendly as Aquascaping
flow and filtration specifications that the concept of heating cables World due only to the extensive
all puzzled me. is bunk. Plants roots do as good amounts of more “technical”
I knew I had to learn more, of a job, if not a better job, at information. Articles are research
so I dove into reading, reading, transporting oxygen through the based and the information is
and reading some more. substrate. Anyone want to buy based in practice and sound
Absorbing as much information some substrate heating cables? experimentation, which leads to
as possible is my first suggestion There are many products out definitive answers and methods
to those beginning. This also there intended to make money off regarding aquatic plant care.
comes with a word of caution. of the naïve or misinformed, This fact is important because the
There is a lot of beware of snake oil. One should findings can be generalized to
misinformation to be found. An always be a critical thinker and more than one particular tank
example of me falling into the this skill is helpful as a beginning where someone found success
misinformation product traps was aquascaper. with a particular method.

38 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

As I learned more I began to
realize that my dreams of a
stunning aquascape were not a
realistic goal for a beginner. A
high tech tank with loads of
lighting, injected CO2, and
demanding plants just wasn‟t
Many of the aquascapers
whose aquarium layouts I had
admired had years of experience
and practical know-how. These
were not the first scapes they had
ever created. These people had
learned how the plants grew, how
to care for them, special
requirements, trimming
techniques, methods for
combating algae, among many
other nuances that come along
with experience. No matter how
much I read I could not gain My practice tank allows me to learn the basics of growing aquatic plants.
experience through it. Where are the focal points? Is stunning tank.
There are, however, the few this interesting to look at? It has In future articles I will share
rare examples of people who made me a more critical casual my experiences as a „beginning
have found exceptional success photographer (I‟m using planted aquarium hobbyist‟ with
as beginners due to their artistic “photographer” loosely as I am my 20 gallon tank, which I refer to
backgrounds in areas that just a guy with a camera). as my “practice” tank. With this
translate well to aquascaping, For most of us, learning to tank came the many struggles
such as art, photography, design, becom e an accomplished and questions of a beginner. How
and horticulture just to name a aquascaper is a process, one of to introduce CO2 into the
few. One such aquascaper is experimentation, of successes aquarium, what substrate to use,
US/Japanese aquascaper Steven and failures. How long the how much flow and filtration is
Chong whose natural artistic eye process takes depends upon needed, what fertilizing routine
and talent allows him to create one‟s goals, background, and works for me, why aren‟t the
the most spectacular, natural and experience in aquarium keeping. plants growing well and of course
balanced aquascapes even in his A low tech tank with less what to do with all this algae?
early years as an aspiring demanding plants may be better I will also discuss the
aquascaper. suited for someone with limited development of my first high tech
Aquascaping has worked in experience, whereas the high scape and how the elements of
reverse for me. Recently I went tech tank can require more care design became a focal point (pun
on a vacation and found myself and leave less room for mistakes, intended) of its development. I
viewing photographs with a which in turn would require more hope that by sharing my journey
critical artistic eye; the way I experience for success. into the aquascaping and planted
would analysis an aquascape. My suggestion is to start out aquarium world you can learn
slowly and expect bumps in the from my experiences and
road. View setbacks as a learning become a better aquascaper with
experience and one more step me.
closer to that masterpiece. When
learning to drive a car one
doesn‟t start on the Audubon with
a high performance machine.
You must walk before you can
run, in a sense. Our enthusiasm
as beginners can prove a difficult
My 37 Gallon practice high tech aquascape.
beast to tame; I still wanted that

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 39

 .

Aquascape In Focus
The World
Before Columbus

40 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

he World Before
Columbus is an
impressive aquascape
from Italy’s Pasquale
Buonpane. This layout
achieved high rankings in the
International Aquatic Plant
Layout Contest 2010 and is yet
another one of the great
masterpieces designed by
Buonpane. Curious to know
what the title of his aquascape

We were too, so we asked him

in this issue’s Aquascape in
Focus Interview.

An Interview with
Pasquale Buonpane

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 41

Italian Pasquale Buonpane in front on one of his many aquascapes.

Q: Pasquale, what inspired this hardscape, I noticed that the Q: What is growing on the
aquascape? main stone reminded me of the rocks, moss? How did you
great rock you can see near the secure and maintain it?
A: When I started working at ancient city of Cuzco in Peru.
the hardscape I did not have a The entire composition reminded A: The rock horizontal surfaces
clear inspiration. I just wanted to me of a Mayan Pyramid. That is were covered with small bushes
make something that was why I choose the title “The World of Vesicularia ferrieri (Weeping
different from my previous before Columbus”. moss ) and Riccia sp. ”dwarf”.
aquascapes. Both species were tied to
To do that, I decided to use Q: What types of rocks are small flat stones with fishing line.
these strange flat sedimentary you using and arrangement I never use scissors to prune
rocks. I began in mid-March and purpose? moss and Riccia because then it
the hardscape came together becomes difficult to eliminate all
very quickly. In about two hours, A: I u s e d s e d i m e n t a r y the small pieces from the tank.
the whole layout was complete in limestone rocks that I personally As these plants grow to a large
its initial planting and layout collected on a lake shore. bush and start to break away
arrangement. Because of their layered from the stones I only divide them
In the following days structure, I thought that the best and tie them down again.
thereafter, I had no changes way to get a natural effect was to
(unlike what generally happens place them in parallel horizontal Q: What plant is used for your
with all my tanks). lines. Later, I could break the ground covering and how did
As I observed the monotony of lines using moss. you maintain it?

42 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Sedimentary limestone rocks formed the base of “The World Before Columbus”. The horizontal lines and tight formation of the rocks inspired the title of
this aquascape for its similarity to Mayan Pyramids and ancient undiscovered cities.

A: In the foreground I used A: As I mentioned before, I Q: What are you using for your
Hemianthus callitrichoides. prefer to never use the scissors substrate?
I usually plant it in small with moss or Riccia. I wanted the
clumps of 5-6 stems at a distance clumps of moss hanging from the A: For the substrate material, I
of 3-4 cm. It is a big job and it rocks, so I choose Vesicularia used Akadama. I added some
takes a lot of time, especially in ferrieri for it‟s “weeping” habit. I fertilizing capsules only in the
large tanks, but it is surely the used Riccia sp. “dwarf” to create areas covered with H.
best way to get a compact and contrast with the dark green of callitrichoides.
uniform lawn. mosses and simultaneously recall In the foreground the depth
The hardest part was the light green of the lawn. is about 6-7 cm while in the
covering the sloping sides of the Additionally, I tied the moss backside it reaches up to 30 cm.
foreground with H. callitrichoides. to small flat stones and placed To maintain the difference in level
In first few weeks of the layout, I them on the rocks. This I placed two boxes made of
made water changes very technique allows you to move the polystyrene under the stones;
carefully to prevent the collapse bushes from one place to another one for each group of rocks.
of the substrate. whenever you want.

Q: Describe the trimming or

your maintenance techniques?

A: I think that to be successful

with H. callitrichoides is very
important to prune it frequently
and the best way to do this is
using long scissors with curve
tips. Usually I make sure that the
lawn never exceeds the thickness
of 1 cm. In this tank I paid much
attention to areas where H.
callitrichoides touched the moss.
I checked these areas frequently
to avoid the two species mixing
with each other.

Q: Describe the planting

techniques for some of the
other plants in the layout. Moss and Riccia filled the gaps between the rocks and the Hemianthus callitrichoides foreground
to create a uniform, balanced layout.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 43

The World Before Columbus
Dimensions: 160x52x60 cm
Plant List
Volume: 500 liters
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Light: 4x58w T8(6.500°K
Vesicularia ferrieri
Substrate: Akadama and Sand
Fissidens fontanus
C02: Pressurized C02

Paracheirodon innesi
Otocinclus sp.
Crossocheilus siamensis
Caridina japonica
Neocaridina "Red Cherry"

44 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

A previous aquascape titled “East and West reached 22nd position in the IAPLC 2009.

Q: How often you do regular Q: What was the most difficult A: Honestly, I never think about
tank maintenance? task for this aquascape? the contests while I‟m creating
my planted aquarium layouts. It
A: Every week I change about A: Probably the greatest would be like imprisoning my
the 40% of water and after water challenge was to give a natural creativity and my aesthetic sense
changes I add liquid fertilizers look to the rocks I used. If you in a cage. Certainly if I had more
too. Generally, I prune look at the hardscape it looks like time I could take care of more
Hemianthus callitrichoides every a building made of bricks. Using details, but I think I would not
two weeks to keep it from moss I tried to hide the gaps change anything.
growing to thick and intermixing between one rock and the other,
with the moss species. so that each group of rock
seemed like a single large rock.
Q: Did or do you have any
algae problems? Q: Where did you place in the
IAPLC 2010?
A: Not at all. In all of my tanks,
as soon as the water parameters A: The “World Before Columbus”
are suitable, I add a good number ranked 106th in IAPLC 2010.
of algae eaters such as Last year my previous tank “East
Crossocheilus siamensis, and West” reached 22nd position,
O t oci nc lus , an d Car id ina so initially I was a bit
japonica. I consider these disappointed with the 2010 result.
species almost indispensable. If Then considering the large
you put them in at the right time number of participants of the 10th
this cleanup crew can completely edition of the competition (more
eliminate all the algae problems than 1800 entries), I realized that
from the start. the 106th position was still a good
result. After all, there were about
Q: What is your favorite part of 1700 participants who obtained a
your aquascape? worse result than me.

A: I really like the “canyon” Q: What would you change to

between the two groups of rocks. this aquascape to make it rank
I think it gives a good sense of higher?
depth to the tank.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 45

ADA’s International
Aquatic Plant Layout
Contest 2010

Rank #275: Jordi Peligri from Spain

46 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

arlier in the Fall 2010,
the Aqua Design
Amano (ADA) company
released the results of
10th Annual Competition! its International Aquatic Plant
Layout Contest (IAPLC) 2010
Over 55 Countries! results. The IAPLC is the largest
Over 1,800 Entries! planted aquarium aquascaping
contest in the world and is
traditionally known for setting the
creativity bar for aquascapers.
Aquascapers spend upwards
to a year or more preparing their
aquascapes for the competition.
This competition requires
aquascapers to keep their layouts
unpublished and hidden from the
world. Therefore, once the
competition results come in, it is
often the first time we ever see
any of these aquascapes
published online. It‟s certainly
worth the wait.

Name: Mont-Ral
Volume (liters): 38
Age: 1 year
Size: 45x28x30
Plants: Glossostigma elatinoides
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis,
Staurogyne sp.
Rotala rotundifolia
Eleocharis vivipara
Taxiphyllum alternans (Taiwan
Riccardia Chamedryfolia
Light: 1 pll 36w 865
Fish & invertebrates: Neocaridina
heteropoda var "yellow"
Planorbis corneus
Rasbora Galaxy
Fertilizer: KNO3 1 mg/l day
K2PO4 0.2 mg/l day
KSO4 1.5 mg/l day

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 47

Rank #631: Albert Escrihuela Cáceres from Spain

Rank #106: Pasquale Buonpane from Italy

Rank #242 Sergiusz Kowalew from Poland

48 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

This year marks the 10th To be among the TOP 10, community and their rankings.
anniversary of the competition. 100, or even 1000 is a high honor ADA will be producing a
With the growing popularity of for many aquascapers. competition book that is available
aquascaping around the world, In the 2010 IAPLC, this year for purchase, with most of the
the IAPLC received over 1,800 we saw many of the TOP entered aquascapes.
entries from over 55 countries, a aquascapes mimicking “mountain The top aquascapers in the
new record high for the contest. scapes” and executing highly competition will be recognized at
Now you may be wondering intricate variations of the “Nature the Nature Aquarium Party held
what‟s the draw for aquascapers Aquarium Style”. These in Niigata at ADA‟s headquarters
participating in this competition? aquascapes featured moss this October. It is a perfect
Well ADA offers its Grand Winner covered driftwood or a rock ending to a outstanding class of
1,000,000 Japanese Yen, hardscape shooting outwards into aquascapes that were produced
(approximately $10,000 USD). all depths of the aquarium this year.
Yet besides that, ADA provides naturally and majestically.
aquascapers to gain recognition The Grand Prize winner, For the full list of winners visit the
for their works of art. For most Pavel Bautin from Russia created ADA website (
aquascapes, this competition an aquascape reminiscent of and browse the AquaScaping
offers them a chance to see view from the middle of a woody
World forums for a look at some
wher e t hey r ank am ong forest during Spring. Tall towering
thousands around the world. trunks sprouting from a field of of the aquascapes entered into
Each year when the results are Glossostigma elatinoides were this year‟s contest.
released there is a buzz in the strategically placed to provide an
forum communities, like endless sense of depth and
AquaScaping World, where vastness.
Photos credit to respective authors
members proudly showcase their On the AquaScaping World
aquascapes and their final Forums, you can see aquascapes
results. posted from the international

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 49

Rank #513: Kim Pulkki from Sweden

Tank Size: 120x60x50 cm

Volume:360 liters
Lighting: DIY aluminum tub with Hagen GLO starter units, 6 x T5 54W philips aquarelle and deluxe 965 pro fluorescent
CO2 Injection: 10kg pressurized system with a pH-controller and a reactor driven by a Eheim 2252.
Substrate: Akadama DL and Swedish Råda sand.
Fertilization: MDD (KNO3, KH2PO4, K2SO4 & Micro+ ProFe)
Plants: Bolbitis heudelotii, Microsorum pteropus -narrow & -needle, Echinodorus tenellus, Hemianthus micranthemoides
Ranunculus inundates, Glossostigma elatinoides

50 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Rank #544: Stu Worall from United Kingdom

Tank Size: 90x45x45cm

Substrate: Tropica Aquacare substrate, Tropica Aquacare capsules, ADA Amazonia Aquasoil topped with powder.
Hardscape: Rock quarried from the Llyn Peninsula
CO2 Injection: DAZS Bubble Counter, HK Diffuser, ADA Grey Parts Set
Lighting: 4x24w T5 Luminaire
Custom Stainless Steel Light Hanger.
Plants: Hemanthius Callitrichoide, Eleocharis parvula, Echinodorus tenellus

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 51

Day at the Beach By Tony "TYB" Borgebäck
Tank Size: 125 x 50 x 50 cm (49 x 20 x 20 inches)
Volume: 312 l (82,4 usGal)
Lighting: Two (2) x Hagen Glo T5HO with 2 x 54W (2 x Life-GLO - 6700K and 2 x Power-GLO - 18,000K)
Photoperiod: 8h/day (Digital timer).
Hardscape: Redmoor roots and local rocks.
Substrate: DIY (Bauhaus) Gardol Torvmull naturell Sphagnum - 50% (Blomsterlandet) AquaInterior
Näckroslera - 25% (Jula) Blästersand - 25%
Filtration: JBL CristalProfi e1500 - spray bar
Fertilizers: Reg. (AquaMagic) EX Fireextingusher 6 liter (Kalmar Brandservice). 2-3 bubblor/s, Aqua Medic
Reactor; the JBL CristalProfi e1500, Tropica capsules in the substrate and PMDD (EI).

“My first real aquascape setup in August 2009 and it turned in to a

IAPLC entry 2010. This was nice for my first try.
I was ranked best among all the Swedes!
It is not the most advanced aquascape, but it is a start.
I hope I have many more to come.”

52 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Rank #455

Plant List Fauna

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis Crossocheilus oblongus "siamensis"
Eleocharis acicularis Otocinclus affinis
Blyxa japonica Pterophyllum scalare "Orinoco"F1
Pogostemon helferi Paracheirodon innesi
Taxiphyllum barbieri Crystal red shrimp
Aponogeton crispus"hybrid" Neocaridina denticulata sinensis "red"
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. Balansae Apistogramma agassizii "Red Tail"
Microsorum pteropus
Vall. Nana
Anubias barteri var barteri,
Glossostigma elatinoides
Echinodorus quadricostatus,
Hemianthus micranthemoides

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 53

Art and Creation
ADA Nature
Aquarium Gallery

54 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

“Upon entry, each aquarium beckons with majestic
allure, each one imbued with its own kami, each one a
living, breathing work of art.”

By BJ Ruttenberg

t‟s August 2010, Japan‟s
hottest summer on record,
I‟m sitting in a train car, no
A/C, sweat rolling through
every crevice of my body, and I
have a destination but no
direction. I think this is the right
train...though it was my girlfriend,
Doren, who at the train station
screamed, “THIS IS IT!” and
pushed me on without hesitation.
The train took off.
Dor and I ar e no w
rummaging through every map,
every scribbled-on scrap of paper
and every direction we have
written down, trying to find the
right train stop. The train keeps
rolling through the Niigata
countryside, getting ever closer
to, or further from, our
A Japanese gentleman in the
seat to my left sees our frantic
rummaging and, like every other
Japanese person we have
encountered on this trip,
heroically comes to our rescue,
“where are you trying to go?”
“The ADA Nature Aquarium
Gallery,” I respond hopefully,
almost inquisitively.
A pause and a smile. “Ah, Mr.
Amano,” he says, “I have met Mr.
Amano. He lives near me.”
I brighten. “Really?”

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 55

Peering through one of the ADA Nature Aquarium Gallery‟s Aquascapes.

“He is a very famous man in The man, Mr. Takashi taps my shoulder, “did you see
Japan,” the man says and Honda, owner of the Fermier that modern-looking building?”
proceeds to tell me of Mr. winery, got off at the next stop “No,” I say, and the cabbie
Amano‟s presentation of the leaving Dor and I to again marvel takes a hair-raising right turn.
Primitive Cedar Tree in Sado to at the incredible kindness of “I think that‟s where we‟re
the G8 Working Lunch held in strangers. headed,” she says and a slight
2008 in Hokkaido, Japan. Having properly shiver begins to build at the base
“When did you meet him?” I ask. disembarked from the train at of my neck.
“He came to visit my winery two Maki we decide to grab a cab to When I decided to travel to
years ago,” he said, and pulls out avoid the absurd heat. I climb Japan, the decision was initially
a local magazine, opening it to into the cab and the cabbie turns based on little more than my
the first page. “This is Mr. toward me as if asking, “where unrequited desire to see the ADA
Amano,” he points to a small to?” I oblige, “ADA Nature Nature Aquarium Gallery and
picture of Mr. Amano surrounded Aquarium Gallery?” He stares Sensei Amano‟s work first hand.
by gorgeous photographs of the back at me like I‟m speaking I of course found other reasons
Sado coastline. He then flips the another language (oh, wait!). I but the ADA NA Gallery remained
page and points to a picture of a then point to what I believe to be paramount.
man standing inside a wine the Japanese translation. Now, as we pull up to the
cellar, “and this is me. You can “Ah, sakanaya,” Japanese front entrance, all the world is
have the magazine, they are for “fish store.” swept away and in its place sits a
free,” he hands it to me. “Hai!” I respond, and we‟re present, gift-wrapped in concrete,
“Anyway, you should get off at off. glass and steel. I honestly don‟t
Maki.” The view from the cab is rice remember how many yen I threw
All I can do is stare pop-eyed fields and industrial warehouses. at the cab driver, only the feeling
and belch a “Thank You!” After five minutes of driving Dor as I strode through the swinging-

56 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

This Classic Amano layout is the first aquascape I encounter as I walked through the ADA Gallery.

glass front doors to be greeted by The entryway to the ADA brasiliensis contrasts with the
an eight-foot wide artisanal building leads around a corner to center weighted mid-ground
masterpiece. Like St. Peter at a hallway, which stretches the forest of reddish-brown
the gates of heaven, it welcomed entire length of the ADA building cryptycoryne wendtii, microsorum
me with open arms. and out into a courtyard. The pteropus v. narrow leaf, and
right wall of this hallway is of floor Bolbitis heudelotii.
Impressions to ceiling glass and on the other Rising from this mélange of
The wall adjacent to the side, the Nature Aquarium mid-ground plants, the arms of a
Nat ur e Aq uar ium G aller y Gallery. single piece of driftwood divide
entrance is inset with a nature Upon entry, each aquarium out of the center, branching
aquar ium of br eat ht ak ing beckons with majestic allure, across both sides of the layout,
elegance. each one imbued with its own sheltering the underlying growth,
It is a classic “V” shaped kami, each one a living, breathing each arm of wood covered in a
layout comprised of massive and work of art. Surprising still is the fuzz of well-manicured moss.
beautifully smooth Hakkai stone complete lack of any auditory I move down the row of
and a maddening array of aquatic disturbance once inside. Where aquaria, studying each in
plants including Glossostigma some would see fit to supplement admiration and amazement. The
elatinoides, Sagittaria subulata, the public‟s viewing experience first row of aquaria is arranged
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. with music or ambient nature along the shared glass wall and
balansae, Valasernia americana, noise, here, only the subtle leads toward two black wooden
a n d A p o n o g e t o n babble of water can be divined tables at the back of the gallery,
madagascariensis, among among the background of which are strewn with “Amano”
others. silence. paraphernalia. To the left of the
This masterful work serves The first of the nature tables stands an emerald
as an eloquent and fitting frame aquaria I encounter is landscape of wabikusa style
for the myriad Amano styled emblematic of the style that Mr. aquascapes.
nature aquariums that can be Amano is so well known for. A However, the most striking of
viewed through the negative verdant, grass-like, foreground the surrounding display is on the
space of the valley layout. carpet of bright green Lilaeopsis opposite side of the tables.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 57

Among the many aquascapes, this “alien” aquascape caught my eye for its unique black stones reminiscent of the Sado coastline.

Truly unlike any nature It bears mentioning that an My interest piqued, I quietly
aquarium I have seen before, this equally striking sight is the awe- open the door to a fridge
alien landscape can best be inspiring array of cameras and crammed full of large format
compared to those magazine equipment stored in the back of Fujifilm. “Takashi Amano shoots
images of the Sado coastline. the gallery, next to the film!” I suppose part of me
The black stones in this scape photography backdrop ostensibly should understand this intuitively
grow preternaturally out of the used for shooting aquaria. from the fact that the man uses
white sand substrate like Everything from large-format large format cameras almost
monolithic basalt islands. Each bellows style cameras to lights exclusively for his major
stone is covered, from base to and tripods are stored in cabinets landscapes, but it nevertheless
tip, in moss and the spaces in- and on shelves. surprises me to no end.
between are accented with Having made my way to the I continue to peruse the
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, and back of the Nature Aquarium remaining aquaria. Two tanks in
Riccia fluitans. The backdrop of Gallery, I ask to use the particular strike me as uniquely
the composition is further bathroom. As I head down the appealing. Juxtaposed next to
accented with twining strands of outside hall and behind the one another, one a “hill” style
Eleocharis sp. The tank is Nature Aquarium Gallery, just layout and the other a “wedge”
populated with a prodigious cloud before I arrive at the bathroom, I style, the two form a unique
of cardinal tetras, in addition to find a collection of stainless steel complement.
the token Caridinia japonica, industrial refrigerators. The “hill” styled aquarium
making this nature aquarium a “What could he possibly caught my attention initially
picture of unique inspiration. keep in there?” because of the steep grade of the

Amano‟s Photography area filled with

cameras, film, studio lighting, and

58 AquaScaping World NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010

Two aquascapes, the “Hill” and “Wedge” layouts are positioned together to create a jarring contrast yet provides a unique complement to one another.

substrate slope and the well- background. Adding to the visual Aquarium Gallery is born of
m a n i c ur e d f o r eg r ou n d of complexity of this layout is a collaboration – collaboration of
Glossostigma elatinoides. The piece of knotty, branching root- man and nature, absence and
closely cropped foreground lawn wood that stretches from the top presence, mind and body, spirit
has yellowed in parts, lending (in rear of the tank to the opposite and soul – and no greater lesson
my opinion) a more natural feel to foreground corner at the bottom could be taken away.
this layout. of the aquarium. The root-wood My experience now just a
Additionally, the plant almost elicits images of a collaboration of memory, I get in
arrangement is unquestionably Floridian mangrove but for the the cab and ride silently back to
novel because it utilizes larger dark stone used in the the train station.
plants in the foreground that are background, which impresses a
traditionally placed in the more temperate climate on the
background. A large foreground scape.
tuft of Eleocharis sp. has in some Having made my final rounds
places grown to the entire height through the Nature Aquarium
of the tank, and Bolbitis are Gallery I call a cab and take a
attached intermittently to two few final mental notes. After Dor
pieces of driftwood placed in the and I move out to the ADA lobby
front corners of the tank. entrance, I snap a few more
The “wedge” style layout is pictures and wait for the cab to
similarly eye catching, but arrive.
because of the complementing Amid all the beauty and
shapes of the Glossostigma novelty and natural wonder, my
elatinoides foreground and the one realization was that each and
Anubias nana v. petite every work in the ADA Nature

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 AquaScaping World 59

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