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14 the national law journal/www.nlj.

com ❙ january 24, 2011


Obama’s judges: The most diverse group ever

diversity, from page 1 choice awaiting confirmation, Wilmer spark occasional public debate: for exam- for Justice, said he’s surprised the issue
The numbers agree. Obama’s suc- Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr part- ple, during Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s hasn’t garnered more attention. Levey
cessful nominees for district and circuit ner Edward DuMont, a nominee to the nomination and when a handful of said Republicans are probably “some-
courts make up the most diverse group Federal Circuit, is the first openly gay minority candidates have stalled simul- what sheepish about bringing it up”
ever along racial, ethnic and gender appellate nominee in history. taneously. But Curt Levey, executive because Obama is the first black presi-
lines, according to an analysis of Federal The demographics of Obama’s choices director of the conservative Committee See diversity, Page 15
Judicial Center data. About two in five
are members of minority groups, with
Asian-Americans and African-Americans,

Diversity on the bench: How presidents have fared during

in particular, seeing their numbers rise.
Exactly half are women.
Obama’s push for diversity is politically

their first two years in office.

tricky. Bar associations and feminist orga-
nizations have high expectations of the
administration, while conservative legal
activists have been skeptical of whether
the president is sacrificing other qualifi-
cations for the sake of minority or gender
Nevertheless, the White House has 100 50
pursued the effort with apparent deter-
mination. Robert Raben, the chair of the
80 40
Hispanic National Bar Association’s judi-
ciary committee, said that, even during
the transition from the Bush administra- 60 30
tion, it was clear that the Obama admin-
istration’s judge pickers put a very high
40 20
value on diversity. “It’s not a sideshow.
It’s one of the first or second things out Obama Bush Clinton Bush Reagan Carter
Obama Bush Clinton
of their mouths,” said Raben, who is also 20 50% 79% 69% 90% 97% 90% 10
50% 21% 31%
president of The Raben Group, a lobby-
ing firm in Washington.
0 0
Nan Aron, president of the Alliance Bush Reagan Carter
for Justice, a liberal advocacy group, MALE JUDGES FEMALE JUDGES 10% 3% 10%
noted that the proportion of Obama-
nominated judges who are women is
almost double the previous peak, under
Clinton. “There’s a significant catching
up that needs to be done, and with this
administration having made diversity 30

a priority, its success is reflected in the

numbers,” Aron said. 25

Diverse team 20
The White House readily listens to
names recommended by bar associations 15 Obama Clinton
and other outside groups, advocates say. 27% 24%
It’s also transparent about details of the Bush Carter
Obama Bush Clinton Reagan 10
process, such as the deadlines for sub-
mitting names for particular vacancies 57% 85% 67% 94% 95% 82% Carter
and the role of senators, who have great
5 Bush 2%
sway over district court nominees. 9%
Running the administration’s effort is Bush Reagan
a team of lawyers that is itself diverse. WHITE JUDGES AFRICAN AMERICAN JUDGES 3% 1%
A female deputy White House counsel,
Susan Davies, oversees the team day-
to-day. (That job was held earlier in the
Obama administration by Cassandra
Butts, who is African-American.) Chris­
diego m. radzinschi, catherine lovett/daily report, john barrett/globe photos/

tina Tchen, a former partner at Skadden, 8 10

Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom who is
Asian-American, has worked with out-
side groups as the director of the White 6

House Office of Public Engagement. Lisa

Brown, the White House staff secretary 5
and a former executive director of the 4
liberal American Constitution Society, Obama Bush Clinton Obama
sometimes attends meetings. 3 7% 6% 8% 4
On the subject of diversity, “they’ve
got people at the very top who are 2
focused on it,” Raben said. 1
Bush Reagan Carter
Some of the judges broke new paths. 3% 2% 3%
0 0
Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson is the first
Bush Clinton Bush Reagan Carter
African-American judge on the U.S. HISPANIC JUDGES
Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit, and 0% 1% 0% 1% 2%
Judge Denny Chin is the first Asian- Source: analysis of Federal Judicial Center database. ASIAN AMERICAN JUDGES
American judge on the 2d Circuit. One

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