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so i did MY research about landfills vs composting and this is the argument for

it that i got (see bottom). the summary is that if you compost, you create aerob
ic digestion (re: co2 emissions) instead of methane which is a more potent green
house gas. ignoring for the moment that water vapor contributes ~85-95% of all g
lobal warming and that methane is still not responsible for much global warming
in relation to other gasses AND ignoring the fact that anthropogenic causes of c
limate change (in relation to global warming) amount to ~.3% of all of the tempe
rature change. (talk to any kid that has done the global warming paper in physic
s) it still is a stupid idea to compost something that would be going to a landf
ill because the methane could be harvested and burned so as to power homes from
a carbon neutral source. it should be noted that due to the fact that energy is
consumed in the process of producing and transporting the organic matter and bur
ning the methane, it isn't perfectly carbon neutral but it is BETTER FOR THE ENV
IRONMENT than the local alternative in just about every way re: coal.
in summary, if i say something that isn't obviously and intentionally pants on h
ead retarded, chances are its because i know my shit and instead of going "hurr
durr i did my research" and instantly shutting me down, perhaps you should be mo
re open to other people's opinions because you aren't always right, in fact this
is the 2nd time in a row (the first being the physical discipline of children)
that i have provided a sourced explanation for why your adamantly held opinion i
s wrong.
p.s. if you really want to help the environment in the way you think you are, lo
bby to have landfills required to capture and combust methane
oh by the way,

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