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Adhan: The Call to Prayer

  1


What are we going to learn
There are three objectives of this lesson:
• To introduce the importance of Adhan.
• To explain the meanings of Adhan.
• What do we say after the adhan.


It is a call from Allah

For all people

To pray

The numbers of the Muslims has increased .
And when prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
built a new masjid.


OAbdullah bin Zaid narrates
his dream to Muhammad
S.A.W about Adhan

OMuhammad S.A.W. ordered

Bilal to make Adhan!


Since muslims pray 5 times a
day, The adhan now echos 5
different times across the
Muslim world in 5 different
time zones
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Walillahil Hamd!!


‫أقول مثل ما يقول المؤذن‬
Arabic Translation

‫اللهم رب هذه‬ O God, Owner of this

‫الدعوة التامة‬ perfect call and Owner of
‫والصالة القائمة‬ this prayer to be performed

Bestow upon Muhammad

ً‫آت محمدا‬ al waseelah (a station in 
‫الوسيلة و‬ Paradise {Jannah}) and al
‫الفضيلة‬ fadeelah (a rank above the
rest of creation)

ً ‫وابعثه مقاما‬
And raise him to the rank
‫محموداً الذي‬
you have promised him



Why should it be beautiful?
– Allah has made our ears a source of either attraction or
repulsion of what we hear.
– We love to hear soothing, relaxing, and beautiful tones. This
is the law that Allah has created us with, if there is a
displeasing sound that is heard in our ear, we will suddenly
try to avoid listening to it or if we have to listen to it whether
we like it or not, it will not go beyond the ears.
– The reason behind Adhan as has been stated earlier is to
invite the Muslims towards worshipping Allah S.W.T.
– If the Adhan is beautiful, the person who rarely goes to the
masjid will try to run towards it seeking the beauty of Adhan
thereby getting an opportunity to get closer to other acts of
Ibadah Inshallah.

 10

‫ب الْلَّه َوالَّْر ُس ْول‪ ‬‬ ‫‪.‬أَنَا أ ِ‬
‫يع اللَّه‪ .‬‬ ‫أَنَا أ ِ‬
‫أَنَا اَل أَمْسَع َو َسا ِوس الْشَّْيطَان‪ .‬‬
‫أَنَا أُلَيِّب النِّ َداء‪.‬‬
‫اهلل أكرب اهلل أكرب‬
‫أنا مسلم‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

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