Spanglish Monologue

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Ay mija!

I actually love that I can speak “Spanglish”… It’s like a whole 3rd

When they ask me, like in a form, how many languages you speak,
I usually put 3.

I love that I can take one Word from here, and one Word from
here, and just… you know… make my point. Because sometimes
English doesn’t quite cut it and Spanish either… and so you gotta
like put it together.

You know, like you can be going to the store and say: “voy al store
a buscar un tampon” You kinda get “store” and “tampon” and you
get the idea.

I think the most extreme form of Spanglish I’ve ever heard was in
the shortest sentence in the whole world. One day I got into an
elevator and this woman, standing right there and she’s all… “Que
floor?” I was like “huh?” Why mix two words? I don’t get it. She
could’ve said either “Que piso?” or “What floor?”, but I fell into her
trap and I said: “El third”

In English then if you wanna offer coffee you say: “Do you want
some coffee?” and you are like: “Ehh… coffee?... nah.. I don’t
want coffee… thanks. Coffee sounds too “fast food”. But if you go:
“quieres un cafesito?” “CAFESITO” (two thumbs up) –ito, el ito…
the little shortcut at the end… cafes-ito, makes it sound good ;-)
Especially if you got like “Bimbo” with it… you know? Like a slice of
Bimbo. Why are we calling a piece of bread a hooker… I don’t

I must say that the nasty words in English, sound much better.
Like “fuck!” that –uck! At the end, it sounds like it is, just hits the
-uck, fuck… like in Spanish is “te quiero coger”… coger?... like
“Wanna grab me?” Why?... I don’t know… I don’t get it. Or the
other one: “Follar”… you know… “follar”?... not horny with that.
There’s nothing like a good fuck ;)

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